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Fool's overture
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Fool's overture Image
Fool's overture Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
After what happened this morning, Ezekiel had went through the five stages of grieve. But not in the right order, and all at once. When he had been taken away by the guards, they had put him in his room to cool down. He was like a toddler being put in his place. But one with destructive magic on his fingertips and who had nearly killed a man. If Myr was still alive. He had paced through his room for a while, his hands stil trembling and muttering in himself. Until he had snapped and threw a punch at the wall. And another. And another. Just long enough to hear a small snap coming from his hand and the blood of Myr on his fist mixed with his own. He had clutched his wrist and slid down the wall as he set back against his, tilting his head backward and cursing loudly.

And then he started torturing himself by playing it over in his head. Over, and over, and over again. He should have never lost his temper. He should have never wanted to prove a point. He had let Myr gotten on his nerves and he should have never allowed it to happen. This was all his fault. He should have walked away, like he had told Myr he would, like he knew he just should have. He tried. He had tried. But Myr would did not let him. But still, he should have been the bigger man, because only he could have predicted this. He should not have been so damn proud.

And then the idea came in his head that this was all Myr's own doing. He should have known better not to push him. He knew he was dangerous. Ezekiel had warned him. He had pleaded him, only for a second, only a broken moment in a glance. But he had done it, and still, still he had provoked him with that stupid bird of his. Ezekiel slammed the back of his head against the wall one more time. He flexed his injured fist and grunted softly in pain as he bit down his teeth. He was done for. He had really done it now. Nothing he could do. He could not go back in time. Ezekiel winced softly as he put his hand down.

He should run. But, then again, that was what Myrddin would do. And even in this moment, he was too stubborn to not be like his cousin. It was that pettiness that kept him adrift. And when he slowly dragged himself to his feet again, he decided that he had to make it right, somehow. And in a fit of bewilderment, he just went to his door and argued with the guards for as long as he could to make him pass, to visit his cousin. Luckily, when he wanted to, Ezekiel had quite the natural charm. And after a while, of talking back and front, discussing with the healers, they allowed it. Because when they told him that Myr was stable, it was the genuine relief that probably pushed them over the edge.

Ezekiel had cleaned his hands as best as he could, but he still wore the same clothes as this morning, which were stained as well. But somehow in his mind, he could not wait any longer. But once he reached the infirmary, he hesitated by the door. His hand hovered above the door handle. Maybe this was a horrible idea after all. The flashbacks from almost a decade ago played in front of his eyes. When Myr had been gravely injured before. Like then, they had been on bad terms. They had growing estrange, even back then. However, Ezekiel had kept watch beside his cousin's bed. Because... well, he would never forgive himself if... Well, it didn't matter anymore. But here he was again, and the last straw of loyalty to his cousin, to the friendship they once had, still festered. So he pushed the handle down and opened the door.
Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:49 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Fool's overture RbKYMU2
Fool's overture 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
After everything that had happened between Shyam and him, he had closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep. The pain medication really did its job well, as he was able to get some proper sleep. His dream was pretty light, however, which perhaps was a good thing. He didn't want to see that nightmare again. That suffocating feeling as he was unable to move. Not even being able to move a finger. All he could do was look and experience that hellish pain. Feeling powerless and small in the moment. Being weak and meaningless... It were some of his greatest fears that ate away at him constantly. But after what had happened, they had found a foundation in the traumatic event. Taking root in his brain and poisoning his mind slowly.  But for now it seemed like he got some rest from it all.

