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Lloyd d'Vrys
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Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys Wp10309412
Lloyd d'Vrys Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect

Lloyd Fabien d'Vrys
And here you come, with a shield for a heart, sword for a tongue
Gender Male
Age 27
Species Human
Magic None
Religion The Odirian Deities
Occupation Architect
P.O.B Ishgard
Residence Ishgard
Height 1,79m
Build Stocky
Hair color Dark brown
Hair texture Curly
Eye Color Deep blue
Skin Tone Fair


Lloyd is at first glance a very conventional, handsome man. With his dark, curly hair which he usually keeps short. What is remarkable is the white mallen streak. But what you are also drawn to are his eyes: He has striking, deep blue eyes, which are deep-set and have a round shape and are slightly down-turned. He has a strong nose and dimples when he laughs. Lloyd has a neatly kept beard, just as dark as his hair accentuating a strong jawline. He has an average build, as he is not the tallest man around. He also does not have the build of a fighter or a knight, but he is quite stocky and build for strength rather than speed. Which usually means he is better in carrying a heavy log than throwing a punch.


Lloyd carries himself as a nobleman. He tries to be approachable, but he usually has this serious, solemn look on his face that can be a bit intimidating. Lloyd also rarely smiles, but when he does, it creates small dimples in his cheeks and wrinkles around his eyes. Lloyd stands proudly, usually hands on his back and an calculating look on his face.


Lloyd is used to dress modestly. He is not someone who will flaunt with his riches. He prefers simple clothing: fur lines coats, decent shirts and pants, clean shoes. He does make sure that what he wears, is in impeccable state. He prefers darker tones; blue, brown with the occasional red or purple details.
Constellation The Vulture
Alignment True Neutral
Lloyd is a very diffucult man to read. But what is certain, that this man is very intelligent. He is organized, perceptive and a perfectionist. He is calculating and patient, ready to strike at the opportune moment. And when that moment arrives, he is bold and brave. Lloyd does not speak much, but when he does, his words are picked carefully. Lloyd does not take risks, because he will think he had deduced the best possible solution. He will act very humble, but in his mind he is always thinking three steps ahead.

Lloyd in much more ambitious than at first glance. He is always busy to see a way up in the world. It's never enough: he can always and will always achieve more. Some people will find it admirable, some people will find it arrogant. Lloyd will see it as it is: hard work paying off. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty, pick opportunities up from the mud. He is proud, but not so proud to make him or family look bad, to reap what he had sown later. Lloyd will leach on other people's success. Lloyd will betray others for his own good. Everything has a price for the greater good.

Lloyd had this very idealistic view of the world: in his world he imagines every man can make a living for himself, if he is willing to scrape for scraps for it. He dislikes the current hierarchy of the world and would much rather see it lead by people who deserved it, worked for it, rather than just being born lucky.

Lloyd is a difficult man to love, because he will rarely truly express his feelings. He is very closed and prone to lie - or rather, keep secrets. He is not very charismatic, but he can be a bit of an actor if he has to. He is well mannered and courteous, but it will usually stay at the surface. He is a logical thinker rather than a feeler.
Family Tree


grand-father Lloyd d'Vrys
mother Megyn Donniger


father Owen d'Vrys
mother Elyn Tyndall


Brothers tba
Sisters tba


Aunts & Uncles FIRST LAST

The d'Vrys Family

wanneer memes realiteit worden The d'Vrys family is a family that has been settled in Ishgard for generation, serving a many of kings. But the family are no nobles in name. They started as just humble workers: usually builders, carpenters and stone masons. The tales goes that their earliest ancestors had helped build the royal castle who now stands proud in Ishgard.

But after a while the first d'Vrys man started to rebel against the way of the world. He was not content where he was. Sandor d'Vrys was a proud man who wanted more than just himself to the grave, He noticed that it was not the common folk doing the work making the big money, but the rich nobles who commissioned the buildings. He started to rival with them. First he started to build things like farms and windmills for farmers for cheap. He noticed that the most skilled men, were just men like him, doing this kind of work every day. And so he collected all the smart minds in Ishgard and promised them fair wages. Soon they were building more complex buildings: water wheels, monasteries, manors.

