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Ashmoor Citizen
Eli Dumont
Eli Dumont
Puppeteer 6NMK9wq
Puppeteer Tumblr_inline_o5rtcy3Jhd1rifr4k_500

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: Engineer
Eli kept his shop often closed nowadays. He was too tired and his mind was too occupied to help people get weapons or trinkets. He doubted any of them were worth the time he could spend plotting his revenge instead. But, in a moment of clarity, he decided that keeping it closed altogether made people wonder why. And the last thing he wanted was people at his doorstep asking questions. So he opened his doors every now and then, watching his customers impatiently and counting the seconds they would leave so he could return to his work again.

One of the downsides of using his magic more, and barely sleeping through the night, was that he got exhausted way faster. Eli started to notice his fatigue late in the afternoon, and was about to close the shop for the day when he heard the bell ring.

“I’m sorry, we’re closed-” Eli stopped mid sentence when he looked up from his administration and met the gaze of the man that just walked in. The moment he laid eyes on the man, Eli felt his chest burning hot with rage. “Matthew Winter,” he managed to say, before he inhaled deeply and forced himself to put on a smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:07 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Puppeteer X
Puppeteer Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He had heard of the boy from a woman he had some business with. She had spoken about his shop and his weaponry and it had gotten his attention. It almost sounded like another man he had helped, a long time ago. It intruiged him, however, and therefore he had asked her his address after they had done their deal and finished their business. When she had finally left his study again he could properly get to work. He didn't know much of the man if he was being completely honest, but he knew he could dig up some things if he just asked around. And so he did. As he mentioned the name to other men, he got puzzle piece after puzzle piece. A boy who had lost his family, so it would appear. The Dumonts didn't really ring a bell right away, but as people mentioned the tragedy, it slowly dawned on him. He had heard of it before. The tragedy was something that had swept through the upper ring back in the day. So... He was the boy who lived. How peculiar. And that wasn't the only peculiar thing about the things he heard. Apparently he had vanished too, something that was only noted by one man. There wasn't more information on it he could get out of the people he knew. Only that he had appeared again in the middle ring and that was it. Now that... That was really peculiar.

He already had some business with some other store owners in the middle ring. The talk was boring and all regarding his business as a whole. But, finally, after hours of talking about finances and other shit he really didn't care all that much about, he was now on his way to this peculiar shop. As he walked down the street he did hear some soft whispers of the people passing him, noting of who he was. He simply smiled and waved when he noticed, actually adoring the attention that the strangers gave him. He really thrived on things like this. Cecilia had always teased him whenever he would act like this by asking him if her attention wasn't enough. That memory stung for a moment, but he shook it off when he got his destination in sight. No time to think about that now, there was business to discuss.

The tall man stepped inside, letting his hazel eyes go over the interior as he did. The ring of the bell had clearly grabbed the attention of the shop owner, the man of the hour; mister Dumont himself. As he started his sentence and lifted his gaze, he stopped himself when seeing who had entered his shop. Matthew simply showed him a charming smile as he heard his name. In the flesh yes yes. The other put a smile on as well and the WInter stepped forward, observing the other slowly. He didn't seem all that interesting at first sight. A simple shop owner. But there was more below the surface, wasn't there? He eventually went on, asking a question that made him smile even wider. He nodded for a moment. "Elijah Dumont, right?" He said as he tilted his head somewhat. "A business partner of me spoke very highly of your products and your shop," He went on as he lifted his gaze, looking around the shop once more before putting his gaze back on him. "I would like to make a deal, an offer," Straight to the point, as always. "Financially of course," There were enough rumours about him doing this. Funding smaller businesses and all that, helping out people with money and all that. Of course there was enough talk out there wat his actual motives were regarding this. Some were close, some were right. It was always a gamble of what it was going to be.
Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:06 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Eli Dumont
Eli Dumont
Puppeteer 6NMK9wq
Puppeteer Tumblr_inline_o5rtcy3Jhd1rifr4k_500

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: Engineer
What the fuck was Matthew Winter doing in his shop? Eli had to force himself to put a smile on his face as he greeted the man, but he had a tight grip on his desk. He frowned as the man spoke, having to focus on the actual words the other were speaking. “Your business partner sounds like a reasonable person,” he smiled. But what was his interest in that? He had heard of Matthew. He was a respectable business man, beside being part of the wealthiest family in Ashmoor. Eli didn’t care what he had to offer. He was his enemy as much as any other Winter.

“You have my attention,” he hummed anyway. He didn’t want to rule out any opportunities directly, and sending this powerful man away without at least listening to his offer might be suspicious.
Fri Dec 09, 2022 11:02 pm
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