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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
He had been here a few times before. Mostly out of diplomatic reasoning, strengthening family bonds between the ruling families of Lemuria. Parties the royal family back then had thrown, special feasts- Rhydian hadn't been to such events for a long while now. As his family enjoyed fine dining, he had been serving in the Lemurian marine. Time he honestly figured was better spent that way.  Sure, he loved partying, loved hanging out with people he wouldn't see for another 5 months- but at least he did something a lot more useful at sea. Or at least that were the words he used to silence his true wishes whilst working his ass off on his ship.

As for now, now he was there for no formal event or diplomatic reasoning. He had come on a quest for love to this wretched underwater city that both made him feel very closed in and amazed at the same time. It was only human really, to be in awe whilst watching over it all- a city with an underwater view- he still remembered staring at it for hours when he was little. Watching whales swim by during whale season, nothing had ever matched the experience, except maybe laying eye on Lumina...The man shook his head a little as he turned his eye away from the view and back onto the saloon he was about to enter- yet hadn't realized someone had the same idea as him making him bump into the sort of stranger with a sound of surprise leaving him unwantedly. 'The f-?" he blinked whilst looking up at the man

Much thank Nien x
Mon Apr 17, 2023 2:16 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
''We should be celebrating.'' Those words still managed to bring a smile to her face as she repeated them within her mind, even if they had been spoken in a rather unromantic environment. For once they had been able to speak freely, their hard conversation not resulting in some kind of argument. That alone had been worth a celebration, if you'd ask her. For the first time since their introduction it felt like they didn't have to sneak around, strolling through the city like an ordinary, newly engaged couple, getting to know eachother before they'd be wed.

And she knew exactly where she wanted to take him, having a clear destination in mind as they continued their stroll. The sorceress remained a few steps ahead of him, trying to remember which corners to turn and alleys to cross. She hadn't really been paying attention previously, blindly following Shyam as she knew nothing about the city but the inside of their family's castle. Which is why, perhaps, they had been forced to take the scenic route this time. All part of the plan, of course.

Once she turned another corner it didn't take her long to spot the tavern she and Shyam visited a while ago, back when the atmosphere within the castle had been a lot more.. tense. She quite liked the place, if she had to be honest. Nothing too pitiful, nothing too fancy. Just an average tavern where they'd be able to celebrate without the eyes of the castle staff following their every move.

"See, I told you I'd be able to find it on my own," she spoke proudly as she turned her head towards him, not paying attention to where she was going as she did. As her hand reached out to open the door, she was met with the sudden impact of a stranger's body bumping into hers, throwing her off balance for a brief moment. Normally she'd use her staff to break her fall, but for once she decided to leave it at home, worried about losing it whenever she'd downed a few drinks. Now her best chances were to swiftly grab onto her betrothed, keeping her from staining her dress on whatever dirt laid on the ground beneath them. Her brow furrowed as she met the eyes of the culprit. A blond man, about as tall as the one accompanying her. As much as she would've liked to call him out, she knew that it hadn't been his fault entirely. She hadn't been paying attention as well, leaving her snarky comment unjustified. "My apologies," she simply stated, her arm still linked with that of her betrothed, though her voice didn't sound as genuine as she would've liked to.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Fri May 12, 2023 1:30 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel trailed a few paces behind Chaska as she steered him through the cobbled streets of the city. Chaska had insisted she knew a place, but he was getting quite impatient when they had turned another unnecessary corner or passed plenty of good places where he could settle for a drink. He hadn't hold back when they bickered to and fro, him questioning her sense of direction. He knew the city like the palm of his hand, but nooo, the foreigner kept her foot down.

Eventually, when his patience had run quite thin, she had led them to a cozy tavern. He had no idea how she knew the place. But whatever, it was not like she had been kept on a leash all those weeks. She was perfectly in her right to explore her new home, without him. Ezekiel rolled his eyes at her as she looked back over her shoulder to state that she indeed could find the place on her own. He ran a hand through his silver hair. ‘‘Impressive,’’ he commented sarcastically. But he couldn't help but smile at the ground when she turned to the door. It had been a while since he had went outside of castle ground, scared that his aunt had eyes on him at every moment, waiting for him to mess up again. But he had missed the bustle of chatter in the air, with people with normal problems, and not all those stuck-up folk in the castle.

But when he had followed her to the entrance of the tavern, he was suddenly stopped in his tracks as an awkward shuffle followed, where Chaska's hand grabbed him and he was quick to steady her to her feet. He heard a stranger swallow a curse-word and Ezekiel's nostrils flared as he looked up, his odd-coloured eyes annoyed as he looked at the blonde man. Ezekiel new his kind immediately: pointy ears, white hair, stuck-up pricks. What was an Aerendyl doing in Lythrania?

