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[M] Four Seasons in one day
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
The whole way, she had been able to fight the urge, but as they neared the castle and the streets became more vacant, she finally allowed herself some affection. Letting her hand slide down the arm she had been holding, finding his hands and intertwining their fingers. They were clearly in a different part of town now. Most of the business and life within Lythrania was found in the center. Aniu had noticed that ever since the royal family had left the former capital, their old home wasn't as frequently visited by both high born and common people. And though still magnificent and beautiful, the castle seemed more empty than ever to the young Vylasar. Once it was the home to Lemuria's court. Hundreds if not thousands of high born and their servants. Now it was the ruling centre and the home of the Vylasars. It just didn't have that same awe it once struck in Aniu.

At a corner, looking out over castle and it's front courtyard, she stopped Therion by softly turning him to her by his hand. She granted him a soft smile, though she wasn't able to hide the nerves that started pulling on her as they came closer to their destination. "Are you sure you don't want to sneak through the back-door? It's really easy, the guards won't even notice." She had been so confident before they left for Vylasar estate, which was her plan. She wasn't afraid of her family, but as she looked at Therion, clearly not sober still, it did made her worry grow. All she wanted was to just get him inside, without fuss.    

& Therion
Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:33 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He should have noticed before that Ani wasn't feeling comfortable with the section of town they had been in. It was very prominent once they got closer to the castle and she decided to show a bit more affection, intertwining her fingers with his. He softly squished her hand, happy to be finally able to show everyone who he loved this wonderful woman. Once the castle doomed up in front of them, he started to fell nervous. Last time he had met his nephew here, but afterwards he hadn't seen him anymore. He hoped that he hadn't made a lasting bad experience for Zuhayr. He focused on the castle, trying to remember his lessons from his education. Therion hated to admit that he liked history, but now that he was thinking about it. Almost every person of the Rizal family had a knack for history. Maybe it was in part because of their magic. Once you keep seeing the future, it was nice to focus on the things that had already happened. He did wonder how the conversation went between the old Royal family and the Vylasar family. He couldn't believe it was pretty.

He chuckled softly and pressed his lips against her hand while she spoke, nerves clearly showing in her voice. "You're getting second doubts?" He teased her a bit. "This is your party, dear. I'll follow you everywhere. If you want to sneak in through the backyard, that's up to you." She was worried about him, that much was clear. Worried because he wasn't exactly sober just yet and she probably didn't want to make a scene. "If you think that's the smartest idea, we got through the backyards. Ok?" He smiled at her, already happy to be with her.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sat Jun 10, 2023 10:13 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Her smile lingered longer as he kissed her hand, awakening a pure look of love in her eyes. How many of her admirers would kill for a look like that? Sadly for them, that look was reserved for one man alone. She averted her eyes, though, when he caught on to her nervousness. About you? Never," she teased him back. "Maybe about this plan? Cousin Aurelia has doubled the guards for some reason." Aniu glanced over at the castle, where a couple of guards were on duty. "I believe it has something to do with my sister's fiancé and Aurelia's son." She turned her eyes back to the Rizal and nodded. "I think it is." As she locked eyes with the man, her gaze softened again, pushing a lock of his brown hair out of his handsome face, after which her fingers remained a little longer on his cheek. "Just this once." She didn't intend to sneak around with Therion forever. It was the opposite of what she wanted. Her heart said to just go inside and tell her family that she belonged with him, and they just had to accept it. But her mind knew that wasn't going to work. He had a good point before. This wasn't the best time to introduce him in his current state. And since that wasn't the purpose of them going to the castle in the first place, she was okay with sneaking him inside this time. The fact that he trusted her judgment on it did her good, though. She quickly kissed him on the cheek before she took him by the hand again. "This way."

The backdoor was more like a tall metal gate, leading to the backyards, hidden within a small alley-like area, covered with the peculiar vines of Lythrania flora. Even now, there were no guards. The triumphant smile on her face faded soon, however, when she tried to push the old thing open. "Shit, locked.." She looked at the gate and then at Therion with a playful grin. "I guess we have to climb over." She was joking, of course, as if she would let him do that in his current state. And she wasn't really planning on ripping her dress either. The sorceress turned her attention to the tall old wall, covered in overgrown foliage, and felt along the wall with her hands in between the vines. "As kids.." she started quietly as she felt around, rustling through the leaves. "Ezriel and I used to sneak out all the time, through here. I wonder..." She pulled on some vines with some difficulty and opened it up a bit, revealing a small bit of the wall behind it. "Bingo." Over time, bits and pieces had been crumbling underneath those growing vines, and a couple meters down the wall, an opening had been made. Probably by Ezriel as a young boy, since he was the one who showed her the hole. She turned towards Therion, a cheeky smile playing on her face. "Told you I knew this place like the back of my hand." She collected the skirt part of her dress, making sure it wouldn't get stuck on the rough wall. "I'll go through first and make some room on the other side. It's probably overgrown on that side as well." Before he could say anything, she had already disappeared through the hole. She barely fit now, suddenly realizing how much she had grown since the last time she used this way through the wall. Soft grunts left her lips as she struggled a bit to get through. The other side was surprisingly open around the hole, with a waterfall of vines hiding it mostly from view. "Come on," sticking her hand through the hole to help Therion.

& Therion
Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:06 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
A chuckle rolled over his lips when she teased him back, knowing that it wasn't meant like that. She did explain what was the reason for her nervousness and he could only agree with her. He had heard rumours about the hatred that the Vylasar had for the Rizal family, which was one of the reasons why he didn't want to get caught fooling around with Ani. Still, he knew that it would get harder and harder to keep this one a secret, as he really couldn't stay away for long from her anymore. She kissed his lips and he wanted it to be a bit longer, but she already guided him through the backdoor of the gardens.

