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Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god
Time will tell
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Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god 9s9opHd
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
After the events of the trial, Ravaryn had been plunged into a period of mourning for their fallen prince. Many had already assumed Regulus Ylindar was no longer amongst the living, and yet the whole ordeal had still brought out pure raw sentiment. After all, the former crown prince was a beloved figure amongst family and citizens alike. The official mourning period had lasted an entire moon. Even though it was now over, Arianna still found it hard to part with the loss. But perhaps that was also because of the events of the festival. Sometimes she wondered which had scarred her more. It didn't really matter she supposed, she had survived.  

Everyone had moved on and so should she. The Kingdom didn't wait for her, neither would life. Even though her father had been particularly kind to her with regard to her own responsibilities, she herself had been adamant on fulfilling them the way she always did. If anything it would pose as a good distraction. Today she'd oversee an architects plans for a new orphanage, one of her many patronages as princess. She couldn't deny it felt better to actually do some good, instead of listening to any more of her father's ministers and their endless tales of warfare. She was brought to one of the drawing rooms in the castle, where she'd have the honour of meeting the architect. A person she'd be spending a lot of time with starting from now. She could only hope it was someone agreeable.

& Lloyd d'Vrys

Thu Mar 02, 2023 10:43 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Wp10309412
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
The last month had been a whirlwind. He should have known that magic always had a price. One moment he had been the luckiest man alive, and the next it had been downhill. And he had never spoken to the princess since, only watched her from a distance as the ground was kicked beneath her feet. It was never meant for them to last. Just one night where he had let himself go to far. And the month after that had been clouded by black clothing and a gruesome trial. He had done his civil duty. And then, life just moved on. He had work to do and no parties left to attend. Just elbow grease and honest work.

Until he had gotten a letter with the royal sigil. He was asked to design an orphanage, all paid for by the Royal family and in the name of the crown princess. He had been a bit flabbergasted by the offer - which of course he had taken. But he could not decide if this was mere coincidence, or it was the princess' doing. He had worked for the king before and his brother had maybe a tiny bit of influence. However, it was a great opportunity and he had gone to work immediately.

With the first sketches of his plans after visiting the lot a few times, he had returned to the castle. He had been assigned to a room and he had rolled out the pieces of thin parchment on the drawing table. And while he was waiting, he was already adding and editing certain parts of his plans. He was in silent focus as he heard footsteps approaching, and while he ended the final streak of his line, he looked up from his plans and saw nobody else than the princess herself.

Lloyd was stunned for words. He had not thought he would work with the princess directly. So he narrowed his eyes for a mere second, and then stood up straight. ‘‘Princess, what an honor,’’ he spoke respectfully, but plainly. Somebody he felt caught, if he was not supposed to be here. What had happened between them, it should not have. And now, it was just unprofessional. But whenever he looked at her, how could he not remember that night.

Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:19 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god 9s9opHd
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Everyone dealt with grief in their own way, Arianna had always been taught. Focusing on her duties as a princess had been a rather easy distraction. She'd be doing good while distracting herself from her own bright mind. Because she didn't want to be alone with her endless thoughts anymore. Not when every thought eventually led back to her vivid memories. Nowadays, it was easy to consider her mind —which never forgot anything— more of a curse than a blessing. But today she'd be preoccupied, today she'd have someone else to focus her attention on.

As a guard opened the door to the drawing room, however, she couldn't have possibly imagined the one standing behind it. She should have thought about the possiblity, she realised. He was the best architect in town, how could the ministers not have selected him? Too stunned to speak, her hazel eyes were just focused on his bright ones. "Lloyd," she whispered softly. His name had fallen off her lips as a prayer once before, today she couldn't allow herself that courtesy. Still, it was much more informal than she would have liked to greet him. Finally, she managed to regain her formal composure and send him a nod. "Lord d'Vrys," she corrected herself, even if it was just for the guard to hear. She motioned for the armoured man to close the door, leaving her alone with him.

Carefully she had taken a step closer, as if she didn't dare near him because of what happened last time. "I wasn't expecting you," she confessed with a soft sigh. "But when I asked for the 'best architect' I suppose I should have known it'd be you." She went on. She forced her feet into motion, until she stood beside him at the table at a safe distance. The princess might be able to keep herself away from him physically, but her mind was racing back to the night they had last talked, ran away.. and more she shouldn't even think about.  

Thu Mar 02, 2023 11:56 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Wp10309412
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd may have been too optimistic to think that he would just meet some boring minister. It was a sound prediction: it may be the king - or princess, in this matter - spending money, it was always someone beneath him to see over the matters. But at soon as he saw the beautiful portrayal of the princess entering the room, he knew this meeting would take a whole other turn. It was almost cruel to let them meet in this way again. This was no party. This was business. He could never look at her the same way like he did before. He could never touch her like the way he did that night.

Lloyd nodded politely as the princess uttered his name. He glanced over to the guard, being very aware if the man was being suspicious or not. But he seemed fine, as he left the two of them alone in the same room. By Ranaan, it would have been so much easier if they would have been accompanied with somebody else. But he knew the guard would be waiting on the opposite side of the door. Lloyd just kept his gaze fixed on her. And it was impossible to not remember the way her hands felt on his body.

