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Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
Free Animal J2Hi32L
Free Animal Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.
He was shown a vision today of meeting someone he had not spoken to. He had heard of her, ofcourse, everybody knew about her. But this would be the first time he would be able to speak with her. His vision, however, had not shown him where they would meet. So Mort had made himself presentable in every way possible. He may be from a great family, the royal family was still above the Rizals, so he had to be respectful. With a glass of red wine in his hand, he was reading the backs of some of his books, wondering what he would take out for some reading today. The vision was still in the back of his head. Arianna Ylindar was an interesting specimen, not only because she was the crown princess of Raveryn, but also in personality. She intrigued him and he wondered what they could speak about.
The chef and seer sighed softly and finished his glass of wine. This was going nowhere, he kept getting distracted. Maybe some fresh air would be better. So he walked towards his coat rack, picked out his best hunting coat and checked if he had his dagger with him. Most people thought him weird for only using a simple dagger for the hunt, but Mort had perfected his technique and had his own ways of hunting. He looked around when he stepped outside, half expecting the crown princess at his doorstep. When she was not, he chuckled a bit and walked around his mansion. The whole reason why he wanted to live here was so he had the wilderness in his backyard. He quickly disappeared within the forest, looking for some suitable meat for dinner tonight.

[+Arianna Ylindar]
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:13 pm
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