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Start a fire
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Ravaryn Citizen
Bjalf Hallfrid
Bjalf Hallfrid
Start a fire R98jvyek_o
Start a fire B27804b972df4af53531046e293a3008

Character sheet
Age: 37
Race: Druid
Occupation: Sellsword
We'll ride in the gathering storm
They had only been in Ishgard for at least a couple of days, and already, the city had been busier than usual. Bjalf had nearly forgotten about the Frostcrown festival that was being held each year, but his memories were starting to come back to him. As he was walking around the market, he was mainly looking for some herbs, so that he could replenish them for his journeys. It was a short moment of peace for him and his mind, since it had been rather occupied lately. He had lived on his own for so long now, he needed to get used to the fact that he had to share it with his wife. And he was only slowly getting used to it.

Not that she was bad company, but for the most part, they were still strangers to each other. He had taken everything slow with their marriage, because he wanted her to feel comfortable around him, and know that he respected her boundaries. Since they hadn’t married out of love for each other, even if he had wanted to keep her safe, which was the sole reason why he had done it.

But during his walk through the market, he had been able to find another druid, one whom he knew from their shared past together, and one who had been able to tell him something he had never known. That he had a daughter, somewhere in Avalon, who had lost her mother, a woman he once loved. He had not shown much of his surprise, but he had felt it. An ache in his heart, a feeling of sympathy for his daughter. Maybe even a slight curiosity to meet her. It already made him think of visiting the rainforest again. Although, he wouldn’t able to go there alone..

When he cracked open the door to his room inside a little tavern within Ishgard, it made some noise, even if he tried to be silent. This immediately announced his arrival, and his blue eyes were quickly able to find his wife. Looking at her from underneath his thick brushy eyebrows. As usual, he didn’t say much. Instead, his black raven flew from behind him into the room, taking place upon the backseat of a chair. That bird was always around him. ”Is the hearth still warm enough for you?” He eventually asked her, when the silence became even too unbearable for him too. Walking towards the fire, so that he could place a few new pieces of wood on there. Not wanting her to feel too much of the winter’s cold.

Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:02 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
Start a fire KrjnXT9
Start a fire Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Bjalf Hallfrid
The young woman sat in one of the chairs that stood before the fireplace. The light of the flames, wasn't enough to illuminate the entire room. But it was enough for Antonia to see what she was doing. She had a small basket of clothing standing next to her chair. All freshly laundered by her own hand. And yet they were not all in the best of shape, having tears and holes. But that was alright; it was nothing the woman couldn't mend. Needle in hand, she wove the thread through the cloth, a motion she would repeat several times before she was happy with the result. That was one finished, but she still had many more to go. Just then, the woman heard a noise. Something other than the crackling of the wood as the fire chipped away at it. Antonia held her breath, holding herself utterly still as the door clicked open and revealed the visitor. A familiar sight stepped into the room. And the woman sighed a sigh of relief. Of course, it was only him; she should stop being so paranoid. Her father and brothers couldn't lay claim to her anymore, so why would they bother coming all the way to Ishgard? A small smile adorned her slips as she laid her arms to rest in her lap. On top of the newly mended shirt and a loose grip on her needle and thread responsible for the fix. "Welcome back." Her soft voice sounded. But he didn't greet her back. At least not vocally. And a silence surrounded them. Antonia kept her gaze on her husband as she strides forward, bypassing almost everything in the room. Only to stop at the fire place. ”Is the hearth still warm enough for you?” He asked then. Antonia looked back first, though, when she noticed his animal companion having placed himself on the top part of her chair. The woman released the small needle she was holding onto. And moved that hand towards the bird. Gently stroking its feathers for a few moments. "I think so, yes," she responded to his question while her eyes were still fixed on the animal. "But it wouldn't be a bad idea to add some more wood, now that you mention it." And with that the woman stood. Turning towards her husband while she did so. She placed the mended shirt in the basket, she'll work on the rest later. Antonia also placed the sewing materials aside for now. "Come, sit-" She said, gesturing to the empty chair. Next to the one she had been sitting in. "You've been out all day, have a little rest now. I'll get some more wood for the fire."
Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:58 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Bjalf Hallfrid
Bjalf Hallfrid
Start a fire R98jvyek_o
Start a fire B27804b972df4af53531046e293a3008

Character sheet
Age: 37
Race: Druid
Occupation: Sellsword
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Bjalf was still trying to figure it all out in his head, but he had no reason not to trust the information that was given to him. Most of the druids he knew from his past were taught not to lie, and ofcourse, Bjalf knew that there had been a possibility of him having a child.. He simply wondered now if she had known before he left, or after.. Either way, it wouldn’t really matter anymore, because what was done, was done. There was no going back, and there was no use in thinking about what he would have done if he had known.

