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schoolplein gevecht
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
schoolplein gevecht QZrZStW
schoolplein gevecht 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Polaris Estrella Lyall didn't revel in fighting. He didn't like hurting others without just cause. But when someone challenged him, and his honor. It was hard to stand by those principles. Especially when defier was just a smug little boy. One who had lived his entire life in luxury. And didn't know what hard work really was. The northerner made his way through the crowd. Locking eyes with his opponent. "I give you one chance to take back what you said before." Lyall said calmly. Though he knew already before the words left his mouth that the young lord wouldn't. He seemed to be so confident in his abilities. Not that, confidence was a bad quality to have. But when one had too much of it. It could act like a pair of blinders. 

The fight was over almost as quickly as it started. Lyall didn't think himself a master swordsman. But he was able to beat the boy in just a few swings. He had been careful, though, not to spill blood. That wasn't worth it. He wanted to teach the kid a lesson. Not scar him. The young man lay on the ground. For a good few seconds before he pushed himself up again. He was shaking like a leaf. On the verge of tears. Making the onlookers laugh. The face of the boy became red, he cursed something under his breath. But he recognized his defeat. And ran. No doubt back to his mother. Lyall swung his large blade, placing it perched on his shoulder. He heard some people talking to him, praising his skills. The black haired man shook his hand and waved his hand in the air humbly. "It was nothing." He said. Before moving, starting the move again. While he secretly liked to stand here for just a little longer, to fuel his ego. He knew that he had other matters to attend to.
Sun Nov 13, 2022 12:43 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
schoolplein gevecht Untitled
schoolplein gevecht Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
A smile crept on his face as he watched the old man scrub away at his counter. Mulling over and cursing as he did. Beer had spilled over the wood, leaving a mark. It was the own mans fault, that much was for sure, but that didn't mean he couldn't complain about it. Leif had been quite a peculiar man, he had noted, but sweet in a lot of ways. The man deeply cared about his family. He would lovingly tell about his own mother who was from Lemuria. Every time the man brought it up, however, his stomach somewhat turned. Had he become so paranoid of his past that even the slightest mention of his land of birth made him want to run? That thought saddened him a lot, but there wasn't much he could do about it. He had to bite his tongue, clamp his own hands as he felt himself get more uncomfortable as words were spoken. He was pretty good at hiding his feelings now. He had done it for many years now. Keeping up a smile was something that gave him energy. Something he had learned over the years. As long as he could keep it up himself, he was sure that it would turn out alright. Being positive was his greatest asset and he was certain that, as long as he had that, things would turn out alright.

"Ozzy! Come help me boy!" Polaris blinked rapidly as he noted that he had zoned out, staring at the man. Oh... He moved his hands somewhat closer to his body as he stood up. "I have an appointment in the city, I have to go. Sorry gramps!" He said with a smile as he gave the other a swift wave. No. He couldn't allow himself to get that close to fluids. He couldn't turn in front of the other.... And that in the middle of his tavern. Turning... He hated it. He avoided it all costs. Especially around people. No-one could know. No-one. Not even people he trusted. If they slipped up, his entire life could be in danger. He would have to run again. To Norwyn, the ends of the earth.. Anywhere. Perhaps even flee in the ocean itself. No... he had to avoid that future at all costs. He didn't want to leave Odiria behind. This was his home, his place. And despite all the bad things, he had so much reason to remain here. He couldn't leave his brother behind. He never wanted to part from Sigma ever again. He had made that mistake once, but not for a second time. No. He had to keep it all a secret. For himself, for his brother. For his future.

He wrapped his scarf tighter as he hastily adjusted his coat. He had asked a nice gentleman if he could help him find another job. Although he helped around the tavern of Leif, he still wanted to make some extra coin somewhere else. It was a shame that he couldn't sing, perhaps his greatest talent. If he were to make music again, he was sure to find a job right away. But doing that would only attract people... And that wasn't very beneficial for someone who was trying to stay low. He was sure that there were people after him in this city, people the man had hired. And if they heard his voice, his name, saw him. It would only be a matter of throwing water on him to test their theories. He would lose it all. Everything he had worked for for so long. The people that had helped him along the way. Their energy and effort would be in vain. He wouldn't allow it. His amber eyes wandered to a crowd that had gathered. He frowned for a moment as he tilted his head. His curiosity getting the better of him, he approached. As he tried to get a better look of the situation, the people in front of him wouldn't move. He sighed for a moment, as he took a step back, jumping up to try and get a glance of the thing. One jump. Oh- Fighting? Again. Oh. He was good. Hup. Oh... Damn.

And so he went on, jumping up and down to try and get a look of the fight that was going on. The fight was over, the offender ran off... And Polaris smiled as he heard the people praise of the talented man. As he jumped for a final time to get a last glance, he landed quite clumsily. Ice under his feet he slipped backwards. He flailed his arms in an awkward and poor attempt to keep himself up. But it didn't matter. He fell to the ground, his arm being in an unfortunate position as it did. Even though he caught himself before his body could hit the ground, his right arm took most of the hit. A pulsating sensation went through his wrist as he tried to push himself up more. A groan left his lips as he lifted his hand. His gloved hand seemed fine, but he could feel an almost burning sensation in his wrist. As he bit his lip to hold back his tears, he pushed himself back to his feet. Holding his injured hand with his one good one. Ah dammit. He couldn't have his hand be injured in a time like this. It was most likely just bruised or something. But if he wasn't able to use his wrist... That would mean he wouldn't be able to lift things, or wield a sword or use a broom. Oh no... He shook his head carefully. Shit shit shit.

As he held his hand up he took a few steps backwards from the crowd. Mumbling quiet cursewords as he could feel tears burning behind his eyes. He wanted to shout and kick something. How could he be so stupid. As he took a deep breath, he closed his eyes for a moment. No. he couldn't let his anger get the better of him now. It was just a stupid accident anyway. Maybe Sigma could help him, maybe he knew a spell that could help him for the time being. As he carefully opened his eyes again, he looked at his hands. It really hurt, though. Well... He could forget about that meeting then. As he sighed and turned away, he didn't really take note of where he was going. Therefore bumping straight away into someone, mostly with his bad hand. He let out a painfilled yelp as he pulled his wrist closer to him, pressing it against his chest with his good hand. The burning sensation of pain sparked tears in his eyes. Shit. He didn't wanna cry.
Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:43 pm
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