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[FoF] and the audacity of this bi-
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd would lie if he was saying that he was looking forward to the Festival of Frostcrown. He had enjoyed the first few days of the market, indulging himself to buy some luxury items. Lloyd was raised to not spend his money on things he did not necessarily needed. But he called it investing in Ishgard's economy, and seeing the faces of some happy sellers. Well, it was spending season anyway.

But this was the day he had dreaded. He had prepared for it, but he was still.. well a tiny bit nervous. The Twilight Ball was the grandest festivity of the year. Woman prepared for month to have the perfect gowns ready, men had polished their dancing shoes. Lloyd was no different, because when the royal family opened the doors to the castle, he would be present. It was almost as a dire need to show his face, to show how well his family was doing and that he would do no less than any other young noble.

Lloyd was dressed in a royal blue, his suit perfectly tailored to his body. He had come alone, but it was not his intention to stay alone for a long time. The smell of pine hung thickly in the air, which was a warm greeting. The halls were laden with food and drink, and soon he was standing with a glass wine in hand, gently sipping while examining the grand halls. It was his architect eye, always looking for inspiration, even though he had seen it all before. He was led by the crowd, all moving slowly towards the ballroom, where his eyes went to the dancing couples. Merry music filled the air, as well as laughter and gleeful conservation. It did not take long for a stranger to grab him by the arm and he was dragged to the dancefloor.

Lloyd was on his second - or was it already his third glass of wine? - when his eyes finally dawned on the exquisite semblance of the crown princess. Of course he recognized her, as her beauty was almost non-rivaled and her characteristic Ylindar black hair. Lloyd had come her with a mission, court some high noble woman to maybe, maybe climb up in the social hierarchy a bit more. He had no chance with a princess. But maybe it was the wine, or maybe he just bewitched by that woman, that made him approach her.

‘‘Your highness,’’ he greeted her, placing his hand over his chest and making a small bow. His eyes were drawn up to her face once more, and he cracked a small smirk. ‘‘I see we are both without a dance partner,’’ he remarked boldly. He held out her hand for her, trying to work his magic with the dimples in his cheeks and that bit of that boyish, tipsy spark in his eyes. By Ranaan, what was he trying to achieve? ‘‘If I may be so honoured to have this dance.’’

Thu Dec 29, 2022 12:41 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The Festival of Frostcrown was something the Princess looked forward to each year. Not only did it honour her patron deity, it was always such a magical time. While the markets  of Raanan were a splendid way to spend time with her loved ones, it was the Twilight Ball that her heart truly yearned for.

It might be foolish to have such whimsical longings, but Arianna couldn't help it. The Twilight Ball was something she had enjoyed ever since she was a mere child. Perhaps it was something that came from pure nostalgia. Or perhaps it went far deeper, and it was a form of escapism that she desired every so often. Especially when the message  of the festival was so abundantly clear: after darkness comes light. Without death, there could be no period of hope, rebirth and renewal. And for the past months she'd had the eerie feeling that death was looming closer.

Nonetheless, her own deepest thoughts would not spoil her amusement today. Her father had even taken her apart right before the ball to ensure that she would enjoy herself tonight, and that she would not let her own mind run to the darkest places. Arianna had promised him, so she made sure to bask in the spellbinding atmosphere that hung in the air. She had taken to the dancefloor, gracefully accepting requests of those brave enough to ask her. Her lavender gown glittered in the light of the ballroom when she moved, flowing perfectly around her. The stars that made up her crown, and those pinned in her hair, shone just as bright. She truly was the embodiment of Frostcrown tonight, as was expected of her.

Out of thin air, in a moment where she found herself alone on the dancefloor, a mysterious man appeared. Arianna had never seen him before, but he had certainly recognized her. She offered him an elegant nod of her head as a greeting, remaining ever so respectful. However, what he so boldly stated next did manage to surprise her. Not that she made it very known, her brows just raised a little. "It seems we are." She said in a slightly amused manner. Her eyes found his, which were actually quite striking. But more notably, there was a hint of mischief in his that intrigued her. Mayhaps that was just the wine talking. She hadn't had much, but just enough to make her agree to his request. "It would be my honour to accept, my lord." She told him as she gracefully placed her delicate hand in his. This was exactly what her father had told her to do tonight and from the corners of her eyes she could feel the King grin at his daughter.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:13 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd remained as calm as humanly possible. He hid his nerves very well, because in any different situation, he would have never dared to speak to the princess, unless spoken to. He would be nothing more but an humble servant, in service of her father the king. He never spoke to any of them directly, because he was nothing but a fish in the sea of people he ruled. Maybe, in his imagination, he was starting to become a bit of a bigger fish. But as his father still lived, he was not the head of the family. So when the princess reacted, he just kept his cool and that small half-smile, his eyes never wavering from her. And when she agreed to dance, the wrinkles around his eyes appeared when he smiled. ‘‘Wonderful,’’ he noted, when he placed his thumb around her fingers. From over her shoulder he could see the king looking at them, and maybe it was it him being smug, or he would later blame the wine, but he gave the good man a small wink.