Chaska apologized, which showed that she was the more mannered one of the two of them. His betrothed was quick to link her arm with hers, which made him feel chained to the ground, as he gladly would have eyed the moon elf up. ‘‘And then to think moon elves were the gracious ones,’’ he muttered underneath his breath. Once kings and queens they were, but with the would-be-king not inheriting their magic, he made the elves equals.
Tue May 16, 2023 12:45 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
She'd not be easily mistaken for another- even Rhydian wouldn't and couldn't. Those silver streaks within her hair were undeniably solely hers, making for a relatively quick recognition from the elf. However, the man beside her was not as quickly placed apart from some vague memories he could not quite recall just now. Rhydian smiled shortly upon being apologized to, it hadn't been needed if you asked him, but it was not entirely unwelcome either, and especially from her, it felt as though it was very rare. "Don't worry about it" he assured her with laid back manner, "I can rest assured with the thought we both weren't paying attention" he admitted with a slight chuckle to his words.

A smile continued to play along the corners of his mouth, rising upward especially when her companion joined their conversation. Rhydian raise his eyebrows, a chuckle escaping him before he shrugged away the comment. People had often told him he wasn't quite the picture-perfect elf. He was not tall- but taller than Lumina so- he didn't have the lightest of blond hair and his demeanour lacked the stereotypical charm that a lot of elves carried with them. But so did his father too. "Ah well," he began with a small grin on his pale face. "Being graceful all the time sounds awfully boring don't it" his blue eyes shimmered within the light the skies above them let through "I especially do not plan on being graceful inside, that would make for an awful night out" the elf chuckled before letting his gaze fall back upon the man's partner. Chaska, he believed her name was.

"You are Chaska right?"" he declared, seemingly extremely proud to be able to tell her name right. The little things. "We met in Moonbright," he poked around her memories, trying not to be offended by her having forgotten him- then again it had been quite a long while "I am afraid I don't have quite the recognisable features as you do, do i" he joked lightly whilst referring to her hair. "The names Rhydian"

Much thank Nien x
Tue May 16, 2023 9:32 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The sorceress bit the inside of her cheek at her betrothed's remark, expecting a comment of some sort. His temper was known in and around the castle, so she had been quick to link her arm with his, refraining him from getting them into trouble before even setting foot within the tavern. She gave him a swift nudge with her elbow, an attempt to keep him from running his mouth any further. This was supposed to be a celebration after all, not an excuse to get caught up in a fight once more.

A faint smile appeared on her lips at the stranger's apology, making her feel a whole lot better about her choice on being the bigger person for once. "Happens to the best of us," she replied, matching his tone as she looked him in the eye. Something about this man felt familiar. She hadn't even noticed the pointy ears until Ezekiel had pointed them out. She squinted her eyes slightly in as she tried getting a better look at them as the blonde struck up a conversation with her betrothed. Their words went right past her as she tried her best to dig through her memories, searching for a trace of this man or his features. Blonde hair, pointy ears..

Her attention was drawn back to the conversation as he addressed her, when suddenly she managed to connect the dots, a chuckle escaping her lips as he mentioned her most notable feature. She had indeed met this man before, spending an evening escaping her troubled mind by drinking the night away in a local tavern. At first she hadn't even noticed him, but the two of them had been quick to connect over the troubles tied to their family names, mocking their duty as they feasted upon their drinks.  "Rhydian?" His name came out paired with a chuckle of disbelief as she softly squeezed Ezekiel's arm in surprise. "I should've been able to recognize an Aerendyl in an instant," she joked back. The family had some pretty notable features of their own. "I didn't expect to find you here. What brings you to Lythrania?"
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Tue May 16, 2023 10:06 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel noticed the sharp prod of her elbow in his side. He glanced over to her as his free hand had formed into a first already. At the first mistake of this man, he would be ready to put this elf in his place. But even his hostile words did not change this man's demeanor. No, he even had a quite witty response, that produced a small smirk on the lips of the sorcerer as he exposed his plans of being ungraceful to enjoy his night. Maybe they had something in common after all. Yet, he wiped that boyish grin of his face as quickly as it came, because the next words that came out his mouth were directed at his betrothed, while her name fell of his lips.

The sorcerer looked at Chaska from the corner of his eyes, narrowing them slightly as he studied her closely. He caught himself that he did not like this one bit. Those were his pearl around her neck. She once called herself his, so when that man looked at her, with his big eyes and chuffed manner of speaking, it made something spark up in him. And when he had found the Aerendyl witty a moment ago, he went back to disliking him in the blink of an eye. He scrunched up his nose slightly as he introduced himself. Nobody asked, he thought, but he did not speak the words out loud, knowing Chaska would probably poke him again, or dig her nails in his arm.