Following her, he looked around, suddenly aware of what they were doing and how disastrous this could become if they got caught. A locked gate made him feel a bit of anxiety, especially when Ani playfully told him that they had to climb over. He wasn't the most dextrous person in the world and even though he felt like he could do this, it would not end well. But it looked like she had another idea entirely because she started to walk along a with vine covered wall. Her words stung a bit, when she spoke about Ezriel. It became a bit more clear what the relationship was between her and the former crown prince and even though she had told him that she loved him, he still felt a pang of jealousy when she mentioned his name.
Ani had found a way in, or to be precise, a hole in the wall. It was technically a way in. She told him with a cheeky smile a basic 'told you so'. He laughed softly. "I never doubted you." He told her sweet. "Are you sure to go in alone?" A spat of worry could be heard in his voice, thinking of the countless things that could go wrong when she would go through this hole. Yet, they had to know if they could actually go through here. So, Therion sighed softly and watched how she climbed through the hole in the wall, catching himself staring at her. It took a while before he noticed her hand and he squatted down on his knees. Thankfully, Therion was never wearing actual fancy clothes, especially when he would go to the den. So, he wasn't worried about getting it dirty nor ripped. With a bit of difficulty he squeezed himself through the hole. "I'm getting too old for this." He grunted softly, while getting back on his feet. "Just this once, right?" He looked at Ani, hoping that it would indeed be only this one time.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Crawling through that hole had been such a regular thing for her and Ezriel. Even if it was just to hide from the private tutors or servants, bothering them with chores or lessons. Or even a simple game of hide-and-seek. They had countless conversations in the evening hours by that wall. It was their escape. Their secret. And something in her felt like she betrayed that secret and Ezriel by leading Therion through here. Even now, she could see the small carvings, alongside the brittle sides of the hole. Her fingers slid over them as she moved through. "Ez" and "Ani" were among the majority. Some were clearly older than others. But all from at least a decade ago. She couldn't help but smile at those memories as she pushed through. Almost feeling like she went through a portal to her past.

Once on the other side, though, she quickly refocused on the only one important to her now. Hoping he wouldn't see those carvings on his way through. She had noticed the hint of worry in his voice before she went through, giving him a sweet smile and mumbling something about "Done this hundreds of times." before disappearing from view. This was everything but ideal, but it was the only thing she could think of, without alerting certain people she didn't want to alert. For a split second, Aniu felt a panic spread through her body when he didn't grab her hand, thinking for a moment that he might've wandered off, before she saw him squat down and crawl through. She helped him through, covering that one pointy rock at the top with her hand so he wouldn't hit his head. Chuckling at his comment as they got back up. "Oh you poor old man, breaking your back and knees, all for some loving from your young girlfriend." she teased him, wrapping her arms around his waist as she looked up at him with a big grin. She then nodded with a smile, gently pushing him against the wall with his back. "Just this once." Now that they finally had a little privacy again, hidden underneath the vines, she took her chance, unable to hold back any longer. She grabbed the necklaces around his neck, pulling him closer, hungry for his lips. Standing on her tippy toes so she could reach them with a sweet and gentle kiss, pinning the man between herself and the wall. Enjoying that moment of teasing dominance, seeing how far he'd let her go.  

& Therion
Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:13 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Even though she told him that she had done this a hundred times, he couldn't really share her enthusiasm about this all. Still, he squeezed himself through the hole in the wall, hoping that he wouldn't tear his clothed too much. Mostly because he didn't actually have another set of clothes with him and he wasn't sure if Ani would have something for him to wear. He stretched his body once he was through the hole and made a mental note that he wasn't doing this another time. However, her words made his heart flutter a bit. Girlfriend. Yes, that she was. And he somehow still couldn't believe it. Not officially that was. It still felt weird to be able to call her his girlfriend. "And that all because my girlfriend didn't want to spare my old knees by going through the front door." He said softly, smiling, with the same playful spark in his eyes. "But at least she is worth the hassle." When she told him that it was only once he chuckled. "Keeping you to that." He wasn't even able to say anything more, as she grabbed him by one of the necklaces hanging around his neck, pulled him closer and pressed her lips against his. Not even hesitating a second, he kissed her back, noticing how his body had missed hers. He felt the wall against his back, seemingly surprised by the sudden dominance that Ani was showing. Finding himself on a crossroad, where he wanted to take control, but also wanted to know what else she would do, he took the leap of faith and let her do her thing. He placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Not noticing anything around them, believing that nobody would notice them under the vines.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:01 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Just because she called herself his girlfriend didn't mean that she wasn't completely on cloud nine when he used that word for her. Yes, she liked the sound of that. Even if it was in a teasing manner. Sticking out her tongue in response to his words. She loved to bring out that childlike sparkle in his eyes, though she had a slight suspicion that his current sleep deprived and intoxicated state were the biggest culprits for that. Her smile widened as she crunched her nose a bit. "Yeah she is." She playfully agreed, though there was a more sensual undertone in her soft voice. It was then that she realized how alone they were since she found him in the drugs den. How there wasn't anything that could prevent her from giving in to the urge and longing for his touch. His lips. His fingers. All of him. The fluttering feelings of love and lust pulsed under her skin. He barely finished his sentence before she had to have those lips. Taking them for once. With half a mind, she expected him to grab her and take over, as he always did. Which she always loved. He could fire her up like no other. That feeling of being wanted was heavenly. But this time, she felt the need to make him feel that way.  For once, she wanted him to give up control, if only for a moment. And surprisingly enough, he let her. It sparked something new and exciting in her, and she immediately knew she would attempt this again. She barely asked permission to explore their kiss deeper, teasingly sucking his bottom lip between hers. For a moment, those lips, and everything behind those doors of breath, were hers and hers alone. Her fingers, still wrapped around his necklaces, wanted to explore too. Every inch if she could. All over again, but from a new leading lady perspective. Oeh, how she wanted to experience that. But the other half of her mind knew they couldn't indulge too much in this private moment. She knew that this wasn't the right time. Therion needed care, and not the kind her body wanted to give him, unfortunately. She could wait, she just had to. Still, there was disappointment in her voice when she chose wisdom over instinct. "We should stop." She panted a bit, her body already reacting to his. As she seemed to struggle to actually stop, a smile played on her face. Sensually pressing her lips on his one moment more before she completely broke away. "You need to rest, love. My room is not far from here."  

