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The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Mirrorball CWnwfQN
Mirrorball 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Everything in Charlotte Winter's life was absolutely perfect. She was on great terms with her family and she did everything the way Renestrae wanted it. By all means she was a golden child ⁠—not only because she had been told on multiple occasions⁠. And now the picture was complete with her most handsome fiancé. She'd marry Victor and become a Baroness. All in all, she had everything she had ever wanted.  

The young Winter had always been raised to be a suitable lady-wife to a lord. Her doting parents had made sure of that. But now that she was engaged, she thought it high time to get some tips from another perfect woman: her aunt Cassiopeia. The girl had arranged for the two of them to have tea together so that she might learn from her aunt what she did not yet know. While she knew the woman could be particularly tough on cousin Alison, Charlotte had always held the woman to the highest standard. So with a display of afternoon tea she sat in one of the sitting rooms of the Winter castle, waiting for her aunt. She had made sure to look flawless, with her hair done up and a suitable darling blue gown. After all, that was what was expected of ladies like her.


& Cassiopeia Winter
Sun Nov 27, 2022 1:04 pm
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