Lloyd lead the princess gently towards the dancefloor, casually avoiding the other twirling couples. But when he spotted a room for them he turned towards her, raising his right hand in the proper position and placing his left gingerly on her back, just beneath her shoulder blade. And when he heard the right que in the music, he lead her in the joyous waltzing music.

Lloyd had once learned how to dance in a ballroom. Certainly the princess was used to better, but he could hold a rhythm and keep synchronized with the other couples. But he didn't mind them, he was dancing with the crown princess. A small smirk appeared by the thought of it. ‘‘You've probably heard it for a million times, but you look out of this world tonight, princess,’’ he told her softly, before raising his arm to lead her into a spin. When he placed her arm around her again, he looked down at her again. ‘‘Forgive me for being so bold, but I would have hated myself for skipping a chance to dance with you.’’ He gave her another small smile. ‘‘I'm a lucky man.’’
Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:14 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Tonight wasn't one like all others. Every year, there was magic in the air when the Twilight Ball commenced. Arianna had enjoyed herself thoroughly. The entire night, the setting, the atmosphere, it all looked like a fairytale. But when a mysterious stranger appeared, asking her to dance, it truly felt like one. She had never seen the man before —and she never forgot a face. Definitely not one like his. As she agreed to his request, she studied his face as he showed her a smile. It was rather contagious and the corners of her lips turned upwards as he led her to the dance floor.

The man knew what to do, as he placed his hands in the correct position. Her assumption was further confirmed when the music started, and he started leading her across the dancefloor. Arianna herself was a divine dancer —how could a princess like her not be?— yet she found herself quite impressed by his skill. A most graceful smile appeared on her face when he complimented her. "Thank you," she said softly. "And I haven't, actually. You're the first to use those words." She told him as she briefly looked up at him. Many had complimented her tonight already, none had chosen his sentiments. He spun her around, which made her dress sparkle even more as it caught onto the light. "You flatter me, my Lord." She told him, forcing herself not to look away from his gaze when he complimented her once more. "I must say, I consider myself quite lucky too." After all, he seemed like one of the most alluring men here. "After all, it isn't often that I get to dance with a stranger quite as valiant as yourself." She said as she showed him a charming smile. She couldn't help herself, she wanted to find out more about him.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:31 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd noticed immeadiatly that the princess knew what she was doing more than he did. How could she not? But it made it easier for him. Is was almost as he only had to think what to do, and she was already a step in front of him. It made the whole experience even a greater pleasure. Might he even start enjoy dancing? Lloyd chuckled softly as she told him that he had been the first. ‘‘Well then, shame on everybody else,’’ he told her with his head a bit tilted to the side. He then stepped to the side, placing his left hand behind his back as he extended his right to make her turn half a circle, then pulled on his right to twirl her a whole circle back to him, taking her other hand as she crossed it in front of her body. They danced a few steps side to side, when he eventually made her turn back in their first position.

A boyish grin stood on his face as she called herself lucky, but called him a stranger. But, a valiant one, after all. She shared a smile as well. Getting a compliment from the princess, well he could tick that from his bucket list. But somewhere, in the back of his mind, he head was telling he she was just being nice because she had to. Wasn't he doing that as well? ‘‘Well then, I might want to stay a stranger then,’’ he joked. ‘‘So I can surprise you all night long.’’ And with those words, as the music reached a crescendo, he went a bit through his knees to place both his hands on her hips, and lifted her a few inches in the air.

Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:20 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Dancing was quite easy, enjoyable even, if you were granted a good partner. And while it wasn't anything she tended to brag about, the endless lessons Arianna had been given as a child certainly made her one. She could flawlessly perform alongside her partner, which was what she was doing now. "Not everyone is as original in their sentiments, sir. It's the thought that counts." She said with half a smile. He gave her room to twirl, which she did in utter precision. She ended the twirl, giving her a chance to let her gaze wander to his face which was now closer to hers. But she wasn't given a chance to study it all too long, as the dance continued on soon after.

They both found themselves lucky, it seemed. He got to dance with a princess and she.. well, she got to dance with someone straight out of one of her many books. A light chuckle escaped her lips when he voiced his intention to stay a stranger, so that he may stun her all evening long. "You can certainly try to surprise me." She mused. "In fact, I'd like to see it." There was little that could go wrong in him surprising her, she assumed. Her father did tell her to have some fun tonight, so she would. As he lifted her slightly, he managed to let a delighted smile appear upon her face. After all, not everyone had the courage to perform such a move. She quickly placed her hands back in the right position, rather than on his arms, when he put her down. "At one point during the evening," she said as she took a step towards him. "I would like to know your name." She continued as her voice became noticably more soft. "For now, tell me, where are you from?" Certainly, that wouldn't be too much to ask if she couldn't know his name yet? She wanted to figure out at least some of the mystery surrounding him.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:50 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Suddenly the both of them were a bit closer to each other, her face closer to hers. He could count every single diamond in her crown, something he did not want to wonder what it might have cost. Instead he kept her eyes on hers and tried to find gold in them, little flecks op nuggets, something you could not put a price on. She told him it was the sentiment that counted, so he raised his eyebrows as he gave a small shrug. If he was a better poet, he might be able to tell her in every language how beautiful she looked tonight. But a dance was a challenge on it's own.

