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Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred
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Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred Nick_b12
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
With well-earned money he stepped out of one of the many fencer's shops in the lower ring. Though he preferred to call them collectors or tradesmen instead. Just people like him trying to make a living down here after all. People who happily took his stolen goods without too many questions, the valuable garbage men of the underground. How couldn't he respect his good friends?

With a satisfied smile on his face and a whistle in his steps he made his way down the streets he knew all too well, he never worried too much around these parts. People knew him on this block, and he knew them- for despite the many cautions people heard about this place.. for those who lived there and knew their way around, it was home. However, whenever someone strange entered their home- Nick tilted his head as he took in the sight of her, young, high standing...a smile crept onto his face as he raised his brows. There was always something interesting in the unusual,  possible opportunities to take on.  With a quick gesture of his hand, scout sprinted forward to jump up onto the woman, as any excited puppy did. And with a chuckle he set his plan in motion- "Oh- I' am truly sorry about that m'am " the man smiled "He loves greeting strangers, don't you buddy" 

+Vivienne Howard
The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Sun Mar 12, 2023 12:22 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Vivienne Howard
Vivienne Howard
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred E8q58DG
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred 5UqxtUN

Character sheet
Age: 20 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Scholar
What if i told you
I'm a mastermind? And now you're mine. It was all by design.
Every now and then, Vivienne made her way to the undermost of regions: the Lower Ring of Alderrath. She made sure to do so in a way that no one from the Upper- or Middle Ring saw her leaving. Yet once she was amongst the lowlife, there was no one that could rat her out. For they weren't allowed to go to a higher ring without someone from there to accompany them. It was a system that worked highly in her favour, one that allowed her to get what she wanted without too much trouble.

The goods she had gotten her hands on today, a few vials of 'sleeping' potion, were hidden safely away in her pouch. She was on her way back to the gates of the Middle Ring, behind which her carriage would be waiting. She had learned that it was best to move around on foot when in the Lower Ring, as not to draw more attention to herself than she already did. Thankfully, she knew where to tread. That, and mmost people were wise enough to leave her alone. Most people, not all. All of a sudden, an all too enthusiastic looking puppy jumped up onto her. Vivienne was clearly surprised by it, and not necessarily in a good way. A man, one who was seemingly the dog's owner, came up to her with an apology in hand. "It's fine," she replied with a frown  on her face as she tried stepping away from the dog. "He was just being friendly, I suppose." She said. She didn't want to spend any more time on the man and the dog, so she simply nodded before she started to leave once more.

Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:55 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Nicholas Gallagher
Nicholas Gallagher
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred Nick_b12
Wouldn't you like your outcome preferred A5fed112b1214edc4ee40aeed7e8c229

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Personal guard, Criminal
Bricks or stones may break my bones.
But words ain't worth a quarrel
He and Scout had both come from the gutter. The dog was but a puppy when Nicholas found him in the corner of an alleyway. Frozen to the bone, and extremely malnourished. The charlatan had guessed it had come from a nearby breeder, one quite famous within the dog fighting industries scattered all around the lower ring.  It was entertainment- for even sicker people, low lives that were too afraid to get their own knuckle bruised. So they had to watch others suffer for their own 10-minute entertainment. Starve them, beat them until they were forced to fight one and other. And if they weren't dead, they'd be dumped on the streets for they were too injured to move along. And if a mother gave birth to defects or runts- they were thrown out as well. Thinking about it alone made Nick's skin crawl and his jaws tighten.  And thus, he had taken the pup in, keeping it warm in one of his blankets. Feeding it with the little food he had. Winter meant scarcity in the lower ring- but the two made it work. And together they got through many more winters after that. They made a good team, one that listened to each other every day of the week. And thus, when he signalled the dog back, Scout reacted as quickly as he had done before. Shooting to the mans side as it kept his puppy eyes on the well-dressed woman.

Now they were in closer proximity to her, Nick took the chance to quickly analyse her demeanour, her worth. The stitching on her dress wasn't like anything you'd find here,  even if she tried to make it blend in with the dull colours on it. Her jewellery see muted as well, telling him she was either not into the bling- or she was a smart one. Experienced with the world down here. But either way- he was sure she was not actually from the world around here. Too little dirt between her fingernails, too much elegance in her pose. The man smiled as she pressed forward, another smart move on her part. "Oh yeh for sure" he smiled as his eyes sparked a little talking about his friend "I hope he didn't ruin your badass dress though" he continued, following after her but keeping his distance. He was not interested in invading her space after all"It's quite muddy around these parts unfortunately"
The place you fight cruelty is where you find it.
And the place you give help is where you see it needed .

Much thank Nien x
Sun Mar 26, 2023 5:15 pm
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