Back in his room, he was met with his wife, looking just as beautiful as he had ever known her to be, even if he tried not to put much thought into that. He still felt more like her protector and friend, instead of like her husband. But he could not deny that there was also part of him that was glad to have her in his company. Even if he didn’t show it that much. She greeted him, and he only responded by giving her a soft nod, instead of using words to greet her back. Which probably did not come as a surprise, because that was usually his way. Then she came over to him, but stopped when she stood in front of the fire, and that made him wonder if she was still warm enough in the room they shared. But right after he asked, his raven came flying into the room, placing itself on a chair close enough to her. And there was a soft smile growing on his lips when she stroked the features of the bird, who was now not afraid of her anymore. The bird had a harder time trusting other people, but once it knew for certain that Bjalf trusted someone, it felt more inclined to do the same. It made a few cawing noises, but mainly because it liked the affection that he was given.

The man looked back at the woman when he spoke again, telling him that it was still warm enough, but that adding a few more pieces of wood wouldn’t be a bad idea. He gave her a friendly smile and a nod, before looking down when she placed a mended shirt in a basket. ”Thank you,” He said, for the fact that she was taking care of their - mostly his - torn clothes. But when she eventually told him to sit, telling him that she would get the wood, he seemed a little surprised at first. Though, in the end, she was right of course. He had been out all day, taking care of their horses first, making sure they were watered, brushed and fed, and then he had been gathering supplies at the market. He softly took place in the chair and watched her as she moved around to gather the wood. ”Have you ever been to the Twilight ball?” He then asked her, mainly because he still wanted someone more for her in return. Knowing he was probably not the most ideal husband for her, but he wanted to try to give her all the things she wanted.

Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:09 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
Start a fire KrjnXT9
Start a fire Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Bjalf Hallfrid
He thanked her for the trying to repair the tattered clothing, which mostly belonged to him. Since hers were still relatively new and made of much better materials. But that didn't matter to her. She liked doing things like these; since it was one of the few things she was actually good at. And knowing that; made her feel useful. "It's really no problem." She said with her signature gentle voice. It was his turn to sit, in her opinion. And so she told him so. He looked a little surprised, but eventually took his seat in the empty armchair. Antonia's smile widened a bit as she moved to get more wood for the fire; like she said she would. The woman walked across the narrow room, to a small rack holding the kindling. Slowly, she reached out to the wood, and grabbed a hold of three logs in her arm. Surely that'll be enough for now. But Antonia didn't immediately make her way back to the fire. Instead, she resolved to fetch some food and drink for her husband, since he must be in want for some. Antonia placed the fuel for the fire on a counter while she poured the man a drink. After finishing with that, she moved to get him a plate, the tavern's kitchen was open for guests from time to time. And just this morning, the woman made use of that opportunity to bake one of her favorite deserts. She made it together with her mother, when she was just a child. It was nothing special, but. It brought Antonia comfort. Not just preparing it, but tasting it too. It was one of the few foods she didn't have to force down. Balancing everything with just two hands was a little tricky, but she'd done it before. So she knew how to manage. The place with a slice of cake and a glass of ale in one hand. And the kindling for the fire in her other. ”Have you ever been to the Twilight ball?” She heard her husband say, while she walked back over to him. "No I haven't" The woman replied honestly. She came to a slow halt at the side kf her husbands chair. And then offered him the plate and glass. "Here," It was almost a whisper. "I thought you'd like a little something." When he them out of her hands. She moved on to the fire and threw the logs into it. Making it burn brighter almost instantly.  
Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:14 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Bjalf Hallfrid
Bjalf Hallfrid
Start a fire R98jvyek_o
Start a fire B27804b972df4af53531046e293a3008

Character sheet
Age: 37
Race: Druid
Occupation: Sellsword
We'll ride in the gathering storm
Bjalf had never been good at keeping his clothes decent, maybe because he had been missing out on women's touch during his travels. He had never really cared enough about his looks either, but still, seeing how she had mended a few holes in his shirts, he could appreciate her work. She was doing him a kindness, and he was more than able to see that. His smile softly widened when she told him it was no problem, while he kept looking at her with those big friendly blue eyes. Knowing she was speaking the truth, because she was a giving person.

But, as he sat down in the chair, it turned out that Antonia was not quite done yet with making him comfortable. He kept on watching her as she took tree logs from the rack holding them, but before she moved to place them on the fire, she went to grab him a drink and something to eat. The look on his face changed a bit as he kept looking at her, but he was still showing a smile. Letting her know that once again, she didn’t need to take care of him the way she did, even if he surely didn’t mind it either. Without using words. However, instead of saying something about her, he asked whether she had ever been to the Twilight ball. It was not something he particularly liked, because he was rather in the company of nature and his animals, but still, he had been wanting to return something to her. To show off his own good intentions.