& Therion
Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:09 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
Never ever had he felt this high and mighty feeling. As if he had just slain a dragon and sat upon the throne as the new king. He wanted his feeling to last, even if it was a combination of the drugs, love and lust that was trying to take over his body. Being here together with Ani, just the two of them, in the shadows of the castle and the vines. The drugs tried to play tricks on his mind, while his body was screaming for some reast. The moment he would close his eyes, he would fall asleep, that much was certain. Yet, the woman in front of him had other plans. Plans to keep him awake, it looked like.
She surprised him with her actions, softly pushing him against the wall, pressing her lips upon his. He loved the burning heat that spread over his body once he felt her body against his own. She pushed him to give up control and for once he gladly let her take the reigns. Curious about what she wanted to do, what kind of plan she had made up in that head of hers. Not even asking for permission, but almost forcing him to, he gave her permission to explore. Therion might have giving over the reigns, that didn't mean he was just let him be dominated like that. Kissing with a passion that he had though lost, he grabbed the bac of her neck and pulled her in closer. He felt how she let go of the necklaces that were hanging around his neck and started exploring every inch of his body. Hungry for more, he groaned softly. Fighting against the pressing tiredness in both his body and mind. When she parted ways and told him that they should stop, he felt a hint of disappointing. "Don't want to." He growled under his breath, lovingly biting to her when she kissed him again lightly. Of course he knew she was right, his body was done for for today and he felt like he could sleep for a good day and a half. "Let's go than." Could he hide the hint of disappointing in his voice? No. Was it almost over shadowed by his tiredness, in a combination of wanting her for himself. Absolutely. But he had to wait, at least till morning.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:03 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
She had to take a couple seconds to cool down again, as the lingering heat of their kiss still simmered on her lips, hands, and skin. From her neck, where he had grabbed her in a passionate embrace, all the way down her spine, leaving electrifying tingles hungry for more. She almost gave in again in response to his growl and love bite. "Me neither." She almost whispered against his lips, her voice still breathy and somewhat raspy, clearly still very much under his spell. "But we have to." She pushed herself off of him before he would change her mind with just a look. Clearing her throat while she let her fingers glide through her messy hair, repairing any damage Therion's eager hands had done to it. Imagine if she walked into any of her family members now. She glanced over and chuckled, rather impressed with her own skills. She had managed to almost completely unbutton his shirt already. With a cheeky smile, she helped him button up again. "And, for your information, you," quickly stealing one last kiss as she buttoned his final button, "Are not old." Intertwining fingers with his as she grabbed his hand again, leading him from underneath their private hiding spot into the gardens of the castle. Just as she suspected, there was nobody around at this time of day. Judging by the sunlight shining down through the waves above, it was getting later in the afternoon. In the couple days she had been here with her family, she quickly got accustomed to their routines. Nobody would cross their paths at this time of day, too busy with their own things.
Through a smaller wooden door at the side of the castle, she led him in, through a hallway, and up the stairs until they ended up in front of the door of her guest room. But before she opened the door, she turned to him, with a bit of a shy smile. "Don't mind the mess.. I uh... I was in a hurry to get to you so..." clearing her throat again before opening the door to the room she called her own for the time that she'd stay down here in Lythrania. Aniu had periods of proper neatness, but when her mind was occupied—like it had been for the past couple days—she didn't care much for mess in her personal spaces. Inside, the room itself, which was fitting for the building it was in, was rather luxurious. Its centerpiece was a velvety-soft, grand queen-sized bed, with the sheets in a messy pile. Not made up from the night before. The floor was scattered with pieces of her clothing, and in the corner near the window there was a desk with piles of paper. Several half-finished sketches and letters she started but hadn't sent yet. A couple of crumbled papers lay on the floor around the chair next to the desk. A small pile of books she had taken from the library balanced on one of the nightstands. Mostly books about travel and different countries. A bit embarrassed by the mess, she started picking up some of the clothes from the floor and draping them on the chair by the desk. She pulled the covers of the bed straight, patting on them as an invitation for Therion to come lay down, while she closed the drapes in front of the windows. Dimming the light in the room.

& Therion
Sun Jun 18, 2023 5:59 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It baffled him, how much the wanted each other, even after everything that had happened. Not just in the past days, but also in their previous meeting. He still couldn’t believe the fact that at one point, she was carrying his child. That he could have been a father if only he had noticed it before hand. If she hadn’t disappeared suddenly. But those were what ifs, and he liked to stay in the present for a while. A present in which he wanted to catch her lips again, have the feeling of her hands all over his body. She had made quick work of the buttons on his shirt and the fact that this was were it had to stop, almost made him want to switch positions. Maybe she didn’t want to continue on, because she was worried about his condition, but that didn’t meant that he couldn’t show her what he wanted. But no, he restrained himself, breathing in through his noise and out through his mouth. It was difficult, but he managed. She told him that he wasn’t old, which made his heart jump and a warm soft glow spread through his body. He loved the woman in front of him and as long as nobody was telling him otherwise, he would stay with her until the very end. Following her lead, they made it to her bedroom.
She apologised for the mess, but it was Therion who shyly stood in the corner, looking around and not entirely sure what he was suppose to do. She had seen his home but that wasn’t much. This room was bigger than his home, and he felt a bit overwhelmed by everything. He looked around, not sure what to focus his attention on. Before his eyes found a piece of paper with a familiar handwriting on it. This was the Arthur had sent to Ani to go and get him. He quickly read over the lines, his underlying hatred dying down. The owner had taken care of him and if he hadn’t, there was a big chance that he would not have made it through this day. Therion sighed and looked around. Not sure why this room was overwhelming him so much, he was of noble birth as wel. However, his parents weren’t as high in the family tree as Ani’s parents probably were. And even with the luxury he had lived it, it had been a good couple of years. He was used to his humble places now. The man shook his head, when he heard a patting sound. He looked up, only to find Ani sitting on the bed and gesturing him closer. She had dimmed the light in the room, by closing the curtains. Wondering what she had in mind, he sat down next to him, feeling the tiredness wash over him. ”Thanks.” He spoke softly. ”For everything today.” He placed a hand on her cheek, gently pressing a kiss on her lips.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
She didn't notice it at first; she was too busy with the quick clean-up of the mess she had left behind that afternoon, but when she had closed the curtains, she noticed how lost he looked. Standing in the corner of her room, lost in thought. She hoped it was just something in her room and not his overstimulated mind from drugs that pushed him inward. A worry fluttered across her face before she took a seat on the bed and patted on the sheets to get his attention. A sweet, welcoming smile on her face. He sat down next to her and surprised her with his kind words, "Of cour-" He had caught her a little off guard again, letting out a soft moan in surprise when he pressed his lips on hers. She wondered what had spurred him to thank her, though her mind was quickly overrun by the mind-numbing tingles of his fingers on her cheek and his soft lips as she leaned into the kiss. Her hands instinctively found their way up his neck, pulling herself a little closer to him. Once she broke away again, she sighed, her eyes still closed due to the overwhelming feeling of love that radiated between them.  She rested her forehead against his for a second. "I'm not sure if I deserved that.." Alluding to his kiss, which was somehow filled with more love. Something she didn't even know was possible. Opening her eyes to be met with his deep soulful loving gaze. "Thank you, for trusting me." A hint of sorrow drifted through her gray eyes, as she thought back to earlier that day. She quickly placed her lips on his again, cupping one side of his face with her hand. Not wanting to let go anymore. But she knew she had to. She couldn't let them be consumed by their everlasting hunger for each other. Not right now. The tiredness in his face was almost contagious, making her wonder how he even managed to stay this awake. So with her lips still pressed on his, she gently pushed him backwards onto the bed. "Now rest, my love. I'll be here when you wake." She kissed his forehead, stroking a lock of hair out of his face, before getting up from the bed herself. She took off his boots with care, placing them by the closed door. She then crawled back onto the bed next to him and pulled him close so his head could rest against her chest as she quietly hummed the lullaby of her siblings, to him.

