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Emotions on ice
Time will tell
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Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Emotions on ice Image
Emotions on ice Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
Once the party started to deepen further and further in the night, Ezekiel started to enjoy himself more. Maybe it was because of the generously poured wine, maybe because people around him seemed to enjoy themselves. Maybe even he did started to enjoy himself, drinking his wine, whispering words into Chaska's ear while his hand was on her waist. Out of all people around here, he was most comfortable with her, funnily enough. And once their dance had opened the dancefloor and more people had joined, it was their moment to sneak away from the crowd and just try to get a grip of things with a muddled mind.

It was not supposed to last for a long time, as his bride's twin came to steal her away from him. He only replied with a half smile as he blinked slowly. He removed his arm from around Chaska's middle and watched her go. He took the opportunity to remove his waistcoat and hand it over to the first passing servant, as he now only wore a white blouse with a vest. He still felt ridiculously posh, but at least it gave him some room to breath. And as he went over for a refill, he only hoped he wouldn't be stopped by some far removed family member he couldn't remember the name of.

What he did see was Aniu. Chaska had shortly mentioned her and the man she had brought to their wedding, bringing him up to date of the latest rumours in her side of the family. He didn't much care, truly. But it did seem a bit unfair that the eldest sibling could come away with such a thing, while they had this arranged marriage. He would be causing a riot if Myrddin would be allowed to bring some skank he picked up from the street to his wedding. But he didn't say that out loud to his bride, he only gave her a look. The same look he was giving his brand-new sister in law while he waited at the bar for a fresh glass.
Mon Jun 19, 2023 10:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Emotions on ice XwC2DZk
Emotions on ice EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
Yeah, the world is still sleepin'
While I keep on dreaming for me
And their words are just whispers
And lies that I'll never believe
Aniu wasn't sure how to feel about her new brother-in-law. They hadn't had much interaction since she arrived at the Vylasar castle, which could easily be blamed on the fact that they had been dealing with their own affairs. He didn't know hers, but she definitely knew at least some of his. Mainly Chaska. Now that the two of them had tied the knot, there was nothing she could say on the matter anymore. Which didn't sit right with her. All she had heard and seen of him, from her family and from passing by at the dinner table or during breakfast the past couple weeks, was the usual. Some things were rather concerning, like that whole ordeal with Myrddin. Her parents had deemed Ezekiel good enough for her sister, and for all intents and purposes, he was exactly what she needed. A Vylasar to marry and take care of her. It wasn't Chaska's fault that her parents tricked him into it. If it had been up to her, though, these two wouldn't have made it to the temple today. Chaska deserved better than.. whatever Ezekiel could offer her.

Still, as the party went on, Aniu kept an eye on the couple—or she tried to whenever Therion wasn't distracting her—and she had to admit, they looked good together. Though, the more drinks were served, the happier they seemed. Which certainly applied to her as well, swirling the last bit of wine in her glass, resting elegantly in her hand, before she finished it. She had been stuck in a horribly boring conversation with one of her father's aunts, who was lecturing her about the importance of bloodlines and the preservation of summoner magic. She only nodded and smiled at the woman. One of the few guests who clearly hadn't noticed the dark and more rough-looking Rizal right behind the young woman, with his hand resting on her back, sipping on his beer. It was somewhat amusing and a bit of a relief that not everyone noticed and gave them those looks. It started to get on her nerves, so to say that she was glad that the elderly woman was more busy with her endless sermon than their relationship was a bit of an understatement.

It was then that she felt it. That gnawing feeling of someone staring at you, making you turn your head before you even realize it. It made the hair in the back of her neck stand straight up when she quickly turned her gaze to meet that of none other than the groom. Giving her exactly that dreaded look. This time she didn't ignore it, though. This time, she stared straight back. Almost cocky, as she tilted her head a bit, squinting her eyes ever so slightly. Of all the people here, Ezekiel was the one person who wasn't allowed to look at her like that. At least in her opinion. She noticed he was alone, which made her wonder where her dear sister had gone and what she had said to make him stare at her like that. It also made her take the opportunity for a little chat with the newest addition to her family. She excused herself to her great aunt, who still muttered on about whatever, leaving the woman rather stunned when the young sorceress pressed her cheek against that of the Rizal, whispering in his ear for a moment before she turned back, locking eyes with the silver-haired sorcerer. She walked straight toward him without breaking the eye contact he so desperately seemed to want. Joining him at the bar, she flashed him the slightest smile. She held out her hand to him. "Dance with me."

