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Is it fun to watch me burn?
Time will tell
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Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Is it fun to watch me burn? Naamloos
Is it fun to watch me burn? 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
His sister could go anywhere she desired. Yet, one would think that that wouldn't be the case when one was governess of a city. And yet, here she was, with guards at her side. She truly didn't spare any expense when she had decided to head for the capitol of the kingdom. For some that might come in the shape of money, luxury, but not for the Tryggs. Protection and looking tough was on top of their list. It's something their father had always spoken highly of. Being descendants of great mighty warriors and all that. It made it even more difficult for Ve to blend in that mentality. The scrawny boy might have been handy with a dagger, but wielding a great sword or axe had always left him with a lot of pain in his arms and the rest of his body. That was, of course, he could even lift the thing to begin with. He barely had any muscle to him, let alone had any to spare to things like that. The blonde boy had always looked forward to ways and try improve himself. Even in corners that had been forbidden. And even though no-one knew of his endeavours, they hadn't really been fruitful. They had only left him more disappointed then before.

As the boy left his room, his blue gaze went to one of the maids that passed by. As he narrowed his eyes, he sighed. Perhaps it was time for him to start packing up again and 'head' home. The Trygg boy stepped out, moving a hand along his clothing to make it more proper. Now for those preparations he needed some muscle. And what better muscle then one of Ráns favorite boys. He had noted how his sister had taken a liking to druids. Recruiting them as captain of her own guard as much as even having one as her personal guard. Although the governess was more then capable of protecting herself, it was more then clear she wanted to keep an upper hand. Druids could be truly horrifying creatures if they wanted to be. Ve had never really seen the appeal of them. Even though a bear could do a lot more damage then a human, it still lacked precession. And even though he couldn't properly display that, he was sure that someone could.

As he left the estate, he looked over his shoulder, making sure that no-one was following him. As he stared to make haste, he quickly found his way to more open ground where these guards resided. The young boy looked around, lifting his gaze carefully as he tilted his head. His attention quickly got drawn by two men sparring. The scrawny boy came to a halt, looking onto the fight, observing them. Brutes, all of them. Where was the elegance and grace. Was all that mattered really muscles and power? He sighed, averting his eyes. A burning jealousy building up in the back of his mind. Speaking down on what he saw was the only way he could keep those thought at bay, for this was what he truly wanted. To be tough and strong, like his dad, like his brother. Like Rán.
Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:25 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Is it fun to watch me burn? DUrBZsK
Is it fun to watch me burn? PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

He had been out and about that day. Mainly running errands for his own family. But keeping tabs on the whereabouts of Rán and the rest of her family. As always he was dressed in his black leather armor, walking through the streets of the city. Sword strapped against his back, always ready if a fight where to happen. Yet here in the streets of the capital that seemed very unlikely to happen anyway. Though never say never after all. After delivering a letter of his father to an uncle of his, he made his way back to the training grounds where they resided. Mainly to check if Rán wasn’t there. If she was more okay than the last time she had seen her.

There were problems with her brother and well her family in general from what he had gathered. Something he’d look into for sure. Because if anything these were things she didn’t need to be happening. But he did wonder what was going on with her brother. He knew the boy, but it didn’t go much further than that. They never had a proper conversation. Mainly because he felt like they had nothing in common. Which was adamantly clear when you put the two next to each other.

Raanan was visibly glad today. She had put the boy in a place where he wouldn’t have expected him to be. Seeing Ve standing at the side of the training grounds he hummed. Walking up to his side. ’Care to join us in training? Or have you come here for another reason?’ Arkyn doubted that the other was here for training, but he had decided to seek out the warriors. Which meant there was something wrong or something needed to happen.

on arrogance alone..
Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:12 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Is it fun to watch me burn? Naamloos
Is it fun to watch me burn? 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
He narrowed his eyes slowly as he looked onto the warriors, fighting with much ease as if it was nothing. Ve despised them as jealousy burned in his chest. He hated seeing them, he hated to see such talent displayed before him. It made him feel even more useless then he already was. He clenched his teeth, grinding them slowly. He wanted to be like them, have a body like them. Being strong, standing tall, doing things with ease. If only he could magically do that for himself; make himself the way he wanted to be. But that was not how life worked. He was dealt an unfortunate hand in life and now he had to learn to play with it, deal with it. Yet he still couldn't help himself. This hate, this anger, whenever he saw things like this. It should have been him who fought there. It should have been who lead army's, like his father and his father before him. Yet here he was, a weak and sick boy with no achievements to his name whatsoever.

His eyes went over the display once more, before he heard a voice. The blonde man turned his head, only to look up to other. Tall and broad, he was everything that his father would have wanted out of a son. The other was known for being a warrior, he knew that much. Wasn't he like one of Rán's strongest soldiers or something? Not that he cared. It didn't matter at the end of the day, they were all better than him. And he despised each and every one of them for it. The man asked him if he wanted to join them for training, something that did catch him a bit off guard. Would they really allow him to do that? With the knowledge that if he got hurt, his sister would be furious. It could potentially result in way more problems than just a scratch. A tiny smile curled on his lips, however, as he locked eyes with the other. The irrationality of it all sounded so appealing to him right about now.

