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The lion's den
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
The lion's den Untitled
The lion's den Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ Guide me through the storm ❞
This was awful. But he had to do this. He couldn't leave Charles without food for an entire day. The man had forgotten his lunch and like the good brother he was had he headed for the castle. He knew that he most likely could get food there and it was stupid for him to even go there, but with the excuse of also having some notes he had seen on the desk of his brother -which he presumed he must have forgotten as well- had he packed all of the stuff in a bag. He had quickly gotten his coat, had kissed his daughter goodbye and asked the nanny if she could remain for at least the rest of the day, as Clarence didn't know when he would be returning. The servant girl was kind enough to offer her time up for him and he bowed his head in respect to her, a kind smile on his lips. As he quickly put the bag over his shoulder, he headed for the castle. His stomach turning once more at the thought. Heading straight towards the place he despised the most. Even though he went there every now and then for Luca, it was way more unpleasant when he had to go without a clear plan in his head or a very justified reason. His hands were already trembling a bit, barely noticeable.

He had wished that after his walk towards the huge estate he would feel better, but alas. The nerves really were getting the better of him. But he knew that he just had to keep breathing. As long as he did that, he would be fine. And as he simply tried to focus on that, he was able to approach a guard. Luckily for him the man actually knew who he was and he was allowed inside without much hesitation. It must seem his last visit had stuck among the guards. Which could be a good or bad thing in its own right. But for now he decided it was a good thing. It meant no unnecessarily talking, which would definitely lead to him dumping way too much information on anyone who asked. Oversharing was a quality he certainly possessed, after all. But for now he had breathing room. And as he stepped inside the all too familiar doors, he came to a halt. He paused for a second as he slowly blinked. He had no idea what way Charles his office was.

He bit the inside of his mouth softly when panic set in. He could always go back to the guards outside and ask for instructions, but his brain denied him that luxury. He would have to suffer for his decision, that much was apparent. As he looked over at the one hallway he did somewhat know, he quickly turned it to the other side. Well if the chambers of the families were over there then perhaps working spaces were to the other side? Or maybe they were upstairs? His eyes slowly went to the grand staircase in front of him. Upstairs, yes... A nice view on the city while working was certainly everyone's dream... So, why not? Besides, he could work his way down from the top. It would be easier like that or something. Or maybe not. He couldn't tell, the panic that was setting in really clouded his judgement... And before he knew it he had stepped towards the stairs, quickly climbing them, before coming to a halt when he had arrived on the first floor. He looked around slowly when he did, quickly glancing behind him towards the ground floor, before stepping towards one side. Well, time to see where this hallway went.

He looked around with big eyes as the big empty halls made him feel... Oh so small. He hummed softly in discomfort as he adjusted the bag somewhat. He just hoped he wouldn't run into his aunt. But... Knowing his eventual destination, it felt like that was inevitable. Cassiopeia was the boss of his brother after all. He was her secretary, so they certainly worked in close proximity to one another. Then again, maybe they were out. If that was the case he could just drop off Charles his stuff in his office and leave. As his eyes went over some doors, he paused, tilting his head. He contemplated his choices once more, before stepping forward and gently knocking on the door. No answer. He blinked, slowly putting his hand on the handle... And quickly pulling it away. No. If no-one replied then he could potentially intrude on a personal space. Even if no-one was in it. He sighed, turning around and walking in a small circle while lettings his hands go through his hair. Frustration and dilemma written all over his face.
Fri Feb 03, 2023 12:39 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
The lion's den Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
The lion's den Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
that look of innocencethat tells you she is full of the best kind of bad
Maybel had been sitting in her room for a few hours now, basically contemplating her next moves. Because well, she had not grown bored with arguing with herself in circles. There was not much to be done about her situation but wait for it to blow over. It would certainly be unwise to add fuel to that fire. But also, she could not just stay here and do nothing. People would call her for what she would be: a coward. She would just have to continue her silly, little life as she used to do. People gossiped about her anyway and she usually did not care about it at all. One thing she did consider was to come back at Baron Eckhart proposal to visit Glimmerhollow some day. Maybe now was the best time to disappear for a while. They could know where she was, but they would not know her every move there anymore, right? Just some breathing space and let someone else take the stage for gossip to ensue. And when she would return, everything would be back to normal and she could continue where she left of.