Another slightly smug look followed as he made her laugh softly. The sparkle in his eyes showed how amused he was. He kept the dance a bit closer to each other as she spoke to him again, about surprising her. Oh, try as he might. ‘‘Challenge accepted,’’ he agreed to her.He did not know if he was just another addition to her long list of admirers. He never expected to actually have a chance to.. what? But well, who knew where this innocent dance would lead to. He raised his brows slightly when she stepped closer towards him, announcing her intention to know his name at some point. He smiled widely, as their faces got closer next to each other. His hand slid a bit lower towards the small of her back. Somewhere he wanted to yell his name all around this pretty ballroom. That is was Lloyd d'Vrys dancing with the princes. But for know, he would keep his cards close to his chest, as he noticed that it drew the princess in. ‘‘Ishgard,’’ he responded at her question. ‘‘Born and bred.’’ He glanced sideways to the princess, as he lowered their right hands a bit, but continued to fall in line with the other dancing couples. ‘‘Did you expect anything else? I might be a stranger, but no foreigner.’’

Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:27 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Their dance became closer as soon as he twirled her around, leading to her gracefully ending right next to him. Perhaps it was on purpose from both their sides, as if they were playing a game of calculated moves with one another. She was able to muse a thought about his sentiments but it was clear she was more preoccupied with every detail she could spot on his face. His chiseled chin, rugged features and most notably his piercing blue eyes. If only she had more time to look at him up close.

A stranger like him had the most chance of surprising her. Arianna was arguably quite good at assessing situations, but she didn't know him.. yet. Her lighthearted suggestion had made the perfect bait for him, it seemed, as he determinedly agreed. Hopefully, it would present her with a chance to figure him out. When she took a step towards him, the fact that his hand moved a little lower on her back only made her reflect his very own smile. Apparently, he hailed from Ishgard too. Yet she still detected something in his appearance that didn't quite fit the picture of a nobleman. "No, I knew you were from Ravaryn." She admitted honestly. Most of the time, she could tell quite easily. "You have the look of a northerner, my lord." She went on as she tilted her head back a little so she could look him in the eye. "Not to mention the slight hint of an accent that sounds very familiar." She said, raising her brows momentarily. While he certainly had the vocabulary of a nobleman, his way of pronouncing certain words was a tad different. "But don't fret, it's quite charming." She mused just as she showed him a slight grin. He was more interesting than most noblemen.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:52 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd only now started to notice the looks that were kept on them. He had been so captivated by the princess, he had not taken time to look around. But one quick look over her shoulder told him enough, and suddenly the nerves fluttered in his stomach again. He forced himself to look sideways to the princess again, that was much easier, swaying her from left to right, changing which of his hands he held on his back as he remembered all those lessons from long ago.

The princess looked at him as if he was a puzzle, or a murder mystery from a detective to solve. And every little step forwards, every small but bold and huge movement in his mind he made, only rewarded him with more of those pretty smiles. He kept a cool impression, trying to make it seem that he certainly knew what he was doing, but honestly, he was just improvising as he was moving along. Flexibility was never truly his forte, as he liked to plan every minute detail. And know that bit him in the ass, as she started to unravel him in front of her.

She called him a true Northerner which he answered with a small nod. But when she commented on his accent, his eyes started to widen a small bit. It was the only thing that was hard to lose i his family, certainly as they worked a lot more with the common folk than the posh nobles. If his hands weren't occupied leading the princes in the dance, he would for certain slapped himself straight on the forehead. By Ranaan, he should have lied. Being exotic was much more exciting than a commoner. But the princess called it charming, which made him chuckle. ‘‘Well, you did make me fret for a short moment there, princess,’’ he commented lightheartedly. When the music allowed it so, he then stepped a bit to the side and made the princess lean backwards on his hand, before gently pulling her upwards again. ‘‘But you figured me out,’’ he answered softly as he placed her face closely to the side of her face. ‘‘Very clever.’’

Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:34 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
It was easy to forget everything that went on around them as they swayed over the dancefloor. Arianna had learned not to be bothered by the prying eyes of the members of the court. Especially not when she really ought to enjoy herself. So she focused her gaze on his and spoke in hushed tones so that only they might hear. With each little word he spoke, each smile he showed her, she became more intrigued with him. But she was clever enough to play the game herself, handing him little  strings to grasp onto, so that she might uncover who he really was.

