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Years gone by
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IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
Today was a day of rest, so he could find back his strength and he had some time to look around the city. It was only a few days since they had arrived in the capital of Raveryn and he already didn't like it. It was cold, wet and the snow stuck to his robes. The young man shivered when the cold wind blew in his face. He had his spellbook on his hip, while he walked down the streets. The night before it had been raining and now the cold wind was trying to freeze it over. This made the stones very slippery and he had some issues with standing stable. He tucked himself deeper in his robes and the scarf around his neck, secretly wishing he still could use his other magic, just to warm himself. He looked around, wondering if people thought he was weird. He definitely didn't look like someone from Raveryn, his toned skin gave him away. Most people would think he was nothing but a tourist, someone who wanted to see the high mountains and snow. He wished that was the truth, it would be so much easier than telling the truth. Sigma sighed, while kicking up some snow and looking to the sky. Tonight would be a clear night, maybe he'd ask his mentor to see if he was allowed outside, so he could watch the stars. Granted, he just wanted to be alone for a moment, to think and reevaluate, but that just wasn't possible. His nightmares only became worse and he had to process what had happened, that would be the only thing that could help to lessen them. Sigma shook his head, it was just a hassle, so much time wasted. Maybe he should just go to the library, see if he could find some books on the matter. He tucked his head more in the scarf, while he walked in a seemingly random direction.
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:41 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He had taken shelter when it started to rain last night. An abandoned, small shed just outside of town. He hadn't even been able to step foot in the city. Huddled up in the half broken down thing, he had a hard time keeping himself warm. Rubbing his hands against each other as he slowly blew some hot air into the palms of his hands, thinking of better days. The nice comfort of home. A scorching day in Xaila... Awaiting his mothers word for some coffee. And even though he would complain about the warm beverage, being way too bitter on his tongue... He now longed for something that could warm him up. But despite the clothing he had stolen along the way, he had nothing. A small piece of bread was the only other thing that belonged to him. But he had already started to nibble away at it. It was hard and tasteless. But despite the fact that it was the most awfull thing he had ever tasted, it still brought tears in his eyes. Because, despite everything, this was the taste of freedom. No luxurious food items he got with him would ever match this bittersweet taste. This feeling of being alive was one of a kind. How rough and painful and messed up it was... He didn't care. He really didn't care. His amber eyes went over the stale bread towards the paint horse. He had taken her saddle off for the night... Over the weeks she became one of his best friends. And she had started to trust him as well. As the boy looked on at the animal, it slowly went through its legs, laying down. Polaris smiled, curling himself up against the spotted mare.

When he awoke the next day, his entire body ached. But the soft nuzzle of Miss Spots made him more aware of the world around him. He yawned slowly, pushing the animal somewhat away with a smile. "Don't tickle me, I'm sensitive," He said with a smile. But the horse didn't seem to care and started to nibble at his ear. He laughed, rolling over and pushing himself to his feet. Still clinging onto the stale piece of bread from last night, he slowly reached it out to his companion. "Here you go girl," Even though his stomach was in pain, he offered the last of his meal up to her. The spotted mare swiftly ate the thing and Polaris lifted his hand, petting her as she consumed her breakfast. "Nasty right?" He whispered to her, chuckling as he did. "I'll get you a nice big... pony lunch when we're in the city ok?" She couldn't understand him, he knew that much. But talking to her made him feel less lonely. It helped him to keep grip on his sanity and his emotions. He didn't wanna cry again, he really didn't want to.

As he put the saddle back on his horse, he slowly pushed open the shed. Almost completely packed in different clothing, he was barely recognizable. Paranoid to get wet and recognized, he sometimes wondered why he had gone for the north. There was so much... Waterness up here. How would he ever even... Manage here? He sighed at the thought, but felt relieved to see a clear path in front of him. He jumped on the paint horse, getting more comfortable before guiding her towards the capitol of Ishgard. Perhaps he could find a job and with a job a proper living space. A job that would allow him to be indoors most of the time would be ideal. He didn't know if simple snow could turn him, but he didn't want to find out the hard way.

