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She of the Wild
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
She of the Wild QZrZStW
She of the Wild 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Nerys Trygg If Arkyn had more of a connection with the eldest Tyrgg girl. Lyall had one with the youngest. Nerys. Why they seemed to be drawn to one another, the man couldn't say. Perhaps because they were both destined to be in the shadow of their elder sibling. Or perhaps because of their love for all things wild. Whatever the case, seeing her again. It was one of the few things the man looked forward to when he joined Arkyn's special force. However, they still hadn't had the chance to truly speak, one on one. With the families sudden departure to Ishgard. And all the things that happened while they were in the capital. There was certainly something going on. Though he couldn't say what. But it seemed to weight heavily on Nerys. Perhaps that's why she hadn't sought him out yet. 

Or perhaps she just didn't want to associate with him anymore. She was a lady, and he, despite coming from a well off family. Was still below her. Or at least he felt he was. Lyall was on break at the moment. Cleaning his sword while casually speaking with his fellow officers. When suddenly a domestic servant approached the group. Lyall recognized the man immediately. He was a part of Nerys's household. The man spoke, but as usual for men like him. It took him a long time to get to the point. After a few minutes, he still hadn't reached it. Lyall shifted his focus back to his sword. Moving the piece of wet cloth over to the hilt of his blade. After a time however, one of his fellow soldiers grew impatient with the boy and barked some insults at him. Lyall watched the servant turn white, but he finally did specified why exactly he was here.

He was here for Lyall. Said that Nerys wanted to go hunting, and wanted him to accompany her. The black haired man couldn't help but smile at the news. He stood up. Placing his newly rinsed sword in the holster, he had strapped around his waist. He thanked the retainer as he moved to make his way to the front of the house. Where the lady would apparently be waiting for him. And sure enough, there she was. On a horse that seemed way too large for her. And her trusty fox companion. Lyall noticed that there was another horse. He presumed the steed was for him. But no further attendants could be seen. Was it truly going to be just the two of them on this outing? The black haired man moved. "Nerys," He spoke her name softly. While taking the reins of his mount and guiding it forward. So they would be standing right next to each other. He looked up to her. One of the few times he had too. Usually it was the other way around. She had grown since the last time he had seen her. But for the better. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. "Many of the nobles hunt around these parts too, I've heard. So I don't expect to find much prey." He patted the neck of the stallion that would be his for the afternoon. "But then again, I also wouldn't be surprised if the great huntress Nerys exceeded my expectations." 
Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:13 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
She of the Wild Naamlo10
She of the Wild 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

there is something moon soaked

and dawn flavoured about her 

Something kissed by the wild and loved by lightning. She looks like Artemis after a night od storm hunting. She looks like the sun as it rises after kissing the dawn.
She'd been waiting for this moment for quite some time. With both of their new found responsiblities they hadn't had the time to spend some of that together. Though they were usually accompanied by a guard or two. For 'her safety'. A soft sigh rolled over her lips while she waited for him to arrive.

"Lyall." Nerys couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto her face when the youngest Skygge boy finally joined her outside. After everything that'd happened since they arrived in Ishgard she craved something normal, something safe and for her that was the man in front of her. Ever since she found out about her father and thus Nerys being part Rizal instead of Trygg, she hadn't been feeling like herself at all. Every cell, every vessel in her body felt like it started boiling the second someone just so much as looked at her. Now, her magic had always shown signs of being there, but the thought of her being a bastard never actually crossed her mind. She hadn't told anyone yet and though she wanted to keep it that way as long as possible, she also knew she could trust Lyall with this secret. "How nice of you to finally join me." Her mind was still occupied with other thoughts, but she had seen the servant she'd send inside stumble back out with a beet red face. "You haven't been too hard on that servant, have you?" With a raised eyebrow she turned her face towards him in a questioning manner. "He's the one I practice my.. aiming skills on." She added thoughtfully, a wide grin making it's way onto her face.

