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Something almost perfect
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Altaïr Faez
Altaïr Faez
Something almost perfect  Grayscale-photo-mountains-valle-d-aosta-wallpaper
Something almost perfect  Unknown

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: General of the Crimson Dawn
everything I've ever let go has claw marks on it
How much he liked being back in his own chambers in the palace, he was not the biggest fan of the dull and monotone days guarding the royal family. It sounded so glamorous, keeping the royal family safe and sound. But most of the time it was standing in empty halls and the only thing to enjoy was the cool night breeze coming in though in between the sand colored pillars. At the oasis it was most of the time just hanging around with the other members of the Crimson Dawn, brawling to fill their days and taking bets on each other. Once you were back at the palace, the fun and games were over. Especially for Altaïr, who was general of the lot. Rules were strictly followed and not a step out of place was allowed.

Altaïr was patrolling on a leisurely pace through the empty hallways that were dimly lit with torch fire. His footsteps were soft, not to wake the queen and it seemed a routine job as always. The only things that accompanied him was the distant sound of the chirping of crickets and the stars in the pitchblack nightsky.

Until he heard the whisper of a creaking door. He narrowed his eyes and he assumed it was just some servant finishing up a job. But he could never assume, so with quick, silent stept he made his way to the sound. He was lucky the uniform of the Crimson Dawn was not some silly heavy armor as what they wore higher up North, so a broad man like him could still move relatively inaudible.

The culprit was quickly found and it was not who he expected, but he should have. Somehow you should expect that with age, wisdom and sense would somehow also just come naturally. But not for Princess Nepthys it seemed. Altaïr let down his guard, stood up straighter again as he had smallened his posture as he had snuck up to her. Altaïr felt a bit like a disappointed dad, but whatever. He lit up the torch closest to her a bit more, as he fed the flame with his magic. ‘‘Going somewhere, Princess?’’
I never had the chance to be soft. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me.

Tue Nov 22, 2022 12:08 am
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Nephthys Daetrys
Nephthys Daetrys
Something almost perfect  385cyPI
Something almost perfect  En0ePpm

Character sheet
Age: 27 years
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess
she was trouble, chaos really,
but her smile dared me to fall in love with her
Most Xailans would always choose day over night. It was one of the few instances where Nephthys' choice went along with that of the general population. But while most people chose to spend their nights doing ordinary things, such as sleeping, Nepththys liked to take another approach. Growing up, she had learned to appreciate the night and all the secrets it held. She might not be as strong as during the day, but nighttime was so much more controversial and thrilling.

Princess Nephthys Daetrys was dressed in shades of pink. Not one of her usual colours, but would anyone really expect her to stick to her own status quo? She donned a well-made and expensive pink wig that she had acquired earlier this week. Paired with it was a blush-coloured gown that left little to the imagination. The Princess was going out tonight. With a dark yet light-weighted cloak —that hid her new hairdo perfectly— she snuck through the hallways. Out of her quarters, to the exit.

Sneaking out at night so she could hit the town was her forté, and she was hardly ever stopped on her way out. Emphasis on hardly. Because today somebody did stand in her way. The torches on the walls lit up and as soon as she heard his voice an annoyed sigh escaped her lips. "Altaïr." She said as she turned around. "It would seem that way, wouldn't it?" She asked sarcastically. "Do you want to join me?" Her voice now sounded especially alluring. Would he really want to pass up a night on the town with her? No, she didn't think so.

Gown + Hair
Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:31 am
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