The city seemed peacefull today... And as Polaris his eyes went over some people, feeling quite safe on the back of his horse, he almost didn't notice who he crossed eyes with. First glancing over him, his eyes swiftly darted back to the figure just passing by. He eyes widened as he got a better grip on his bridles, getting miss Spots to come to a halt. As he starred on to the man dressed in robes he didn't realize that tears had started to form in his eyes. The other tucked his head in his scarf, which made him chuckle softly for a moment. Children from the land of the sun, born in the nation one with the sea. They weren't used to a place like this. His breathing hastened as he felt his hands started to shake. He opened his mouth, trying to say something... Call out for him and make a joke. Or perhaps even go for him. The chuckle died down as emotions overwhelmed him faster then he could compensate.

"Sigma?" Barely loud enough for the other to hear, perhaps, as he was still on the back of his horse. Looking on from a distance. The emotions, the memories. The nostalgic feeling of... Safety. "Si... Sigma..." he whimpered as tears started to roll down his cheeks, he couldn't help himself.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:31 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
It was at moments like this that he hated himself, that he missed the warm sun and the feeling of his family the most. He just wanted to get a hug, someone that told him everything would be alright. That he shouldn't be afraid anymore. His mentor was a good man, a good enough man, to have taken him in and feed him, but it wasn't family. It wasn't his mother, soft and sweet, nor his father, harsh but with a good heart. He wasn't his brother, the one he missed the most. In the weeks he had traveled through Avalon, he wondered what had become of his twin brother. The fact that they had been separated for four or five years now, had been a sting in his memories for so long. He had lived with the guilt that something might have happened to him and he wasn't there to protect him. All these thoughts made Sigma tuck himself even deeper in his scarf, he hated it, he never wanted to feel so powerless again. That was one of the reasons why he wanted to be taught by his mentor, so he could be strong and able to protect his twin brother once he had found him again.
Never did he expected for that day to happen so soon. When he looked around to cross a street, he noticed someone riding on a pony, he nodded to the man on the horse and froze. His dark brown eyes widened and he stepped back a few steps, to be able to look at the young man again. This time it was even harder to look, as the one in front of him was sobbing and tears rolled down his cheeks. Sigma heard his name, not spoken in a scolding and teaching manner, but soft and with recognition. He felt tears burn in his own eyes while he walked up to the man on the pony, shaking and uncertain. "P.. Polaris?" He spoke, softly, almost whispering, while he reached out to the young man. "Is that really you.. Larry?"
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:48 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him. Perhaps it were the sleepless nights catching up to him. Or maybe the cold temperatures were tugging at his brain. He... Didn't know what was happening. This must be a dream, right? Because why in the name of Xeion would his brother be here? All the way up north, as far away from home as possible. He wasn't the type to just drop everything and go. He wasn't like him at all... He was talented, a great mage... And he knew one day that his brother would wield fire like the great sun mages had done before him. Every time when he had looked onto the other when he preformed magic, his eyes had sparkled with fascination and determination. Knowing that he would find his place among the other scholars and mages. He was destined for the role their parents had chosen for them. Then why... Why was he so far away from the place he was safe, the place he called home...? He tried to think, make his thoughts mull over the reasons... But emotions washed over him faster then he could response. Hallucinations or not. He didn't care. It was him. It was... Him...

When he heard his name for the first time in years, he gasped softly. His owner, his master, had given him another name. He was but a pet to the man that had locked him up for years. Nothing more then just... A pretty thing to collect. He felt a mixture of sadness and joy overwhelm him. Even though Sigma didn't sound like his young self, he could hear the tone of his voice. Listening on he could recognize the way he spoke. As close as they once were, Polaris was bound to find his brother in a crowd. And he knew the other could do the same. Because, well, they had gotten both older. They weren't... Boys anymore, they were men.