Even more annoying was that Chaska seemed to be pleased to meet him as well, as she continued to make small talk. It was like meeting an old friend. And he had no interest at standing outside as some third wheel, listening while they caught up. He narrowd his eyes suspiciously at the elf, wondering how well he knew Chaska. He was quickly done alternating skeptical looks between the two. So he placed his free hand on Chaska's wrist to untangle his arm from her and placed it on the small of her back. ‘‘While I'm pleased to meet you, Rhydian-’’ he started, not taking an effort to introduce himself. ‘‘Maybe we could continue this conversation inside?’’ So at least he could enjoy desperately needed drinks, because if this was how this night was going to be, he could not stand this man sober for much longer.
Tue May 16, 2023 10:29 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
His gaze had missed the change in the man's demeanour upon the interest he had shown in his betrothed. And even if it hadn't, he would not have thought much of it, for really- how could he suspect any jealousy, if his heart was already taken by another so strongly? Rhydian simply smiled as Chaska spoke, eyes shimmering once more whilst she seemed to recognise him.

A laugh ensued as the short elf shrugged "Hm, i do not blame you, i am not the most Aerendyl Aerendyl- and besides" he tilted his head slightly as a playful shine laid itself upon his blue eyes "There are so many of us, even I can't name us all" he joked in a friendly manner. Really- it was true. He knew most his cousins yes, but it wouldn't be advised to turn your gaze upon him when asked who is who outside of that. "I am here to visit Lumina he answered the woman with a grand smile on his face, somehow it always found it's way back there when speaking of the Woman. Rhydian had never been great at covering the emotions on his face, the joy and- care- he felt for her would be visible to the whole world despite his efforts.

He smiled when his attention was taken back by the other, however- it did find a certain way of hardening upon his face when he sensed the slightest hint of disdain from the man. Another Lythranian who seemed quite hesitant in liking him. Rude. However, it did seem to shift rather quickly as he was invited to go inside. Rhydian smiled and nodded his head "Oh yes," he agreed keenly. "First drinks are on me" He continued cheerfully as he head inside eagerly.

Much thank Nien x
Tue May 16, 2023 11:49 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Never had she dared to expect meeting an old acquaintance other than her family within the underwater city. The city had seemed to foreign to her, so bumping into a familiar face, especially one which company she'd enjoyed, was a nice surprise. Though her betrothed remained quiet after his snarky comment, she knew he'd warm up towards the blonde eventually. Once they were inside and the drinks had been served, he would most likely forget about the way he had clumsily bumped into them.

The sorceress smiled at his response, giving him an apologetic shrug. He did have a point. Unlike the Vylasars with their differences in hair color, features and build, an Aerendyl could be easily spotted within any crowd. Elves with silky, snow white or pale blond hair had a great chance of being related to them. Rhydian's features, however, did seem to be slightly off compared to the rest of his kin. Perhaps that was one of the reasons they seemed to connect; Both being some sort of outcasts within their family. "Tell me about it," she joked, referring back to her odd colored hair. Her branch of the family had all been born with dark, raven like hair. She knew all about standing out.

Her smile grew wider as he mentioned the name of her childhood friend, who had just arrived within the castle she had once called home. "Ah, I see," she replied with a smile, refraining from teasing him with a suggestive tone of voice. Quite adorable, how he'd traveled such a distance to visit the former princess. She wondered if Lumina even knew about the visit, but she would make sure to keep her mouth shut just in case it was supposed to be surprise.

Before she could carry on their conversation, her attention was drawn to Ezekiel as she was surprised by the sudden touch of his hand upon her wrist, freeing himself from her grasp before resting his hand against her back. The sudden motion caught her off guard as she silently prayed for her cheeks not to flush, briefly freezing in place and tensing her muscles. This wasn't like him at all, displaying any kind of physical affection in public. Yet she wouldn't complain. Not until she noticed the tone of his voice and lack of introduction. Luckily, the blonde didn't seem to be affected by her betrothed's strange mannerisms, offering both of them to pay for their first round. "That's very kind," she spoke as she followed him inside the rustling tavern, her heart still racing at the touch of the silver haired man's hand against her back. "Ezekiel and I appreciate it." She quickly glanced back over her shoulder at the forced introduction of her soon-to-be husband, before turning her head back towards where Rhydian was heading, her gaze scanning the tavern for an empty table at which the three of them could take place. "We'll make sure to return the favor."
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed May 17, 2023 1:21 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
His hostile gaze still lingered as he watched the two of them converse. The sorcerer was feeling someone had barged into their evening. A complete stranger for him, but not for the woman on his arm. And that was the most annoying part of it, because this elf could wander into Lythrania only because he wore a nobleman's name. And because he also looked so oblivious about it, or he just ignored him, what was even more annoying.

He stayed silent as he only looked between the two while they conversed. The man trying to joke about his family, but nobody laughed. Apart from the sort-of joke Chaska replied with. It made him study both of them once more. Maybe Rhydian didn't have the snow-white hair as the governor of Silvercrest or his towering height, or ethereal looks. He more or less looked like a normal dude, with pointy ears. And when he looked back at Chaska, he said she could relate, he furrowed his brows. What? What was she talking about. Was it only because of the white streaks in her hair? Oh no, they were both such outcasts. Well, weren't they the pretty pair. A short Aerendyl, a sorceress with funny hair, and the youngest of the Vylasar's, with silver hair and odd eyes, unlike anyone else. A collection of black sheep, they might think the herd was supposed to have only dark-woolen individuals.