His sleep was very light and when he woke back up he was able to move himself without flinching in pain. He let out a sigh as he turned his head a bit. On one side of his bed he could see the dark hairs of the other. Ah... He was sleeping. Carefully he lifted his hand, placing it against the others head as he let his fingers run between the strands. His movement was so slow, so very... Careful... As not to wake the other. He must have been exhausted. And he didn't blame him. He had been so worried about him. If he had been in his place he would have been worried sick as well. It was endearing that the man hadn't left his side and it was one of the things that made his heart flutter once more. He really appreciated small gestures like this. Because to him it showed he truly cared. Myrddin couldn't help but smile as he pushed himself a bit closer to him, gently pressing a kiss on his head, before letting his hand gently brush against him. Remaining close to the other man. He really had chosen to sleep in a chair next to the bed... His smile widened. Damn idiot would have some serious backpain once he woke up.... Well, that would be something they could talk about then. Myrddin wouldn't mind sharing the bed with him, after all. Right now... He didn't care that anyone could join them at any point in time. If they were to see such thing while he was in this state, then so be it. If it made him feel better, then nobody had the right to judge them. His own prescribed medicine.

His fingers carefully went over the other hair in gentle, slow movements. Barely touching the other as he looked at him. He stared at the others sleeping face, just looking at every little detail and imperfection and making a silent note on them. His smile widened subconsciously as he laid there. The entire room being a place of pure bliss and peace. If he just could, he would remain in this moment for eternity. It was so nice... And just perfect. Just the two of them as the rest of the world got blurred out. There were so many things he could worry about right now, but all he did was look at him. He didn't want to think about anything else right now. It was too tiring anyway. His body still felt so weak. It wouldn't surprise him if he passed out again. Let it be due to genuine tiredness, the fact he had endured quite the injury... or the medication. Or perhaps it was a combination of it all weighing him down. The blissful experience surrounding it all really underlined it all beautifully. Just five more minutes like this, then he would lay back in his proper position and take another nap... Really...

He blinked in surprise when he heard the sudden sound. He had been dozing off already, still looking at Shyam. His hand resting atop of his. He frowned slowly, turning his head as to see what had caused him to wake up. As soon as he saw who it was, he felt a mixture of nausea and relief overwhelm him. He blinked slowly as he looked over his brother. He was covered in what looked like blood and so he frowned at him, not realizing that it was his own blood that covered the other. He just had a moment as he stared at him. From his face to the others clothing... To his hands. He looked him over very carefully, before finally trying to make eye contact. He wanted to say something, sign something at him, but when he tried to think of something... His mind just completely went blank. He averted his eyes to the ground, the expression on his face shifting to a sad one. Perhaps it was for the better he never said anything anymore. It only caused problems, after all. Him being mute was perhaps not a curse from the gods, but a warning. He really had nothing good to share with the world... He had tried... And look where it had brought him...
Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:36 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
Fool's overture 9RE29ly
Fool's overture Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

He was exhausted, completely drained emotionally from the events that had happened. So from the moment that Myrddin had drifted to sleep and he was certain that the other wouldn’t wake up as well, he had granted himself some rest as well. Placing his head on the edge of the bed, it was only a matter of seconds before he fell asleep. Though it was a pretty light slumber. He needed to wake up in case something happened to Myrddin. Shyam would never forgive himself for not being around when he had been attacked. Never. It had been his sole task, keeping the other safe. And he ad gravely failed that. Who knew, maybe the Governess would decide that he wasn’t fit for the job? Then what would he do? Then he wouldn’t be better than his own stinky cousin.

Shyam registered the movement through his hair, no matter how light it was. But his body decided not to wake up entirely. Which was a weird state of mind to say the least. These light strokes in his hair, the slight dip the matrass made when the other planted a kiss on his head. By the heavens it made him feel all kind of things. Yet it was with the soft creaking of the door that he did open his eyes, shooting up instantly. Ignoring the massive pain in his back. Eyes shooting to Myrddin for a second, a soft smile lingering on his lips.

Until he turned around..

His smile instantly faded, making room for anger dare he even say hatred? He kept himself from lunging at the other immediately. ’You dare to show your face?’ He narrowed his eyes, cheek tensing up instantly.

within you.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:33 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Fool's overture Image
Fool's overture Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Ezekiel did not know what he could expect as soon as he opened the door. Something scary, probably. But he had been there before, and he had been a child back then. He was a big boy now so, nothing to worry about. But the big difference that it had been him this time. He had been the cause of whatever he would find in this room. And that was the most terrifying part of it. He had to face his fears. Because if he would not do it now, it would only become more and more hard. How could he ever face his cousin again after this? Because after all they had been through, Ezekiel still felt- well. That was perhaps the best way to summerize it: they had been through a lot together.

