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A glimpse of the divine
Time will tell
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Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredHeader
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
Beauty is your power
Two times he had been to the palace, before he had inherited his title. Two times he had come because of her. The first time, of course, was for her birth. A joyous occasion and a wish come true for many. The Ashmorian people could finally breathe a sigh of relief because the duchess had finally given her duke an heir. Lords and ladies came from all around to offer their gifts to the child. Among them Frederick, still only a boy, visited the long-awaited baby girl with his parents. He still remembers how he asked his mother if she was a princess. And how she answered with a smile, telling him he should be her prince and protect her from harm. Oh, how proud he was, walking up the steps to her crib with his new role in mind. It was that moment, the moment when he first laid his eyes on her, the seed of his .. fascination took root deep inside. And as he presented the new born, looking up to him with her big blue-green eyes, with a gifts he whispered a promise to her. To be her prince and protector for as long as she may live.

Of course, those were just the hopeful, naive notions of a child who hadn't learned the harsh truths of life yet. Over time Frederick changed much, growing up the way he did. But still, that seed had been growing inside. Making him believe there was still one pure thing in the world. Worth protecting. It didn't matter that he hadn't seen her since that first time so long ago. Years later, after the glimmerhollow heir broke with his father and decided to live his independent life in Alderrath he finally would have a chance to see her again. What he did not expect, however, was the impact she would have on him. How she would enchant him by merely existing. Never realizing how deep and far that fascination of a boy had grown. On her 18th birthday, the second and last time he would visit the palace, was the first time he felt a slight fear for his feelings towards her. Invited as one of the many guests for the important celibration he'd found himself slightly tipsy, wondering off into the private corridors of the great castle. Ending up in her rooms, abandoned due to the festivities. There he burried himself in her belongings, soaking up her every smell and being. For any normal person it would seem quite disturbing, a grown man like him so bewitched by a young woman that he would sneak into her home like that. Just to get a glimpse of all she was. It was the first time he stole from her. Just a small item she most likely never even missed. Thankfully for her, Frederick was busted soon by a surprising but very effective guard. One of the duchess hounds, growling at the door. He quickly ran away, followed by the animal barking after him, until the dog had cornered him in a dimly lit and dead end hallway. His only way out was a window. As he opened it to jump into the dark, rainy night, he saw her at the end of the hall. The duchess. He'd looked at her for a moment, but before she could say anything, he'd jumped into the night, hidden by the rain, and fled.

Frederick never heard anything about it after that. Assuming that Lady Winter didn't recognize the heir of Glimmerhollow that night. It was years ago, and to his memory, it was a very dimly lit hallway, at night. But while he stepped—or rather, hobbled with his cane—into the great hall of the palace, following a footman, he couldn't help but feel nervousness. Perhaps even fear. If she hadn't recognized him, he would be safe, but what if she recognized him now? Or worse, what if she had recognized him that fateful night? Keeping it to herself all these years. He had no idea what he was about to step into. So he tried to play the fool. Act like he didn't know any of that. He was simply here to meet the Duchess of Ashmoor. A very normal request for the baron of Glimmerhollow.

(C) Ross
Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:12 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
A glimpse of the divine WSN0ewN
A glimpse of the divine HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

heroes always get remembered

legends never die

Cassiopeia had known about the infatuation the young Echhart had with her daughter even since that one night. When he broke into her rooms to do- god knows what. Only to be caught by one of her greyhounds. At first, she didn't recognize him at all. He had been too far away, and she didn't get to see a good view of his face before he made his rather daring escape. But he left something behind. Rather damming evidence. She hadn't even noticed it at first. But once again, her hound came in handy. For he brought her a handkerchief. One that the burglar must have accidentally dropped. Cassiopeia wanted to throw the thing away at first, for it was just a plain white piece of cloth. But then she noticed the initials embroidered in the very corners. It was one she recognized immediately. The Eckhart family. And Fredrick the eldest son and heir was the only member of the family present at the birthday party of her daughter. The others all refused the invitation for one reason or another. 