Ezekiel only perked up when he name-dropped the former princess. He was here for her? Oh, he pitied him already. Chaska dropped an all-knowing comment and he raised his eyebrows at the man. He sure was foolish, or brave, or just really stupid. She might not be a princess anymore, but she sure acted like one of them. Just another piece of evidence to stay out of moon elves ways.

Rhydian was just not a very perceiving one. Or he could not read the room very well, but he was happy enough to head into the tavern and even treat them on the first round. Chaska was quick to thank him for both of them and she was next in line to follow him inside, while he ended the line for the both of them, and when she looked back at him, their eyes crossed, his eyes rolled as she introduced him for him. His betrothed could be very petty. So his hand detached from her back as they made their way into the noisy tavern.

And now she was already making promises. Dear Lythrana, how much time would they spend in the company of this man. A quiet sigh left his lips, as he betrayed himself that he would much rather spend the evening with only Chaska, then have to have smalltalk with another stranger and act all.. fake nice again. As he spotted an empty table he wordlessly pointed to it and herded their little group closer to it. And when he walked over, he almost felt like everybody was looking at them. They probably weren't, but still. He lived in this city his whole life, and one day he showed up with this stranger, wearing his pearls. He knew, this was just how the world worked, it was nothing special, but still. And now there was this guy. Once they reached the table, he pulled out a chair for Chaska to sit on. He probably would have been less mannered if it would be just the two of them, but now there was this witness that could tell Lumina, and then who would she open her mouth to. He looked over to Chaska and just gave her one last sour look, stating he didn't like this situation one bit.
Thu May 25, 2023 1:13 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
If he had just been slightly better at reading a room- he'd probably notice how the man's demeanour seemed to shift negatively with every word spoken between Rhydian and his betrothed. Unfortunately, it had never been his strong suit. Thus, his smile did not seem to falter as he pressed forward into the saloon, chin worn up proudly as he past through the crowds of strangers within whom they seemed to stand out a lot.  A short elf, a skunk hair Vylasar hanging off the arm of a grey-haired, odd-eyed gentleman. Gods, what a bunch they were.

Chaska mentioned being thankful for his kind gesture, yet Rhydian didn't see much to be grateful for in it. It was more so a custom, something to lighten the mood and ease their conversation. After all, money they all had in abundance thanks to the work of their ancestors, it was almost sad how giving seemed to lose value the more money you had to spend. With a never lessening smile, he followed towards their table, falling down onto its cushions-decorated seats. "Ah- good to hear you were intending on drinking more than one drink tonight" he smiled as he sat back a little, holding up his hand to signal a waiter towards them. "Drinking together is always way more fun than alone innit?" His look shot towards the two again as he watched the man pull out a chair for her.

Pearls shined within the dull light the room provided, pieces fell together and a smile appeared on his face. Royal incest, it was a norm it seemed. "Oooo, I have reason to congratulate you two?' he asked with a sparkle in his blue eyes before he turned to the waiter to order them all drinks. Nodding at his company to share their preferred drink, only after which he continued their conversation. "Congratulations, i say we toast to it tonight"

Much thank Nien x
Fri May 26, 2023 11:55 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
The three of them were quite the bunch, each of them standing out from their well respected families in one way or another. The sorceress didn't mind. Perhaps it even granted them some sense of anonymity in between the common folk, or so she liked to believe. Ever since those streaks started to appear she'd grown used to puzzled glances in public spaces. It wasn't until her brother decided to match her haircolor that it didn't quite bother her anymore.

She followed Rhydian further into the tavern, her betrothed tagging along behind her. As expected, the place was as bustling as she remembered, granting them the opportunity to blend in with the crowd for once. If the silver haired sorcerer would eb able to contain himself for once, that was. She narrowed her eyes at his reponse before turning her head back towards where they were heading, before she felt the hand resting against her back disappear. Biting the inside of her cheek, she tried to refrain herself from dropping a petty comment. This was supposed to be their little celebration after all. Ezekiel should've been grateful for an old friend of hers to tag along, especially when he offered them the first round of the evening.

It didn't take them long to find an empty table. And to her surprise, her betrothed even showed manners today. She certainly had not expected him to do so without any of their family members keeping their eye on them. Though, his gesture came paired with a displeased glance, making sure she knew of his disapproval about this sudden change of plans, having an Aerendyl tagging along. The sorceress took her seat, answering his look with a raised eyebrow and a brief, almost reassuring touch of her hand against his, before she brought her attenion back to the man in front of them, cheerfully stating that he did appreciate their company. "Definitely," she simply agreed, a polite smile lacing her lips as she took in the jolly sight of her surroundings.

