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[FOF] Lions and lambs
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Lemuria Citizen
Valeria Emoira
Valeria Emoira
[FOF] Lions and lambs 1544685
[FOF] Lions and lambs Valeriaminiava

Character sheet
Age: 28 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Merchant
sea foam in her veins, understands the language of the waves
This is where Valeria had worked for all these weeks. It had been months almost. But the Festival of Frostcrown had finally reached its peak. It was truly magical and she could finally enjoy the festivities now that they were almost over. She had traded for some gorgeous Ravaryn fabrics at the market and she couldn't help but buy herself a little treat in the form of a sparkling dress. She could almost go by as a local, her brunette locks braided in a tight updo, only some lonely curls falling over her ears.

It had been that very moment she had spotted a slightly familiar man. She could not pinpoint it, but it had been only in a flash as he had passed by. She didn't think much of it then as she was caught up in conversation with some high-up from a rich merchant family in Ravaryn, who had been friends of the Emoira's for generations. But she always knew he was just doing a bad job in trying to hit her up.

Once again she spotted the familiar man, but this time he seemed in words with parts of the royal family. She tilted her head as she tried to listen to the conversation with one ear, but she was not really interested when she looked over the man's shoulder. And then it suddenly clicked. This was the man who had drunkenly protected her while stirring up a whole bar-fight in the process! But what was he doing with the... oh no.

Valeria immediately ducked her face low, hoping he would not have spotted her. This couldn't be real. Did she really raise her voice against someone from the royal family? No way. He must be just working for them, or something. She laid her hand on the arm of the man she had been talking to. ‘‘Excuse me, I need some air,’’ she said with a charming, shy smile. And then she took quick steps as she made her way to one of the balconies, trying to smother the blush on her cheeks. Why was she getting so worked up? He had been so drunk, he probably would not even remember her.
valeria emoira
She liked the sharp smell of the air; and the vastness of the horizons bounded only bij a vault of azure sky above. It made her feel small, but free as well.

Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:05 am
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