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The universe spelled out your name
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Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
The universe spelled out your name Untitled
The universe spelled out your name Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
"I'll need three potatoes, a carrot and one of those.." The man held out his hands as he made great gesture from behind his bar. Polaris chuckled as he wobbled a bit on the high chair he was sitting on. "You know the one I'm talking about Oz-" He really didn't. "Ofcourse! One of those-" he smiled broadly as he did the gesture just like the man did, standing up and even doing like he did. For a moment it fell silent in the tavern. Some talking could be heard from some regular guests that had already arrived for an afternoon drink... And then... The old man and the boy started to laugh. Polaris placed his hand over his mouth as he leaned against the bar. "Sorry gran- I don't know what you're talking about," The old man shook his head with a smile. "You know what, just get me anything that looks good from the market," The dark haired boy nodded at him with a smile. "But don't forget my potatoes!" Polaris took a step back, stretching as he did. "I wouldn't dare to forget you taters gran!"

Miss Spots was still resting up. She had been going ever since Silvercrest... And now she deserved some rest. He had already picked up the haybale he had ordered the other day. A man that was a regular at the bar had helped him to move it into the old stables behind the tavern. He also explained to him what proper feed the horse would need. Polaris had taken note of it, but had also decided that maybe a visit to the library wouldn't hurt. Not only for books on horses, but also on merfolk. Breaking the curse of his own species, he was more then convinced that he could return to being a normal human again. He was sure of it.

Looking over the wares that were for sales, he sighed. "No more potatoes?" He said, looking up to the vendor who simply shook his head. "Oh... Well... That's a shame, I'll keep on looking. Thanks anyway," He nodded, turning away from the shop as he kept on walking. His eyes spotting some more people going into a certain direction. The man tilted his head, fuelled by curiosity, he went after them. The soft voice of a woman filled his ears, swiftly spotting a crowd gather around what he could only assume was a bard. She was playing some sort of harp while singing along a song he knew all too well. That was a childrens lullaby from Lemuria. He stepped closer, peaking past the crowd to get a glance. She was moon elf, having a crystal clear voice that sounded perfectly. Polaris slowly smiled as he looked on. Softly humming along, trying not to disturb her performance as he moved his body to the beat of the familiar song.  
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:54 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
The universe spelled out your name SRiYB3K
The universe spelled out your name 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Fauna just had to get away from the castle for a bit. The air was even more stifling than usual, all thanks to her "guest." She hadn't seen him much, in fact, she made it kind of her mission to steer clear from the man. Purely because he scared her, she couldn't look into his eyes without being reminded of that night. It was too confronting. So she mostly used servants as an intermediate. To watch him, to question him. But so far she didn't receive any worthwhile information. It was rather frustrating. So in a bid to get more answers. She had sent another letter before she went on her little outing to the Tyrgg estate. Hoping that this time; when she would return home. A response from the family would be waiting on her desk.

The silver haired woman, wasn't alone to go far. And she certainly wasn't allowed to travel alone. Not anymore. It was beyond annoying. But she had to make do. At least for the time being. Fauna was sure her mother would ease up on those rules eventually. The woman was making her way through a market. She had even purched a few goods here and there. But it was really more of the same old, nothing that was on offer here really catched her eye. 

Expect well; one thing did. A beautiful moon elf. Who had such a pretty voice, it was smooth and soft. Yet clear. Fauna didn't recognize the melody, however. Was it from her homeland? It must be so. By the stars, how the woman wished she could be able to trade places with the elf. Having such magic, such an aesthetic. And the freedom to travel to any place. It all sounded so appealing. The woman ordered her guards to stay back at a bit. While she mingled with the crowd. She was, perhaps, a little bit too enthusiastic. Because she accidentally pushed an onlooker away. When she noticed what she had done, however. Fauna was quick to apologize. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry about that, sir!" 

dit speelt zich af voor de Rán topic<3
Fri Oct 28, 2022 8:04 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
The universe spelled out your name Untitled
The universe spelled out your name Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
Silently he hummed along to her song, knowing it by heart he could remember all those times he preformed it on stage. The thoughts made him questions if he would ever sing again... In front of a public, that is. He had a strong voice that was loved by many. He had always gotten praise for it. But where he sung, he could be found. And if he would sing again he was sure to attract the attention of the old man... Who was still after him. He knew the man wouldn't let him go, not that easily. It had only been a couple of weeks. It would most likely take a few years for him to steer free of his shackles that bound him to that past. And that didn't even guarantee that he would be cured of his problem. Well... Calling it a problem might be a bit harsh. But it was precisely that. He had no use of being a merfolk. If anything it had been nothing but a burden for as long as he'd known. Spending his life in a cage as soon as he found out, he was nothing more then a display animal for a rich man. It made him realize why merfolk hid away among them. People could be monsters.