By Lythrania, why was he here? He saw the body of Shyam hunched over the bed, sitting up immediately as he opened the door. But Ezekiels eyes were on Myrddin, as his cousin noticed him. It was silent for a while as they both just looked at each other. He looked over his face, which seemed quite peaceful. Perhaps a bit shocked and nervous because he was here, probably. But he did seem quite alright and the relief flooded over him as a tsunami. But Myrddin avoided looking at him for longer than a second and to be honest, Ezekiel could not blame him. He would almost expect him to be angry beyond belief. Ezekiel deserved it. He had put him in that bed. But Myrddin just looked miserable.

It was Shyam that spoke first. And he did look angry. Ezekiel's eyes shot at the man sitting by the side of the bed. Well, a bit late to protect him, was it not? And by the tone of his question, Ezekiel balled his hands in fists again, winching slightly as he put pressure on his injured hand. ‘‘Yes,’’ he replied unbothered to the guard. It was not his problem, and the sorcerer stepped forward, hesitantly at first, but then started to move towards the bed.  He looked at Myr. "Can we talk?" he signed quickly, before looking back at Shyam. ‘‘I think you should leave,’’ he told him. What was about to happen here, had nothing to do with him.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:30 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
Fool's overture 9RE29ly
Fool's overture Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

If his eyes could kill, then Ezekiel would now be lying on the ground as dead as he could be. The anger, the hatred, it was all written on his face. He didn’t care for this man. Where he had cared before, all of that was gone. Nothing remained. Not when blood turned on blood like this. Not when he could’ve killed his best friend. His piercing gaze didn’t move away from the other, not even the slightest movement went passed him. No, this man wouldn’t harm Myrddin ever again. Not while he was standing there.

He came closer and while every part of him wanted to shove him back, preferably out of a window so he would fall to his own demise, he stayed put. Standing right next to Myr, back straight, not moving a muscle. When he signed he glanced at Myr, but the moment he addressed him. The corner of his mouth briefly pulled up. Not a chance. ’Funny, you should be the one going tho. Since you put him here.’ He narrowed his eyes for a second. Before he sat back down on his chair, raising a brow at Ezekiel. After that turning his head back to Myr, acting like there wasn’t another person in the room. Since honestly, whatever piece of trash that was standing there, could not be called human anymore.

(Click here for an actual representation of Shyam)

within you.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:59 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Fool's overture RbKYMU2
Fool's overture 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
When Shyam jumped to his feet he blinked in surprise, looking at the man that had responded to the sound of the door in an instant. And even though he smiled at him, Myr couldn't really force it on himself to smile back. He could just sense the tension in the air already, and it made him uncomfortable. And it wasn't even that weird why he felt like that, because the person that had entered the room was somewhat of a difficult subject right now. Myr could only look at him, before averting his gaze. A wave of guilt rolled over him as his blurry mind tried to puzzle all those broken pieces back together. It wasn't clear yet what exactly had unfolded, but he knew what had caused it. And he had been the cause of it. Or that damn voice of his had. Silently the man started to fiddle with the blanket that was neatly laid over him. He still hadn't seen his lower body, the part that caused him such immense pain. He was too scared to see what kind of mess could cause such things...

Shyam spoke, clearly sounding pissed off by the fact that the other was here. He glanced over at the other, seeing how tensed up he was. He didn't realize that the real reason why he was in this bed was his own doing. Ezekiel might have caused the wounds, but he had lit the fuse. It was his burden to carry the consequences of such actions.... Or perhaps it wasn't. Perhaps his blurred memories and his hazy thoughts caused him to be like this. He couldn't think straight, couldn't even properly recall how it had all played out. The only think that he was certain of, was how scared he had been. When he heard how Ezekiel replied to Shyam, he looked over to the other. He saw him sign at him. Can we talk. He blinked in disbelief, clear shock washing over his face. Why..? WHy did he want to talk with him? He couldn't... He wouldn't... That's not- But before he knew it, he nodded slightly. It was more hesitant then how he normally was and he didn't even look the other in the eyes as he did. Perhaps the pain was to blame, or maybe it was something that was now rooted way deeper.