"I actually came for something else," said Ve as he turned towards him. "But I would love to join you all in training," the soft, small smile on his face remained as he spoke. Looking up at the other with his two coloured eyes. Eager to see what the other would tell him. IN reality he wasn't a bad fighter, he was just weak. But Ve knew a lot about fighting tactics and always had a great form, he just couldn't keep it for long. On top of having no strength whatsoever, he couldn't really wield any weaponry beside his dagger. But to fight, to spar, with the big men? Well, he couldn't pass up an opportunity like that now could he.
Tue Dec 13, 2022 5:04 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Is it fun to watch me burn? DUrBZsK
Is it fun to watch me burn? PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

This was something none of them had ever experienced. Ve Trygg joined them in training. Many others were probably already dying of laughter. Though they kept it well hidden behind the stern looks on their face. Arkyn himself was pleasantly surprised about how the other had just simply showed up here. Maybe he needed something else, though if anything he could applaud the boy for his attitude. Because in a way that was what he was giving them. If anything he would have some plausible fun with this. Hopefully actually succeeding in trying to teach the other a thing or two. Yes, that would be something to achieve. Who knew, with the right mindset everything was possible in the end?

Though he kind of knew what was at stake here as well. Which was why he would suggest the next thing. ’Real blades or training blades?’ Giving the choice out of hand. At least for Ve. Maybe a part of him had already decided on the fact that he was going to use one of the blunt swords that were laying around. For safety. ’Or do you want to fight with your dagger?’ He asked, that could also happen if he wanted. Then Arkyn simply would change the type of weaponry as well.

on arrogance alone..
Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:17 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Is it fun to watch me burn? Naamloos
Is it fun to watch me burn? 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
All Trygg children knew how to wield several weapons. But when it came to Ve, he simply didn't have the physical capabilities to display them properly. He could note all the mistakes a swordsman made and even correct them and give advice, but when you put the sword in his hands he wouldn't be able to show you the advice he had just given. It was frustrating, to say the least. To have so much knowledge, yet a body that couldn't keep up. For a moment his mind wandered back to his father. The man had often angerly asked him why he couldn't just do the things he was told. When the blonde boy would then say things that perfectly aligned with was requested, it confused and angered him even more. So after some time, Ve had just stopped to let his opinion be heard. It was for the better, for everyone else, that he just remained silence and et it all play out. If he let it be heard, act as if he was a master of it all, then it would most likely result in some ugly result. But a part of him couldn't resist, as his father was no longer with them. Although his rage lived on in his sister, he knew that she wasn't here right now. It was an opportunity to say the least, one that he would most likely take on regardless of the end result.

So when the other asked him about blades, his smile widened. The small man tilted his head. Damn. He really had thought this big guy would at least be a bit careful, but it would appear that wasn't the case. Did he not know what kind of person he was? When opportunity was given, Ve was the type to just sink his teeth in it, never to let go. "Real, of course," he said, keeping his gaze on the other as he awaited the response. He wanted to see if the big guard would actually listen to his request, or if he would be like the rest around him and cave in under the fear that something would happen to him. He couldn't be bothered if something happened to him, that care had left him a long time. And with recent events.. Well, a wound would be the least of his problems. Arkyn went on to ask if he wanted to fight with his dagger and the skinny man shook his head. "No," He said. "I know how to wield a sword," He said as if it was a fact. "I'm a Trygg, I know how to wield every weapon," Perhaps he sounded a bit cocky as he said it with a smug smile on his face. But he wasn't wrong. He really knew how to wield most weapons available here. He just couldn't really... use them thanks to his weak body. The bow was most likely his best chance. But once again, he did not even have any depth perception anymore thanks to the attack, so it wouldn't do him much.

He let his eyes go to some of the weapons that were set out, most likely for training, further away. Without waiting for the other, he shot past him. He tried to get in a hasty pace, but his bad leg clearly protested and he had a bit of a limp as he went forward. As soon as he was near them, he tilted his head, eagerly looking over the wide variety of weapons. A spark of excitement in his eyes. He was going to spar with the big men. Oh, his father would have hated this. His mother would most likely scold him later, since it was too dangerous and all that. But he didn't care. As his blue eye fell on one of the weapons, he nodded. He quickly grabbed it and tried to pull it towards him... The expression on his face shifted as he noticed how heavy it was... So he quickly brought his other hand to it and pulled harder. It moved and he was able to lift it. In one big movement he lifted it, only to lose his balance shortly after it. A panicked gaze on the blaze as it leaned to one side and Ve's body followed. Gravity taking hold of him and the weapon, it only took a few seconds for him to topple over, resulting in him falling to the ground. A soft groan leaving his mouth as he felt pain pulsating through his chest. Dammit.
Sun Jan 08, 2023 12:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Is it fun to watch me burn? DUrBZsK
Is it fun to watch me burn? PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

Everybody knew about Ve and his limitations. Arkyn included. He knew the boy was often being mocked by most people around court. Something the man never took part in. Mainly because in the end the lad couldn’t do anything about it. And at least he had tried, most people who were like him wouldn’t even have done the effort. Every Trygg knew how to handle weapons, it was their thing. And Ve wasn’t any different. He simply wasn’t capable. Which was something Arkyn understood, yet he wondered if anyone had ever taken it on to actually train the other. Work on his shortcomings, make sure that his body strength was trained as well. But well, maybe it wasn’t up to him. Though right now, he couldn’t let the chance slide.