When she started to unravel him, and proven to be correct in her assumptions, a somewhat triumphant look appeared on her face. "To be quite frank, I think it's much better when you don't try to hide your accent." She encouraged him. She could understand the appeal of wanting to fit in with the crowd, but surely he could to that without losing touch with who he was. Her eyes widened a little when he gently leaned her against his hand. It must have looked marvelous, because for the first time she could hear the reaction of the crowd around them in hushed gasps. As not to lose the momentum, she moved gracefully along with his direction once more. But when she heard his voice close to her ear, her eyes fluttered up once more to look at him. "Some call me that." She mumbled as she started to lose herself in his gaze. Quickly enough, she regained her posture. But he must have noticed. "So I figured you out," she said in a whisper. "Now you try." She challenged him softly. "I expect you'll spare no effort." For a moment they were so close that she could feel his breath on her skin, until she took a step back and continued waltzing along to the music.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:15 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd kept close to her, there voices were mere whispers underneath the joyous music that was being played. It seemed to build up slowly but certainly, more instruments seemed to join after a couple bars in the song. Lloyd kept himself collective, trying to recognize the right cues in the music, keep his steps in place and to converse with the princess, who distracted him more and more.

Lloyd bit down a smile as the princess commented that she preferred him keeping the accent. He tilted his head a bit to the side. He questioned the motives for her to say it. Did she like authenticity? Or did she just like to have a different cadence of words, just to hear a different tune from time to time. But he only gave her a stark smile. “I think so too,” he agreed with her. “And it's terribly strenuous to unlearn a habit,” he joked, continuing the conservation. “Good or bad.”

Lloyd had to force himself not to look up as he heard the crowd audible gasp when he made the princess lean backwards. He forced himself to keep a cool expression whilst he kept unwavering eye-contact, because it seemed it was he who surprised her again the night. This was some happy little accident and when they were dancing almost cheek to cheek again, he felt the princess shift, taking the reins in the conservation once more.

And what she asked of him was, difficult. It felt like a trap, like there was no good answer to this question. But she whispered it so close to his skin, as if she wanted him to fall for it. He would overstep, or insult, or give an answer that was simply not pleasing enough. She had verbally pushed him in a corner, so he looked at her as he took his time to think. He like the challenge in her eyes. “I think you are much more difficult to figure out them you seem, princess,” he spoke in a hushed voice. “Underneath all the posh manners and pretty dance moves, I think you are much sharper than you make yourself look.” He raised their hands to make her spin around once more. “It would be unwise to underestimate you.” And he might have been guilty to that.
Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:20 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
During their short time together there were many things the Princess noticed about her enigmatic dance partner. She noticed in what manner he smiled, and how his eyes lit up every time they further engaged in conversation. She also noticed his accent, which was just different enough from everyone else at the royal court. She liked it. It certainly wrapped up his intruiging persona neatly. "It is, definitely." She confirmed with a knowing smile. She too had habits she might like to change, but that also made her who she was.

It was difficult not to be surprised by him, not to lose herself in every little thing he did. He wasn't the most advanced dancer, yet the way they so flawlessly fit together made it seem like they had done this a thousand times. And others noticed too. She didn't pay the gasps around them that much attention. How could she when he was looking at her like that? If his aim was to capture her in his gaze, he had succeeded.

Their dance became more complicated with each turn they took, with each word that was spoken. Arianna challenged the man in a manner that would effectively end their time together if he answered wrong. But their time wasn't over, yet. She listened intently to his words that recognized her intellect. It was as if he called her a grand master at chess, a compliment that so suited her. She felt her gaze soften, right before he spun her around.

This time she didn't immediately say anything. Instead she gently stepped around him, as the dance required her to do. It was fitting, as he had just called her an apex predator, in a way. Her hand briefly brushed past his shoulders before she appeared in front of him once again. "I think that is the most flattering thing I've heard all night." She said as she showed him a smile. She smoothly laid one hand in his neck as they continued spinning around, now together. "And you were right." She confirmed softly. "It seems that I may have met my match." She stated as she looked in his eyes. "Just don't tell anyone else." She whispered as her charming smile turned into a grin. She wouldn't want anyone else to know how he had figured her out.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sun Jan 01, 2023 6:12 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Bad habits. Like asking women way - like way, way, way - above his station to dance. Well, they were hard to unlearn if they were so successful. Here he was, dancing with a crown princess, making the crowd gasp. Somebody might needed to pinch him, in case he was dreaming. But he just kept his calm composer. He only broke character when the princess made him softly laugh.

Her gaze was magnetic and the sentiment seemed to work both ways. Their eyes easily found their way back together, only when they turned ways, switched hands it broke, but they soon found their way back together. And when he spoke his words, carefully picked, scared he might have fallen in that trap she created for him, he just knew he hit the right spot when he saw her face slightly shift. And when he held their hands high to make her twirl, he had this smug little grin on his face, which still happily glowed when she fell back in his arms.