Rhydian had been quick to order, which left them with probably the hardest task of today; That brief moment of socializing before they could cling onto their drinks, eventually letting the alcohol speak for them. Luckily, the blonde had already taken that responsibility, though, personally, the subject hadn't been her first choice of topic. Yet she couldn't blame him. The pearls around her neck were notable, to say the least. Her cheeks flushed at his remark, awkwardly fiddling the pearls between her fingers as she made sure not to meet the gaze of her betrothed. "Thank you, Rhydian," she answered genuinely, still avoiding the gaze of the sorcerer beside her. She didn't want to grant him the pleasure of seeing that crimson color on her cheeks. "Time flies, doesn't it?" When the two of them met back in Moonbright, marriage hadn't been something she foresaw within the near future.  
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon May 29, 2023 7:02 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
The Aerendyl was awfully giddy, happy to catch up with his old friend it seemed. It was fine, he would just pretend like he wasn't here at all. And when he and Chaska chatted happily away, he mentioned not being here for just one drink. ‘‘You bet,’’ Ezekiel breathed almost soundless from behind Chaska. He was already planning to be drinking like a royal tonight, but now he might need it sooner than he had envisioned. He pulled a hand through his hair as he looked through the crowd of people, where air was full of buzzing chatter and the clinking of glasses.

Ezekiel looked back at the elf as he had his hand still on the back of the chair he had pulled for Chaska. Well, they were together, if was Rhydian who had initially entered the tavern by himself. They were just unlucky enough to bump shoulders when they did. He had no time to respond, because he was busy with his non-verbal discussion with Chaska. She raised an eyebrow at him, which almost made him want to stick his tongue out at her like a petulant child. But she grazed her hand against his which made him swallow such childish actions. He just pursed his lips together as she answered for the both of them - again being a voice for him. Which was annoying, but it was not like he was going to talk to the elf anyway.

While Ezekiel stepped aside to take his place next to Chaska, he balled his hand in a fist for a moment, before sinking down in his seat and lean both his elbows on the table as he rested his chin on his hands. Rhydian really had that bubbly personality which did not rub of at him at all, as he multi-tasked between noticing the pearls on Chaska's neck, ordering drinks and congratulating them on their betrothal. Ezekiel glanced sideways as he spotted Chaska's hand on the necklace and he quickly looked back in front of himself, interlacing his fingers tighter. He tried to look aloof, because this whole arrangement was still a touchy subject. He could act like he could forget about it, that they were here as friends - or something - to celebrate that their lives were not completely screwed, yet. Chaska, again, thanked him for both of them. Ezekiel did not look the elf in the eyes, trying to act as aloof as he could, as they sunk into another conversation. Time sure did fly, especially these past weeks. They were alternated between very short nights and very long days, dragging out in front of them as they avoided each other and pretended. Oh, and those few days in jail, let's forget about those...

Luckily his suffering was ended as the waiter quickly returned with their drinks. Ezekiel leaned back against his chair as the drinks were placed in front of them. The sorcerer quickly took hold of the glass, swirled the amber liquid in it for a second, before raising it slghtly. ‘‘To us, then,’’ he said, looking over to Chaska. After all, they were here to celebrate something between them. That this Rhydian person joined them, à la. He had so chivalrously offered to toast to them. Then he swiftly put the glass to his lips and drained it whole.
Mon May 29, 2023 7:49 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
Such odd reactions? Rhydian blinked as he studied the two in a slightly confused manner. Had he perhaps said something wrong? Were they not to marry each other? Chaska seemed happy at least, twirling at the pearls around her neck, cheeks flushing red. However, her husband to be she wouldn't grand a look of wonder- of joy. And neither did the man in question- he didn't even seem to look at him or her at all.  Perhaps he was just aloof, maybe he'd rather stay secretive about how he felt. Either way- it was fair to say Rhydian was confused by it all, for him, marriage had held a lot of worth, as did love. He had seen it with his parents, with his cousin Elros. And though admittedly quite scary and off-putting to him at first, Lumina had blown newfound hope within his feelings towards true love. Towards finding your forever person.

Rhydian smiled relieved when their reactions became understandable to him once more, and perhaps this relief was visible to all who held an eye on him. A chuckle escaped him as well whilst nodding at Chaska's words. "Gods, yeh" he smiled. A lot had happened ever since they met each other that one night. He had sailed on his own ship, with his own crew. He had been injured, embarrassed and last of all, he had lost two great friends within the span of a year. The captain pressed his lips together shortly whilst nodding his head a little, the sorrow of it all reflecting within his eyes for a moment. But quickly shaken away at least whilst he refound grip on it.

He chuckled "Funny how we only seem to meet in taverns- I promise, I do more than drink" the captain joked before turning towards the waiter to grab both their drinks, helping out the waiter a little by handing one to Chaska in a kind manner. He looked back at the waiter thanking him politely for his work. And continued to turn his gaze towards the company he kept. Smiling when Ezekiel seemed rather eager to drink, you and Rhydian both sir, you and Rhydian both. "To you guys, may Lythrana bless you both" he cheered, eager to party, and happy to be part of the joyous occasion. Third wheel or not, a party it was ought to be tonight.  

