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love you like oxygen
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Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
love you like oxygen KrjnXT9
love you like oxygen Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag: Trystan D'vrys
Antonia once again went over the little message she had written on the card, that came attached with the bouquet of flowers she had purchased from a vendor just that morning. Her prissy and prim handwriting almost seemed to dance on the little card. She hoped that it would negate the rather generic words. The woman looked up then, her gaze naturally sliding towards a large building that was situated just across the street. Her final destination for today; the very reason she came out here. The brunette tightened her grip on the strap of her bag, that was hung across her shoulder. As she made her way towards the establishment.

When she entered the rather grand building. She was almost immediately met by a kind looking woman sitting across a desk. She was very clearly the receptionist of this place. Antonia offered the woman a small smile, as she stated her business. By telling her, that she had an appointment with one of their top lawyers. Lord D'vrys. At three o'clock. The woman checked the given information in a little notebook she had on her. Before, she nodded and gestured to a seemingly endless staircase. "Certainly, master Trystan will see you now, miss." It was a little strange, for her. To meet with her good friend in such a formal way. Making an appointment and all. But then again, she didn't exactly come here just to see him again. The woman did have some actual, important things to discuss with him. Antonia thanked the woman as she made her way up the steps. She knew where Trystan's office was. But even if she didn't; there were plenty of signs that would've told her. Eventually, she stood before the right door. The young woman couldn't help but feel a little nervous. They hadn't seen each other in quite a while, and in that time a lot had changed for the both of them. Antonia moved her hand over the leather bag, feeling if the documents she had brought with her. Were still there. A little unnecessary since she knew for a fact that they were. She was just wasting time. The brunette then transferred the bundle of flowers to her other hand. While she knocked on the door. "Trystan?" Her voice sounded soft, yet gentle. "It's me, can I come in?" Perhaps she didn't need to ask that-he had agreed to see her at this specific time, and yet; the woman couldn't help but ask if she could indeed enter first. It just seemed like the polite thing to do.

Outfit I Hair
I love you
Mon Feb 27, 2023 10:25 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Trystan d'Vrys
Trystan d'Vrys
love you like oxygen 9cfjxKR
love you like oxygen 06f2d34eebbb271d3ccc6341a244d826

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Lawyer
All ambitions are lawful except those which

His day had been quite filled with all kinds of meetings. With all kinds of different people and all different cases. At times his head would start hurting, though within each meeting he took a break and emptied out his mind. Putting everything into the right binders and be done with it. Mainly so he could keep looking at every other case with an open mindset. It had been his way of doing things for years now. One meeting to go. But he wasn’t quite sure what it was about. It was with Antonia. Oh sweet Antonia. It had been ages he had seen her, but each time he did he was reminded by how he felt. So it had surprised him to see her name among the clients he was supposed to see. They were friends after all.. What was on her mind that she needed his professional advice? Or was this just a friendly visit after all?

A knock sounded on his door and he smiled softly. Getting out of the leather chair, straightening the dark colored vest he was wearing while he walked over to the door. Waiting a few more seconds before he actually opened it. Being greeted by a friendly face. Which made something flutter in the depths of his being. The corners of his mouth curled up, his eyes for a moment locking with hers as he nodded with his head. A small courtesy. ’Antonia, please come in. Should I take something from you?’ Noting at the flowers she was carrying. Kind of hoping that they were for someone else, but well. If they were for him they’d get a nice place in his office for sure. Stepping to the side so she could enter his office.

climb upward on the miseries or credulities of mankind.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:25 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
love you like oxygen KrjnXT9
love you like oxygen Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag: Trystan D'vrys
Shortly after she had announced her presence, she could hear some rumbling coming from within the room. Antonia, took a small step backwards. As she expectantly waited for the door to be opened - which took a little longer than she had anticipated. Or perhaps she was just imagining it. Because when the door did open. She was met with Trystan's smiling face. Their eyes met and when they did, he bowed his head towards her. Antonia couldn't help but mimic the polite gesture. And so she nodded her head in return. Right before he spoke to her.  ’Antonia, please come in. Should I take something from you?’ The man then stepped aside so she could pass. And so she did. Antonia slowly moved forward, stepping into the room. Her eyes wandered around a bit. It was exactly how she pictured an office where Trystan worked to look like. The place was very professionally? Decorated. There was probably a better word for it- traditional, perhaps? Either way, she did think it was pretty. The brunette then turned around to face him again. "Yes, actually," she began as her gaze moved to the flowers she was still holding onto. "I heard you got appointed as master of law by the king, and well- I got you these to celebrate that." She explained with a gentle smile as she held the bouquet out to him. Perhaps her gift was a little bit late - he had been advisor to the king for some time. But Antonia hadn't yet the chance to commend him for it. So she simply had to get him something now. "I hope you like them." 

Outfit I Hair
I love you
Thu Apr 20, 2023 9:44 pm
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