"You flatter me, soldier boy." Nerys replied, the grin slowly turning into a teasing smile. With her cheeks a rosy pink from both the cold wind and seeing him again she waited for him to get on his horse. The one she had picked out for him that day was one of her own. It was a strong, musculair stallion with gorgeous thick mane, but the one she would be riding that day was her favourite. A white dun fjord mare she'd named Ukko when she was born. "Come on, get on. We don't have all day." She said, slowly getting a bit impatient. She just wanted to be away from the city and talk about the things that were on her mind.
Wed Nov 16, 2022 11:45 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
She of the Wild QZrZStW
She of the Wild 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Nerys Trygg He truly was glad to see her smile again. It was such a pretty sight, after all. And the way she spoke his name. It almost made all those months apart worth it.  "How nice of you to finally join me." The white haired woman then said. But before he had the time to respond. His attention was drawn to the servant who came to fetch him earlier. Even though the young man was rather far removed from, Lyall stood. The redness of his face was still very visible. Not only to him, it seemed. Nerys had noticed it too. "You haven't been too hard on that servant, have you?" She asked him. With her face turned to him and her eyebrow raised. Lyall shook his head. "Believe it or not, but I barely said a word to him." He really didn't, his fellow officer had done the talking for him. Lyall himself had only said two words of appreciation to the boy before he walked off. Though he supposed that he could have spoken up about the way his brother in arms shouted to the boy. But in all honesty; he did deserve it. "He's the one I practice my.. aiming skills on." He laughed at those words. "Seems about the only thing the lad's good for." he quickly responded back. 

She said that he had flattered her, and perhaps in a way he did. Though, he was also under the impression that he had spoken the truth. Nerys truly was a master huntress. Certainly one of the best he had ever seen. The solder turned his attention to his horse when she urged him to get on him and ride. It seemed Trygg was rather eager to get away from the house. For really, they hadn't been standing that long. But her wish was his command. "If been practicing my racing skills since you last saw me." He said as he climbed on the large stallion. Flashing her a cheeky grin when he had the chance to. They had raced before. Countless times, be somehow she was always able to best him. He wondered if she still had such luck. "I'm sure that this time you won't be able to beat me." The man didn't even give her the chance to respond. As he tugged at the reins of his mount. Causing it to bolt forward. Out of the gates. Running at high speeds. Lyall looked back, expecting to see Nerys hot on his heels. 
Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Nerys Trygg
Nerys Trygg
She of the Wild Naamlo10
She of the Wild 70fff910

Character sheet
Age: 19
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: being a pain in the ass

don’t slay my dragons for me

don’t be the prince that tries to rescue me from the castle 

the dragon is my closest friend and the prince is just a murderer. I want to take my sword and separate his head from his neck and throw it at the king his feet. Bloody and bruised.
A part of the weight that had been resting on her shoulders seemed to disappear the second her eyes found the black haired man. Ever since the Tryggs came to Ishgard everything went downhill and it had gone downhill fast. With all the things that had happened between her brother Ve and Mortem Rizal who claimed to be her father everything irritated her. There was so much she didn’t know about the man who was apparently her father and the magic she possessed because she was a sorcerer. Magic that she had always somehow felt was there, but never knew what it was. A soft sigh escaped her lips whe she patted Ukko on her neck. ”Seems like that’s the only thing the lad’s good for.” Nerys let out a mixture somewhere between a huff and a laugh. ”Clearly.”

All she wanted was to get out of the city and spend her day with one of her oldest and only friends. The fresh air would do her good. She let her eyes wander over the tall man and a small blush crept up her cheeks. He had changed since the last time she’d seen him and she couldn’t help but let her mind wander off for just a second. That second turned out to be crucial though because the white haired woman missed his comment on how he would beat her because he would have practiced. One second he was next to her, the following he was gone and she was left there with a look of surprise on her face. ”Lyall!” His stupid behaviour made her laugh once again and she quickly nudged the horse to follow after them as quick as the horse could go. She wouldn’t let him win that easily.

Fri Jan 06, 2023 4:35 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Lyall Skygge
Lyall Skygge
She of the Wild QZrZStW
She of the Wild 7RDyRsz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Druid
Occupation: Soldier
Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows @Nerys Trygg Her response to his comment was short, and yet it was more than enough for the man. Since, he smiled and shook his head while he mounted his horse. It was perhaps a little cruel for them to use the boy to their expense like this. But it was all harmless fun in the end, and besides; it wasn't like he was here to hear them. Lyall was now on top of his horse. On her urging. But they were barely out of the gates before he challenged the woman to a race. But before she could accept, he was already gone. The cold wind moved through his long curls, making them dance slightly. He kept a tight grip on the reigns of his mount. And his focus was sharp, yet he looked back when he heard her call out his name. Despite the distance- Lyall could still hear her laugh. And urge her own horse forward. It seemed like his challenge had been accepted. Which made the man smile. "Let's make a bet, shall we?" He yelled at her when he noticed that she was gaining on her. "If I win, you'll have to buy me a beer." That seemed fair enough, no? Besides, it would be a good way to end the hunt.
Thu Jan 12, 2023 2:31 pm
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