The question made him break even more. His breathing hastened once more as he nodded as quickly as he could. Where he first was frozen, looking onto the other from on top of his horse, he now... Reached out his hands towards the other, almost jumping off the spotted animal. He went straight into the arms of the other, his hands greedily grasping onto him when he did. Wrapping his arms around him, leaning onto him, he hid his face in the others clothes. Tears streaming down his face, all he could do was weep. His cries becoming louder as time went on. He was shaky. He was tired. But he was... Happy. He was oh so happy. "I- I'm sorry," he whimpered through his cries as he kept hugging his brother. He didn't want to let go. He never wanted to let go of him ever again.  
Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:05 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
Sun magic couldn't make illusions, that was one of the things that the moon elves and moon mages from Lemuria could do. Yet, he wasn't sure if someone didn't cast an illusion spell on his mind. It was difficult, oh so difficult, to believe that his brother was actually here. His hands shook, while he had them reaching out to the man in front of him. The urge to call his brother 'boy' was there, but he had to remind himself that it had been years and both of them grew quite a bit. No more boys, no more tied to their parents and their scolding. They were man, standing on their own two feet, although both were trembling on them. Sigma felt how tears started to roll down his own cheeks when the young man almost jumped of his pony and into his arms. Almost instinctively he held the man close and placed a hand on the back of his head, like he used to do when they were kids. He let the man, his brother, just do whatever. Both of them stood in the middle of the city, crying like they hadn't seen each other for years. If only the people around them knew.
With his own tears falling in the cloths of Polaris, he held his brother close and let him cry, like he allowed himself to do for once as well. For a moment he was afraid that his brother would notice the bandages around his arms, but that was a worry for later. For now, he just wanted to stay here and be alone with this young man in his arms. Polaris murmured that he was sorry and Sigma only shook his head. "It's alright, you're safe, we are safe." He answered softly, almost breathless. "I've missed you, Larry. I've missed you so much." Tears fell down faster and faster and he felt his knees grow weak. It was all too much to bare. The memories of their childhood, their parents, the fire. "I'm sorry," he whispered soft.
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:18 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
This felt familiar. Like the sweet taste of honey covered pastries. Or the familiar smell of blooming flowers by the window. The sight of children just playing outside, the sound of their laughter filling his ears as he turned another page of his books. Studying hours on end. Hearing voices, soft, stern, kind. From laughter to tears. From screaming and shouting to the feeling of his fingers tugging at the strings of his guitar. His whirling feelings living up to heights he hadn't experienced in years. Bitter tears, sadness, pain. Joyful smiles, happiness, warmth. This felt like home.

The way the other hugged him hadn't changed, he noticed. He chuckled almost when he made note of it in his head, shaking his head slowly as he pressed himself on. As if it was just yesterday. As if he had just... Gotten back from his trip. He felt his emotions come to ease, the familiarity bringing him more peace then he could wish for. And even though tears kept coming, he could feel himself become more stable. But now it seemed that his brother was becoming more stable. As Polaris listened to his soothing words, he closed his eyes. "I've missed you too," he said in an almost silent tone, still somewhat shaky from the crying and overwhelming emotions he was feeling. If it wasn't for all the stress he was feeling, he surely would have been able to keep his composure. But not... Not now. He couldn't afford it. And he couldn't do that to his brother. He deserved honesty. Especially after he left him in Xaila.

As Polaris his breathing calmed down a little, he could feel his brother break more. He softly moved his hands along the others back, soothing him. It was now his turn to say sorry. The young man opened his eyes as he moved his head, looking through his own dark hairs and the lighter ones of his brother. "It's okay," he said softly, his voice sounding more stable then it did before. "You're okay..." He whispered to him as he kept on moving his hands over the other back, giving him as much support as possible. If he felt like leaning up against him, he would let him do it. It was the least he could do... He let the other let loose of his emotions, his eyes wandering over the streets behind him as he kept on hugging the other. He waited... And waited... Until he found an opportunity in a moment where he seemed to have calmed down a little.