Much thank Nien x
Mon May 29, 2023 9:03 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
Perhaps the two of them were quite the odd pair, but a noble like Rhydian should've been accustomed to the strange aftertaste lingering within the marriages arranged by their families. It wasn't quite the way she used to imagine, or to read about in written tales. Perhaps the common folk married out of love occasionally, but within their small circle of nobles that barely had been the case. Yet, she hadn't lied when she had told the silver haired sorcerer that she'd been relieved it was him. At least there were some things they had in common, their hunger for the other's touch being one of them. They could've truly despised or hated each other, though sometimes, she couldn't help but wonder if that was how he felt towards her.

The sorceress chuckled at the blonde's comment, relieved for the topic of the conversation to have shifted already. "I wish I could say the same," she joked before grabbing hold of the drink her friend had just handed her, thanking him with a smile and a faint nod of her head, before granting that same gesture to the waiter. As her gaze fell upon her betrothed, she could tell he just couldn't wait to down the drink, and she couldn't quite blame him. Her eyes widened for a brief second as they met his, before he took the initiative to raise his glass. It had been their little 'date' before Rhydian tagged along after all, if she could even call it that.

The blonde eagerly joined in on the toast, so the sorceress followed by raising her glass, agreeing with both of their words with a smile and a nod. "To us," she repeated, being able to hold her betrothed's gaze for once this afternoon, before taking his example and downing her first glass like water, already holding up her arm to signal te waiter for another round. She knew that if she wanted the two of them to get along, one drink wouldn't suffice. Just because she was the smaller one of the three, didn't mean that she couldn't at least try to keep up with them.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Mon May 29, 2023 9:48 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
His eyes shifted in between them as he kept his mouth shut. He pressed his lips together as he searched for some kind of hint to what the history was between them. The elf mentioned their wedding immediately. Maybe it was the common courtesy, especially because Chaska had to wear those pearls as some damned trophy around everywhere. And she loyally did so, never wavering from the picture that she was anything else but his bride to be. Still, that uncomfortable feeling lingered when he looked at the elf and how easily he chatted away with Chaska. He would never verbally admit that he was disappointed that they had to cross paths, but he imagined  he oozed that aura anyways.

He turned his head a bit towards Chaska as she joked that wished she was somebody else than a bar-goer. As their eyes locked for a second, he raised his eyebrows slightly. What was that supposed to mean? Did she often talk to men in taverns? He couldn't help but keep raising his suspicions with every word. Not that it was any of his business, he didn't care about her past. But if they were so friendly with each other still.

That drink seemed to become more of a necessity with every passing second. They had found common ground more than once after a bit of liquid luck. It was probably the stupid, easy way out to try to forget their troubles with a few drinks to many, but he wanted nothing more than to feel that ignorant bliss for a few hours. So yes, raise their glass to them, to their marriage, to whatever it was that they would live with for the rest of their lives.

The elf joined in first with his cheery mood that did not seem to falter. Ezekiel glanced at him from the side of his eyes when he blessed them. By Lythrana, he would be insufferable after a few drinks, would he not? But he was drawn back to Chaska as she repeated his little toast and together they slammed back their drinks.

The alcohol burned through his throat as he was not yet used to the warm feeling in his stomach. But the three of them seemed to be experienced drinkers, as none of them pulled a face. No, it was Chaska that took the initiative to have their glasses replaced as soon as possible. He stiffened a chuckle as he then focused his attention to the elf in front of him. ‘‘So are we soon raising a glass for you?’’ He narrowed his eyes at the man. ‘‘Coming all this way must mean something, right?’’ He wouldn't put it past the Aerendyls to fix a marriage between one of them and the dethroned princess.
Mon May 29, 2023 11:44 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
He welcomed the alcohol into his system formally, though definitely not as fast as the company he kept here did. Party animals they seemed to him, lacking the actual context of the two's past together and the weight their marriage had on them. He smiled when hearing about Chaska's grand experience at it, drinking I mean, and a chuckle escaped him before he took a big sip of his own drink. Feeling the burning liquid going down his throat.

He watched slightly as the two of them shared looks in a way Rhydian could only describe as secretive, he'd never been good at reading rooms and unfortunately the same went for those who he shared them with. However, something deep within him gave him the strong idea that the Vylasar in front of him did not like him all that much. And shortly, the elf wondered what he possibly could've done to make him dislike him already? Had he offered them a drink when he shouldn't have? Should he not be this nice? Was he unwelcome? All sounded absolutely wrong and non of them he'd believe. No, if he did not like him, it was his own fault surely.

When the man opened his mouth again, however, all of his thoughts seemed to disappear like snow in front of a hot sun. Rhydian blinked in surprise as the conversation turned around and reached him, and for a bit, he tried to figure out what the Vylasar had actually meant. A toast for him? But for what? Coming all this way? It had not been that hard, Caelum had helped him a lot, not that he would ever admit to that. But as he thought further, finally it clicked. Afterall, Lumina came up in his thoughts always nowadays so seeing the link between her and his words almost came naturally. And as it did- his eyes seemed to light up at the thought of her in an instant. Love was all around but nowhere was it as notable as on his stupidly happy face. Because he was- in fact- in love, wether he had named it yet or not.