And then his brother told Shy to leave. The blonde man blinked slowly, a bit dazed by it all as he looked at his own hands for just a moment. Fiddling with his own fingers as he tried to remain calm. Shyam replied rather quickly to those words and Myrddin could just feel the tension once again. He frowned in concern as he sunk deeper in his pillow, averting his gaze to the window next to him. He was honestly terrified, but he didn't know what he could do to even relief this kind of emotion. So he just tried to avoid them. When he saw some movement next to him, he looked back over to the other. But Myrddin couldn't even look him in the eye. He avoided it, clearly, and looked back to his hands as he started to fiddle again. He was already shaking again, ever so slightly. The tension in him rising once more. And he couldn't tell if he was going to simply cry again, or have a full blown panic attack. Conflict was the last thing he wanted. Because if things did unfold into such things, he knew he would have been the cause of it once again...
Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:11 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Fool's overture Image
Fool's overture Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Wow, Shyam really seemed to hate him that much. Or did the little shit just take of his anger on him, because he was not there this morning? Because if he wanted to play hard, Ezekiel could play dirty. He had to try his best to ignore him and just try to make sure to get the shit done why he was here, with ever passing second he was less sure why. Because when he looked back at Myrddin and when he started to come closer, he could just see what a shell of a man he was. He had been all talk when he had challenged him, just not leaving him be. And now, he just looked scared. And that was the future of Lythrania. This was their great heir? Shivering in his bed as soon as someone lashed back at him. Ezekiel breathed slowly as he tried to calm himself. He really should not be here.

A tiny nod was the only reaction he got on his question. Ezekiel returned the gesture. The only thing was to remove the elephant in the room, who started to toot loudly. It annoyed him gravely. This man, had no idea what he was talking about. So Ezekiel turned himself slowly at the guard and tensed his fingers of his good hand. ‘‘It wasn't a question,’’ he replied as calm as he could, but irritation and dislike radiated from him. And when the dude just casually dropped back in the chair. Ezekiel was still a Vylasar, and as he did not like to play that card, maybe this man needed to be reminded of his place. And Myrddin was family, after all. And he knew how Shyam tried to get on his nerves, blaming him directly. And yes, it had been his fault. But also, shut the fuck up.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:36 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
Fool's overture 9RE29ly
Fool's overture Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

Shyam just stared out in front of him. Keeping an eye on Myrddin from the corner of his eye. He knew that the other hated this. This was the last thing he needed right now. But apparently Ezekiel was too much of a fool to actually see that. He heard the other speak once more and simply took a breath. Leaning back just a little more. Not having a are in the world about what he had to say. If anything he had no right to be here, to be in the vicinity of Myr. He had been the one that had almost caused his death. So sorry, no trust was there. He wouldn’t leave the room, not now. Not ever. And Ezekiel could raise hell if he wanted. He simply wasn’t going to budge.

’The answer still remains the same.’ He simply stated. Not even granting him a look. Keeping his emotions at bay. Though the tension was rising that much could be said. Even a blind person could see it. It was that clear and he didn’t like it for a bit. But he hadn’t been the one to come in here had he? He hadn’t been the one that had almost caused the death of the person next to him. So no, there truly was no reason for him to leave this place. Vylasar or not. Ezekiel could go screw himself for all he cared.

within you.
Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:45 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Fool's overture Image
Fool's overture Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
Just stay calm, that was all he had to do. He could figure this out, he just had to keep his head. But that was hard, very hard, because Ezekiel was not exactly the balances pool of chemicals after what had happened this morning. He just felt his temper rise, he could just sense the familiar already readying himself for round two. Because that was what he had also fight against at the same time. He had woken the thing up from it's hibernation, and it was far from tired. No, he feasted on these feelings.

