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Castor Aerendyl
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Lemuria Citizen
Castor Aerendyl
Castor Aerendyl
Castor Aerendyl VWhCLVy
Castor Aerendyl 9927936f466c7b108941dde94f26b8f8

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Moon Elf
Occupation: Being the Aerendyl everyone is disappointed in

Castor Aerendyl
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
Gender Male
Age 28
Species Moon elf
Magic Moon magic
Religion Oridian deities
Occupation Black sheep of the family
P.O.B Lemuria
Residence Travelling
Height 182cm
Build Slender
Hair color Blonde
Hair texture Wavey
Eye Color Blue
Skin Tone White


Castor is a man with an eery vibe to him. His ears are pointy, though they appear to be smaller than the usual elf ears people would come across. His blonde hair is somewhat wavey, and he makes sure that it always looks good. His blue eyes are striking, even more so when you realise he almost never seems to blink. And he always seems to smile, which as first seems like a welcoming gesture. But the longer you would look, the more you would realise there is more behind that smile than he lets on. He is somewhat on the taller side, which gives him a stature that he uses to impress with. His back is straight, his shoulder squared and his chin usually points up. Even if you didn't know Castor, his entire posture could tell you he values his pride.

He likes to clothe himself in lighter colors, enjoying creating the illusion that he means well while that usually is not the case. He can often be seen wearing a cloak of fine fabrics, as he travels a lot from place to place. He wears very few jewelry, not caring much about the glittering pieces of scrap.

His tone is playful, nice at first but slowly turning more demanding further into the conversation. While he definitely is not his father, he for sure has taken some inspiration from him over the years at home. His voice is always soft, never angry, and he tries his best to make every word coming out of his mouth sounds like it's extremely important.
Constellation The Vulture
Alignment Chaotic neutral

Castor likes to prod and poke, making sure that everyone around him is on edge. He doesn't mind it that people don't like him, in fact, he even seems to like it. He likes the stares that come with his reputation, the whispers behind his back. It gives him a feeling of importance. Just like he uses his magic to create illusions, the man himself is one too. Never is he the same, seemingly creating a different personality wherever he goes. Just to get what he wants.

But deep down, Castor is mostly someone who just struggles with finding his footing in the world. He never felt he was good enough, that he always needed to be better than everyone else. And this exact feeling has molded him into the arrogant, creepy and menacing man he is today. There are very few moments where he would show himself to be vulnerable, believing that this is simply a weakness and it can be used against him at a later time.
Family Tree


father Andreas Aerendyl
mother Saelwyn Aerendyl


BrothersElros, Lysanthir, Silas
Sisters Vasilisa, Anaïre


Aunts & Uncles Lyrassia; Evandyr & Cassiel Aerendyl
Cousins Rhiannon Aerendyl
Magic type Moon Magic
Expertise Illusions

Castor is an expert at creating both physical as mental illusions. He doesn't mind to use them to get what he wants, to con or to just mess with people. The illusions can go into great detail, though the bigger they are the harder it is for him to put the details into them. Physical illusions come easier to him, as mental ones need constant attention and fixes.

His illusions always have some sort of shimmer to them, as even the illusions themselves are as proud as he is. These shimmers can be discovered once you know they are there. If not however, it is almost impossible to distinguish the real from the fake.

Over the years he has mastered the art to create illusions from even the tinies surface of water. Castor can even work with the moisture that hangs in the air after a rainy day, with the morning mist crawling over the hills in the morning, and from the sweat on the forehead of a hard worker he passes that day. This costs him immense strength and usually leaves him with a headache, but he prides himself for having come so far.
From his birth, Castor had always been a little... off. He didn't really play with the other kids, rather playing alone. When he was forced into playing with others, he either bullied the other kids or simply found refuge somewhere else to continue being on his own again. Young Castor was a menace, always breaking rules and making sure he did the opposite of what was asked of him. He gave his father and mother a lot of headaches probably. And also a lot of fights.

Castor didn't like being put into a box, rather just finding his own way and messing about. In the beginning these were all harmless jokes, but the older he got, the more sinister it became. It was also at a later age, though still young, that he discovered his love for creating illusions. If he couldn't live the life he wanted for himself, he could at least imagine it.

Despite his annoying personality, Castor did get the upbringing of an Aerendyl and he too, was schooled in their views. These were one of the very few times in his life that he seemed to agree on things with his family. The Aerendyls truly were better and above everyone else. Why accept anything other than their own kind, when they appeared to be perfect in every way? Castor didn't mind telling this to others, and he for sure liked to flaunt that he was better than everyone else.

The older Castor got, the more unruly he became. The castle they lived in simply didn't seem to be big enough. While everone in the family was placed into neat little boxes, Castor rather broke the walls. He had continuous fall outs with his father, which made him be away more from home than live with his family. They didn't tolerate him and so he didn't tolerate them. Eventually Castor just.. went and never really returned. The man had honed his illusion magics through the years and as he started to travel through the realms. He got his way by conning and deceiving people, creating chaos wherever he went.

Every few years he decides to return back to Moonbright. While he does this with the reason just to spite them when showing he is still alive, deep down he does miss them having around and missing the security of a good life he had when he still lived with them.
Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:16 am
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Castor Aerendyl XuTWurPc_o
Castor Aerendyl MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Fri Sep 16, 2022 3:13 pm
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