"Oh!" he began as a chuckled cheered him on to proceed "No-no, i am not here to ask for her hand" he smiled. Gods no, they'd only just reunited. Besides, he knew Lumina well enough that a marriage was something they'd discuss- not something he would ask her wether he liked it or not. And somehow he knew they both were far from ready for such formal arrangements. Not that he would say no if had been offer- to her he never could. To her it was yes only, every time. He'd cross every mileage for her with no strings attached, no he hadn't come here for marriage, he had come here for her. "Just here to see her" he smiled, his eyes sparkling in the faint light the tavern provided them. Talking about her was his favourite activity, and he didn't plan on stopping now. "We met in Moonbright before i had to go over seas, and now that i am back and all healed up- i couldn't wait till i could see her again!" the elf smiled. And see her he had done- and by Lythrana, nothing would be too much, no road would be too long for him to prevent him from meeting her.

Much thank Nien x
Tue May 30, 2023 10:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Chaska Vylasar
Chaska Vylasar
niet juul
Chicken strip 7mKmf4U5_o
Chicken strip 4d34c603206ccf1ba978ad91af26f96165dcc261

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Wifey + Milf

she wears strength and
darkness equally well
She hadn’t even noticed how her muscles tensed up before the burning taste of alcohol relaxed them once more. Quite pathetic, it was, how she truly never let her guard down except when a drink too many would force her to. Though, perhaps that was for the best. Last night had proven her to be impulsive and reckless even when sober, and by the gods did she suffer the consequences. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, but in a matter of time the amount of liquor they’d pour down their throats tonight could be to blame for that.

The sorceress glanced over at the man beside her, which had been suspiciously quiet while she and Rhydian chatted away, making the most out of their spare afternoon. It was clear that he didn’t quite appreciate the blonde’s presence. To her, at least. Would it have been just the two of them, she was certain that their evening spent together would be laced with words of sarcasm and the eye rolls that had grown into a familiar gesture. Perhaps he’d even make an attempt at teasing her about last night.

Though, when he opened his mouth to speak, the words caused her to shoot him another, brief glance, brows furrowed as she refrained herself from warning him by digging her high heel into his shoe. While this tavern was neutral ground, the blonde across the table remained to be an Aerendyl. A little respect certainly wouldn’t be out of place. Didn’t he have enough on his conscience already?

Luckily, Rhydian didn’t seem like the man to be easily insulted. Unlike most Aerendyls, judging by their reputation. A smile laced her lips as she focused her attention on the blonde again, listening to the story behind his sudden visit to the former princess. It was quite endearing, hearing him speak about her with such genuine joy and a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. Almost quite how she’d imagined the man she’d marry to speak about her. Now she almost scoffed at the thought. She wondered if the silver haired man would even bother bringing her up in the first place. If anything, he’d make sure to derail the topic as soon as a chance presented itself. Just as she did whenever Ezekiel was brought up by any of those close to her. The elf should praise himself lucky, being one of the few in this world granted a love based on actual feelings instead of mere politics.

Ignoring the slight feeling of envy she smiled at him, her elbows atop the wooden table as her head rested against her hands. ”She must’ve been surprised to see you, coming all the way from Moonbright just to visit.” Her words were interrupted by the next round of drinks being served. It didn’t take the sorceress long to take hold of her drink, though she didn’t down it as quick this time, settling for a few sips instead. ”Finding someone willing to put in such effort is quite uncommon, I suppose.” The words were out before she realized it, though she didn’t lie. Instead of checking with her betrothed, however, she kept her attention to the blonde, taking another sip from her drink as if she hadn’t accidentally let her frustrations shine through.
the girl has always been
half goddess half hell
Wed Jun 07, 2023 1:10 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Chicken strip Image
Chicken strip Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
this is a dance for liarsa competition for sinners, our little, secret game we both enjoy too much
The sorcerer twirled the empty glass around in his hand while he remained turned into himself, all but for when his eyes wandered to Chaska or to the merry men in front of them. He could still feel the aftertaste of the liquor in his throat and he just knew the next one would be better, once you gotten used to the strong taste. However, when he decided to speak once again, he was met with a glare from his betrothed. In that short moment he raised his eyebrows for a second. Oh, wasn't he supposed to say that? Oops, my fault. He rolled his eyes as she focused on Rhydian once more.

It was just somewhat pathetic how happy she looked while listening to him. Ezekiel went back to twisting the empty glass between his fingers on the table, listening to the man without looking at him. He was not here to ask for her hand. He cocked his head to the side at that revelation. Oh, really? Just a visit? He didn't believe a word the man was saying. Sounded like an awful lot of trouble for just a visit. Did he intend to woo the former princess? In that case he felt even more pity for the man. He didn't believe anyone less than a king would be enough for the former princess, who still acted like she owned Lythrania. He wasn't sure why Lumina had even returned in the first place, as there was nothing left in this city for her anyways. And it send stray admirers to their gates. Very annoying. But as the man was so smitten with the ex-princess, he might feel more at ease about the relationship he held with his betrothed.

