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Why do you cry?
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Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Why do you cry? Untitled
Why do you cry? 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
Day in and out he wondered if there would ever be something he could focus on that would peak his interest again. He had loved to do his work as a soldier and a general. But now those things had been stripped of him. As he did miss his time with the crimson dawn, he did not regret leaving them. And it was not because he wanted to, but because he had to. It would be dangerous for himself and the people around him to remain a soldier. He could get hurt more easily and he would most likely hurt his comrades. It made him a bit frustrated, but it was better this way. Besides, he still had the good memories to hold onto. And well, someday he knew it would get better. Maybe he could go back to the oasis, feel the scorching heat on his skin one more time as he travelled through the endless desert, the constant dread and fear of sand worms looming over him. Always a never ending search for that thrilling event. Those moments were truly filled with magic.

He had been sitting at the table in the library for quite some time. Why? He didn't really know. It's not like he could read, he was blind. He had never been a bookworm, so he rarely was found in the grand hall anyway. But as he heard footsteps approach him, he could hear a joyful voice fill the room. "I could read you," He squinted. "Like a kid?" He could immediately hear her voice drop a bit in disappointment. "Well sir, you said you were bored and I thought-" He lifted his hand and shook his head. "Thank you, really. I appreciate the thought, but I don't think it's something for me," A soft sigh followed as he heard her walk away slowly. He knew he hated it when she apologized, so she didn't. He was happy she didn't. The maid had always had a tendency to apologize for everything that she did. He wondered for a moment if she had a bad home situation. Always trying to compensate for everything and doing her utmost best. She was good girl, but he knew something more was going on. And how much he wanted to stand up and go after her, ask her what was wrong.... As his instincts told him to do, he couldn't. He always had this feeling in his chest, ever chasing to protect everyone within his reach. But he was a prince and she a mere servant. It would be weird if he did.

He got up, walking past the table as he slowly found his way to the exit of the library. Opening the door, he stepped outside. His eyes averted to the floor he placed his hands behind him, leaning against the door for a few seconds. He felt so bad as he hadn't done anything. She would surely feel bad for what he did. But he knew he shouldn't feel guilty... Right? Right...
Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:34 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Phaedra Daetrys
Phaedra Daetrys
Why do you cry? OWDZqY
Why do you cry? OWDWmp

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Princess, Soldier
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise
Phaedra watched as the servant closed the door behind her, shutting out the light and the warmth of the sun. For a moment, it seemed so dark inside, before her eyes adjusted to the shade. Her skin was still radiating heat, not from magic but from hard work, and a light shimmer of sweat coated her body. She turned on her heels and walked briskly through the hallways. Her loose exercise clothes left a path of golden sand behind her, and her strong fingers toyed with the handle of her bow. She was itching to go back out, to do some more training, to get better than she was. But her stomach rumbled, her muscles ached and her skin burned and she knew that she should give her body some rest, even if it was just for a little bit. She passed by the library on her way to the kitchen and noticed  her brother leaning against the door, looking troubled. She frowned; her step hesitated while she debated stopping and asking him what's wrong. Yehu and her had been close, when they were younger - he had helped her with her magic, until she finally burned her hands and confirmed that she could actually do it; but she had been jealous of his light, and that made their relationship strained when she was a teen. However, she did mostly grow out of that, and they spent some years together in The Crimson Dawn, he as a mighty general, and they fought side by side. Until the accident that had left him blind and her unable to connect with him as she had before, when he was wielding his axe and she covered him with her bow. "What's wrong?", she eventually asked, her voice a bit gruff. She had never been very refined, even though she was a princess, and social stuff had never been a strong suit. But she tried, at least for her family, and that had to be worth something at least.  
Alemayehu Daetrys
eve's codes
Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:12 am
IC Posts
Xaila Royal Family
Alemayehu Daetrys
Alemayehu Daetrys
Why do you cry? Untitled
Why do you cry? 51432ee3424b19ecca4569cd479ff4ac

Character sheet
Age: 29
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: Legally blind prince

❝ However far we wander, we bring a piece of each other ❞
He should try and make himself useful, because he was getting nowhere by just standing here. He sighed once more, placing one hand in his face as he slowly rubbed over it. How annoying. All he wanted now was something to strife for. A reason for him to keep going and keep working hard. He still worked hard, of course. But for what. There was no reason for him to uphold his strict training like he once had. Yet, he still did it as if it was mandatory. He had always held on to things like that. Perhaps something that was leftover from his childhood, where he had found himself useless in studies and the wielding of magic. His talents lied in being social and being strong. Yet, now, only one of those things could remain useful. Although, that was also quite lacking.

The sound of steps were something he picked up quite rapidly. He looked up, not to see who was there since he couldn't, but more as a habbit. His clouded eyes blinking slowly as he heard on. He put on a smile, taking a step from the door he was leaning up. The voice of his sister quickly followed. The prince shook his head. She sounded just as stern as usual, but those things would never change, he could only assume. Phaedra was a warrior through and through. They had fought so many battles side by side. He sometimes wondered if she missed those days or if she was glad that he had to resign. Having your big brother involved in almost every part of your life must be annoying... Sometimes.

His smile became brighter. "I'm just bored," he said as he chuckled. "Not much to do in this dusty old castle," And that was the truth, she knew that all too well. Without sight it truly became a desolate land of boredom.
Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:10 pm
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