Ezekiel would get the man fired. In a way he understood why he was not leaving. No, he had made quite a scene, didn't he? Damn right be was scared of him. But that high and mighty additive of him, got on Ezekiel's nerves. He rolled his bottom lip under his teeth and stepped forward again, placing his hand on the back of his chair. “Look, buddy,” he started to the guard. “If I truly wanted him dead, he would be.” He patted the guard on his upper arm and shared a quick glance with Myrddin. He did not want make light of the situation, but sometimes people gave him no choice. A reoccurring theme in his life, so did it seem. “So get your ass out of here as I speak with my cousin.”
Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:34 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Fool's overture RbKYMU2
Fool's overture 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
This was the worst. This feeling over powerlessness. He couldn't do anything, couldn't even say anything. His body was broken, so he couldn't walk away like he normally would. His only plan of escape... His mind was bound by fear, stripping away his abilities to even sign something. There was no rational thought going through his head right now. It was just a blank space, wide and open. Everything too far out of reach to pull closer. That was if he even tried to reach out. But he didn't... Myrddin had ran up against a wall. A huge, terrifying wall. And he didn't have the tools at hand to break it down, not this time. He didn't have the mental strength to do so. Where as in any other situation, he would be able to diffuse this, he just simply couldn't anymore. All he did was stare up that wall with big fearful eyes, a reflection of how he sat there; slightly shaking as he looked at his hands. It didn't even cross his mind how weak he looked right now, something he would have hated only a couple of hours ago. Funny how things could change so quickly under the right circumstances.

Ezekiel was persistent, but so was Shyam. Yet, he was almost certain that Ezekiel would give in eventually. And that wasn't even a negative remark on his part, it was just how the silver haired man was. He had already given up on so many things in his life, showed so little interest in things... Could anyone really blame him for thinking that his brother would turn away as soon as things got too difficult? It was simply his nature. The blond man blinked slowly as he heard the word exchange. Back and forth... And back again. They were running in circles, but the man next to his bed didn't budge. He honestly didn't know if he would ever leave him alone again after what had happened this morning. They hadn't seen his mother yet, but he could only imagine her judgement about the guard by its results alone. And they couldn't be positive. Of course he wouldn't leave the room. That was certain from a duty standpoint, as well as a moral one. And to be fair, Myrddin wasn't certain what would happen if he did. He needed him. Now more then ever. As a friend, or maybe even more. No... Definitely more than that.

He slowly glanced over to Shy as he kept his head bowed down. His entire posture just radiated that fragility he had in him. And was it weird, really? He had lost so much blood, had been in so much pain already. His body was tired and his mind was drained. Was he even the same man as these people knew him as? He had put up so many different masks just to suit the roll he was meant to play. The perfect heir, an amazing captain, a good friend, a caring brother... He was none of them and he knew that all too well. He could play pretend and act the roll out, but then again, he was an awful actor. And they all knew it. But even bad acting could cover up for what he really was. Oh... if he only had a sliver of that at his disposal right now. It would make a world of difference for him. If only for a second. If only for just a mere second. But that would be too kind for him. He didn't deserve such strength. Not after everything he had done.

He didn't even realize that he had been staring at Ezekiel at this point. His eyes big and round as those words reached his ears. Disbelief, pain, sadness... They all collided in his gaze. Yet, his expression remained unchanged. Almost looking at the other as to ask why..... Why did that even cross your mind...? Because if it had, then he knew where he was at. The way he spoke of it, the way he brought it forth. Myrddin couldn't believe what he was hearing. And perhaps any other person would get angry, disappointed or even disgusted, he didn't. He just simply couldn't. Because, you see, that was his problem. He was the type of person to just feel those emotions so very deeply. And every time when they hit him again, over and over and over again... He just couldn't push them away. It was his curse; to feel everything so very deeply and yet still care for the people he loved. And that's where duality finally broke him. How could you hate someone you loved so deeply that it was all you cared for when you were at death's doorstep? And yet... How could you love someone that hated every fibber of your being to the point where they would rip away everything you had and were? That was the whole reason why he always rather avoided the other instead of confronting him. Because despite it all, there had been balance. But he had been a fool, trying to tip the scales in a more positive light. But for every action, there had to be a counterweight. Ezekiel had made sure of that. Again... And again... And again.

