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Edelynne Vylasar
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Lemuria Citizen
Edelynne Vylasar
Edelynne Vylasar
Edelynne Vylasar Bauw10
Edelynne Vylasar C68652c15d83625179e041086a88cc264c87ec86

Character sheet
Age: 24 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: citizen

Edelynne Vylasar
let us live, since we must die
Gender female
Age 24 years old
Species mage
Magic dark magic
Religion the odirian deities
Occupation lemurian citizen
P.O.B lyranthia
Residence moonbright
Height 161cm
Build femine
Hair color dark brown, almost black
Hair texture slightly wavy
Eye Color brown
Skin Tone lightly tanned

appearance & clothing

The first thing one notices about Edelynne is the way she carries herself. It is a mixture of pride, cockiness and arrogance. She has a look in her eyes that makes you want to spill your secrets and hold them as close to yourself as possible at the same time. When she smiles though, it's like it all disappears as snow when the sun is shining. She has a barely noticable crooked smile and her big, brown eyes turn puppy/doe like, giving her a faux innocent look. It's this, together with a corset that might be a bit tighter than usual and a low cut dress that pull you in and engage a conversation with her, already forgotten the first impression that you had.

Edelynne is a small, petite woman. Her dark hair is usually lightly braided in a half up-half down kind of way and combined with a thin, silver headband that she bought a few years ago. This, together with her matching silver jewlery and nice clothes make her look and feel expensive.

Constellation the black widow
Alignment chaotic neutral

short-tempered - sarcastic - loud - flirt - bold - witty - good natured - friendly - cocky - tease - restless - caring - moody - proud - arrogant

Edelynne is loud, she's bold and most of all flirtatious. Being a flirt means, for Edelynne, that she uses this to get to know people. This, together with the quill of truth, leads to her learning about people rather quick. She knows how to read them. Another way for her to learn things is through the extra jobs she has. She works at the pubs at night when people spill their drunken thoughts and secrets, listens when they're in the chair at the hairdresser because everyone tells their hairdresser everything and even spends the rest of her days working at the brothel. People tell you anything for pleasure.

She loves to read, but can't sit down for it for more than ten minutes. Edelynne is restless and always feels like she's not doing enough, like she's not enough. This is mainly because she wants to make her family proud. With them being sorcerers that can summon celestial beings and her being a simple human in their eyes left a weight on her shoulders that she didn't know was there until she joined the council.

Fears: failure, deep and dark water
Likes: friends, the stars, secrets, reading, adrenaline, pretty stones, jewlery
Dislikes: disappointing others, failing, not being taken seriously
Turn ons: feeling safe, cuddling, feeling powerful, having fun, independence
Turn offs: doing things she doesn’t want to do, feeling powerless

Family Tree


fatherAeron Vylasar †
mother Morana Solandis


Brother x
Sister x


Aunts & Uncles FIRST LAST
Magic type dark magic
Expertise dark alchemy

Edelynne is specialised in the alchemy part of dark magic. She uses the eyes of birds and sheep to see through and the ears of dogs, moths (oops, only if they’re dead though), and birds of prey to listen. This, together with her ability to create potions and poisons makes her quite the skilled mage, if she says so herself.


Edelynne is the only child of Morana Solandis and Aeron Vylasar. With her father being a powerful sorcerer and her mother and her being humans it always felt like he pressured her way too much to be someone she was not. To be a sorcerer. Unfortunately Edelynne never inherited those genes which made her father angry. He never talked a lot, but when he did all there was were angry words that didn't understand. Together with her fathers misunderstanding and her own thoughts that pulled her in a downwards spiral she spend her nights learning magic. Dark magic. It started simple, with flowers and invasive fish species that didn't belong in the ocean to begin with, but slowly, as she gained more and more control over her magic she tried to do more. Her own doubts got in the way of her progress most of the time and left her with an angry feeling inside. The same anger that she inherited from her father. It took years for the anger to finally be too much and, even though the days leading towards her fathers death were a blur, she knew she was the reason. She and her uncontrollable, illegal magic.

The practice of dark magic left her wanting more and more. More power, more control, but the more she practiced this magic, the stronger the drawbacks were. Headaches, sore muscles, sometimes even bloody noses and broken fingers or losing her voice for days. Something she always blamed on her party lifestyle. Anything to be away from home and her overprotective mother.

The Solandis family had always been close to the Elaéydar family and thus when they showed with the idea of the lemurian council Edelynne offered to fill a spot. Her mother was sick at the time and they agreed. She had lived her entire life in Lyranthia, safely unther the surface of the water, hidden away under both the water and her mother her wings. Edelynne welcomed the change happily and had quickly gotten used to the life in the capital city. As she slowly got to know the city and it's people more and more she learned a lot about them. Their families, friends, everything.


- it is not yet very known that Edelynne is in the lemurian council
-  wears tons of rings, earrings and necklaces
- she works together with hairdressers, pubs and brothels to learn the secrets about people. She works here and pays the people that work there extra when they tell her what they learned
- her magic is not known, not even by her family

Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:00 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Edelynne Vylasar XuTWurPc_o
Edelynne Vylasar MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Sep 13, 2022 9:06 pm
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