Real. Arkyn simply smiled at the other and nodded. Okay, they could handle real swords. Though Arkyn would make sure that the weapons were not as sharp. Fighting with blunt weapons was dangerous as well in the end, but it gave less chance of getting wounded. Something Ve simply had to accept. ’I know perfectly well who you are Ve. No need to get cocky.’ The white-haired man narrowed his eyes for a second. Shaking his head. If it wouldn’t be his lack of physical strength then his tongue would get Ve to his end as well.

As the other moved past him, he had to push down the urge to simply pull him back. He let him do what he wanted to though. But remained close to the other as well. A sword was being grabbed and instant regret. He saw how the other learned how gravity worked in that very moment, and moments later he was on the ground. Making Arkyn hum. Walking over to the boy and sticking out his hand to the other to help him up. ’Are you physically hurt? Or just in your pride?’ A quick check couldn’t hurt. ’Still going for the blade? Let me at least get you one hm?’

on arrogance alone..
Thu Feb 02, 2023 2:16 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Ve Trygg
Ve Trygg
Is it fun to watch me burn? Naamloos
Is it fun to watch me burn? 8286a329bb5620d9633e6c5447a14fc2

Character sheet
Age: 25 y/o
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Wasting oxygen

❝ They can't distinguish between left or right anymore... ❞
Where he was lacking in strength, he made up for in character. Pulling up a smug smile and an arrogant attitude that somewhat suited him, despite the fact that it was also quite misplaced for him. Someone like him didn't really have the right to show such an ego, as he didn't have anything to show for it. He had no achievements to his name, nor any talents that could be appreciated up north. Yet, he still carried himself with pride, despite the fact that he was just as useful as a pile of trash. Ah, well, that wasn't how he looked at it anyway. He knew he was worthless to these big buff men who preferred brawn over brain. And if he were a bit different, he would have been satisfied by that outcome. He had his talents and they had theirs. But Ve was clearly not satisfied by such an arrangement. He wanted to have the things he couldn't have, and he wanted to be the thing he simply could never be. It was a frustrating cycle of trying and failing, over and over again and again. And he seemingly never learned.

He lifted a brow as Arkyn when he spoke about him being cocky, simply shrugging a bit as he turned his gaze away from the warrior. It was just a statement like any other. It was just a clarification; in case anyone had forgotten. He had trained with the best, just like his sister had. And well, he did have little to show for it, but he did have the experience. It was simply a matter of putting it out there, displaying it for all to see. Because learning was the easy part, actually doing it... Now that was a completely different matter he had yet to master.

He grabbed the sword of his liking, taking it on as if he was used to handling the thing. But as soon as the weight of the item came closer to his own central point, he felt gravity pull at him. In a quick movement of desperation, he toppled over, hitting the floor with quite some force as the air was pushed out of his lungs. He had let go of the weapon, groaning softly as he had closed his eyes. Already cursing his past self for not being more careful with such thing. Idiotic behavior... But he had to be enthusiastic. And now that that emotion had faded, there was only room for regret. The man slowly blinked, looking up at the other that had come closer, reaching out a hand at the young master while speaking to him. Ve stared at him for a moment, slowly frowning as he shook his head, a sigh leaving his pale lips. "I'm fine," he said, clearly somewhat annoyed by what happened. The Trygg boy pushed himself upwards, slowly grabbing Arkyn's hand and pulling himself up. His entire body softly protested in the movement, which forced a soft groan from his lips. His shoulder was clearly hurt as he felt the sensation of pain roll down from it. Great. Just what he needed.

As soon as he got back upright he put his hand on his hurt shoulder, gently pushing up against it. He bit his lip a bit as a soft hiss left his throat. Son of a bitch that hurt like a - on a stick. He slowly shook his head, taking a deep breath as his two-colored gaze landed back on the other. "Go ahead," he said with a clear dissatisfied undertone. His pride had been clearly hurt, just like the other had stated. And the fact that his shoulder was hurting like that too left feeling even more frustrated than he already was. This meant that he wouldn't even be able to perform properly anymore. And that was without thinking about the fact that he already had a hard time doing things like this. The blonde man averted his gaze to the ground, closing his eyes for a moment as he let his hand rest on his shoulder. Stupid.
Mon Apr 03, 2023 9:54 am
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