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Ashmoor Citizen
Charles Marlborough
Charles Marlborough
Run free VJVDjoD
Run free 45ed663097b294ea0c6897c305f941ce

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Private secretary
Scared people will do things,

Charles was on his way back from Dawnmire. He had delivered something to Baron Grimaldi from the Winter family. It felt good the be outside of Alderrath, though he was happy that he was on his way back home. Every time he was away, he felt homesick rather fast. Missing his brother, his niece, and his son. If anything, his family was everything and it showed. Each and every time. He had bought a few minor things for both Ella and Isaac. Little things, yet heartfelt. Knowing that at least one of the two would be happy with it. He could only hope that Isaac would be happy as well. Though it was still very hard for him to read the young teenagers. Which often made him wonder if he had actually made the right choice or not.

He was rather close to home when all of a sudden a roadblock was up ahead. Which obviously made him steer his horse in another direction. Through a field. Something that was considered a shortcut, though maybe not the correct one. But in the end, as long as he would reach his desired destination it didn’t really matter. Charles knew it did, but he could justify what he was doing if an angry farmer came after him. His horse was happily going ahead, seemingly enjoying the different route they were taking. And so was Charles, just enjoying the speed.

Which was until someone came riding right next to him. Which made him steady his horse a little, not slowing down. Glancing up. Spotting the face of someone he knew of yet had not had the pleasure to actually meet. Augustus Carnegie. Wasn’t his sister, the owner of the orphanage?

That you wouldn't believe.

Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:51 pm
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