Only when she was absolutely sure Therion had drifted off into a deep slumber did she start thinking about slipping out of their embrace. She actually didn't want to leave his arms. It felt heavenly. Like absolute peace. Back to where they belonged, and for once, no more secrets and miscommunication. She wanted to stay there until he woke up again. Feel his breathing, his warmth, and take in his scent as she softly pressed her lips against his forehead. Her fingers tenderly drawing shapes on his back in soothing motions. Be his pillow for the whole night if he wanted. Maybe she could skip dinner with the family for one evening. She didn't know how to face her brother, anyway. There was no way he would approve of this if he found out. Knowing him... it could get ugly. And since she had been a wreck for days, he would surely notice her lifted mood at the dinner table the second she sat down. But if she didn't go, people might come knocking. Wake Therion up and discover them here. She was torn, and the fact that Therion was sleeping so soundly against her didn't make it very easy. Until he made the most goddamn awful sound. Ani had almost drifted away in a slumber herself, in the darkness of the room, comfortably against his body. But with that one snore, he managed to instantly wake her up again. Eyes wide, pressing her lips together so as not to let a laugh escape. Luckily, he turned away from her in his sleep, freeing her from their embrace and making the choice for her. "I love you," She whispered to him with a loving and slightly amused smile on her lips as he continued his snoring. After which, she quietly snuck out of her bedroom, closing the door behind her, and started to practice her somber face for the dinner table as she walked down the hall.

That night, after dinner, she returned with a tray with some food—some bread, cheese, some apples, a bunch of thick, juicy grapes, and a couple mugs with different beverages, so he had plenty to pick from. But when she entered her dark room, she discovered him still asleep. With an endearing little grin on her face, she watched him sleep for a while. He needed this, and she was happy she'd taken him here. After she carefully placed the tray on the nightstand, she took a couple of candles—also brought in on the tray—to her desk. Where she sat down on the chair with some paper and a pencil. Quietly sketching the man in her bed under the dim candlelight. By the time the candles had burned a quarter of the way down, Aniu had fallen asleep in her chair. A half-finished sketch resting in her lap while her pencil had dropped from her hand. Softly snoring with her head resting against the little pile of clothing draped over the side.

& Therion
Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:22 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The soft moan that he got in response of his kiss made him laugh against her lips. He loved every moment that he got to spent with her and he cursed himself for turning his back to her a few days back. What if he had just been honest with her, would've this been the same? Would they have spent the last five days in each others arms, instead of her finding him almost killing himself. No. He had to push away those thoughts. For once he was happy, happy to be alive. Happy to feel her hands in his neck, while she pulled herself closer into his kiss. However, she was also, again, the first one to break it and he looked with a sad look in his eyes. Once again, he got confronted with the fact that he was too tired for this. But that didn't mean that he wasn't hurt every time she broke away. She told him that she wasn't sure why she deserved that and he smiled softly at her. "Darling, you deserve the world and more." He purred lovingly. He should've never let her go, not the first time, especially not the second time. But now, this time, he was keen on keeping her. Keeping her close, at his side, forever. "No." He shook his head when she thanked him. "You're the one that saved me. And I'll be forever grateful for that." He felt how the tiredness washed over him again and he knew that the moment he would lay down, he was gone. But he forced himself awake, he wanted to finish this conversation. Ani thought different about that, as she told him to rest. With curiosity in his eyes, he followed her as she took off his boots and joined him back in the bed. Without little resistance he let himself get pulled closer to her and even before his head touched the pillow, Therion drifted off in a dreamless sleep.

For the first time in five days, the older Rizal was able to sleep. To be free of his nightmares, his visions and his dreams. His body and mind could finally recuperate, he could finally gather his thoughts about what had happened in just the last day. The visions would stick with him, the curse of being a divination sorcerer, but at least now he could speak with someone about it. He could trust Ani, he trusted her with his life and she had saved him once already. The next couple of months, maybe years, would be hell. But he would gladly walk that path as long as she stayed at his side. But for now, he was sleeping, his body was healing and his mind was getting clear. For the first time in five days, there would be no drugs in his system, he would think clearly and he would be terrified once he would wake up. He knew the drill, but now he couldn't escape. The castle had him trapped and he would have to live with it. Therion turned himself around in his sleep, still unaware of what was happening around him. With no perception of time, he slept through dinner.

Once he woke up from his deep, deep sleep, he had to take a moment before he recognized where he was. A feeling of panic crept over him, but once he noticed Ani sitting in the chair, it ebbed away. He felt a gnarling hunger in the pit of his stomach, and his throat was dry. He felt like he had slept days, but looking around the room it was not more than a couple of hours. His body was detoxing, he noticed as his hands were shaking and he still had the creeping feeling of panic in the back of his mind. He found himself watching Ani on the chair, sleeping. The soft snoring made him chuckle, wondering how bad his own had been. His throat hurt, so probably bad. He got off the bed, picked up an apple and took a bite from it. Quietly he walked behind the woman sleeping in the chair and looked over her shoulder. She had a sketch on her lap, a sketch of him. He felt flustered by it, remembering how she made those sketches back in Raveryn. She had such an incredible talent, both in her sketches and her music. And he couldn't help but feel proud of her. He placed the apple on the table and picked her up, placing her on the spot where he had just been sleeping. Afterwards, he turned towards her room, looking through the books that were on display. Picked one out that sounded interesting and took place in the chair, eating the apple and some of the other pieces of fruit while reading the book on his lap.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:55 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
As her pencil scratched softly on the paper, shaping his jawline and chin, her mind wandered back to what he said before he fell asleep. How she deserved the world and how she had saved him. In the moment, his words struck a deep core in her, and she could still feel the vibrations of them deep in her soul. It perplexed her, how he made her feel. So loved, so wanted, and so needed. She still felt a sense of fear about her feelings for him. About it's strength. She never knew she could love someone so much. She loved him more than anyone or anything. Every part of him. The dark and the light, every bit of him. She loved him more than life itself. If she could, she would give her own life for his. In a heartbeat. If that would mean he would finally know the happiness and love he deserved. As she looked at his resting face once more, following every line, every curve, and every detail, she also felt guilt. No matter how sweet and genuine his words may have been, Aniu didn't believe she deserved them. She had left him in Ravaryn. She had left him when he told her to go before. She had been blind to his struggles. If only she had shown him better how she felt about him. Perhaps he wouldn't have pushed her away and trusted her sooner. Now she wished she had stayed. In Ravaryn. In his apartment here in Lythrania. They had been lucky—so lucky that Arthur got help. That Therion had mumbled her name. That she had stayed in the former capital. One detail different and everything could've ended up disastrous. A tragic, pointless loss. Just the thought of that stirred panic and pain in her chest. She should've stayed. She could've prevented at least some of the damage from the last five days. For both of them. Even for her siblings. It would be a hard task to convince them now that Therion was the right man. The best man, the only man for her. But perhaps there was also a silver lining in all this. Now she knew she would never leave his side again. He could scream, kick, and try with all his might. Her siblings, her family too, could try and convince her, threaten her, or do whatever they could. She'd only leave him now as a cold corpse.  