Her answer was no, but was not a surprise to him, knowing her family. She offered him the plate and the glass, and he took it from her, placing it on the table in front of him while still looking up at her. Listening to her words. ”Thank you.” He said, again, and it felt maybe a bit uncomfortable saying it again, since he had not done anything for her in the meantime. ”Would you like to go there?” He asked her, when she began to place the logs on the fire, making it instantly brighter. After which he motioned with his hand, offering her to sit in the chair across from him.

Tue Jan 10, 2023 1:32 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
Start a fire KrjnXT9
Start a fire Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Bjalf Hallfrid
Again, another "thank you" could be heard from him. And this time Antonia chuckled a little. It was a little cute having him thanking her all the time for the simplest things. Since he probably didn't know what else to say. He then asked her if she would like to go to the Twilight ball. Antonia mulled the question over in her head, whilst she watched the flames climb high and higher. When she looked back at the man, he gestured for her to reclaim her seat in the chair next to him. Which she did, but her movements were slow. Yet gracefully, like she always carried herself. "I wouldn't mind not going." She eventually said while locking eyes with him. She still had a smile on her face though, it had faded a little. "Since I know those kinds of festivities aren't really to your liking." The woman elaborated. She would like to go, however, if it was her choice to make. She'd gone to balls before and always enjoyed it. Though nothing could compare to the Twilight ball-that was surely an event full of wonder and whimsy, one wouldn't want to miss out on. But yet she would, if he wanted it. She was used to missing out on things, after all.
Tue Jan 10, 2023 4:33 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Bjalf Hallfrid
Bjalf Hallfrid
Start a fire R98jvyek_o
Start a fire B27804b972df4af53531046e293a3008

Character sheet
Age: 37
Race: Druid
Occupation: Sellsword
We'll ride in the gathering storm
The woman chuckled softly at his second ‘thank you’ and for a moment his face changed, and maybe some of his embarrassment came showing through, before he quickly turned his head towards the food on his table. He took one of the cakes she had either taken from the tavern kitchen, or baked herself. But when he sank his teeth in one, he began to experience some taste he had never experienced before. His eyes swiftly looked back at his wife, almost in surprise by how good they tasted. Bjalf had been to this tavern before, and their food had never tasted this good, which told him enough. And again, he let his eyes do more of the talking. Something he always preferred, since he wasn’t that much of a talker. It was probably one of the reasons why he liked to be in the company of animals, rather than humans.

Bjalf wanted to pick up his cup to have a drink, but he waited a moment when she sat down next to him. Looking back at her when she answered his question. Again, showing him kindness by letting him know they didn’t really have to go. Because she knew it was not to his liking. But still, he had already readied himself - inside his mind - for going, and it wasn’t easy to change his mind on something like this. He still waited to wash down his food with the drink, mainly because it would also be a shame to dull the taste that was still going through his mouth. ”Don’t worry about me, if you want to go there, we can go.” He told her, his smile showing again some kindness in return. And it was clear that he was doing it for her. To give her something back.

Then he finally raised his cup and took a large mouthful, before placing it back on the table. After which his hand grabbed another piece of cake on his plate. They were so small compared to his hand. ”There is also something else I need to tell you.” He let her know, letting out a heavy breath, meaning it was something he had difficulty with. Mainly because he wasn’t one for showing much of his emotions, even if he felt them.

Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:58 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Antonia Hallfrid
Antonia Hallfrid
Sansa stark
Start a fire KrjnXT9
Start a fire Ok1jcDA

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Housewife
Tag Bjalf Hallfrid
When he bit into the food she'd made, her eyes looked at him expectantly. Wanting approval. Which he gave, not in words. But his eyes said enough. It made Antonia smile and even relax a little. And so she leaned back into her chair. She then told him that they didn't have to go; if he didn't wish it. But the man quickly made it known that she shouldn't worry about him, and that the decision was hers to make. That made her eyes light up a little. "If it's really no trouble, then yes, it'd love to go." With you, but she didn't say that last part. Instead, she simply smiled at him. The woman was already thinking about what she would wear for the ball; she didn't have much formal clothing. But she was sure she could put something together. She had this lovely yellow dress- it was a little plain for a ball as it was. But she could sew on some additions to make it look a little more luxurious. Antonia was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard her husband speak up again. He needed to tell her something. Antonia's smile metled completely when she heard those words. Because whenever someone said such a thing; bad news usually followed. It was a suspicion that was all but confirmed in her mind when the man sighed heavily. "You know you can tell me anything." She said, in an attempt to soothe away his worries. While hers only heightened. But she manged to cover it well. And she gave him an encouraging nod. So he could continue with what he wanted to say..
Wed Jan 11, 2023 8:12 pm
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