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[FOF] [Random event] Liar Liar pants on fire
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[FOF] [Random event] Liar Liar pants on fire XuTWurPc_o
[FOF] [Random event] Liar Liar pants on fire MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

Random event
Liar liar, pants on fire
The markets of Raanan are in full swing. All around you there are stands full of fine goods and delicious-smelling food. As you walk on the promenade, one particular activity attracts your attention. "In just a minute, a most special contest will take place and it is not for the faint of heart." An elder man shouts as he motions the people around him to gather around him. "It is a Liar's Contest: spin the wildest tale you can think of and the crowd votes on the best one." The man explains in his loud voice. A group of people has now gathered around him, all curiously awaiting the contest. "There is a fit reward for whoever wins! So who will join..." The man muses as he looks around. "You! You shall join," he states as he points directly at you. The group of people can be heard agreeing with him. "And you! You look like a worthy opponent." He picks another stranger from the crowd. Is the reward worth it? Or should you politely decline?

Two characters have been picked for a Liar's Contest. Each can decide to join or deny.
Please tag @Ro on Discord once you've made your decision.
Sun Jan 08, 2023 6:52 pm
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