Fabien passed on that ambition for generations to come. And before they knew, the d'Vrys family were well known architects, always testing the limits of what was possible. The towers started to grow taller, the windows grander, the gargoyles ever more detailed. They had not only become builders: they had become artists. And they had become the distributors of building work, making money creating grand projects.

But there still does not flow a noble drop of blood through their veins. That is why the family is still looked down do. They are called wannabe's, intruders in society. No matter the size of their purses, they are still common folk in the eyes of many conservatives.

Before birth

The goal of d'Vrys men was always to marry well. They were more like noblewoman, try to marry as well and rich as possible. They have a history of marrying some less wealthy noblewomen, in exchange for the promise of wealth for the future in-laws. The marriage of Owen and Elyn was no different. The Tyndall family was a small noble family, who owned a small patch of land North of Ishgard. But Elyn, youngest daughter of her family, moved in with the Owen at their family estate, build by his ancestors from the ground up with their own hands, which they called Candor Estate.


Lloyd was the firstborn son of the newlywed couple. He was named after his grandfather, but also after his mother's favourite uncle: Fabien. As soon as he could walk and talk, Lloyd had to learn how to draw and sketch buildings. It was no doubt that he had to be the heir of the family business one day. He was soon enlisted in classed, learning to draw and write, but also when he was old enough logistics, mathematica and physics. And when he was twelve years old, he also had to work on site with the common men. He had to build the roofs under which the people slept. If he ever wanted to be a proper architect, he had to live and breath his trade. Lloyd never had choice to pick a passion of his own, this what he was meant to do and meant to be.


Wow! Puberty hit. Lloyd grew taller and stronger with the day, and of course started to rebel against his strict upbringing. He wanted to know what the other boys were up to. Of course they were up to no good. But up to no good sounded like a lot of fun. In this time Lloyd started to become a lot more handsome, so he started to catch the eyes of some girls. These girls were of course not the noble woman his father desired him to marry some day. So, he endured the punishment and focused himself on his job again.

He did have an unreachable crush on this very pretty noble girl. He believed he could make him fall for him, and he desperately tried for years and years. But she never had any interest in him, keeping him on her leash for a very long time. She was way out of his reach, and she knew it and she played him for it. Inexperienced in love, Lloyd would do everything for this girl, but eventually had gotten his heart broken. Sad


As his father is still alive to this day, Lloyd started to spend his days supporting the family business. He was craving for a project of his own. He wanted to build not only pretty manors and estates for nobles, he wanted to something that mattered. His father then got the chance of a lifetime: The king himself hired him to renovate a wing of his castle. It was like going back to their roots again, polishing up the same stones that their ancestors had lain. The king was impressed with the impeccable job they had performed and started to hire the d'Vrys family more and more.

Lloyd still craved for his own project, his own big break-through. And he got the idea when he spoke to Lemurian merchants. They traded star charts and he was impressed at their fast knowledge of the stars and how to navigate the seas. And so the idea of an observatory started to grow. A grand round building, the likes which had never been seen before. It has become Lloyd's life's work to figure out how to make such a grand dome possible.

  • Lloyd is very skilled with a pencil, but he can only draw buildings, things that make sense. He can't draw art or people to save his life. His circles will become squares.  
  • Is an skilled horseman. Owns a red dun stallion called Eddie.  
  • Lloyd never learned how to handle a weapon. But he can hold his ground in a fist-fight.
  • Was forced to learn etiquette and ballroom dancing, because "just in case". He hated it.
  • He still has a bit of a country accent which he does not seem to be able to loose
  • Collects small pieces of stained glass from every build he ever worked on


Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:00 pm
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Deities of Odiria
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Game Master
Lloyd d'Vrys XuTWurPc_o
Lloyd d'Vrys MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:47 pm
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