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Cyrene Aerendyl
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Lemuria Citizen
Cyrene Aerendyl
Cyrene Aerendyl
Cyrene Aerendyl  ArP6M8Q
Cyrene Aerendyl  Fgw3ytR

Character sheet
Age: 26
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Noblewoman

Cyrene Aerendyl
The next morning was a midsummer’s morning as fair and fresh as could be dreamed
blue sky and never a cloud and the sun dancing on the water
Gender Female
Age 26
Species Moon Elf
Magic Moon magic
Religion Odirian Deities
Occupation Noblewoman
P.O.B Near moonbright
Residence Lemuria
Height 1.78
Build Slender
Hair color Blond
Hair texture slightly wavy
Eye Color Light blue
Skin Tone Fair


Cyrene is a very beautiful woman, possessing both soft and yet a very mature appearance. She has large, round eyes, that always express a certain confidence. With high cheekbones, yet soft lips. Alabaster skin,   yet soft long wavy hair. That falls well over her shoulders and always has a certain glow to it. Cyrene stands almost 1,80 in height. Most of this is thanks to her long legs, she has a generally small waist. Her shoulders follow this trend too; being not very broad in width. Her eyes are a light blue, but tends to darken in certain lights


Cyrene has a very certain style when it comes to her dress. She prefers to dress in layers, and thus wears things like corsets etc. This paired with her rich choice of fabric, which are always heavily detailed. Gives her clothing much more volume. She also tends to add things like collars around the back of her neckline. And puff up her sleeves. The woman is almost always seen in finery, donning all kinds of accessories all over. Often inlaid with precious stones. Cyrene tends to wear her hair up, or at least partially, most of the time. With some braiding done here and there, but never anything intricate. 


Cyrene carries herself with grace and poise. She is very confident and self-assured, and portals herself thus. Yet never in a haughty or arrogant way. She has a trustworthy and approachable air to her. She also radiates warmth. It is all very genuine, however, and not some sort of mask she holds up for appearance’s sake. For she has a very kind heart. Yet, she will also stand up for herself and is able to cold and distant if she feels the other deserves that side of her. Such, if someone is messing with her; since Cyrene has a very low tolerance for nonsense.
Constellation The Empress
Alignment Lawful Good

Cyrene is very clam, and in control of her emotions. So she isn't very animated. Perhaps even a little reserved at times. But this is mostly due to her acute awareness of her surroundings. She knows who she is, and what her place in society is. Her reputation is everything, and she tries to uphold it anyway she can. So in public, her actions are always very prim and proper. But in private she can be a lot more loose, and forgiving. She is also very confident, in herself. And her ability, and so she won't let anyone insult it. She will stand up for herself and her loved ones whenever she can, she can have a very sharp tongue. And can be very cold and unfriendly. However, she isn't very vengeful. Or holds grudges for a very long time. Cyrene is a very noble woman, willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. She is honorable in her decisions and doesn't stoop to low or immoral actions to achieve her goals. The woman is also very loyal, always standing by those who she loves and cares for. Cyrene is also very intelligent, and rather witty. She loves to read books and study, finding great joy in increasing her knowledge whenever possible.
Family Tree


Grandfather Lysandil Aerendyl
Grandmother Iminyë Aerendy


Father Vamenor Aerendyl
MotherAradi Xineli †


Sister Inana Aerendyl †
Niece & Nephew Tyrael & Norkas Wovicen


Brother-in-lawSyldan Wovicen
Magic type Moon magic
Expertise Healing

Cyrene has a gift for healing, it is something she has put most of her focus on. And thus has very little to no knowledge about other forms of moon magic, such as bending or illusions. Despite this, however, her healing is very limited. Most of her expertise lies on pain management, she can dull it with her magic. So the patient will feel less or almost nothing. However, just how much she can dull someone's pain depends very much on the affliction the patient is suffering from. For how badly aliment is, the harder it is for her to manage it the pain it brings. It'll take more effort, which will tire her out more easily. She can also actually heal smaller wounds. Gashes on the skin, etc. But nothing is serious. Her power also has the added bonus of not sedating the mind of the person she uses it on. Like, for example, the milk of the poppy does. 
Cyrene's parents were a true love match, and cared for one another very deeply. Early on in their marriage, the couple purchased a large estate situated just outside of Moonbright. The family wanted to raise their family away from the hustle and bustle of the capital. And life more quietly in the countryside. In a dull, smaller-yet peaceful community. The couple fitted in well with the gentry and made many connections and friends. However, their happy lives were stained by the fact that Aradi had trouble conceiving. Most of her pregnancies ended prematurely, or the infant died shortly after the birth. It was hard for the couple, but they didn't give up. And finally the two were blessed with a healthy daughter, Cyrene's elder sister;  Inana. They showered the child with love and affection, and the two believed that now finally the tides had turned in their favor. The next time Aradi fell pregnant again was a few years later. But they believed that this time they'd be just as lucky as they were with Iana. But the labor went terribly wrong, and Aradi didn't survive it. It was a devastating loss, and her beloved husband stayed by her all the while. And when she finally passed, vowed to never remarry. Despite the loss of life of the mother, the child did live. She was dubbed Cyrene.

Vamenor was now a widow, with two young daughters. He loved them, though, and raised them himself. Or mostly; he did employ some nannies and a governess. But the two sisters has a very happy childhood. Full of freedom and luxury. Despite being older than Cyrene, Iana had a very good bond with her. And thus the two sisters were often seen together. They both had an affinity for learning, Iana especially so when she was 18 she was sent to a very prestigious school in Moonbright. Cyrene and her father were sorry to see her go, but they visited her whenever they could. However, just a year into her lessons, the young woman dropped out. For she had met, and fallen in love with, a fellow moon elf. And the two were desperate to marry. Vamenor, the kind yet weak father, accepted their wish despite Iana's young age. And the two were wed and settled themselves in Moonbright. Cyrene saw her sister even less now. But the two sisters often wrote to one another. Syldan expected his new wife to start and have children fast, since he too was the last male of his line. This was a lot of stress on the young girl. But she finally delivered, after a difficult pregnancy and labor. The woman gave birth to a daughter. Tyrael. Cyrene was at her sister's side during it all. Witnessing everything. Yet a daughter wasn't enough and to continue the family line they couple needed a son, so desperate to please her husband. And going against the warnings of doctors, Iana fell pregnant again just a year later. She did deliver a boy, but died of child bed fever just a few days later. In Cyrene's arms.

The blow was devastating to her father, who never really recovered from the loss. Syldan was also hurt and to honor her memory; promised to not remarry. He kept the children. Cyrene and her father returned to their country estate. And it was then that the woman decided never to marry herself, or at the very least. Not have children. For the death of her mother and sister haunts her. And she fears her life will end in the same way. The promise she made to herself is one she was able to keep for a number of years. Living with her father, helping and keeping the aging man company. While also living her own life in the small community she has known all her life.

But things are about to change. 

- Cyrene tries her best to act like a mother towards her niece and nephew visiting them often. And Writing and sending them gifts regularly
- Loves animals, and owns a few herself. Like a dog and parrot
- Doesn't want children
- Often thinks about her mother and sister
- Her father is a kind man but weak and a little dull
- Has many friends and acquaintances
- Purses many artistic endeavors
- Smells like flowers
Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:31 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Cyrene Aerendyl  XuTWurPc_o
Cyrene Aerendyl  MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Wed Jan 18, 2023 3:46 pm
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