Lloyd stayed at his place, left hand on his back as the dance required of him. The princess had not responded yet, and his head turned with her as she stepped around him. And when she passed behind him, he turned his head the other way to collect her gaze when she came back in his horizon. At the same time as her fingers brushes his neck, he laid his hand on her waist, stepping in rhythm with the music again when they started to spin, her dress glittering in the torchlight. He smiled only with his eyes when she told him he was right, while he slightly bit his underlip. ‘‘I am pleased,’’ he mused softly. He then chuckled softly as she told him he should not tell anybody else. ‘‘Don't worry,’’ he continued with a grin. ‘‘It will be our little secret.’’

The music whipped up one last time. The crescendo that followed made him think that the song was coming to it's end. So he drew his right hand from her side, upwards again. And with his left arm, he now completely wrapped it around her waist, lifting her up slightly from the ground, swirling her to his side. He looked sideways. ‘‘Hold on tight,’’ he warned her softly.  
Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:55 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Theirs would be the story of the ball: the mysterious stranger swaying over the dancefloor with the Crown Princess. There was little the noble men and ladies of the royal court, as well as the many other guests of different social standing, liked more than a couple as captivating as this one. Not only would there be many eyes watching them like hawks, there would be chatter all across the ballroom.

The air was filled with anticipation of what would happen next. Arianna felt the tension rise again, creeping up on her, before the man spoke his carefully chosen words. As soon as he did, the challenge in her eyes disappeared and her gaze had changed into something much softer. He had been right in his assumptions, exactly right. But before confirming what he wanted to hear, she followed the dance and slowly pranced around him. She could feel her breathing slow down as she did, right before she appeared in his view and their eyes connected once again.

The Princess took their intimacy just a small step further this time. The music didn't require her to be this close to him, but she was nonetheless. With one hand placed elegantly in the crook of his neck, she could feel her charming smile increase when he reciprocated by placing a hand on her waist. "That's good. I wouldn't want you to feel anything but content tonight." She told him. Her eyes lit up with a sense of ⁠whimsy —or was it mischief— when he called it 'their secret', and she nodded softly. "I'll promise to cherish it." She whispered in his ear, right before the music picked up again.

As the music intensified, gaining momentum, she realised their time together would soon end. Before having a chance to think about the letdown of that fact, however, the man swirled her close to him. She could feel her heartbeat increase as he did, even more so when she looked at him once again. Her eyes sparkled in delight under the light of the candles. "I won't let go." She promised him as she placed both her hands on his shoulders. She knew what was about to happen, so she shouldn't feel the nerves rush to her stomach. Or was it something else entirely, like butterflies?

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:30 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd never thought himself the charmer. But somehow, he thought he had made this princess like him. Or maybe they just somehow.. clicked? Them being each other's match. Having innocent little secrets between each other. Like he would ever see her again after this night. Because after all, she was a princess, and he was a wannabe nobleman. He could make all the money in the world, nothing would ever change that.

The princess was really walking the line of boldness and inappropriate. As she was standing closer to him then ever before, so close he almost started to worry that he would trip over her feet. But they were so accustomed to each other by now, he would only have to think and she was moving gracefully with him. But now her chin was ever so close by his neck, and he raised his chin a bit to keep their skin from touching. But the soft words she spoke to him, wanting him to feel content, to cherish their secret. It made his neck hairs stand up. His eyes fluttered to her for only a moment, before making the decision to make the princess leave the ground for a moment.

Lloyd was way out of his league. By Ranaan, he knew he was. But never had he had this many eyes on him, and she made him believe he was the only man in the room. So when she placed her hands on his shoulders, there was no going back. He kept the momentum from their earlier swirl and then he placed both hands on her waist again and raised her high above his head. Lloyd now smiled his teeth bare when a small laugh escaped him. He could not believe what was happening, as he slowly placed one feet behind the other, keeping the princess in the air a while longer, spinning for the whole ballroom to see.  
Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:59 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
The longer they swirled and twirled across the dancefloor, the more Arianna started to forget anyone else was even around them. She had heard the soft gasps of the couples that swung past them, but she hadn't chosen to actually acknowledge them. They sounded miles away and in her mind they couldn't hear, nor see, anything. In her reality there was only the mysterious man who had captivated her in so many ways.

The champagne she had, although it hadn't been much, came into play. It gave her the courage do something she wouldn't have otherwise done, though it wasn't even remotely scandalous. The Princess closed in on her dance partner, just so she could whisper words that were truly only meant for him. Not even the sharpest ear should hear them. And what she did had the intended effect. While it was only a brief exchange of looks, Arianna knew what she had done by saying that to him. Call it liquid luck, and if that wasn't the appropriate phrase, call it blatant honesty.

It seemed as if they both knew their dance, and with that their time together, was ending. He lifted her up slightly, making her promise to hold on. And when she did, she felt him lift her in the air. Now high above his head, she looked down on him. Frankly, his wide smile was rather infectious. She heard a most pleasant sounding laugh escape his lips, making a lighthearted laugh filled with the same joy leave hers. She didn't even notice all the other people watching them, all she saw was him. It couldn't last long enough, but she was lowered to the ground once again. A soft gasp left her lips as she felt her feet on the ground once more. Her gaze was filled with awe as they twirled around to the dwindling music. In one last move, she felt him lean her back once again, yet only briefly. When she stood up straight, still so close to him, the music had at last ended. "I think it's safe to say that you've surprised me." She whispered to him, still a little out of breath. Her face was graced with a content smile.  She did not want this to end, but it would have to.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:06 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd did realize he was a very lucky man. He could not believe his eyes. Well, if this did not get him noticed, he did not know what would. That had been his goal, wasn't it? To show his face, make name and play society like he belonged here. But dancing with royalty was not on the top of his list or would get him business partners. It would only cause rumours. Well, every time people asked who he was, maybe business would come rolling to him.

