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[FOF] You are what you love
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] You are what you love 9s9opHd
[FOF] You are what you love Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The days leading up to the festival had been so utterly busy with planning and general excitement that they had passed by rather swiftly. The hastened last minute arrangement and the stress had all been worth it though, because the festival was upon them today.

Last year, Arianna had made plans with her little brother to go to the markets together. And she hadn't forgotten. Of course, she never forgot anything. Early in the day she was already dressed in a well-made cloak that was hiding a burgundy and gold-patterned dress. She looked like a princess, even when she would just be visiting the markets, but that was what was expected of her. Even at those markets, many eyes would still be upon her brother and her. Thankfully, it didn't mean they couldn't have fun. With an eager smile on her face she waited by the palace doors for her brother. She certainly hoped he'd remember their promise to one another.

Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:22 am
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FOF] You are what you love I4JNuiG
[FOF] You are what you love 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

The festival was one of the things young Scorpius loved most of all. He enjoyed everything about it. What did he like doing the most? Looking for little gifts for his relatives on the market that he’d give them the day after the Ball. It was his own little tradition that he liked to keep up. Each year was the same. Which did make the young man believe that he was an extremely good gift-giver. None of his siblings had ever complained about their small gifts. Which said enough.

Scorpius had decided on quite a sober attire. Just dark colors, with a dark brown fur coat over his button-up. If anything, people would notice them. Not because of how they were dressed but simply because of who they were. He was happily walking through the corridor of the palace and soon enough spotted her. A wide smile appeared on his lips. His sister was dressed very well, but she always was. Really, she truly had an eye for it. ’Ah, you look marvelous sister! Really, you need to teach me how to put on such attires.’ The youngster chuckled softly. Offering his arm to her. ’You ready?’

the astrologer, of our futures.
Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:52 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FOF] You are what you love 9s9opHd
[FOF] You are what you love Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
While the Twilight Ball had been something the princess had grown to love, the markets that occurred in the days leading up to it were something she had always enjoyed. She liked browsing all the stands, if not to see the craftsman display their work then to find something unique to gift her family. She could do with the crowds when there was such a heartfelt kindness present.

Thankfully, she wouldn't have to go alone. While both her sisters were undoubtedly still fast asleep, there were two of the Ylindar children already awake. A wide smile appeared on Arianna's face when she spotted her little brother coming her way. "Oh stop it, you know I'm not the fashionista of our family," she spoke with a chuckle. That would be Adaliah. "But thank you though." She continued as a sincere look could be spotted in her eyes. "Perfectly so," she said happily as she hooked her arm in his. "What are you most excited to see? I do hope the pastries are ad divine as they were last year." She went on as they headed toward the exit of the grand castle.

Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:25 pm
IC Posts
Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
[FOF] You are what you love I4JNuiG
[FOF] You are what you love 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince
The astronomer has a starry map of the past,

The days leading up to the ball were the ones he cherished most of all. He enjoyed it. As if he was back to being a little kid. The whole season was something he overly enjoyed, the snow most of all. Call it childlike wonder, but he happily took long walks through the gardens or the forest when it was covered with snow. It had something fairytale like. Made the world a little less dull. The seasons that came after were once he loved as well, when the color slowly started to return to the landscape. Ah yes, just perfect.

’Aren’t you? Cause you’re looking like one now.’ The youngster grinned playfully. The two of them started walking, Scorpius had placed his hand over her hand and smiled softly. He had missed this. Just doing things together with her. He knew how busy she was at times. But the young man valued the time he spent with his family most of all. ’All the different kinds of crafts on display. I still need to pick out some gifts.’ He grinned playfully. ’Undoubtedly, the pastries will be sublime. I’m also weirdly looking forward to soup?’ he laughed ever so softly. Shooting her a wink. ’And you? Apart from the pastries that is.’

the astrologer, of our futures.

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:23 pm
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