Cousin. Out of all the possible words, it was that one that broke him the most. And for just a second it remained peaceful. As he felt his stomach turn uncomfortably he could feel tears well up. They rapidly found a way to the corners of his eyes as he started to cry. A very silent cry, however, as he couldn't even get himself to sob or... Do anything. He just stared at him as his expression slowly shifted to one of genuine sadness. It hurt so damn much. And in a way it was his own stupid fault. But he couldn't help it. Right now he was just a stupid boy. Broken and lost and so very confused. He knew they weren't really... Brothers. But they once were. And for him that once could still be a now. It was why he referred to him as such every time he could. It was why he gave him so many damn chances. It was why he cared so... So much about him. Because for him, he wasn't just his cousin. He was his brother. He had held onto that, desperately so. Because he had seen how messed up his mother had been for not treating Ezekiel as her son. He had deserved so much better. And Myrddin had tried his best. By Lythrania he had tried so god damn hard to make him feel like he had been deserving of it all.

Funny... Who was he even fooling anymore at this point... He had been at his limit for such a long time, his patience had run out a long time ago. The evidence...? The reason why he was in this bed now. And that realization finally made him sob. He started to breath heavily as he shook his head. Tears coming in faster then they had before. He couldn't help himself anymore as he just started to weep. Those words should have never reached his ears. Ezekiel didn't deserve that. He had been wrong. He was sorry. He was so so sorry. He wanted to get on his knees, beg for the other to forgive him, but he couldn't; because he was shaking heavily and his crying had been worse then ever before. His hands found a way to his face as he shook his head again, trying to cover himself up, desperately so. But he couldn't get himself together anymore. Everything was a mess. Everything was such a mess. And all he did was make it worse. All he did was hurt the people he loved. Why was he like this?
Sun Mar 05, 2023 1:06 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
Fool's overture 9RE29ly
Fool's overture Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The audacity of this fool. Shyam didn’t glance up when the other placed his hand on the back of his chair. Frankly, it only enraged him more. Why did this twat think he was? If anything, the only thing he could count on was his name. But even that remained to be seen. What would the Governess think of this man attacking her son? For all they knew, she could simply strip Ezekiel of it all. See, now that would be something he would actually pay some decent money for. It was the pat on his shoulder that made it complete. ’Not with this attitude.’ The man calmly stated.

But then Myr drew his attention. Making him shortly bite his lip. This had to stop, and it had to stop now. While he might not show it right away, the words that had been spoken would have his effect and it would cause even more hurt. But in the end it broke through and it made Shyam sigh ever so softly. Goddammit. Enough. If Ezekiel wasn’t getting the hint now, then he was simply going to toss him out and be done with him for the evening.

’I think you should go now. Before he panics even more. Myrddin needs to calm down, before he’s in even more pain.’ Shy stated, standing up. He had his height over Ezekiel’s and honestly in this state. A fight would easily be won, simply because the other was already hurt. But he wouldn’t let it come that far. It was the simplicity of it all. Ezekiel was the problem right now, problems needed to be removed.

within you.
Mon Mar 06, 2023 10:15 am
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Ezekiel Vylasar
Ezekiel Vylasar
Fool's overture Image
Fool's overture Headerabatar1

Character sheet
Age: 22 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: City guard
some children are simplyborn with tragedy in their blood
This man really thought he was a big guy. He looked at the guard with a condescending glare in his eyes. Who did he think who he was, his dad? He should know his place. Ezekiel flexed his fingers in his fists, flinching slightly because of his right hand. This man was standing in his way to- whatever he was trying to achieve here. Save his own skin? Because would he really speak the truth of it all to his cousin? Probably not.