He softly placed the princess back on her feet. The dance was now truly ending and the princess had this beautiful expression on her face like she had just seen magic for the first time. He raised his eyebrows with broad smile, after which he leaned her back one last time. His breath had become heavier with the intens ending of their dance. And then.. the music came to a conclusion. They just stood there, close together. Again those little whispers. ‘‘The feeling is reciprocal,’’ he told her softly. And then he stepped back, ending their dance with a proper bow. Soon the floor was readying for the next song and he knew he would have to make place. He licked his lip shortly and stood up back straight. Why end this night here?

The man took the princess by her arm and lead her a few steps towards the side of the ballroom. He knew he had to scatter soon, because he saw eyes piercing on him already. And he was not done with impulsive decisions and rather bold actions. ‘‘Can I get you a drink, princess?’’ he asked her softly as he placed his head closer to her ear again, while his fingers softly grazed over her wrist. ‘‘I still owe you a name.’’

Tue Jan 03, 2023 1:28 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
What had happened on the dancefloor, the way they had magically connected as if they belonged in a storybook, wasn't something Arianna would soon forget. In fact, it still felt like she was dreaming when the man put her down on the ground once more. She couldn't stop looking at him even if her life depended on it. The closeness, the whispers, the intimacy.. it wasn't something she could fake. An almost aching feeling shot through her as he stepped back to officially end their dance. But with the gracefulness that only belonged to royalty like her, she made a curtsy for him, hiding how she truly felt.

The Princess was ready to be swept away by another stranger asking her for a moment of her time. But before anyone could get close to her, the man made sure he remained the only one close to her. She followed him without any protest, enchanted by his boldness. He asked her for a drink, yet she didn't fully register it. Instead she felt the way his hand brushed by hers and the way he whispered so close to her ear. She looked up at him with anticipation. "Don't be too long, my lord." She spoke softly. Very carefully, her fingers grazed by his hand, as if she would intertwine them with his at any moment. Before she could, however, she took a step back. Arianna offered him a nod, sending him on his way.


Perhaps it had all just been a dream. It was a moment of escapism that she couldn't possibly hold onto. After the tall man had disappeared in the crowd, it didn't take long for someone else to require her attention. Arianna had made sure to say where he had left her. But even then, he hadn't returned. And after a while, she had been swept away by the guests that had been watching her like vultures. She couldn't even answer their inquisitive questions, asked in an envious tone. Who was he? She did not know. What was his name? If only she knew. All she knew was that she wanted him to find his way back to her, and he hadn't.

Eventually, the many questions had become too much for even her. She was a master at smiling, pleasing other people, yet even she had her limits. By some miracle, the Princess had found her way to a remoted hallway. Here, no one would be asking her anything. She could finally catch her breath.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Tue Jan 03, 2023 11:52 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd just needed a few confirming words, don't be too long. He gave a small nod and she felt her fingers brush past his hand. It was the promise that this night was far from over yet. But to be honest, he needed to bolt quickly before he would get swarmed. And, it was quite funny to have the princess struggle to explain what just had happened. ‘‘I won't,’’ he promised. And then they parted ways, him diving in the crowd and avoiding everybody's gazed.

Lloyd did take long. One unfortunate accident with another princess later, and he was finally on his way with two tall glasses of champagne in his hands. And now he just had to find her again. Lloyd was not a specifically tall man, so looking over the crowd was not something he could do. He would only have to catch a glimpse of that sparkly dress. At first, he slowly made his way back to the dancefloor, excusing himself from people who tried to ask him questions. The princess was not where he left her, and he did not dare to ask anybody if they had seen her. He did not want to look that desperate.

And then, he caught a flash of her. Not her sparkly dress, like he imagined, but her sleek raven-black hair. And he saw her flee for an hallway. Lloyd cringed for a while, feeling pretty shitty that he left her waiting for so long. But a promise was a promise, and he would not let this chance slip through his fingers. So he made his way past the crowd and slipped in behind her. The silence was blissful. He had gotten so used to the loud chatting of dozens of people. And now, all there was left was he and.. she.

‘‘Princess,’’ he gently called out to her, raising the glass he had taken for her slightly. He stepped towards her, an apologetic expression on his face. ‘‘I am truly sorry for taking so long. I got swarmed,’’ he explained a matter-of-factually. He would not tell her about that little incident, no - he would rather not. ‘‘Here, for you,’’ he said with a tiny smile when he reached the glass over to her.

