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Desert rose
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Desert rose NBgpUR6N_o
Desert rose GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
In the evening the tavern was usually swamped with all kinds of people. Drunkards, knights, guards and all the other common folk. They were all trying to enjoy their free time in the company of others. And for ladies like herself, there was a lot of money to be earned from people who wanted a bit more attention than simply having a conversation with someone. The clothes she was wearing said enough about what she was, because she didn’t want to make it hard to guess. That way, she would earn nothing.

The dress she wore showed some parts of her bodily figure just right, and it made her look very attractive, even if her face was doing most of the work. Her green eyes watched many of the men around tables, having drinks while some of them had already women on their laps. But then there was also a man who had been able to catch her attention for a bit longer, because he looked very different from the others. He had white hair and broad shoulders, and somehow, it didn’t look like he was fully enjoying himself.

Gracefully Arlyana began to move slower to him, moving her hips in a slightly seductive way. ”How is it that someone like you is not enjoying his evening?” She asked, her green eyes looking at him with a hint of kindness hidden behind them. ”Can I offer you a drink?” She then asked him, almost handing him the cup with mede she had been having in her hand the whole time.

Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:29 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Desert rose DUrBZsK
Desert rose PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

After the day he had, he had resorted to a tavern. Or at least he had thought that it had been one. Seated in a corner, looking over the people that were present. A drink standing in front of him which had already been emptied out. His amber eyes moving over the people. He had a neutral expression on his face. Apparently this was a place where many could also find some company if they needed it. Just great. Though it did make for some matches that were quite hard to believe if he didn’t see them himself.

As a dark haired woman came into his direction he hummed. The way she was dressed, the way she walked up to him. Well, he didn’t need to look twice to know what she was. As she spoke he briefly raised a brow, amber eyes moving over her body. Well. She certainly didn’t look bad, but he wasn’t quite sure what she wanted from hum. If anything he hadn’t solicited for anything so.

The mention of a drink made him softly hum. Taking the cup of mede from here. ’Well thank you.’ He spoke calmly, amber eyes catching her green eyes. ’What makes you think I’m not enjoying my evening?’

on arrogance alone..
Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:11 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Desert rose NBgpUR6N_o
Desert rose GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Some of the girls inside the tavern were a bit more desperate for making money than others, given that they were taking the hand of any drunkard who was willing to spend some coin on them. Most of them were way too beautiful for those men, but Arlyana usually wasn’t as eager to spend her time on a man who wouldn't be able to give her something back in return. Not that she wouldn’t do it, but she still liked to pick her victims a bit more wisely, certainly on busy nights like this one. And besides, she was very confident in her own capabilities to charm almost every man, even if they posed somewhat of a challenge.

Sometimes she would eventually get disappointed, most of the time actually, but this man didn’t look like he would. She was rather quickly drawn to his brawny posture, his dirty looks and his handsome but brooding face while he was sitting there, looking a bit out of place. Honestly, maybe that was something they had in common, since Arlyana was very well aware of the fact that she didn’t belong here either. Deep down, her heart longed to be somewhere else, but she had lost most of her fighting spirit to get out.

As she placed herself next to his table, moving her hip a bit against it in a sensual way, he softly hummed before taking the cup of mede from her. Her lightly colored green eyes kept looking at him with a mysterious look while he thanked her, and she softly nodded. When he asked what made her think that he wasn’t enjoying herself, she smiled and sat down on the chair across from him, instead of taking a place on his lap like every other girl here did. ”Eyes rarely lie.” She told him while she had locked eyes with his amber eyes. The same could be said about her own eyes that now showed just how much she was out of place. Showing more depth in them than any other woman in her occupation ever did.

Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:26 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Desert rose DUrBZsK
Desert rose PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

If he had known that this was that kind of place, he would have probably gone for the next possible place. Though if anything he did doubt if not all the taverns in this city were filled with women who were exploiting themselves for money. To each their own off course, but personally this wasn’t something he’d consider doing ever. Yet, he also knew that men were favored more in life than women were. They had to earn something as well in the end, and well if he looked at certain ladies he couldn’t think of them doing this if they didn’t had too. So to each their own indeed, they just didn’t need to bother him for anything.