The conversation shifted to the former princess, of course. Ezekiel clocked out at this point, leaning back in his chair again and leaving the glass to be replaced for a new one. He picked it up, swirling the amber liquor in it for a second, not bothering another toast. So he brought it to his lips as Chaska continued speaking. Her words, however, almost made him choke in his drink. Unceremoniously he wiped his bottom lip with his thumb and looked at the sorceress, who did not have the nerves to look at him while she had said that, happily nipping from her drink. Ezekiel set his jaw and swirled the remaining bit of his drink through his glass one more time. ‘‘What's that supposed to mean?’’ he asked her, not wavering his gave from her. So when she would not waver from her position, he was not afraid to go in for the kill. He knew exactly what she meant. Weren't the pearls around her neck enough? No, she wanted to be married, better yesterday than today. Well, maybe she wanted too much. ‘‘You came all the way here for me, after all.’’
Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:32 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Lumina Elaéydar
Lumina Elaéydar
Chicken strip ILBfO3u
Chicken strip DLAZspF

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Lady
Ladies rise above
ladies know what people want, the lady simply had enough
Lumina Elaéydar was utterly bored. The former princess usually was quite good at entertaining herself. Back in Moonbright, she had always found her way to some type of party. Wether that was one consisting of multiple people in a tavern she knew all too well, or a pit-party consisting of one. The latter had been quite the regular in the months before her departure. When she had still lived here, complete with title and all, she had hosted absolutely fabulous parties. But there was little in her that still wished to do that in a home that wasn't hers anymore. So she sat in her room most nights, unable to find the satisfaction she had once felt here.

After a long while, a cold breath full of irritation escaped her lips. Anyone who could see her now would call her pathetic. Even worse, she would call herself pathetic. And her own judgement was the harshest. No, this simply couldn't be.

The moon elf walked out of the castle and onto the streets she knew so well. Two guards followed her closely, but she paid little attention to them. She did not mind having a drink by herself. Who knew, maybe she'd encounter someone interesting. Though she doubted that. It took her a while, but eventually she found a tavern that she couldn't remember ever going to. One of the guards opened the door to the little establishment and in she went with a strut that told everyone just who they were dealing with. Her tight dress caught the soft light of the candles and her long blonde hair flowed freely over her shoulders. By all means she was ready to play. She was already halfway to the bar when her keen eyes crossed a table filled with people she hadn't expected there. Briefly, she raised her brows, before she altered her direction. "If it isn't my favourite Vylasar cousins." She said as her lips curled up into a sly smile. "Rhydian," she then said. As she looked at the man her facial expressions softened briefly, before her smirk returned. "Aren't you happy she came.. all this way?" She purred, leaving room for the inuendo to set in halfway through her sentence. Her eyes focused on Ezekiel, he must be thrilled.

Gown (heet) x Tiara (heet)
Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:56 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Rhydian Aerendyl
Rhydian Aerendyl
Chicken strip YgnN2uK
Chicken strip 9054ccfafed0e4c56b89703d57d4ada4

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Captain
Reckless, Sentimental at best.
Surprised? She might have been indeed- however Rhydian wouldn't be able to say so for sure, however, he doubted if Lumina had ever shown surprise on her cold face.  The man smiled in response, his blue eyes filled with hope as Chaska stated he would've been one of the rarer ones, coming all this way for another person. He would've liked to disagree, but he knew far from everyone would be as willing as he had been- which was a grand shame truly. Yet- it seemed it wasn't rare enough for him to be the only one around.

When Ezekiel spoke once more, it felt as though the whole mood around the table shifted in an instant. Perhaps he had congratulated them on their betrothal too soon?  The moon elf clenched his jaw as he failed to truly understand the situation, but from what he could gather however, it seemed to be somewhat clear that Chaska was not happy with her soon to be husband at the moment. And in return, Rhydian was neither. Perhaps just dumb blind loyalty, or maybe the sign of a great friend, either way- he gaze fell upon the male sorcerer. If Chaska really had come all this way for him, and they were to be married- then what was his issue? Wasn't the marriage something they both had agreed on'? Then why go out for a drink then? Why the jealousy earlier? A frown tore between his eyebrows, he just did not get it. Nor did he plan on getting in on it. Especially not when-

His breath hitched when her voice came onto their stage, his saviour of tonight had come in the form of a beautiful woman. And a big smile curled up onto his lips as their eyes met and he was witness to her faltering walls. Her softening face- Rhydian's eyes lit up and all the troubles from earlier had eased from his mind now that she was here. "Lumina!" he greeted her enthusiastically as he stood up from his seat to pull back a chair for her. "Here you go" he smiled looking down at her with a warm tone hidden beneath every feature on his face before turning his look back onto the pair again when Lu addressed them once more. Missing both her innuendos completely. Curious as to how he'd answer.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:48 pm
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