Cassiopeia had thought long and hard what to do with this shocking revelation. Should she bring it to the attention of her husband? And thus have the boy potentially charged? Or should she just-hold on to it? Perhaps she could use his feelings to her advantage one day. She would have to be patient. But by god that she was, time meant nothing to her. And now, finally, she found the opportunity she was looking for. So naturally she wanted to seal the deal as quickly as possible. And thus invited Fredrick to come and meet with her. And here he was. With a cane, since it seemed, he needed one as of late. A shame( but not really) really how such young of a man had trouble walking. Cassiopeia sat in her study. Quietly reading one of her favorite books. One of her spies how informed her of Fredricks arrival, having just left. Cassiopia had hummed to herself when she moved on to the next page. She had set her little birds on him too, of course, after that night. Hoping to see if she could see if his love for the heiress of Ashmoor would decline over the years. Though, she was said to say she didn't really get a conclusive answer to that question. Such things being rather hard to monitor, after all. But she assumed he still did, for he still didn't get married after all this time. And still had no real other love, it seemed.

When the door opened, and the man stepped inside, Cassiopia gave him a warm smile. She set her book aside and stood up. Walking over to him."Fredrick, how good to see you at last." She said, her voice as sweet as honey. When she was just a few inched away from the man. The woman stopped. Locking eyes with him. "I do hope your journey was pleasant enough." She continued the small talk. Though she couldn't really care less about the answer. Yet she waited patiently for one. And one given, she nodded. "I see." She mused. Finally, moving away from the baron. Yet. She kept her eyes on him. "I was actually hoping to discuss something rather important with you, my lord." She said when she moved to a singular bureau she had standing in the room. "I'm sure that you know that my dear Alison is currently engaged to Faolan Pyrrhos." The woman said as she was able to retrieve a small object from the one drawer that was built into the desk. "But I'm actually thinking about breaking that betrothal." She wasn't, not really anyway. The match was too advantageous. But Fredrick didn't know that, did he? It was common place, after all, for noble houses to break engagements. It was a long way from being married, after all. "For I think that the Pyrrhos family untimely isn't well suited. We really need a match with a much more established family. One that had that's accused to ruling. Like yours." With the small object in her hand, she moved back to the young man. A smile plastered all on her face. "What do you think, hmm? Could you see your self being engaged to my daughter? It's just a plan for now. But I can make the necessary arrangements." She held out the object as she finished speaking. She was sure he would recognize it. It was his handkerchief, after all. She had kept it all those years. And now seemed the right time to return it. "But you do know what this entails for you, hmm? In the meantime, you can't speak of it to anyone, nor make any other offers to anyone else." Cassiopeia put much emphasis on the last bit of her sentence. For while her little birdies hadn't reported any other great rival. They did report that the young lord was getting rather chummy with Matthew and his side of the family. A bit more than Cassiopeia liked. A match between him and Maybel would certainly be possible. And if that were to take place-That hateful man would have Glimmerhollow under his belt. Something that the Duchess wouldn't stand for. So she would keep Fredrick out of their hands with this offer. At least for now. It was all still speculation, though, from her part. But she was rather safe than sorry.

@Fredrick Eckhart

Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:27 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredHeader
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
Beauty is your power
Frederick had heard many different things about the Duchess of Ashmoor. Some good, some.. less favorable perhaps? Nothing really bad. Except for maybe one thing. The thing he had heard, mostly during his childhood, about this woman. From his father, of course. As he stepped into the room, Frederick could hear him say it right then and there. As if he were in the room with them. "That stupid cow of a woman" as his father always put it so eloquently. And all Frederick could think, as he walked up to the smiling lady Winter, was; why. Why would his father call this milf clearly very attractive and smart lady a stupid cow. Must've been jealousy. Or... maybe he was more like his father than he'd care to admit...