When she mentioned that eyes rarely lied he looked up. Straight into hers. A frown briefly appeared on his face. ’That’s true.’ But not only for him. His eyebrow still slightly raised he took a sip from his drink. ’I doubt my boredom matters to you however.’ He hummed softly, diverting his gaze back to the mede she had given him. If anything, the only change of scenery he could offer the woman standing at his table was a proper conversation. But he was quite sure that she might be looking for something else instead. So frankly, for her this was a lost cause.

’Not to be rude, but if you do want to make some coin.. I suggest you try elsewhere.’ But he did decide on paying her for the drink she had brought him.

on arrogance alone..
Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:40 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Desert rose NBgpUR6N_o
Desert rose GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
This wasn’t the only tavern in the city that offered girls for company, for there were many of them. Mainly because taverns were often visited by men, and the women were smart enough to find them in those places. However, there was ofcourse a difference in the quality of women from each tavern, and this one was known to have some of the most beautiful women. So, if that had been something he had been looking for, he had come to the right place.

However, from the moment Arlyana started following the broad man with the white hair, he had not seemed very interested in many of the girls walking around. Some of them left little to nothing to the imagination, whereas Arlyana still had at least some parts of her body covered. Because she was not as desperate as the other girls. But still, her clothes very much showed what she was. So did her face, even if she seemed much less interested in having coins slit down her cleavage than the others. The man frowned softly after her words, saying they were true after which he mentioned his boredom probably didn’t matter much to her. ”On the contrary, I believe it interests me.” She spoke back to him, her green eyes still looking at him, not afraid to make eye contact. Boredom was often easily solved by some company, and she didn’t mind giving him her company because he interested her.

To his next words she softly laughed, leaning a bit back into her chair, trying to tone down her own seductive attitude, because that wasn’t going to work on him. ”You men always think we only want to earn coin.” She said, making it seem like that wasn’t the case here. No, women had other needs as well. And sometimes, they did like the company of a man who wasn’t only interested in what was in between their legs..

Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:33 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Desert rose DUrBZsK
Desert rose PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

There were a lot of wares around. Something any other guy would be interested in for sure. He’d seen many men fall prey to a place like this, some having an unexpecting wife and maybe kids at home. It wasn’t something he quite understood. What he did understand was that carnal desire between a man and a woman. Yet, for those that had a wife at home to go look for it at another place than with the woman you married. Nope, that wasn’t something he understood. Never would. But that was their business after all. If it earned the ladies here some coin, all the better for them. But the morality of it all. Nope.

Shortly he raised a brow at her words. ’And why might it interest you?’ If anything he was a simple man that she had never met in her life. Or at least he didn’t recall ever seeing her. But if she was this desperate, then maybe he should make use of it. Having a person here to talk to couldn’t hurt. Yet if it was the coin she was looking for then he had to disappoint her.

’In a place like this, can you truly blame me for it?’ If anything, it was exactly why all the other girls were throwing themselves at the man here.

on arrogance alone..
Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:46 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Desert rose NBgpUR6N_o
Desert rose GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana had always been more interested in the quiet men, the ones who came into the tavern and sat down in a corner, waiting for something to happen instead of simply taking whatever they came for. The ones who had a sense of loneliness around them, or possibly a sense of mystery. Maybe with a bit more dignity and respect for women as well.. However, it wasn’t every day that she got the chance to talk to one of them, but every once in a while, someone came in who managed to capture that interest. And then she wasn’t going to let the opportunity go to waste.

From the outside, Arlyana looked just like any other tavern wench, but her eyes betrayed her. They showed a slightly more romantic soul, and maybe even a spark of loneliness as well. One that perfectly matched those of the lonesome men who came into the tavern looking for a bit of company. ”Because that makes it easier for me to offer you my company.” She smiled, telling her the truth of why his boredom had interested her. Because if he had anything else to do, he probably would not have picked up a conversation with her. It was but a very simple reason, if she said so herself. Not hiding a whole lot of other meanings.

Not really, but we are also just simple human beings.” She told him, giving him a soft smile. And with ‘we’, she surely meant the woman in the tavern trying to earn money from men. It was only now that it became very clear that she wasn’t looking for him to pay her, unless, ofcourse, he was absolutely willing to give himself to her out of his own intentions. But she was not going to force him to do anything.