Eventually, her mind drifted off into sleep. She, too, had been overwhelmed by the emotions of the day and found herself more tired than usual. In the quiet of the evening, it overtook her faster than she could foresee. Letting her hand drop; she was already asleep once the pencil hit the floor. Her body would most likely complain about the position that she fell asleep in. But that was something to worry about when she woke up. She was pulled into a sleep, more uneasy than normal. Plagued with hazy dreams, bordering the realm of nightmares. Filled with smoke and dark rooms, one after the other like a maze. Confusing her at every turn. And Therion, who wouldn't wake up. Whose skin was cold to the touch instead of its usual warmth. His usually soulful and loving brown eyes, dull and lifeless. Mirroring a terrifying, everlasting nothingness.

Her eyes jolted open, and a little jerky motion ran through her body as she suddenly awoke from the dream. After several seconds of lingering fear and confusion and staring up at the ceiling, she was relieved to be in the comfort of her own bed. She didn't even remember getting into it before falling asleep. Her hand felt for Therion beside her in the sheets, but when she found it empty, she lifted her head to look around the dimly lit room. The slight panic she felt when he wasn't in her bed quickly subsided when she found him in the chair. Peacefully reading a book. The absolute night and day difference between her dreams and reality gave her a strange mental whiplash, but thankfully it was the best kind. Instead of waking up into a nightmare, she woke up into a dream come true. The man she loved, still with her. "Hey you," She whispered softly, her voice still a little sleepy. She had no idea what time it was and didn't want to risk waking anyone else in the castle. Her siblings slept just down the hall and who knew how what they could catch up on from here. "How are you feeling? Have you been awake for long?" She noticed his hand shaking a little, making her brow furrow in worry. He was already going through withdrawal. With one of the blankets draped around her shoulders, she rolled out of bed and walked towards him. She sat down on her knees at his feet, leaning against his leg. Resting her cheek against his knee as she looked up at him. "Is there something I could do to help you out with that?" She turned her eyes toward his hands, for a moment, to point out what she meant. Stretching out her arm across his lap to reach one of his hands. Spreading his fingers with hers to place them in between, right where they belonged.

& Therion
Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:24 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
He had a moment to think, reflect on what had happened the last couple of days. It had been such a chaotic few days that he wasn't even sure where he stood right now. Just last week he had gotten a vision about a long lost love, he had found her back, they had dinner. Therion scratched his neck and smiled in nothingness thinking back at that night after dinner. But he had ruined it by sending her away, by being ashamed of his secrets. He had ruined a perfect night by setting his own needs before the woman he loved. The man made a fist and sighed, it had been a rough patch in his addiction filled life. He had given in to a dangerous amount of substance and if it wasn't for the woman there in that bed, he wouldn't have been here. He would have been trapped in the deepest, darkest corners of his already troubled mind. Unable to escape the constant visions and nightmares. Within the next few days, he should sent a gift to Arthur. If the man hadn't done what he did, Ani would never have found him. Never could he have imagined those two people to be there while he was on his deepest point in life. He smiled, before turning the page of the book and tried to focus on what he was reading.
Sounds from the bed made him look up, it looked like Ani was having some bad dreams. Therion just wanted to get up, to see what was going on, when she woke up. He decided to sit back down and see what she did. First, she was looking for him, clearly, with her hand and he smiled softly. The fact that her first response was looking for him, made his heart jump. He still couldn't believe that he was this crazy for that woman, that he had fallen this hard for the summoner. She spoke to him, her voice still sleepy. It had a cute tone to it and he couldn't help but smile. "Hey," he answered her call. She wasn't even awake for five minutes, before she was asking how he was feeling, worrying about everything. "Better." He answered honestly. He took a look at the book on his lap. "An hour, maybe two." He hadn't gotten far in the book, as he was lost in thoughts most of the time. But he had enjoyed his time, watching her sleep peacefully after the chaos from yesterday. Or, he thought it was yesterday at least. His perfection of time was a bit skewed after all this. He watched her get up, draped a blanket around her body and walk towards him. Where she sat down on her knees, only to take one of his hands in hers. "I'm afraid not." He tells her, intertwining her fingers with his. "We'll just have to wait how bad it gets." He had no idea himself, as he hadn't been completely sober for a prolonged time once in his life. He wouldn't know what was going to happen, but he knew that she would be by his side and that was the best thing he could hope for. "But there is something else you can help me with." He said with a cheeky smile on his face. He slid of the chair, down on his knees before her. His deep brown eyes looking her up and down, wondering how Raanan blessed him with such a beautiful woman in front of him. Following her collarbone with his finger, he pushed her chin up and pressed his lips on hers. he had waited long enough for this.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 20, 2023 12:19 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
When he told her he was feeling better, she felt a wave of relief that was not just washing away some of her worries but also the lingering uneasy feeling of the dream still plaguing her tired, just-woken-up mind. "Good." She tried to suppress a yawn as she got up to sit with him. Nestling herself against his leg. She felt a bit guilty and useless when he told her she couldn't help him. Her gaze, shadowed underneath concerned brows, absentmindedly locked onto their hands intertwining. Watching how her fingers softly moved between his, as if on a little exploration of touch in between the tiny mountains and hills of his hand. Following the lines in his palm and the curves of his fingers. Placing fingertip against fingertip like a little dance of hands. All the while, his hands trembled every so often. She let out a soft sigh, airing her frustration about it. "I wish we didn't have to wait. Just want to take it away." Her eyes turned back to his face as a soft, comforting smile curled on her lips. "But I'll wait with you for as long as you need." If that was all she could do, she did it gladly. Perhaps they should do some research on it. Surely there were books on this type of thing. Therion wasn't the first one to be stuck in an addiction that he tried to get out of.

He didn't allow her a whole lot more thought on the matter, though, with his next words, making her sit up from her leaning position against his leg. That grin alone told her enough; answering it with a little bite of her lower lip, though not intentionally. She kept her eyes on his, as he slid down from the chair, needing to see the love and life in them that had been taken away in her dreams. They were dark, almost black, in the dim room. But the flames of the candles made them flicker and burn with that longing she had missed so much. But when they looked at her, taking in what he saw before him, she averted her eyes for a moment with a shy smile. The way he looked at her made her almost blush. His finger traced up her skin, causing pleasurable tingles to teasingly spread from his fingertips and spread through her body. She looked at him again as he made her face him by placing his fingers under her chin. Her eyes filled with deep want and need for him and him alone. But unlike before, underneath those vines of the castle wall, she wasn't overwhelmed by a greedy need to have him like she wanted to have him. Now she was spellbound by his touch once more. Curious to see what he would do to her in this room if she let him do whatever he wanted. His lips on hers were soft and gentle, and she tasted the sweet apple on them with her tongue. Without breaking their kiss—this time she didn't need to stop, she didn't want to stop, and he would be able to stop her even if he wanted to—she dropped the blanket off of her shoulders. Slowly undoing the laces of her dress that were in the front this time.