Lloyd wished she just stared on the other side of the drawing table. But the princess walked over to him as she started to speak. He kept his blue eyes fixed on her as she moved closer. Lloyd rolled the pencil in his hands nervously between his thumb and index-finger. The architect raised his eyebrows slightly, and then made a small bow as the princess complimented him. ‘‘You flatter me, princess,’’ he uttered softly. His eyes fluttered from between her eyes, and the plans he had drawn out on the table. He cleared his throat as he stood up a bit taller. The tension was very tangible. but he remained professional, for the time being. ‘‘I have drawn out your ideas,’’ he started with a sot voice. ‘‘I prioritized function over beauty, if you don't mind.’’ He looked back up at the princess as he had to focus on the soft curve of her face. He quickly glances at her lips, before he looked back at the blueprint at flattened the papers with his hands.
Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:26 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god 9s9opHd
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
Today had been meant as a distraction. But as Arianna walked through the door and her eyes fell on Lloyd, she realised this would never be the distraction in the way she had meant it to. There was little she could do but think back to their first encounter as she looked at him. She remembered it so vividly, and it would do her no good now.

Letting the guard leave had been her first salvation, yet also her first mistake. The armoured man would have undoubtedly noticed the tension . But not having anyone else in the room gave her freedoms she shouldn't currently possess. The princess tried her best to stay calm as she walked over to him. She could only remember the way they had once stood next to one another like this. Before she had given into the pull she felt toward him. She still felt it.

Complementing him might have been her second fault. He told her that she flattered him, which made her eyes flutter upward to look in his. "My words are truthful Lloyd, and deserved." She spoke as she tried her very best to remain professional. But each time she looked into his eyes she was lost. As fate would have it, he was now the one to remain sharp. She followed his explanation carefully as her gaze darted briefly to the papers. "Is there any way to implement beauty later on?" She asked him. "I don't want the children to be left-" She spoke as her voice slowly died down once she looked him in the eye again. He was looking at her the same way he had on the night of the ball. That particular look in his eye brought her right back to that night, which made her breath hitch. "Displeased, with their new surroundings." She finally finished her sentence. She leaned over the table, pointing to one of the particular drawings that showed the grand hallway. "What materials would you use for this?" She asked him. Another mistake, as she looked to the side and noticed just how close she now was to him.

Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:07 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Wp10309412
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
if i get too close and i'm not how you hopedForgive my northern attitude, i was raised on little light
Only silly things went through his mind at this point. If he knew he would be meeting the princess, would he have prepared better? Would he had not grown annoyed when he had to travel to the castle, even if it was an absolute honour to be invited here. Would he have known what to say or do when she entered the room, instead of just stop and stare. Lloyd's blue eyes were glued to the woman, before he forced himself to look at his drawings.

His hands remained on the table as he now stood leaning forward. The drawings were still quite rough, mostly focused on how the walls would be placed and where he planned windows, doors and stairs to be. It maybe didn't make sense for somebody who was unfamiliar with this craft. But he had also drawn a quick sketch of how he pictured the building from the outside, but it laid on the bottom of the pile.

Lloyd glanced over at the princess, who so casually called him by his first name. A fleeting smile adorned his lips. Would she be thinking about that night at the ball as well? No, probably not. He should not be so selfish. That ball had turned out to be a disaster for her. He had seen what had happened, but he had no chance to talk with the princess after, as he was herded out of the ballroom with the rest of the guests. And why would a princess want to talk with a man she had only met that night. So, for the time being, this was all he got. Talking about orphanages. Goodwill and charity. ‘‘Of course, princess,’’ he replied to her question. Even though he thought it might be a bit overkill to make an orphanage like a cathedral. ‘‘Everything is possible from a good foundation. I know the best stone masons and carpenters in the city. It's easy to make something special out of rough material, it would only take more time,’’ he started to speak a bit rambling as his knowledge of his trade took over. ‘‘But if you want for example, stained glass, I would recommend to place it immediately.’’

As he was talking, the princess leaned over the table and he slightly moved an arm as she came closer. His eyes fluttered to the closed door, where he expected a guard might walk in every second, back to the princess, who's raven black hair was dangerously close. ‘‘The usual,’’ he continued with a slightly hoarse voice. ‘‘Dark oak and Sleetspire stone.’’ He looked over to the side to give her a small smile. ‘‘It's not like we can afford marble,’’ he softly joked. Although, he didn't even think it was funny. He just.. didn't know what else clever he could say.
Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:19 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god 9s9opHd
Religion's in your lips even if it's a false god Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
I've lived my life
both good and bad. Definitely not light as a feather
There had been one good thing about that night. Arianna dared not remember the ball, for it would cause her more wicked nightmares than the ones she already had. But as soon as her eyes crossed with his, she was taken back to a vision that was rose-coloured rather than blood-stained. She still vividly remebered and his ways. But she shouldn't. She was here in a professional manner, which was all she could be around him, nothing more.

It was particularly hard to focus on the drawings that were displayed on the table in front of them. Each time she tried to, she felt her mind wander to the man leaning on that very table. She kept her eyes glued to his drawings for as long as she could. She cursed herself for looking at him as soon as he started to speak again. One would call it polite to look at their conversational partner, yet in this case, it was foolish.

Her gaze was stuck on him as he spoke. She ought to focus on what he said but instead she thought back to words he had spoken to her back then. Because of this it took her an extra second or so to answer him, something he would undoubtedly notice. "That won't be necessary," was all she managed to say. She took in a deep and hastened breath as she realised this wasn't what was expected of her. "I trust your expertise to make it as pleasant and functional as possible." She uttered. Empty words that showed just how far-off her mind truly was. Would his be too? Or was she the only one that was out of bounds here?

Another attempt at focussing on the task ahead occurred. As she leaned over the table, however, she quickly realised her mistake. She noticed just how close she stood to him and her breath hitched as he offered her small smile. She managed to let out a faint chuckle at his rather ill-attempt at a joke. "We can't," she confirmed. She quickly averted her gaze back to the drawings as she reached for one. In doing so she accidentally placed her hand too close to his. Their fingers touched and she instantly looked back to him. But her eyes darted away from his, down to his lips. "I'm sorry about that." She mumbled, but she made no effort in moving her hand away from his. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, but she couldn't help it.

Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:01 pm
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