Wed Jan 04, 2023 12:28 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
A Princess like her shouldn't be left standing by herself, waiting for the mysterious figure who had captivated her so. Instead she should be among the crowd, shining and shimmering like only she could. Of course, this was  only what the people around her thought. The royal court would not want their jewel in the hands of someone no one seemed to know. It was, however, not at all what Arianna herself wanted. But she wasn't given a chance to find out anything about him. For the man had simply vanished.

In the loneliness of the remote hallway she was given some time to ponder about what had happened. She knew it was probably for the best that he had left. She shouldn't even have tried to engage in.. what had she even been doing with him? It had felt like so much more than just a dance. She leaned on a stone balustrade that looked out over the garden, letting a sigh slip off her lips. There was truly no chance of finding him, since going back inside would only mean getting swarmed once more. It seemed like Arianna would just have to get on with her night.

Or should she? A familiar voice reached her ears, making her tilt her head in surprise. "It's you." She said in an astonished manner. There he stood, complete with an apologetic outlook and two glasses of champagne in hand. She stepped away from the stone rail, straightening her back while doing so. She listened to him with her head slightly tilted and one eyebrow raised. "You know, I was beginning to think you had vanished." She told him. "But you're forgiven."  It was true that he had let her down by not returning sooner, but it was to no fault of his own. Besides, she truly couldn't stay mad at him when he looked at her the way he did now. "If," she went on, gently taking the glass he offered her. Like before, her fingers seemed to automatically linger around his. "You finally tell me your name." She stated with her eyes fixated on his. He owed her that much.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:26 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Somehow the chill from the gardens was a welcome relieve from the crowded and muggy ballroom. Just as the cool of the crystal glasses in his hands. And he found her standing leaning over the balustrade, looking over to the darkened gardens. He painted that picture in his mind for a moment, a lone princess. It made him look over her shoulder, almost expecting somebody else to show up, as he was not the one she waited for. Because, why would she?

Her face had this amusing and endearing look as she noticed him. It was indeed him. She acted surprised, like if he was not real. Had this been as much as a dream for her as it had been to him? But she regained posture quickly and there was the princess again, quick with words and ever so properly mannered. ‘‘It would be stupid for me to break a promise with a princess,’’ he responded to him maybe vanishing. Luckily he was forgiven. But, there was an ultimatum she made, when she reached her hand to the glass he handed to her. Their fingers touched again, somehow seeing to carrying a spark with them. He chuckled softly. ‘‘You are right,’’ he said with this cheeky spark in his eyes. But, he somehow felt a bit nervous, because she would probably not know him. Maybe. And if not, she would probably research him the next morning, then nothing would be left to the imagination. At least he still had this night. ‘‘It's Lloyd,’’ he started to introduce himself, hesitating a bit if he should tease her with not giving him his last name. Maybe he could haggle another dance out of her. But no, he decided to be a honorable man tonight. ‘‘Lloyd d'Vrys.’’

Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:28 am
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
Somehow the Princess had managed to get away from the crowd almost entirely unseen. It was a rare occasion that she found herself without company, especially at these sort of events. She could only see a lone guard in the distance, who was attentively keeping an eye on her. Perhaps everyone had been too occupied by the one figure that was above even her standing: her father. Whatever it may be, Arianna quietly thanked Raanan for allowing her to not hear anything but her own thoughts for a minute.

When the mystery man once again appeared, it left her stunned. She had wholeheartedly given up on seeing him again, yet here he stood in front of her. Had he been just as keen to return to her as she had to him? A soft chuckle left her lips as he pointed out that disappointing someone like her wasn't ideal. "It would be rather foolish," she confirmed. When her fingers touched his and her gaze wandered up, she was once again gifted with that bold spark in his eyes. It was safe to say it stunned her each time. Finally, he gave her his name. "Lloyd d'Vrys." She repeated. She let the name roll off her lips slowly, as if she was testing out the likes of it. But while doing that, the realisation that she did not know the name struck her. "I must confess I've never heard the name before." Arianna didn't like not knowing, it made her feel inferior. "But perhaps you might allow to take up some more of your time." She said, showing him a charming smile as she held out her hand. "Arianna Ylindar," she spoke. It was only appropriate for the two of them to have a proper introduction now.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:46 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Lloyd his eyes had that tiny smug twinkle again when she laughed. It was like it was almost forbidden, for a princes to audibly laugh. It were those soft and secretly laughs, like it was not supposed to be heard, but he heard them anyway. It was a pretty picture that he painted in his mind, like he was ever so slightly more charming than he thought he was. But nothing felt more strange then her echoing his name out loud. He nodded slowly, almost hoping for recognition. But he was not disappointing that she did not. He kept silent as she continued to speak, raising his chin slightly. ‘‘I might,’’ he responded. He would, of course. Nothing like speaking to a princess. And she was nothing like he expected. She was witty and funny, even as she raised her hand to him when she introduced himself. It was almost a sketch. He took her hand with his. ‘‘Hmm, I might have heard that one before,’’ he joked, that smug smile on his again.