& Therion
Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:29 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
The fact that she was so determined to help him through this filled him with such a deep love for this woman. He did not deserve her, not in any way, shape or form. There was no way to speed up this process however. Even if he just stopped right here, right now, it would take months, maybe years to get him entirely clean. However, maybe he would see some healers, see what could be done. But those were plans for later today, for now he had other plans.
He had been turned down twice, once under the vines and the second time here within this room. He knew that this time, she wouldn't dare. He had done what she wanted, he slept for a couple of hours, had eaten something and technically drank something. His body and mind were fighting about what they wanted, which high they wanted to experience first. He had no supplies with him, nothing but the cigars deep in his pockets. But those, those he kept for a special day. Which meant, that as he was sitting here in front of Ani, his body reacted to the other high that it wanted. As he traced over her skin with his fingers, he noticed how she shyly looked away. By Raanan, how could one be this adorable. Still, he slowly moved her face back towards him before he kissed her. This time she didn't stop, this time he could do what he wanted. The blanket fell on the ground and her fingers started to make quick work on the laces of her dress. The fact that they were already sitting on the ground made this all too easy. He held her close, not ready to let her go anytime soon. Using his own body height, he pushed her on the ground, hovering above her for a moment. A playful grin on his face before he kissed her cheek and worked his way down from there. Softly sucking on her neck, playfully nibbling and biting on her soft skin. He waited for a response, before making his way further down. Loving the reactions that he got whenever he did this. Teasing her, making her wanting more. He had been waiting, patiently, for this moment. The moment where he didn't have to be afraid, where he knew he could be here the next morning. Therion removed one hand from the floor, caressing over her jawline and her lips, while he looked with longing and lust in her grey eyes.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:20 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Ever since the two of them found each other again, especially after today, Ani couldn't help but feel a constant worry for the man she loved in the back of her mind. Always fighting that part of her that absolutely wanted him. There had been too many factors that made her concern win over her desire and need for his touch—for his lips on hers and her fingers on his skin and in his hair. It had stopped her too many times already today, leaving their passionate coming together in a mix of rationality and disappointment. She'd seen it in his tired eyes, making her wish she could just give in to that lust and love that tried to take over every time. Even now, there was a short moment where she felt the worry creep up. But it wasn't strong enough. He wasn't going to let it win again. Clearly reflected in his dark eyes, he looked at her with such yearning and love that it made her shy. She wasn't stopping him anymore, though. She couldn't, even if she tried. Her body and mind were already his for the taking. Like a puppet master, pulling all the strings. All he had to do was push and pull.

Her fingers had been occupied with the constricting dress, which she all of a sudden very much wanted to be rid of. But her lips and tongue were in a hurry to taste the sweet apple on him further, deepening their kiss, while the first parts of her dress fell off her body. Her hands, now free to explore him as they held each other, made quick work of his buttons again, just like before. Pulling every layer of clothing on his upper body over his shoulders without ever leaving his lips, exposing his warm skin and the many tattoos on them. Dropping it next to them before he gently pushed her backward onto the ground. A soft giggle left her lips in between unsteady breaths. His necklaces, dangling down onto the bare skin of her chest, felt cold and ticklish as he hovered above her. She bit her bottom lip in anticipation, before he started his teasing and touching journey down her burning skin. A soft gasp, followed by a moan, escaped her as he sank his teeth into her sensitive neck. Desperately trying to be quiet as soft whimpers kept escaping her with every touch of his teasing lips and sensual tongue. Slowly but surely driving her more and more crazy and out of control. Curving her back upward from the ground, she pushed herself closer to him, her body asking for more. Soon she wasn't even aware of how her body instinctively moved and sounded under his touch, as her mind was overrun with waves of pleasure. Softly shaking and jerking as he had his way with her. Her hands followed suit, instinctively exploring and nail-digging into his chest, neck, and back. Grabbing gently but firmly into his hair, overcome with desire. He made the mistake of trailing his fingers across her jawline and over her slightly parted lips, hungrily taking one of his fingers for herself to suck on. Sharing that look of longing and lust with him as they locked eyes. Her cheeks now flushed a cherry red from the heat and the building tension in her body.

Suddenly, she decided that enough was enough. He had teased her and pushed her to a point where she wanted control back. Make him feel what she felt. Make him tremble and moan under her touch. Just like the fire she felt burning underneath the vines when she pushed him against the wall. She pushed herself up, crashing her lips on his again and taking ownership of them as she opened her mouth to explore. Distracting him as she suddenly pushed him over and underneath her. Now she was the one hovering above, pinning him against the floor. One hand on his chest to push him back down if he tried to get up, the other sweeping her long black hair to one side. A playful grin on her face "My turn." Taking the reins, her lips and tongue now teasingly tasted his skin, downward from his lips across his jawline to his ear, down the sensitive skin in his neck. She explored him fully, from his chest down to the rim of his pants—clearly becoming quite restricting—with every part of her body that could make him squirm and push him to new levels of pleasure. If he tried to resist or take back control, she'd grab his wrists and push them against the floor. She wanted to hear him growl in defiance, and by Lythrana was she going to make him.