"My lady," He bowed his head for a moment. "The pleasure is all mine." When he looked up again, he was taken aback to see her... inches away from his face. It made him quite uncomfortable and made him involuntarily clear his throat. She was no doubt a good-looking woman and surprisingly tall. He could definitely see the resemblance to her daughter. But this sudden invasion of personal space felt a bit odd, and he didn't know what to make of it. Especially after that night and his doubts about what she knew. Of course, he didn't make a big deal out of it and tried to play it off by adjusting his footing and intentionally moving away from the blonde. "It was, my lady. I'm truly starting to appreciate travel by train, now that I use it so often." He smiled a friendly smile, secretly relieved that she had finally moved away from him. His expression turned more serious as she continued, following her with his eyes. He himself stayed put in the middle of the study. His curiosity and his dread grew simultaneously over what she was about to say.

When she started talking about Alison and her engagement with Faolan, Frederick's expression changed more clearly than he realized. He broke eye contact, looking away with a frown. Only answering with a small, almost mumbled, "I have, ma'am." Of course he had. That news had cost his father several of his more expensive bottles of wine and a very rare Lemurian urn. All smashed to pieces by his dear son.
What she said next, however, nearly broke his neck—that's how quickly he snapped his head back to her. He couldn't believe his ears. Was she actually saying what he thought she was saying? As the woman moved back to him, smiling that warm smile again, her words sank deeper and deeper until they reached that special string that made his soul vibrate like the voices of angels. His gaze had turned inward. Could he see himself being engaged to her daughter, she asked? As if he'd never done that before. As if she hadn't been in his mind almost 24/7 for years. It felt almost like a mockery. But she didn't know what a stupid question that was to him, right? Was this actually reality? Or was he experiencing a very good fever dream? His silent mind filled with a timeless symphony named Alison. Blasting any rational thought to pieces. Triggering fantasies of a life he thought was never meant for him. And now here he was. Being given the possibility of that life. A life with her.

His blurred vision finally focused when the duchess held a piece of fabric in front of him. He had to blink a few times to register what she was actually holding. Suddenly, it felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water all over him. He took the handkerchief, his thumb caressing the embroidered initials. His initials. He had lost that handkerchief many years ago, but it wasn't until now that he realized when, where, and how he had lost it. His mind started racing from a zero to a hundred miles a minute. Did she know? Had she recognized him after all? Why did she wait until now? Why would she break Alison's and Faolan's engagement? And why would she offer the engagement to him? Did... did she understand him? He had too many unanswered questions, and his mind didn't let him see the reality of it all. All he could see was Alison at the altar, saying yes.

He put the handkerchief in his jacket pocket. Completely forgetting the plan he had made before walking into this trap. He would play the fool about the whole situation. If he were smart right now, he would've asked her where she'd found it and acted all surprised at her story. If he were sensible, he would realize that an engagement between him and Alison could never be, even if every party agreed. But he was neither smart nor sensible at this very moment. No, today Frederick was a fly who'd flown straight into Cassiopeia's web, which she had spun specifically for him. "I understand ma'am." He nodded softly, still with a somewhat dumbfounded expression, at her request. "Is.. Lady Alison aware of this plan?" if she was, then he had acted like the biggest imbecile at their first meeting alone. If she wasn't, he knew there was only one thing for him to do. Woo that woman absolutely senseless.