The man did not drop her hand, because he heard the sound of muffled voices approaching them. He looked quickly over his shoulder, and decided to make another quick decision. He did not intend to be spotted or worse, interrupted. ‘‘May I interest you in a walk?’’ He did not await an answer, expecting the owners of the voices to find them soon if they would stay where they were. And he had some surprises left in store for the princess. ‘‘I'll tell you about myself on the way.’’ And then he tugged softly on her hand, walking further into the empty hallway, pulling her around a corner just before company could spot them. He turned around, walking backwards for a few steps, still her delicate fingers in her hand, sparkling champagne in the other. ‘‘I'm an architect,’’ he then told her. ‘‘I have worked on estates, temples, a castle,’’ he continued. His eyes rolled up to the arches roof of the hallway. Not this wing in particular, but maybe he could show her if they somehow found the way to that old piece of castle he had worked on with his father.  
Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:35 pm
IC Posts
Crown Princess of Ravaryn
Arianna Ylindar
Arianna Ylindar
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- 9s9opHd
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_inline_ow8tn3N1Pg1urqydq_500

Character sheet
Age: 22 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Crown Princess
i've lived my life both good and bad,
definitely not as light as a feather
If they still had their spectators, their privacy would be intruded as those around them would try to find out what had been said. But Arianna was glad they didn't, since it gave her a chance to speak more freely. Their banter was certainly increasing without the many eyes on them. "You might?" She questioned with a raised brow, her lips curved up into somewhat of a grin. When he made her laugh againshe lightly shook her head in amusement. "It does sound familiar." She mimicked him, just to briefly entertain his joke.

Once again they were about to be interrupted. She looked at him with disappointment in her eyes as if she knew they wouldn't have another chance like this. But he managed to amaze her with a request that was so naturally simple at heart. Lloyd did not wait for an answer, but the way her eyes lit up would have told him just enough. "I'd be delighted to hear more about you." She told him with a smile as she followed him intently. As they turned a corner she let an elated sigh roll off her lips, coming down slowly from the high of potentially getting caught with him. "This is already more excitement than I usually get at events like this." Arianna told him with a wide smile on her face. She liked it.

Finally, he told her more about himself. He was an architect who worked on many projects, including: "A castle such as this one?" She aasked him. Could it be that he had worked in the palace? "Surely, mister d'Vrys, you would show me," she went on softly while she looked him in the eye. Surely, he wouldn't deny her.

Outfit (echt heel heet)
Mon Jan 09, 2023 11:57 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lloyd d'Vrys
Lloyd d'Vrys
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Wp10309412
[FoF] and the audacity of this bi- Tumblr_l_1038031793003603

Character sheet
Age: 27 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Architect
for better or worseI'm with him, it will probably be for worse
Arianna Ylindar, nobody would forget the name of their future queen. It was a name often whispered in awe. Everybody seemed to like her, would be pleased to see her as the queen. Well, apart from some of the simpler folk that would prefer a man to take the crown. Lloyd did not much care for which person sat on top of that throne, as the royal family was nothing more than a figurehead. Because they were more concerned what happened in their little bubble than what happened outside. So as long Lloyd could prosper, he was fine. Even making his way inside the bubble more and more, making profit of their limited perspective on the world. That was why people like her did not no people like him. And somehow he would like to know her, even though he was careful to not fall into another trap strung by him by a woman standing above him in name.

The few drinks made him sloppy though. He sipped the champagne happily, liking the way how loose it made him feel. So loose that he suddenly could dance and talk with a woman, and she even seemed to love it. She took in every little world, let him drag her away and even commenting how much "excitement" it was. He chuckled cheerfully. ‘‘Always happy to provide,’’ he mused in a deep voice. Getting caught together would not be such a shame, as they did already had that little dance. But what was the fun in that, while they could prance around the castle?

And she noticed the little hint he had dropped for her. Of course, she had proven herself to be the sharp thinker. And it was really obvious. ‘‘Maybe,’’ he answered with a smirk and raised eyebrows. And when he called him by his name, he bit his lip for a second. He almost regretted telling her. ‘‘Of course. I think I might know the way.’’ He downed the rest of his champagne, leaving the glass standing on the balustrade. He switched the hand he was holding hers with and made another turn, more back into the spine of the castle. It did not take very long for him to recognize a part of the castle, the western wing that needed some pillars and arches replaced.

Lloyd stopped in the middle of the hallway and placed his hands on Arianna's shoulders from behind her, turning her exactly to the part where he had worked on. ‘‘Here,’’ he murmured behind her. ‘‘I had to draw this a hundred of times.’’ He reached his arm beside her and gestured upwards to the decorated arches. ‘‘Those are new,’’ he told her gently. ‘‘And we replaced the foundation of that tower.’’ Lloyd pointed to a narrow door, almost hidden for people who did not know about it. It was an old part of the castle, which had still been been made much less regally than the whole place eventually ended up as.  
Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:26 am
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