& stinky brother-in-law
Sun Jul 09, 2023 4:23 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Emotions on ice Image
Emotions on ice Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
Ezekiel Vylasar wrote:
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
He thanked the barman as a fresh glass of brandy was put next to him, the ice clanking happily to the sides of the glass. He had decided to give up on the wine, but the stronger liquor didn't even burn in his throat anymore as he took the first sip of the amber liquid, keeping a watchful eye on the guests to his marriage. Pfft, look at them all having fun. What a party this was.

But as he locked eyes across the room with his brand-new christened sister-in-law, he could only sigh as he felt the storm coming. He leaned back against the bar and took another royal sip of his drink, wondering why she was looking so annoyed at him. He had barely spoken to her, he just judged her... dubious choice of partner, that's all. And he had every right to. Why was she allowed to pick up a guy from the streets to take to the arranged wedding of her younger sister. It wasn't fair at all, was it? These double standards. Why were they stuck together, forever, and she could just go her merry way and fuck around for all he knew. He was suspicious, especially when he say how she interacted with the old man.

Oh no. And know she was coming his way. He regretted looking her way already and looked into the bottom of his glass which was empty already? He swirled the ice in it for a while, waiting for it to melt a bit so he could do something while she was walking across the room. He kept a straight face as she joined him at the bar, giving her a small nod, before taking a sip of the final, water-down brandy in the bottom of his glass. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as she asked him to dance, after which he broke a small grin and turned to put down his glass on the bar. He really didn't want to. ‘‘What happened to "hello"?’’ he asked as he kept leaning on one elbow, throwing a glance at her outstretched hand. He was considering to politely refuse her request, but as he felt there were eyes on him already, he eventually stood up straight and took her hand. His movements weren't as delicate anymore, because of the alcohol in his blood. ‘‘Why though?’’ he asked when he lead his brides sister to the dancefloor, straightening in front of her as he took on the correct position, his hand resting a bit above his waist. ‘‘Does your man have to rest his weary bones?’’ he spoke softly as he produced a smug little smile. He just couldn't help it.
Tue Jul 11, 2023 5:10 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
Emotions on ice XwC2DZk
Emotions on ice EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
.  .  .
Yeah, the world is still sleepin'
While I keep on dreaming for me
And their words are just whispers.
And lies that I'll never believe
As usual, her gray eyes exuded calm, cool, and collectedness, which she expertly and graciously wore like a mask, hiding the irritation boiling under the surface. His comment did not wipe the polite smile off her face, and she did not lower the hand she offered him. She just looked at him, not saying a word in response, because they both knew there was very little chance of him refusing her gesture. For a split second, she thought he would make her look the fool when he glanced at her hand with that famous contempt of his, though. So she couldn't help but feel a little triumph when he eventually did take it and led her to the dance floor. "Do I need a reason?" She finally broke her silence, as they made their way through the guests. He didn't handle her with as much grace as he had handled her sister during their dance, when he pulled her into the dance position and she wondered how many glasses he had downed. Just as she placed her hand on his shoulder, he decided to mock her partner for no reason. Bad move. Her eyes shot up at him, revealing the first crack in her mask. Immature little boy. It was as if he had pricked her with something sharp, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to not show him that he actually had plucked a sensitive string. He didn't deserve that satisfaction with that smug little smile of his. She straightened her back. "We're family now, Ezekiel. At least.. a little more than before this wedding, I guess." She couldn't help the slight stab, making it her turn to have a smug little twinkle in her eye. "That's the only reason I need. Therion has nothing to do with you and I." For a moment her gray eyes shot back at him again, rather fierce and laced with warning. She already regretted her attempt to shoot back at him. Aniu wasn't interested in playing coy with this... boy, but she didn't intend to start conflict with him either. The young sorceress wasn't here to start some kind of taunting match with her cousin-turned-brother-in-law, even though he made it hard not to. Still, she had to maintain some kind of level of civility toward him, even just out of respect for her beloved sister.

& stinky brother-in-law
Sun Aug 13, 2023 5:35 pm
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