(C) Ross
Mon Nov 28, 2022 4:36 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
A glimpse of the divine WSN0ewN
A glimpse of the divine HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

heroes always get remembered

legends never die

She seemed to have him spellbound. How very funny, he seemed so normal when he first came in. Saying the things any typical lord would say. But the more she went on, the more he seemed to change. It was all very subtle. But she noticed. However; she was rather surprised he didn't say anything when she handed back his long-lost handkerchief. In fact, the man just quickly pocketed the thing. Was he so out of sorts by the news she just told him that he didn't register what her returning the object to him actually meant? Hmm. He then asked is Alison herself was aware of the situation. It was a question that made the duchess still herself for a moment. She moved her eyes from left to right while she thought about her answer. "No, and I'd like to keep it that way." If possible; but she was sure he would understand. Alison and Foalan had been engaged for a while now and, everyone could see, that they had at least some sort of attachment towards one another. So it would be cruel to announce the change of plans to her while her feelings for the Pyrrhos boy were still strong. Or at the very least; that would be the reasoning if the plans would actually go through. "At least for a while, when all is already set and done; it will lessen the blow for her." The woman explained as she moved her body towards one of the many chairs that stood in the large room. When the woman had placed herself neatly, she held her right hand up. So she could rest her head on it. "I also know that you might have other questions, regarding your baron ship, if the engagement will take place." The woman then said. It was no secret that the reason why the young lord wasn't considered back when the question of Alison's marriage was raised was because of his position as heir. Heir to Glimmerhollow. And a baron couldn't marry the next ruler of Ashmoor. For he already had a title; and one couldn't have two. It would be easier if he had a brother that could claim his position, but Fredricks didn't have that luck. "But rest assured, we can find a way to make it all work." Cassiopeia didn't doubt that if she really wanted to; she actually could make it all happen. One way or another. "There is always a way around everything, after all." She smiled at him now. Though it could perhaps better be described a grin more than anything else.

@Fredrick Eckhart

Thu Dec 15, 2022 6:35 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Glimmerhollow
Frederick Eckhart
Frederick Eckhart
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredHeader
A glimpse of the divine EmesTWTfredIcon

Character sheet
Age: 32 Y/O
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron of Glimmerhollow
Beauty is your power
Still somewhat bewitched by the news, he stood there quietly while the duchess answered his one question. He could hardly believe it. After all this time, he would be engaged again. With that realization, a strange feeling came over him. He quickly shook it off. This was Alison; of course he wanted this. But, as her mother stated, she didn't know yet. Frederick wasn't quite sure if that was wise. What he knew and had recently seen of Alison. She wasn't the type who would be okay with this. It felt wrong to him to keep this from her. She deserved to know, didn't she? But going against the duchess would be unwise. He could feel the handkerchief toying with him in his jacket pocket. She was still able to ruin him with this knowledge. Finally, the fog that had clouded his mind seemed to dissipate, and only then did he realize what her actual message was. The duchess knew... and she could ruin him forever...

“Understood ma'am. She won't hear a word about it from me.” He promised her. Though, as the words left his mouth, he knew it was going to be a hard task to do. His short meeting with Alison had proven to be rather honest on his side of the equation. The Duchess had sat down, but Frederick was still standing as straight as an arrow. Not without difficulty, as a light sheen of sweat started to appear on his upper lip. Perhaps a combination from the discomfort of his leg and the intense news he just received. The attractive woman continued about his baronship, something he hadn't even thought about himself. Not that he was going to worry about it now. The duchess had already assured him it would be of no consequence. Though, her smile didn't make him fully trust her word. He couldn't put his finger on why that was...

What did worry him, however, was that cursed handkerchief. He couldn't pretend he knew nothing of it anymore. That plan was out the window the moment she dangled the engagement in front of him. It wasn't his intention to have an elaborate discussion about it either. So he tried to choose his next words very carefully. “I would like to make one request myself in the matter.” He said, locking eyes with the duchess. He swallowed before he continued, raising his hand up towards the location of his jacket pocket with the handkerchief, tapping it with his fingers. “Could we keep this between us? I don't want Lady Alison to get the wrong.. impression.” He cleared his throat and couldn't help but avert his eyes back to the ground. The duchess had kept it to herself for all those years, so surely he could trust her to keep it to herself now?

(C) Ross
Tue Apr 04, 2023 12:41 am
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