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Sip the gossip (afterparty)
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Penelope Villiers
Penelope Villiers
Niet Ro
Sip the gossip (afterparty) Yk5wvaD
Sip the gossip (afterparty) Tfm2dtA

Character sheet
Age: 23 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Socialite (gossip columnist)
Reputation precedes me, in rumors I'm knee deep
I swear I don't love the drama, it loves me
The wedding had been absolutely splendid to attend. Of course Poppy Villiers would think so. As a true darling of society, she could never get enough of them. Just like people never seemed to get enough of her. She was always in the midst of the crowd, one-upping even the bride herself —though not intentionally, perfect Poppy would never do something like that intentionally. Adoration and awe were something that just came naturally to her, the way good things just happened to her.

After the feast had come to its natural end, the girl had invited over a new 'friend' for a nightcap. Cleo —as she liked to be called— Grimaldi. As they sat in one of the grander living rooms, a servant had just brought a tray of tea and biscuits to the ladies. It made Poppy smile in pure glee. She adored tea. However, her joy seemed short-lived as she heard a sudden oproar in the hallway. Who could that be? And at this hour? Were her brothers already home from whatever party they had found themselves at? She excused herself quickly to Cleo as she stood up and straightened the stunning gown she was still wearing. Even her hair still looked impeccable, crown in place. One might wonder how she remained this put-together. But that wasn't what was on Poppy's mind.

As soon as she arrived in the grand hallway of Davenrow Manor, she looked utterly confused. "Theo, what is this?" She asked as she looked at her brother and his band of merry men. It seemed as if her brother hadn't found a party, instead he had brought a party with him.

Outfit (zeer mooi)
Tue Mar 07, 2023 12:26 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Theobald Villiers
Theobald Villiers
Cat de fruitboer
Sip the gossip (afterparty) Flushing-dogs-grouse-woodcock840
Sip the gossip (afterparty) N9rq5Z5D_o

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Human
Occupation: Bailiff, landowner, (wo)manizer

all the gunfights and the limelights
and the holy sick divine nights
Theo loved weddings. Absolutely adored them. Wouldn't dream of ever having one himself, but there was something about celebrating love that made people just that little bit more abundant in their festivities than usual. As if rules could be bend just a little bit further.

That idea might very well just be in his head, but the fact remained that he wasn't the only one who wasn't quite finished partying when the festivities came to an end, which was why his home was now filled with a small group of people having a grant time. How this specific group of people had come together he couldn't quite remember, nor did he much care. He wasn't one to exclude anyone, being such a good guy and all.

The top few buttons of his shirt were undone as he leaned against a particularly ornate cupboard, cigar smoke billowing from his mouth. His loud laugh thundering through the hallway. It wasn't usually that loud, only if he was in one of his boyish [strike]silly goofy[/i] moods. He hadn't heard Penelope come home and only turned around as she spoke to him. "Sister! he answered, the word lolling from his tongue. "This," he put his arm around her shoulders, "is nothing for you to worry about. Go to bed." He didn't even notice that she had also brought a guest home.
Sat Mar 18, 2023 9:26 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
William Villiers
William Villiers
Sip the gossip (afterparty) NDBjvaS
Sip the gossip (afterparty) 3039c096f232ad264a19d6faf1160da7f85dbbf3

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Banker / Investor
What thing is more fragile,

Had he been absolutely thrilled about the idea of having so many people in their house? No. Has his brother talked him into it anyway? Yes. Was him accepting this due to alcohol? For sure. So they had gone on their way to Davenrow. William had been home a few moments earlier, which gave him enough time to ditch his waistcoat, arriving back in the hall when his brother walked in being welcomed by their sister. Which made him laugh ever so softly.

’Ah, I’ve seen you two met already.’ He chuckled, briefly pulling a hand through his hair. Looking at the people who had poured in with Theo. This was going to be quite the night, that was the least he could say. ’Let’s take this to the salon hm? Drinks are being prepped as we speak.’ The man simply announced and he turned around. Walking into the room he had in mind. Already pouring him and his brother a glass. Wondering how the night would unfold.


Than the human heart?
Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:27 pm
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