"Hey..." He said softly as he let go of him. Still crying, but having that stupid smile on his face. "You're still as ugly as ever," he chuckled, shaking his head slowly. Trying to light the mood in some way. He just... Tried.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:51 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
The only thing he could think about, was how happy he was that Polaris wasn't home when the accident happened. He couldn't bare the thought of losing brother, forever. Of course, when Polaris left, it felt like he lost him forever, but after his parents had died he knew that at least he had a chance to find his brother back. Getting his parents back, without the help of someone from the Zinyra family, would be impossible. He held his brother close, thanking Xeion in silence for bringing the two brothers back together. With his eyes closed, he placed his forehead against that of his brother and just took a deep breath. "I'm so glad that I've found you back." He spoke with a small smile on his face. Still, he felt how he was crumbling under all the emotions and memories. Normally, Sigma wasn't the emotional type, but everything had been bottled for so long and now it just burst. He had to tell him, he had to tell Polaris what had happened, but for now he wanted this moment of tranquility. He felt a hand over his back and it calmed him down a bit. The two brothers knew exactly what to do to help the other and he was glad that something like that hadn't disappeared.
Sigma looked up when he heard his brothers voice and chuckled a bit when he heard the classic jokes. Good to know that something would never change. "Just like you," he answered, finding his sarcastic voice back and he smiled a bit. "There is so much we have to talk about. So many years, so many lost years." He wiped his tears away and tried to look his brother up and down. "You've grown so much." A bit of pride slipped in his voice. He was proud of his brother, back than and now.
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:06 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
Sigma spoke words that they both agreed on. Finding each other after so many years was everything they have both wanted. He knew that much. He always held his hopes up high. But if he was honest... After years of being captured he had been sure that he would never see his family again. And even when he managed to escape, he knew that he couldn't return home. The man would send guards to Xaila, since he knew he was from there. Xaila and Lemuria were both unsafe... And well... Avalon was just not a place for him. So that had simply left Ravaryn. And when he had made that decision, he had been certain that he would head into this chapter alone once more. And even though he was social, it had still ached his heart. Making new friends everywhere he went... Where was home if you never truly settled anywhere...?

He smiled when Sigma answered back on a sarcastic tone. He tilted his head somewhat, his smile widening as he heard the other talk to him like that. Like old times, like good times. They hadn't changed. They were still the same boys from back then. Right...? Right... He was still the same and so was SIgma. He was sure of it. The blond man went on to note that they had a lot to talk about. Polaris smile faded slowly as he spoke. The past years had all been such a blur to him. Waking up in the pond, going to bed in the pond. Singing in the pond. Maybe getting dragged out for something else if he was lucky. He averted his eyes slowly to the ground when he found himself drifting off to the time. He didn't want to think about those days. But it would only be fair. And in a way, if there was anyone who he got trust.... It was him. That realisation hit him hard, as a certain pain could be read on his face. "Yes... Yes, We do..." He whispered.

Sigma commented on the fact he had grown. Polaris looked back at him, a soft smile on his face. "Yea? look at you then! How's the weather up there hm?" he chuckled, letting his hand slip from the others back to his head as he ruffled the others hair with a chuckle. "Blond huh? It suits you," It wouldn't be a bad idea to change his own hair color. It would definitely help with keeping a low profile. The guards wouldn't recognize him as quickly... Or at least, he would hope so. As his amber eyes shifted to the ground ones more he felt a shiver crawl up his back. Not from the cold, but from the puddles he had just noted. Maybe get inside. Safely. Away.... From water and the public.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 11:22 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
It was all so much, the memories, the feelings, the emotions. Tears burned behind his eyes and he felt like pudding. The overwhelming happiness that he had found his brother, made space for fear. Fear of losing him again, fear of not being able to control the magic that he was practicing now. Wondering if the same thing could happen with Polaris, as that had happened with their parents. He shook his head softly, he really should get rid of those intrusive thoughts. He wondered what his brother had been up to all those years and hoped it was better than what he had to endure. His eyes followed the jawline of his brother, down over his neck, his belly and down to his hip. No spellbook. Did that mean that he still couldn't produce magic? Sigma felt bad for Polaris, he knew how badly he wanted to be a mage. But, so he thought, he could also just have left it at home. It was only a small spark of hope, but hope nonetheless.
The remark that his brother made, had him chuckling a bit. "It's only a few centimeters, I think. But you're right, it's a bit windy up here." He rolled onto his toes, so that he could look over his brother. "So, this is better." He smiled. The compliment over his hair made his smile even wider. "You like it? I was actually thinking about changing it again, but I don't know yet."  With his head tilted to the right a bit, he looked at his brother. "Why don't you dye your hair? We could mix and match." He laughed quietly. "But hey, do you have a place to stay? Otherwise you can stay with me for a while, if you want?"
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:07 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
He wondered to himself how he would even explain his situation to his brother. Hey Sigma I'm merfolk and got locked up for Xeion knows how long and I'm on the run? No, if he thought about it like that... He wouldn't even take it seriously himself. Especially with how he was. He was known to pull pranks, not be serious from time to time. His brother wouldn't believe him. So maybe he should just show it to him. That thought made his chest feel heavy and his throat painfully dry. He hadn't changed back since Silvercrest. He hated that side of himself so much. It didn't have any use, it was the whole reason he was a disappointment to their parents. If only he could rid of it, rid of what he was. If he was just human, it would all be better. Because being merfolk was just plain dangerous. It didn't have any benefits for as much as he could see it. Why the species wasn't extinct yet... Was a mystery to him. He was already struggling so much to get by. He could only imagine how much other merfolk struggled.

