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Living in a constant nightmare
Time will tell
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Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Living in a constant nightmare 53zL75vk_o
Living in a constant nightmare TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel wasn’t sure why she kept doing this. Maybe it was because the Middle Ring was closely related to the Upper Ring? Maybe it was because she didn’t want to forget the memories linked to the Upper Ring, even though they were almost completely overshadowed by bad experiences? She didn’t know, but she knew she couldn’t keep doing this. Visiting the Middle Ring was a huge risk, even though the chances were slight that someone from the Upper Ring would visit a place like a library situated in the Middle Ring, let alone recognize her. She had changed her identity, her appearance and even her personality had chance, although the latter hadn’t been by choice. It had been formed by the gruesome reality that she was faced with when she entered the Lower Ring.

Her footsteps resounded a bit too loudly for her liking throughout the aisles of the library. She didn’t even know what she was looking for. Maybe a book that would teach her how to make anything of her life. How to go from everything to almost nothing. Or maybe a book that could inform her about druids, but she was fairly sure that a book like that didn’t exist in Ashmoor. Magic was heavenly forbidden within the kingdom; Hazel was pretty sure that any book related to the matter would either be banned or burned. Which meant that nothing would help her. Nothing would save her. So why did she even try? Why didn’t she give up already? RemiĆ«l had taught her how to effectively use a dagger and how to end a life.

So why couldn’t she just end all the misery and end hers?

@Luke Rustyrose
Mon Nov 14, 2022 12:27 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Luke Rustyrose
Luke Rustyrose
Living in a constant nightmare 5c8ebd11
Living in a constant nightmare 19887710

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Engineer
...I fell asleep.

He comes to that conclusion fairly quickly once he blinks awake to the sensation of an achey back and a tiny mountain of books surrounding him. Yay, research. Wooh, time is a construct.

Luke grimaces and rubs his eyes before getting up to stretch, some of his joints settling back in their proper places with a particularly loud POP!

"Shit, at this rate, I'mma need a godsdamned masseuse."
Wed Nov 16, 2022 7:38 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Hazel Woods
Hazel Woods
Living in a constant nightmare 53zL75vk_o
Living in a constant nightmare TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 26 years old
Race: Druid
Occupation: Waitress

Hazel was so engrossed in her thoughts that it almost scared her when she heard a voice nearby. She carefully peeked around the corner, seeing a man around her age sitting at a table. By the way he cracked his joints back into place she was pretty sure that he had fallen asleep, which was confirmed when she heard him speaking. Her heart started racing as she looked around. She should mind her own business and leave. The longer she stayed in the Middle Ring, the more dangerous it could get for her. But there was some kind of urge inside of her that wanted to at least see one friendly face. And maybe he wasn’t as friendly as she thought, but her naivety made it hard for her to turn around and leave. She could take her chances, right? She did have nothing to lose, after all.

”Ehm…” Hazel carefully walked towards him, speaking up to attract his attention. ”I’m no masseuse, but I could give it a shot?” she asked, hinting at his probably aching back. She wasn’t sure for how long he slept, but it couldn’t be very good for his back to lay down on the table like that, his body bended forwards because he was sitting on that chair. ”O-Of course it’s also none of my business, so I could just leave if I’m bothering you,” she spoke nervously, taking a step back. Who did she think she was? Of course no one from the Middle Ring wanted Lower Ring scum like her around him. If he knew where she came from, he would probably want nothing to do with her.

And could she really blame him?

Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:07 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Luke Rustyrose
Luke Rustyrose
Living in a constant nightmare 5c8ebd11
Living in a constant nightmare 19887710

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Engineer
Luke jumps a little when he hears another voice. "Fuckin-" The curse was instinctive... Before he realizes: This is a library, shut your trap. He clamps his mouth shut so he doesn't get kicked out.

He takes a second before properly looking at her, eyebrows raising so high they almost meet his hairline. "Uhh, lady, you sure you wanna offer something like that to a random stranger...? I could be a total creep, y'know?"
Thu Nov 17, 2022 6:23 pm
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