And then both the men broke their staring contest as the attention was shifted to Myrddin. Ezekiel stared at him, his fuming expression shifting. It wasn't like he softened up, no he just looked.. confused. He could not muster to feel pity for his cousin. Because the silver haired sorcerer still felt like this was what he brought up on himself. He challenged him beyond believe, and he now knew what the consequences of that were. Ezekiel harbored a monster in himself, and that was the only desperate line of defense he had. Well, you know what they said, the best kind of defense was a strong offense. Myrddin had really shown his true colors. He probably hadn't told his loyal dog that. So yes, it pissed Ezekiel of even more. Because Myr just loved playing the victim role. And yes, he was in a hospital bed and Ezekiel wasn't, so he would probably get his way. So Ezekiel reinstated the resentful glare in his eyes.

The guard started talking once again and Ezekiel scoffed at his words. Panic, pain. Was Ezekiel really the bogeyman here? The heir needed to be babied. A humorless smile shortly lived on the sorcerer's face. And when the man stood up, Ezekiel only saw it as a challenge. And without thinking it through, he was already swinging his injured fist towards the other's face. When it made contact, he hissed from the pain shooting up his arm, realizing his mistake too late.
Mon Mar 20, 2023 1:07 pm
IC Posts
Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
Fool's overture RbKYMU2
Fool's overture 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ But despite it all, I was powerless ❞
It had always been an issue for him, for as long as he could remember. When something like this happened, he truly became a stranger to the world. No way to communicate what he was thinking or wanted to share with others as his entire body was just taken over by emotions. It was where he was at his weakest, becoming a stranger to the world, the people around him and himself in an instant. Why was he the way he was? Why did Lythrana have such cruel view on life. He had never asked for this. To be like this, to be thrown in this position. He wasn't fit to live this life and he had always known it. He was born broken, never to be good enough for anyone. Never to perfectly fulfil the things he was supposed to do. All he did was break things even more. Let it be himself or others. He was no good and he knew it. He hated it. He hated himself.

And when he finally broke, all eyes were on him. Of course they were. Such a cry-baby,  why couldn't he just keep his emotions in check for once in his pathetic life. This wasn't about him, he had to stop. Stop crying, stop panicking, stop being such a fucking coward. But he couldn't. His body shivered more and more as he had a harder time controlling his breathing. Because it came in waves, one after another. It was too much. When would he ever get a break from all of this? It had only been a handful of days since he had come back home and now all of this had happened. Every time. Every goddamn time. Something had to go wrong. Because in would be too easy if things went the way they were supposed to go. He didn't look up as he shoved his hands in his face, desperately trying to push back all those emotions where they came from. But he couldn't get it back in check, not right now. Today had already been too eventful, even if he didn't want to admit it. Only an hour ago had he hyperventilated and now he was doing it again. He was such a weak, stupid idiot. He couldn't do anything right. He couldn't even say sorry to the one person who deserved it. He couldn't even tell him that he was okay, just not really okay. But he would be okay, after everything had already crashed down. Because when it was all down there was nothing more to destroy and he would be fine. He had to. There had to be an end to this pain and sadness, there had to be.

And then the entire situation escalated. As he saw a rapid movement in the corner of his eyes, he turned his head. Seeing how a fist hit Shy straight in the face he froze. His eyes widened as he blinked in confusion, his vision still blurry from the tears that were pouring down. As if the world was moving in slow motion he held his breath, his heart racing in the back of his throat. A tightening feeling rose in his chest as he looked from Ezekiel to the other and back. His eyes rapidly switching between them. No. His breath shivered. Please stop. They shouldn't hurt eachother. They had to stop. This was all his fault. They didn't need to fight. They weren't allowed to- This couldn't happen. They had to stop. They had to refrain from doing this. This was enough. This had to stop. He couldn't bear seeing how the both of them would tear themselves apart. And it drove him insane to know he couldn't do anything. He couldn't move, he couldn't stand in between them, he couldn't break this up. Hell, he couldn't even speak up. He was utterly useless here, as he had always been. And it was absolutely infuriating and terrifying at the same time.