He got shoved out of the way, nearly losing his balance as he did. But he managed to stay op right. He blinked in surprise, turning his head. Huh? A silver haired woman looked at him, quickly apologizing. He regained his posture, sighing softly as he started to smile. "That's okay," he said, taking a step back at his original spot, but remaining at a respectable distance. "First time hearing this song?" He asked her. She looked like she could be from Lemuria, she had a slightly toned skin. But silver hair and all that... If he remembered correctly Rizals usually had grey hair. It might just be coincidence, however. "Tears of the moon. It's a children's lullaby," he said as he softly started to hum along again, his gaze going back to the moon elf. She played the harp beautifully. Oh how he wished he had picked up another instrument... How he missed his guitar.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:21 am
IC Posts
Ravaryn Royal Family
Fauna Rizal
Fauna Rizal
The universe spelled out your name SRiYB3K
The universe spelled out your name 5HMHTfV

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: furry hater
milky way
Luckily, the man wasn't angry, she was grateful for that fact. Because at this point the last thing she needed was another confrontation, she had enough of those already. Mostly because she was terrible at them. Whenever a problem arose, Fauna often chose to just simply walk away. Or have others deal with it for her. Since it was the easiest option. But she discovered that sometimes; she had to stay her ground. No matter how hard it was."First time hearing this song?" The stranger asked when he took a few steps back. Creating a distance between them that was there originally; before she pushed him. Fauna offered the man a gentle smile. And nodded her head. "Yes it is." She admitted. While her eyes moved back to the elf who now had a harp, in her hand. It looked like a costly thing. Not only that; it looked rather different from the harps she was used to. Not that she was an expert in that field. The instrument was hardly ever used in Ravaryn music after all. But this one seemed so- intricate. Like only a true master could play it. And it seemed she was one. Since her hands moved so seamlessly, pulling at the strings. "Tears of the moon. It's a children's lullaby," The boy said while he was humming along with the tune. Fauna couldn't help but chuckle a little. "You are jesting, surely, this cant be a mere children's lullaby." Though it very well could be. She had no real way of knowing. But in a way she hoped it wasn't; it made her feel rather stupid to be so intrigued by a song for youngsters. No, it couldn't be one, right? It was so beautiful for that, it had to be some folk hymn or something like that. "The ones in Ravaryn are very different." She then said. They were-darker and much simpler. 
Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:55 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
The universe spelled out your name Untitled
The universe spelled out your name Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He had noticed that the woman looked quite expensive. What was up with all these rich people in Ishgard? It was almost rare to come across a simple man here. But those were the makings of a capitol. Al-Qahil had been less extravagant like that. Moonbright was also a simpler place if you asked him. It was more of a people's place, for the public and the common men. But Ishgard didn't feel so different, even though it clearly was. Regal and grand in its own ways, it surely held a presence, even without the expensive looking people all around. As he asked her if this was the first time hearing this song, she told him yes. Polaris smiled at her, averting his eyes at the moon elf. He wondered for a moment if she was only here to preform and would then move on to the next city. So be the life of a bard. He should know, he had been one. But that was almost another life, in another time. It felt like forever since he last preformed in front of people. Oh how he had lost track of time.

The woman chuckled when he told her the name of the song. Polaris looked at her for a moment, smiling as he frowned. What was so funny? She went on to ask him and the dark haired man shook his head. "Nope!" He said as he looked back at the artist who went with preforming her song, playing her instrument as if it was second nature. "Tears of the moon was a song originally created to honor the story of Lythrania, creating people to accompany her," Merfolk. That was the tale that was usually upheld. They were fish who had become people to keep her company. "But the tale became a song and the song became popular in Moonbright to lull children to sleep since it can also be sung as a fairy-tale," A story before bedtime. Singing it a bit different you could hear the story more clearly. That was how mothers usually sang it. But keeping it up for performance, it would usually be sung in a more mesmerizing way with string instruments. He had always sung it with his guitar. This elf seemed to prefer a harp.

The woman went on to explain that Ravaryn's lullabies were different. Polaris tilted his head. "How come?" He asked her, clearly interested. "I only know songs from Xaila and Lemuria. Although I have heard some songs I'm not too familiar with what usually gets sung here," he sighed as he averted his eyes. "Sorry for rambling on," he said, shrugging. It was true, he just kept going on even though it was none of her business. But he was the social type, always ready to talk about anything. Let music and songs be one of his special intrest and he could keep going for hours on end.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 3:09 pm
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