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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Caden Slynt
Caden Slynt
Request 53zL75vk_o
Request TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 20 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Drug dealer/(future) dojo owner
Caden looked out of his window to judge the state of the moon. It already felt less hot than this evening, meaning that it would be a good night to go out. He changed into some warmer clothes and looked at the packages he had made for his customers. It would be risky to go out with them now, especially with the royal guard occasionally patrolling the city. But it still didn’t mean that he couldn’t go out looking for new customers. Not a single healthy soul would go out in the deserted ally’s at night, so most of the time the people he met there were people he either wanted to sell drugs or buy them. Or some ladies who thought they could get lucky in exchange for some money. While Caden flirted around with every human being he could find, he didn’t stoop that low. He still had some self-respect.

Caden left his house dressed in pants, a sweater and some new shoes he had bought not so long ago. Het lit up a cigarette with his fire magic as he entered one of the deserted ally’s. He wasn’t really afraid to get jumped or anything; he was a master at a dojo, so he could defend himself if it was necessary. He had trained most of his senses to always be aware of danger around him and he knew what do to if things would get rough. He was tall, muscular and he had two tattood sleeves going up his arms towards his elbows, so people would think twice before messing with him anyway. His appearance was also the reason why he had no issues with gaining the attention from females, which came in handy quite often.

Caden frowned when he saw a man walking in front of him. He looked around cautiously, but he didn’t see anyone else. It would be less likely that he was engaged with one of the gangs around here, but he could never be too sure. ”Going for a stroll?” Caden asked without keeping the tone of his voice down. He didn’t sound polite either; his dark brown eyes were fixated on the man in front of him as he casually approached him, the cigarette never leaving his lips.

@Altaïr Faez
Tue Nov 08, 2022 11:45 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Altaïr Faez
Altaïr Faez
Request Grayscale-photo-mountains-valle-d-aosta-wallpaper
Request Unknown

Character sheet
Age: 29 y/o
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: General of the Crimson Dawn
everything I've ever let go has claw marks on it
Altaïr hated going out at night, especially as he was so used to being in and around the palace. But also because his magic just felt off when it was night, without the sun beaming down on his skin. He new the oasis was the source of all his power and he was lucky to just have been able to lay his eyes on the source, let alone practice his magic at the place that made sun elves most powerful. It was a weird adrenaline kick that no one could explain in words, you just had to feel the overwhelming feeling of fire flowing through your veins.  

So being out at night in one of the more shifty places in town. It felt beneath him to be here. He was a royal guard, not some thick-head from the city watch. He played with a small flame in the palm of hand for a while, but at soon as he saw a man walking around acting a bit suspicious, he closed his hand and smothered the flame in his fist.

Altaïr went through a quick check as soon as he saw him. Baggy clothes, burning cigarette, pointed ears. Immediately Altaïr was more on his guard, because even though he knew he could probably beat almost anyone, suspicious people with magic could be one hell of a nuisance. When the stranger called out to him, his face tensed up. Looking for trouble alright. ‘‘Something like that,’’ he answered casually. He was dressed in a toned down uniform, so he was not obviously a royal guard that people would bolt away from in an instance. He approached the stranger, eyeing him up and down for a while. ‘‘Are you looking for trouble, mister?’’
I never had the chance to be soft. I was always bloody knuckles and shards of glass. I wanted people to be afraid of hurting me.

Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:05 pm
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