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[FoF] Champagne shower
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] Champagne shower Wp10309412
[FoF] Champagne shower Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd had offered to grab a drink for the princess and himself. He was expecting then once he had returned, his space might have been taken already by someone else. But their dance had been most pleasant and he felt honoured that the princess even had taken up to the offer to continue their night together, if only for a short while. He already had been looked at man tonight. He heard the people whisper behind his back as he now passed by, asking their friends what his name was. And he all passed them with that small smirk on his face. This was going swimmingly. He might overthink his liking towards balls.

So when he had pushed through the crowd, looking for a servant with a platter of glasses of light, sparkling wine. And so he found one trailing at the edges of the room. He thanked the man as he took two glasses, while they shared a short look. He looked absolutely miserable, but he was able to hide it pretty well. He would have been too, if his only job was to dress up in this hideous uniform, serving every single snobby person who probably had too much to drink already. He also had this slight blush on his cheeks from the drink already, or maybe that had been because of his previous dancepartner.

As he turned around, he suddenly felt the body of a small figure smash into him. He was unable to avoid her, as was he unable to save the two glasses of wine in his hands. The first he managed to keep hold of, but the second shattered in a million pieces on the floor. But that was not worst of it all, because he had spilt wine all over the lovely figure. And he certainly lost all color in his face, when he looked at the raven-headed woman. His luck had run out eventually, the scales of the universe were balanced again. Because he had met his second princess of the night. ‘‘Milady, I am terribly sorry,’’ he stuttered as he stood there a bit helplessly. He fumbled a napkin outside of the inside pocket of his jacket and reached it over to her.

Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:54 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Ravaryn
Adaliah Ylindar
Adaliah Ylindar
[FoF] Champagne shower Tumblr_p58q7j3yAE1uh76ryo5_1280
[FoF] Champagne shower Ea960bff2dafe42a91a514373ba61e52

Character sheet
Age: 21
Race: Human
Occupation: being that bitch

you can try

to get under my, under my, under my skin

While he's on mine, yeah, all on my, all on my, all on my skin I wish you knew that even you can't get under my skin If I don't let you in
Adaliah had watched them like a hawk. Of course she had. Her fingers had been tightly wrapped around a glass of wine that she downed within seconds and her lips had been pressed together in a thin line. Her corset was tied just a bit too tight and her dress had a low cut. The top had gorgeous golden details that matched her jewlery perfectly. Some might say she was showing too much skin, but Adaliah didn't care about their opinions. She knew she looked great in what she was wearing and if she doubted herself for a second the wandering eyes of both the men and women in the room made her believe otherwise.

When who knows what his name was left his sister to get drinks Adaliah handed her glass to a stranger, stepped away from the people surrounding her and followed him through the crowd. Now, Adaliah loved her sister, of course she did, but some things made her want to strangle her sister. Such as her dancing with handsome strangers or her being next in line for the throne when their father dies. Somehow she got all the nice things in life and Adaliah ended up with seconds. Boyfriends that dated her to get closer to Arianna or her father, dresses that were less expensive, rings that didn't contain the same amount of jewels. Honestly she could go on and on about how life was just incredibly unfair.

When she spotted him nearby an idea popped up in her head and she had mere seconds to make it happen. With a glass of wine in each hand the man turned around to return to her sister, but before he could do so Adaliah had bumped into him. One of the glasses shattered in a million pieces on the floor, but the other spilled all over her. "Oh I'm so sorry for bumping into you sir." Adaliah pouted as she looked down at her expensive dark dress, now wet with sparkling wine. The things she did for her sister, but would she ever get a thank you? No of course not. The wine was splattered on her skin as well and with big, almost pouty looking eyes the woman looked up towards the handsome stranger that was partially responsible for this. With the elegance only a (spoiled) princess could poosses she took the napkin from him and patted her skin dry while still remaining eye contact with the man.
Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:22 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] Champagne shower Wp10309412
[FoF] Champagne shower Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
if i get too close and i'm not how you hopedForgive my northern attitude, i was raised on little light
Lloyd felt like all eyes were on him once more, but not in a positive way this time. The empty glass in his hand and the thousand of pieces of glass that crunched beneath his shoes were proof of that. And the worst of it all: the princess in front of him. Heaven and hell had truly collided in this moment, and all he could was look at her with an apologetic expression and offer the few things he could.

The man look up surprised as he handed his handkerchief to the princess and she was the one who apologized. And in a way, he wasn't quite sure if she meant those words, or she was being sarcastic. But he cut his losses now, before everything would get worse. And as they shared a look again, he really felt flustered for words. He looked over his shoulder as he saw the crown princess had already been halted by another. He bit his lip as he looked back at the younger princess and how she started to pat her skin dry. She was incredibly beautiful, everybody could see that, and luckily her dress was dark, so things still were left for the imagination. So after a while in which he visibly searched for words, he bowed his head quickly. ‘‘No, the fault is mine, princess,’’ he said after he looked up at her eyes again. Then he gently placed his hands on her upper arms as he pulled her back from the scene of the crime, away from all the shards of glass. ‘‘I hope you are not hurt?’’ he asked with a frown on his head.
Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:35 pm
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