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Attempt 600
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Brann Skygge
Brann Skygge
Attempt 600 Image
Attempt 600 33635ec2216881af5901268cb9d90605770ec4d8

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Druid
Occupation: Rán's right hand man, handhaver
I've walked the earth and there are so few here that know.
How dark the night, and just how cold the wind can blow.

It was fair to say he approached his brother with mixed feelings on his thoughts. They had agreed to help each other out today now arkyn had taken an afternoon off and he had been dismissed by Ran- and though he loved helping his brother with his shapeshifting ( which wasn't even bad to begin with), he hated receiving help with his swordsmanship since everyone and their mother knew he was like a child playing with a wooden stick with them. Smashing and hoping a strike land- if he didn't cut himself in the process that was. The type of combat just went way to quickly for him, he had to rely on his size and strength rather than skill when it cane to combat. He was only good at hiding behind the form his body could take on.  And thus with already a bit of embarrassment prepared in his body he approached to older man. His lips pressed together as he failed to hide the grudge he felt towards the swords from his eyes. He understood it had been his idea- even though really it had been his father that really wanted him to at least know the basics- but still.

He nodded once when close enough to the pride and joy of the family, "Aye, " he greeted him as he couldn't suppress a smile at least when seeing the guy. Brann had always felt close to all of his siblings, his hardy nature always tended to mellow out around them. Because around him he was the Brann they had always known, quiet and calm Brann. "So whose first to be the expert huh" he said as he looked around the training yard- blessing the fact it was just the two of them.

I've no more kept my warmth.
Than blood upon the snow.

Much thank Nien x
Fri Mar 31, 2023 8:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Attempt 600 DUrBZsK
Attempt 600 PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can’t survive,

While he hadn’t expected the question to be asked, he was glad the other had done so. Helping each other out. Or well, in the eye of their father it would mainly be Arkyn helping Brann out with his fighting. But he didn’t necessarily see it that way. By all means, he was just happy that he could spend some time with his brother. They were both busy man. More than busy even and they didn’t see enough of each other. Something that would hopefully change in the future. As he was busy with setting out what they would be doing he couldn’t help but also lay out an axe next to the swords. He had always believed that that kind of weaponry would fit the other a bit more. Yet in the end it was for the other to decide what he wanted to do.

Soon as he heard him he looked up, grin on his lips as his amber eyes moved over the other. ’Brother.’ Arkyn spoke with a smirk on his lips. Grabbing the other by his lower arm as a sign of greeting him. ’Depends, how excited are you to begin fighting?’ Though if they would decide on shifting first then it would be better for them to get out of the training yard. After all, nobody needed to see their naked asses around here right? ’How has life been hm?’ Genuinely interested in what the other was up to. After all, why not make the time they were spending now one to enjoy as well? Chatting up on whatever the other wanted to share.

On arrogance alone.

Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:48 pm
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