& Therion
Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:39 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
Hell's coming with me
It didn't take them long before there was a whirlwind of hands,. While she was hastily working on her dress, he had pushed her on the ground, grinning over her. Happy to see the dress at least partially on the ground, while she started working on the buttons on his shirt. Meanwhile his necklaces draped over her and he had to admit that they suited her. Diving down on her neck, kissing and softly biting on her soft skin, he got rewarded with soft moans. It only made him more eager to continue on, gently sucking in her neck, leaving marks all over. He wanted to show everyone that she was his, and only his. The moment she arches her back upwards to him, he grinned, happy to see his eagerness answered. He slowly worked his way down, over her shoulder, downwards. Lingering a bit longer around her chest, pressing kisses on her skin, teasing her wherever he could. He loved listening to her, to how she reacted to what he was doing. Her body reacted to every touch he placed on her. A soft growl rolled over his lips when he felt her nails on the bare skin of his back and for a moment he wondered if she could make him bleed. The wonderful feeling when her hands ended in his hair, while he was still making his way down. Pressing a kiss on her bellybutton, leaving a hand over her jawline. He looked up, surprise visible when she start sucking on his finger. The surprise slowly changing into a smirk while he continued his way around her belly.
His control wasn't there for long, a sudden shift in her demeanour. A fiery kiss caught him by surprise and with that he let his guard down. Within a second, the roles had switched and he was the one with his bare back on the ground. And it was cold, he had to admit. His necklaces next to him on the ground, wondering if he should remove them. A hand was placed on his chest and Therion looked from the hand, to the woman hovering above him. As she told him that it was her turn, he looked almost smug at her, curious about what she had in mind. He liked her idea, a lot. The moment her lips were on his skin, around his jaw, down his neck, he couldn't help but moan softly in her ear. He knew this was just revenge, she wanted to show that she could do the same to him as he had just been doing. But by Raanan, she knew what she was doing. He felt how the last bits of self control were getting thrown out of the window. He found his hands all over her body, wanting to feel every inch of what he could get, rocking his body up against hers. He loved the feeling of their bodies melting together, truly started to believe that they were meant for each other. He growled when the teasing stopped for a moment, he didn't want it to stop. He looked over his chest to see what she was doing, only to catch her eyes around the waistline of his pants. "Fuck." He moaned, letting the rest of his self control just go while he rolled his head back over the floor. How to break a man, just like this.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:34 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
Nobody had ever managed to ignite her desire like this. Nobody ever got close enough. Even though plenty had tried. But none had ever gotten nearly as close as Therion. With him it was like instinct. Like second nature. She had no conscious control on what her body and mind did. It was as if he was a painter and she his canvas, drawing and covering her skin with the invisible colors of love. Or as if he was a musician with his hands on his favorite instrument, playing her to produce the most intrinsic and purest sounds of music and passion. Gladly giving up that control to him as he made his way down her body. Practicing that art of intimacy on her, of which he was such an incredible and true artist.
A satisfied grin curled on her lips, in between her whimperings, when she made him growl, as her fingernails dug into his warm skin. Perhaps it was that animalistic release of pleasure as he growled or the fact that she just couldn't stop herself from sucking on his finger, but something made her want more of it. More of him. Let him lose the control as he had made her do. And so she took that control, swiftly. To some degree anyway. She still had not much conscious control on what she did while making her way down his body. Letting his responses, his soft low moaning in her ear, their hands on each other, guide her as she instinctively unleashed her thirst for this sweet and complicated man. Like a dance, playing in on each other, but this time she was the one leading. And she loved every satisfying and tension building reaction of the sorcerer under her touch. Tracing his inked skin, stroking down his stomach alongside his happy trail, slowly inching downward with her curious and eager hands, lips and tongue as she explored him all over again. For a moment her fingers worked on his trousers, almost impatient to release him from its restrictions, like her dress had been to her. She shared a look with Therion, brewing with lust and longing for what was to come, as he looked down at her. Pulling down his pants as she grinned at his moaning and cussing. Knowing that she was about to make him cuss a whole lot more. And hopefully, a whole lot louder too.

smol skip, deze dingen zijn alleen bestemd voor private Google docs, you need a subscription for those. For more information contact Q.

With the taste of him still on her tongue she crawled back, over his belly and chest toward his face where their lips met again in a passionate kiss, which she quickly deepened. She had been devilishly teasing in her play of dominance. Getting him oh so close to the edge, but not close enough. She didn't allow him to. Not yet. She was still in control and loving every minute of it.
She took his necklaces, which carelessly rested aside his head, so she could pull him up into a sitting position, while settling herself on his lap. Grabbing his face, aching for his wandering hands and lips once more, a hungry moan escaped her as her own hands impatiently pulled herself against him and found their way all over him, in a close embrace. Almost in an attempt to become a part of him. Not ever wanting to separate from him again. She was completely and utterly his.

& Therion
Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:11 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
She knew what she was doing. By Raanan, she knew exactly what she was doing. Her hands all over his body, nails digging deep in his back while he felt an electrifying sensation glide through his body. While he mind was black, losing every last inch of control that he still had, the one thing that he knew for certain was that he loved his woman. He felt a protective need to keep her close, to hold her, to love her, to be with her. He wanted to be hers, for now, forever. And it started to look like she had the same idea. Quickly, she took control over the situation, leaving him with his bare back on the cold floor. He hissed softly, what turned into a moan when she worked his body downwards. Even though he had never laid with another woman, he knew, instinctively, that only Aniu could bring out such a strong emotion out of him. This love that he was feeling for the woman sitting over his legs, looking at him with a playful, lustful smile. He was completely out of control, he had to let her lead, he had to let her do whatever she wanted with him. And he gladly let her. Curious, but also hungry for her love, he let her take control over him as he was nothing more than a plaything. Rocking his head back when she undid the last of the restrains surrounding him.

Nope, nobody is gonna get into that doc, pech voor jullie <3 Oh ja, skip

Not even fully comprehending what had just happen, he was forced into a deep kiss, tasting himself on her lips and tongue. Not even waiting for permission he let his tongue explore the insides of her mouth, yet still with care and love. She had been teasing him, an ungodly amount of teasing. It was driving him insane, his longing building in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to take back his control, to show her that two could play this game. But she didn't let him, in stead he got pulled up against the wall by his necklaces and within seconds she was sitting on his lap. Her hands on his face, before he felt her lips on his again. Softly moaning in her mouth, he placed his hands around her body, keeping her close. She had been teasing him so much, maybe it was time to take back some of that control. Teasingly slow he moved his hands from her back downwards, to her hips, where he grabbed and placed her firmly on his lap.

Boi, I'm actually doing a double skip in this post, what's wrong with us 

Really, you shouldn't asked how they went from the floor to the bed, but they had seen the table in between as well. But right now, Therion was looking at the ceiling of the room, with his chest rapidly going up and down. He looked at his side, at the woman that he loved more than anything in this world. He grabbed her hand, softly squishing it. "I love you." He told her softly, with a loving smile on his face. Tiredness washed over him, but he had to stay awake, yet a yawn escaped in the end. Damn. He was getting old.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:42 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
The pressure that was steadily and surely building between them was reaching a boiling point. Focusing on him and his needs hadn't cooled her down in any way. In fact, she probably enjoyed it almost as much as he did.  Driving him crazy, like he always did with her. Oh, how she loved it. How she loved him. Making him reach those places that felt almost utterly other-worldly. Making him feel loved and worshipped almost while she fulfilled his deepest desires. But only so much, as she felt the selfish need to share. She didn't want them to be done just yet. And since the two sorcerers shared an almost insatiable hunger for each other, she knew Therion wouldn't complain for one second. She wanted—no, craved—him close and deep. And so did he, ardently exploring her mouth, as she did his. Touching and feeling every inch of each other. All her senses—tingling and burning, wave after wave—quickly intensified as she melted into him, onto his lap. His arms held her close while his hands and fingers traced down her back, marking them and drawing lines straight down her skin. It made her straighten her back and push herself against his chest involuntarily. Sending shivers down her spine. One of her hands, which had explored its way around his neck, now grabbed onto the back of his hair, pulling him slightly away from her lips so she could gasp for air. Moaning against his lips when he eventually gave her what she craved for.


