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False blessing
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
False blessing 3UOvOIY
False blessing 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
His mother had left him a note, urging him to go meet up with his aunts. He hadn't seen them in forever, for good reasons... Of course. It had taken him years to even start going back outside and only as of recent had he been going out without someone he knew. It was still very horrifying to cross the busy streets of Al-Qahil. The constant feeling of fear of just.. Running into someone was always looming over him. On days like these he wished he lived closer to family, perhaps was even born to richer parents so he could at least have a maid that could help him get around. But he couldn't complain as both his mother and father had always treated him so kindly and with so much love. They were always so soft with him, even leaving him instructions and writing everything down for him. Yea, they were good parents. He wouldn't want it any other way, not for any money in the world.

He got dressed for going outside. As usually wrapping up most of his skin and covering himself up pretty well. He had always been so very pale because he inherited that from his father, who originated from the far north. He sometimes wondered if all his relatives up there had the same fair complexion as he did or that he and his dad were also outcasts. It had been a long time since he met a Rizal. Last time he's seen them was back when he was 13, living up in Ishgard. And those memories were rather faded thanks to the corruption of the overuse of his magic back then. Maybe, if he did get better, he could go back there and visit them. But that... Seemed like a far off tale. Something that was far out of reach for now. He was content staying where he was, living in the comfort of his own bubble. One step at a time was enough. He first had to learn how to walk before he started to run, after all.

The first few streets were calm, but as soon as he turned a corner, more people appeared. He froze for a moment as his gaze went over the many people in front of him. The piece of paper his mother had prepared for him, instructing him where to find the Zinyra estate clamped in his hand. All he had to do was take a left here, then go down and take the second turn right. One more turn left after that and he would be there. But... At the sight of the crowd he felt his throat tighten. He shook his head a bit as he took a deep breath. No, he could do this. It wasn't that hard. He just had to pay close attention to the people around him. Move quickly, swiftly, between them and weave. One step at a time. Yea, he could do this.

He stepped forward, his hand shaking almost unnoticeably as he did. Almost seamlessly he blended into the crowd as he started to walk faster to avoid some people in the corner of his eyes. He could feel his heartbeat hasten a bit as he looked over at his first turn. He stopped, jumped a bit forward as someone almost hit him and ran towards the edge of the road, feeling his breating heighten even more as he placed his hands on the wall. He gasped for air for a moment as he felt how more nervous feeling welled up inside of him. His dark eyes shifted up to the street he had to take and with a fast pace he took the turn.

He was now in more of a hurry, an almost panicked expression on his face. The small chain that covered his visage felt uncomfortable and he wanted to take it off, but at the same time he didn't want to stop moving. If he did, something might get to him without him knowing. He turned his head, looking behind him as he set a few steps back. Turning back around as quickly as he did before and making his pace even faster. His eyes shot from one side of the road to the other. Was his turn here? No, the next one... Perhaps? He didn't dare to slow down as he quickly shot in the next street, hoping it was the right turn.

As if he was prey being stalked by predators he didn't stop moving. Feeling watched with every new step he took he felt as if their gazes burned on his skin, even more painful then the Xeions almighty sun that was up there. He averted his gaze to the ground, pulling his clothes a bit more as he shot a quick prayer up to his god to come safe him. He could have sent his aunt a letter and ask her to come. This was too hard, this was-

In only a fraction of a second it took for two people to bump into eachother, it was enough to see the brutal scene of a darkened chamber. A scent filled his nose, making him nauseous right away as he could tell that it was poison. He had smelled it so many times before. He didn't know what kind it was, as he never delved deeper into the what and hows of his predictions, but it truly was a horrid smell. His stomach turned as the images quickly shifted from the dark chamber to a shadowy figure, a deep green color overshadowing the vision he had gotten in the blink of an eye. He could feel his stomach turn as the smell of the poison lingered in his nose. He knew it wasn't real, it was only a mere prediction of what was to come for the stranger that bumped into him. "So sorry," Zuhayr could feel his stomach turn once more, he didn't dare to look up. He opened his mouth for a moment, trying to find words to warn the man about his death, but all he could do... Was let out a soft whimper, before he turned around and just ran for it.

The nauseating sensation of the smell lingered on. Even though he was aware that it wasn't real, it was all his brain could focus on for now. He let out another whimper as his gaze shot from the ground towards the houses. He had lost track of where he was, but that was the last of his concern. But... It seemed as if lady luck was on his side. His eyes widened as he recognized the building. He shot forward, almost running towards the front door. His breathing hastened and panicked he lifted his hand and knocked, hoping someone would just open up and let him in. He didn't want to be out here. He felt sick just being out here. The vision of the stranger he had gotten already started to tear at him. Why couldn't he simply warn him? Why couldn't he say anything? He shivered for a moment, his eyes shot wide open. No, but he couldn't go back. Not now, not after this. What if he saw more. He didn't want to see more, he really didn't.
Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:23 pm
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