She laid belly down on her canopy bed, her head towards the foot end. On her side table was a pot of tea that had gone cold and over the sheets laid a discarded book that she had tried to read but had grown bored of quickly. It laid open on page she probably was not even on. She even had started to write a letter, but further than: "dear-" had she not come, because she was still doubting who was the wisest choice to write her intentions to. And if she even wanted to. So instead she had taken up with the grievous task to vile her nails down to the perfect rounded edges. Ha, look at her go, she could do it all by herself. She was wiping down her hands when she heard a knock on the door. ‘‘Yes!’’ she tried to murmur with the vile between her lips, without even looking up. Maybel did not really expect somebody, but servants always barged down her door if there was news. But nobody opened her door and a small frown creased her brow. Well, maybe they just did not hear her correctly. But even then, they could just... knock again? Well, it was not like she had anything better to do. So she plucked the vile from between her lips and tossed it somewhere around the book and stood up from her bed, streching her arms above her head when she padded over to the door. She opened it with a bored look on her face. ‘‘Yes?’’ she said again, expecting some servant in the hallway. But.. it was.. ‘‘Clarence?!’’ What was he doing around here, knocking on her door. But it soon hit her, especially with that lost dog expression all over his face. Wrong door. Maybel adorned her face with a small smile and she quickly pushed some strands of blonde hair behind her ears as she sported a messy bun. ‘‘Pleasure seeing you here,’’ she greeted him when she opened her door a bit further, but not yet stepping out of her room, not knowing what he actually wanted. ‘‘Can I help you?’’ She did not forget how he had helped her brother. So, maybe it was the least she could do.

Thu Feb 16, 2023 11:30 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Clarence Marlborough
Clarence Marlborough
The lion's den Untitled
The lion's den Ezgif-2-64217f07e4

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Human
Occupation: Doctor

❝ Guide me through the storm ❞
After he had knocked on the door, he looked around. Feeling nervous that had knocked on the wrong door and that he would now be in trouble. Not that he had to worry that much. His uhm... Aunt was the duchess. So if it really escalated, she surely would step in. If not her, there still was Luca and Charles. Both had enough say here that he wouldn't get in trouble... Right? Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was doing something wrong. That he was going to be in trouble. Because here he was just placed right in the middle of all the chaos and drama. He didn't know what kind of people he could encounter here... And even worse, what kind of problems he would have to face regarding them. If there was one thing he feared the most, it was the unknown. Because he couldn't prepare for it. And even though he had gotten more used to it ever since he worked alone as a doctor, it still made him nervous... And kind of stressed out. A feeling that always spread like wildfire through him, and today was no exception.

He froze when he heard a loud yes, fumbling his hands a bit as he wasn't too sure who's voice it was. For a moment he contemplated at just stepping away and acting as if nothing had happened. But that would be just straight up rude, wouldn't it? He would leave someone behind that most likely prepared herself now to meet the stranger at the door. So he manned up, took a deep breath and straightened his jacket by pulling his hands down it. It was okay, really. No-one was out to get him hear, really... Right? He bit his lip gently, blinking rapidly as he rolled his shoulders back a bit. It didn't take long for him to note some noise from inside the room and the dark haired man closed his eyes for a moment, placing his hands behind his back as he took on a proper posture. Etiquette had always been one of the most important things growing up. And even though he didn't use it as much anymore, it was baked in him, came as second nature. Perhaps something he should be grateful for right about now.

He blinked in surprise when the person opened the door and- It was Maybel Winter herself. The half sister of the man he cared for as if it was his own son. He blinked quickly, offering his a shy smile when she said his name, nodding at her. But before he could really get his act together and speak, she had already opened her mouth again. He nodded once more at her first words and feeling a rush of relief when she asked him if he needed help. He nodded quickly at that. Yes! That was just it. "Yes- And I'm so sorry to disturb you but-" he glanced over at the hall, a clear expression that indicated he was lost appearing once more on his face. "Charles forgot his lunch and some of his work- So I'm bringing it over but I uhm- Must have knocked on the wrong door," he lowered his head a bit as to bow ever so slightly at her. "Again- I am so sorry," an awkward, yet apologetic smile curled on his lips. "I don't really know my way around the castle," And he had been so stupid not to ask the guards to show him where he had to go. So yea- He was here now.
Thu May 25, 2023 10:26 am
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