And that was where he perhaps did the stupidest thing he did all day. He pushed himself upwards, which caused him to shiver heavily as he bit his tongue as to hold back whimpers of pain. The hellish feeling rushed through his body as it demanded him to stop. It tried to force him back, push him back on that bed. He clenched his jaw down, tasting blood as soon as he had done damage to his tongue to get some sort of distraction. And yet he continued. Moving himself more and more as he leaned to one side. His broken legs screaming it out as he put pressure on his hips and shifted them in a way he wasn't supposed to. He collapsed at the edge of his bed, where he had been able to move to. Grasping the sheet below him as he caught his breath. His heart was pounding heavily, he could feel it in his head. If it hadn't been for this nauseating pain, this sensation sure as hell would have done it. Coward. He couldn't stop now. What was he? Weak or something? He was. But this was enough. This was his mistake to fix. He had to push through.

He reached out, pushing himself more to the edge as his entire body screamed it out in agony. If it wasn't for the burning sensation rushing over his skin, he surely would feel the warmth of his blood once more. But he didn't care. He tried to push through. His arm reaching out as he opened his mouth. Shouting out something that didn't make any sense or was a word to begin with. Stop it. He tried to get it over his lips. Please just stop it. But all he could make were loud noises, perhaps even something akin to yelling. No-one could understand him, because he couldn't speak. It didn't matter how hard he tried. How loud he was going. Or what he was doing. Stop fighting. His eyes shifted to Ezekiel as he tried to catch his gaze, trying to say something. He was getting desperate. He truly was. Yet, his hand reached for him to try and catch a piece of him. To protect him from himself and Shyam from him. But it was all too far out of reach. Everything was just all too far. He was losing it. It hurt so damn much. Please. And yet he couldn't stop trying to get something meaningful over his lips.
Mon Mar 20, 2023 8:41 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Shyam Efrain
Shyam Efrain
Fool's overture 9RE29ly
Fool's overture Ui1xwGUr_o

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: helemaal niets
There is greatness,

The condescending glare thrown in his direction didn’t do much to him. If Ezekiel thought that had any effect on him than he’d be surprised. He didn’t care for the shitstain Ezekiel was, he never would and he would make that clear if the man didn’t back the fuck off. Eyes briefly moving to the other his hand, raising his brow once more. Really, again with the resorting to violence? And then he was supposed to be the better person? The supreme being if you’d compare them to each other. The idea alone made him scoff. He was just a little toddler, throwing temper tantrums all over. With almost lethal consequences. Really, a danger for society if you asked him.

But then things shifted back to Myr and concern appeared in his eyes. This wasn’t good for the other. No, Ezekiel needed to go. Now. The panic was clear on the other his face and it fueled his anger more. Which was the sole reason to why he got up. To ask the other to leave the room nicely. Yet nicely was turned into something other the moment he felt a sharp pain shooting through his eye socket. That little cunt. A response instantly followed. An uppercut straight to his face, anger fueling through his veins. If the other wanted to fight than he’d happily bring it and finish it off. As he lunged a second time, his attention was drawn by something else entirely. Which made him stop the attack, seconds from impact. Shoving the other instead. Glancing over his shoulder. Myrddin had moved. The idiot.

Yet, he didn’t stop. Stepping forward and grabbing the other violently by his shoulder. A struggle followed, causing harm to both of them. But in the end the thrash was taken out. He closed the door once more, locking it from the inside out. Head briefly resting against the wooden door, a throbbing pain on the right side of his eye. Hand briefly shooting up, touching it softly. A thin line of blood was rolling from the small gash. Fucking twat. But first things first, he turned back to Myrddin. Walking up to him, yet not meeting his eye. Filling up a glass with the pain medication, swallowing. Wanting to help the other back into his previous position, but he was afraid of hurting him even more. Or well, worse maybe. That the other would turn his anger on him. ’Sorry.’ He whispered ever so softly.

within you.
Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:20 am
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