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IC Posts
Yadriel Casterel
Yadriel Casterel
Masterpiece ThL9ypO
Masterpiece 9vqtcok

Character sheet
Age: early 30s
Race: Human
Occupation: Glass Smith
He closed the door of his smithy behind him. Locking it for the time being. Yadriel had been working all morning but realized he was in need of some new leather. A quite unfortunate discovery since the tanner he usually went to had moved away... or maybe died? One thing was certain. The man was gone. So Yadriel decided it was time to look for a new tanner. It shouldn't be too hard. Just follow your nose!

After some time following his nose, he smelled his way to a tanner not so far from his own smithy. Wondering how long this tanner had set up shop here, he stepped inside. "Hello?" He called out politely since he didn't see the shop owner. As he waited, Yadriel took a look at what was displayed on the shelves and reached out to feel one of the hides. "Hmmm, excellent job.." Yadriel said softly to himself, admiring the tanner's work
Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:05 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Deirdre Seraphin
Deirdre Seraphin
Masterpiece Pasted10
Masterpiece Single10

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Tanner
Deirdre perks up when someone enters his store, having been busy quietly preparing some of the new hides he'd gotten earlier this morning. He steps out of his working area and politely waves, smile warming when he hears the compliment to his work. He tugs out a notebook and pen, and quietly writes.

Thank you. I try my best.

He shows the page to his most recent customer, and quietly places another set of leathers on one of the shelves.

How can I help you today?
Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:11 am
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