Mon Dec 05, 2022 1:52 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Desert rose DUrBZsK
Desert rose PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

There was little about this place that had drawn him in, apart from the vibrant atmosphere that was. Though he remained who he was, had sought him out a more quiet place and was now just doing some people watching. Having quite a laugh with them on the inside as well. While his demeanor didn’t show any of it, he was quite enjoying himself, seeing the countless men try on one of the women in here. Desperation hung in the air and honestly he enjoyed it. But soon enough he was joined by someone that worked here as well. Now, a polite way to say no, that didn’t exist in his book. But apparently, his no didn’t seem to scare her off. He wasn’t really sure if he liked it, but well. If anything for now he didn’t mind having some conversation with her.

’Well, okay. I’ll entertain you then.’ He hummed, drinking his drink. His amber eyes moved to her again. ’Though I doubt you’ll find me interesting.’ The man chuckled ever so softly. If anything, Arkyn was just a simple warrior after all. Sure, he had stories to tell if she wanted to hear them. But that wouldn’t solve his boredom would it? Ah well, who knows. Maybe this woman would surprise him after all. He leaned back a little in his seat and shortly hummed at her words. ’I never said you weren’t.’ He calmly replied, looking up at her. But she was going to miss out on some customers because of him and well, for her that meant money that she might need. ’What’s your name?’ It was the least they could grant each other right? In his mind a name was simply a name. For her it might be considered something more. But in the end, it was her choice to tell him or not.

on arrogance alone..
Tue Dec 27, 2022 12:09 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Arlyana Torvaris
Arlyana Torvaris
Nienn Bean
Desert rose NBgpUR6N_o
Desert rose GSczm5eI_o

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Tavern Wench
You're looking in the wrong place for my love
Arlyana did not mind a man saying ‘no’ to her, if anything, that made them more interesting. Because he could have anyone in the room, quite willingly even, given his looks, but still he decided not to waste his time. Not that Arlyana called it a waste of time, because for her, it was strictly business. But for men it usually was. Besides that, she did actually respect the fact that he was setting boundaries, and she would try her best not to cross any of them. If only men thought like that a bit more, she knew the world would be a better place.

Ofcourse, it would become a different matter if he chose to cross his own border, without her help. But for now, she could enjoy a simple conversation. In which he said he would try to entertain her. ”Oh, well does that mean I have to pay you instead?” She asked him with a smile, clearly making a joke. Though, on the other hand, she would certainly not mind if that was the case, because the women in these places didn’t usually get much in return. It was usually only a one way door where they were mainly the givers, but rarely the takers. ”Then I doubt you know what interests me.” She remarked on his words, still giving him that stubborn look in her eyes. Definitely showing interest in him, despite his words.

When he told her he never said they weren’t she tried to find a quick response to his words, but she couldn’t find it. Opening her mouth for a moment before closing it, and thinking about it for another second. ”Alright, fair.” She told him, taking a deep breath as she looked down before looking back into strange eyes. ”You didn’t say that.. But you already warned me this conversation wasn’t going to earn me some coin.” She continued, still looking at him with those curious green eyes. ”And yet, I am still here.” Which meant that she wasn’t just interested in making money.

”Arlyana,” She eventually answered when he asked for her name, after which she softly tilted her head a little. ”What’s yours?” If he was allowed to know her name, she was certainly allowed to know his as well, right?

Wed Feb 08, 2023 7:26 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Arkyn Skygge
Arkyn Skygge
Desert rose DUrBZsK
Desert rose PsBv10q

Character sheet
Age: 32
Race: Druid
Occupation: Warrior/ Hunter
A dynasty can't survive,

Holding a proper conversation in a place like this was not something he had expected from his evening. But here he was. Talking with the kind of woman that could wrap anyone around her finger with a few simple words or other things. When she spoke a brief grin shot over his face, making him shake his head. ’Alas, I can’t ask for payment for being here.’ He hummed, nah not needed. If anything she could probably use her money for other ends. ’If I would know, then it means that I would know who you are. And from my perspective you are simply a stranger right now.’ A good looking stranger he had to admit it. But apart from that he truly had no idea where her interests were. Depending on what kind of interests they were talking off course.

For a moment he just looked at her with his amber eyes. Trying to get some sense of who she actually was. ’Perhaps you are merely interested in the tall, broody stranger with the amber eyes. But that doesn’t give me a real sense of who you are or what actually interests you, does it?’ Arkyn was quick to reply. The corner of his mouth pulling up once more. Pulling his hand through his white locks.

Arlyana. ’No more stranger.’ He pointed out. ’Arkyn.’ The man stated, taking another sip of his drink. ’Now tell me Arlyana, what interests you?’

on arrogance alone..

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:14 pm
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