Sigma chuckled at his remark, loosening him up a bit. As he spoke over the small height difference, something that Polaris had dramatically made a bigger deal out of then it really was, Sigma playfully went along with it. The young man chuckled, smiling brightly as he heard. He went on his toes and the dark haired man couldn't help himself and poked the others cheek as he did. "Hey!" he said. But he didn't mind, it was alright. It was all harmless fun. Sigma went on to talk about his hair. It did suit him pretty well. He went on to say that he was thinking of changing it... Again? Wow, had he been changing it a lot as of late. That was pretty cool actually. Polaris blinked in surprise. "Woah... How long have you been dyeing it?" he said as he tilted his head a bit. It made him wonder how the man did it. He knew sun magic couldn't do it. Moon magic could, but Sigma had no affinity for that... Right? Or had he changed his study route. He had to think deeply. Maybe some plants could dye hair, so maybe he had picked up on wood magic...? But maybe not, since he wasn't sure of that would even work. Hm... "How do you change it though?" He said, genuinely sounding surprised and curious. The way he spoke about it, made it sound like he could change it whenever he pleased... So he wondered if it really was magic or something else.

The question of dyeing his hair came up and Polaris blinked in surprise. "Oh yea- That sounds fun," he said with a smile. "But I wouldn't know how," He lifted his hands a bit as he averted his gaze. No magic you know. No way of changing it for as much as he was aware. Maybe if he did have magic, he would have already tried it. He would have tried so many things if he just simply... Could. But he couldn't. Cursed by being a monster, that's all he could call it. Sigma went on to ask if he had a place to stay at, he shook his head, but his brother added that he could stay with him. His eyes widened. "You have a place here?" That meant he was living here, right? "I would love to- yea," he said, nodding. "I've just arrived with my loyal steed so I haven't gotten the time to look around yet and find a place to stay," he took a step back, grabbing the bridles of the Paint horse. The small mare tilted his head and stepped forward. "Oh yea, this is Miss Spots," he said as he petted the spotted horse. That wasn't even her real name, but he wasn't his anyway. He had stolen her back in Silvercrest... And it had now been weeks. He had just given her the name because it sounded fun. He smiled gently as he looked back at his brother. The overwhelming joy had washed away his hunger, but now that the surprise had somewhat subsided, he could feel his stomach groan in pain. He sighed, laughing softly as he dismissed it, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He didn't want his brother to take pity on him. Not because he didn't want it, but because he didn't want him to worry.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:30 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Sigma Estrella
Sigma Estrella
Years gone by Le8Mpd3
Years gone by PsfuSVq

Character sheet
Age: 19 years
Race: Mage
Occupation: Mage Apprentice
Sigma Octantis Estrella
oh, why are we so sad? are we feeling hurt by their evil lies.
and all those empty words?
While he was thinking, he wondered if he had to announce things in a special way? Or just slowly? After his mentor, he had never told a soul bout what had happened to him and he had no idea how to speak about it to his brother. It was his little brother after all, how could he tell him that he had killed their parents? That he had shunned away from Sun Magic and went to the dark path because he wanted to become stronger. He sighed softly, it was all such an hassle. Maybe he should just write a letter, but no, that would be far too disrespectful. He wondered how other people would deal with it, surely he wouldn't be the only one who had to deal with this, right? Probably not, but he might be one of the few that made such an issue out of it. Sigma scratched the back of his neck, thinking. Which meant that he was lost in thought when Polaris spoke to him. "Eh, what?" he looked bit confused, before the question was filtered in his brain. "Oh, eh, a couple of years now. I change it every few months, when I get bored of a certain color. Maybe next time I'll let it be dip dyed, but I'm not sure about the colors yet." He shrugged and smiled a bit when he listened to Polaris asking a genuine interest question. "There is a moon elf in town who does it." He lifted his hair and showed a small sigil behind his right ear. "She places a sigil and it places an illusion over your original hair color. It's so easy and there is no pain or weird stuff with it." He was so happy he had found her hair. When he was traveling through Avalon he had to look at his original hair color and it had disgusted him. It reminded him too much of his dad.
Polaris seemed surprised that he had his own place. Well, he was living together with someone else, but they had a small place to call their own for as long as they stayed in Ishgard. His brother explained that he had just arrived with his loyal steed and Sigma placed a hand on the pony. "She's adorable." He said with a smile. "Oh." He set a step back when his robe started moving on its own, he opened the upper most buttons and a red head popped out. "Pumpkin? How long have you been there?" The cat meowed confused and looked at the other man, seemingly not sure about who his owner was now. "Eh, this is Pumpkin. I guess he had fallen asleep in my robe and I somehow didn't notice." Sigma explained with a sheepish smile.
Tags: Brother Larry <3
Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:54 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Polaris Estrella
Polaris Estrella
Years gone by Untitled
Years gone by Ezgif-5-3e3c887bba