"Gods, just... gods." Still panting, Aniu lay on the messy sheets next to the man she loved, who somehow managed to show her new heights of pleasure and love. Again. How was that even possible? She sighed, softly moaning mmms as her body slowly came down from their togetherness. Enjoying the after-waves running through her. With eyes closed and a satisfied smile, slowly catching her breath. The air now felt cold against her sweaty skin, though she didn't mind. She was absolutely content after all that.
She felt his hand grab hers, which made her open her eyes and look at him. Noticing how the trembling seemed to have stopped. At least for the moment. His words filled her with such warmth and tenderness she could barely keep it in. "I love you more," She answered him, her voice cracking with the overwhelming feeling as she looked him deep in the eyes. The words didn't feel adequate enough for her true feelings, but no matter how hard she tried, there were no other words in the Odiria language that could ever express what she felt for him. So she rolled onto her stomach against him, inching closer so she could place her hand on his cheek and press her lips on his in a deeply loving kiss. As she closed her eyes, a tear rolled down her cheek. She had truly felt his love—so deep, tender, and true. Putting it all into her body right here in this room. It had touched her deeply, and now she allowed herself some happy tears for it. For them. Hoping that he had felt the same from her. Because, by Lythrana, she loved him more than anything. She was made for him; of that, she was certain now.
She too noticed the tiredness wash over her, and his yawn made her chuckle. "Does that mean there's not going to be round two?" She joked, feigning a sad face, as she snuggled against his chest, tracing her finger over the necklaces around his neck before placing her hand on his heart to feel his heartbeat.  

& Therion
Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:49 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Therion Rizal
Therion Rizal
[M] Four Seasons in one day PfErOMx
[M] Four Seasons in one day Happy-pirates-of-the-caribbean

Character sheet
Age: 48 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain
We can be heroes
With his heart beating in his chest like a madman, he looked at the celling of the room. For once, he felt still, besides the fact that his whole body was still adjusting to the fact that he felt more love for the woman next to him than anything in his life. But the trembling had stopped, his mind wasn't trying to find a way out of the darkness that had been around him for as long as he remembered. He had noticed some fleeting visions, but he was too busy to focus on them. A small smile formed on his lips, he had found a new drug, a better drug. And if he had to believe his body and his feelings, the best one he could get. Therion chuckled softly once he heard the panting of Ani next to him, she was adorable and he loved her for it. Both of them slowly came back down from this incredible high, one that he would love to keep on going longer.
When she answered his loving, it made him smile even more. His heart, still beating faster than it should be allowed, flutter with more emotion it could possibly handle. "Doubt." He said teasingly, before getting pulled in another kiss again. A soft moan escaped his mouth when he kissed her back, placing a hand on her cheek so he could whip away the tear. He felt such strong emotions, such a deep connection to this woman. Not even the gods would be able to separate them anymore. And if he could make that official in the here and now, he would have done so. Still, for now it would only be sealed in the feelings that thy shared for each other.
He heard her chuckle when he yawned, tiredness trying to sweep him off his feet. He had slept a good while before all this, yet the activity had worn him out more than anything in his life before. He looked at her with a smirk. "Depends, do you know how to make a good Xailan coffee?" That drink was strong, that could jumpstart anyone's heart. He laughed softly, before putting his arms around her body when she snuggled close to him. Pressing his lips against her head, he had the feeling that he could barely keep his eyes open. "I'm never going to let you go again, you know." He spoke softly, still with his lips against her head. And with her close in his arms, for once, Therion fell in a deep and peaceful sleep.
< tag: aniu vylasar >
Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:26 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aniu Vylasar
Aniu Vylasar
[M] Four Seasons in one day XwC2DZk
[M] Four Seasons in one day EmesTWTAniIcon

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Singer
 .  .  .
You can hear it in the silence
You can feel it on the way home
You can see it with the lights out
You are in love, true love
For most of her life, Aniu didn't believe she could or would become this version of herself. This creature of love, being so deeply loved and so deeply in love with another. She always saw herself as this solitary being, who, even within her family and friendships, felt alone. Not lonely, but alone still. Taking on these roles; daughter, sister, friend, singer, traveler, siren, sorceress, Vylasar. She understood all those roles and made them her own. Lover, wife, mother... those were roles she never saw herself in. Not in the traditional way, at least. They felt foreign and scary, making her push them away. To the great chagrin of her parents, who had fought her on it for years. Shaping her life in direct opposition to what was expected of a Vylasar woman. She understood why it was important, and she had the utmost respect for people who were able to shape those roles. Her sister would become one of those people soon... But Aniu never felt it was her destiny. Until now.
Therion had awoken something that had been slumbering deep in her soul. For the first time in her life, she didn't feel alone anymore. With him, she was a part of something bigger than herself. A part of him. For the first time in her life, she felt drawn to those roles she never imagined herself in, but only with the man in her arms. And that scared her more than anything.

What she didn't fear anymore was her love for Therion. Now that they finally shared their true feelings with each other, Aniu had a hard time stopping herself from letting him know every time that she felt it—either with a look, words, or a loving touch, like the kiss they were sharing—which was basically all the fucking time. His thumb wiped away the tear on her cheek, making her smile when she broke away again. "Most definitely." She chuckled softly, answering his teasing from before she'd pulled him into that loving kiss.
"I know how to make a Xailan coffee. If it's a good one... that's debatable." She grinned as he softly laughed. She let her fingers teasingly brush over his chest, caressing slowly downward to his belly button. "But I'm sure I can find a better way to wake you up again." Her voice was soft and suggestive as her fingers trailed down even further. It was just a little bit of harmless teasing, though. She doubted he'd be up for anything else but sleep now anyway, just like her. He had effectively wiped her out as well. She placed her arm back around his chest again to snuggle closer, breathing him in with a deep inhale. Once again, he managed to set her heart ablaze as he softly spoke his loving words. She pressed her lips against the skin under her cheek, near his heart. "Me neither," she softly whispered back. "Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to. I am yours, and you are mine. For life." It may have been her tired mind that made her this candid, but she meant every word. On the brink of sleep she relished in the love they shared, and before long, his calm breathing lulled her into a deep sleep in his arms.

& Therion

Sun Jul 09, 2023 2:11 pm
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