Character sheet
Age: 20
Race: Merfolk
Occupation: Errand boy

❝ Despite everything, it's still you ❞
His brother seemed to be lost in thought and Polaris wondered for a moment if he had said something wrong. He didn't right? Perhaps he was just overthinking it again, as he usually did. Always mulling over every little thing, it had made him quite observant. It was one of the few things he could do while being locked up. And even then guards wouldn't speak to him. No-one would speak to him. As he was just seen as an animal in their eyes. There had been one person, however, who did treat him like a human, a person. But he hadn't seen him in quite some time. And even though he held his hopes up that he would find the man again, he had kept it in the back of his mind that the worse case scenario might have happened. It made him even more fearful of returning to Lemuria. He had been treated with certain brutal kindness, at least that is what had been told to him. His scales would make good money on the black market for dark mages and wealthy people alike. One using it for their magic and the other for decorations. Yet, even though he hadn't been granted that horrible fate, he couldn't feel thankful for the one he did get. Being locked up was not an improvement if you asked him.

Sigma explained the hair dyeing and Polaris nodded, his eyes shimmering with curiosity as he spoke. he had been doing it for a while now and he was thinking dip dye. That sounded way fancier. He smiled as he listened on, fascination clearly noticeable in his gaze. He had always had this kind of fascination with magic. He loved the craft so much, it was his dream to one day wield it as well. Sigma went on to explain how the magic worked, with a sigil done by a moon elf, after which he showed the thing. No pain, no weird stuff, basically an illusion. "That's so cool!" He said with a smile. He knew a lot about magic for not even wielding it himself, but he hadn't been sure what kind of magic would have been able to cast hair dyeing like this. Although after hearing it like that, it made perfectly sense that it was moon magic. "That is such a fantastic way of wielding moon magic," he said joyfully. "I should definitely keep it in mind," Perhaps sigil using would be his way of using magic. Although he knew he had already tried in the past, there was no shame in trying again. Dismissing all of the knowledge he had about Merfolk. He was perfectly aware they couldn't wield any kind of magic.

Miss Spots and Sigma seemed to get along quite well and Polaris smiled while looking on. The spotted horse was an easy-going mare that rarely made it difficult for the people around her. Perhaps that would have also been the reason why he had been able to steal her so easily. All of a sudden the robes of his brother moved and the dark haired man frowned as he looked on. It didn't take long for an orange colored cat to show its little head. He blinked in surprise as he looked on. Oh? "Pumpkin?" He said as a smile grew on his face. "That is the most adorable name I have ever heard!" He said in almost childlike glee. He chuckled when the man explained how little old Pumpkin hot there. Oh. That was just the cutest. Polaris held out his hand so the little man could smell it, before he carefully started to pet it. "A cat really suits you," he said, keeping up a bright smile as he did. He wondered if he had him since he lived here or if he had gotten the little man back in Xaila.

His smile slowly faded somewhat as he pulled his hand back, his body aching from the travels and hunger, he felt so tired from all the stress he'd been under as of late. "How long have you been here?" And why was he here? He looked up at his brother, he tried to smile... But he couldn't force it upon himself this time. "Are you... Here for your studies?" that far away from the sun magic source... Wouldn't be a convenient thing for a sun mage like him. So if it wasn't for sun magic, what was he studying? Druids perhaps?
Sat Oct 29, 2022 2:56 pm
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