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vigilante shit
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Xaila Citizen
Jesper Ferne
Jesper Ferne
chay <3
vigilante shit Photo-1561034645-20e05b0452b3?ixlib=rb-4.0
vigilante shit 450d6692a0519864a95ed8b9ba042918

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: Bouncer, criminal :')
To be fair, his day had started off pretty disastrous. Jesper had started his day In the Magpie’s Treasury, as he always did, this time to loose the coins he’d made there. So when the job Kaz had given him didn’t go exactly the way they had planned, Jesper felt like he should’ve known. Still, it could’ve gotten worse. At least he got some of the loot he was supposed to get. He’d rather focused on that. Instead of all the valuables he had left behind, and the fact that he may or may not have been discovered way too early and he had to fight his way out. Nooo. Positive thinking!

He knew Kaz wasn’t going to see it that way though. And he briefly he had considered just leaving it out of his briefing. But Jesper knew Kaz would find out, if he didn’t already know. He always did somehow. He didn’t announce himself as he walked into the office and put the bag with valuables on the desk in front of Kaz. “As you requested,” he said proudly, as if it was exactly what the other was expecting from him.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:54 pm
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Ravaryn Citizen
Kaz Aetos
Kaz Aetos
You know.
vigilante shit Af087af6f262c092975dbcc8717adeca
vigilante shit 4a469e256bf8b909af0a87214c89e340

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Druid
Occupation: Crime Lord
How he kept putting faith in Jesper, was a mystery to him. But somehow he did and everytime he was royally reminded how bad that decision had been. He should've kicked out the man a long time ago, weren't it for a few skills that the other had brought to the guild. He wouldn't want that sharpshooter as an enemy and so for now, he could stay.

But before Jesper had returned, Kaz had already heard of the untimely events the other had been wound up in. So, no undercover missions anymore for his right hand man either. The thief let out a deep sigh as he leaned back in his chair. What the fuck was he going to do with this man? When was he going to learn that his actions had consequences? After a moment of deep grief over the loss of the reputation of the Syndicate he sat up again, continuing the ledger he was working on.

He'd been concentrating deeply, but the opening of the door without any knock still got noticed by him. Mostly because it annoyed him deeply that the person didn't even take the decency to announce themselves. The next step of this person was apparently to drop a pile of garbage on Kaz' desk, letting ink splatter everywhere. Kaz didn't even have to look up to know who it was, so he took a moment to internalize his anger and finally lifted his gaze. The frown on his forehead said enough. "Jesper," it was barely said in a neutral tone. He put down the quill, ignoring the ink splatters on his hand. He didn't say anything else, simply staring at the other as if deep down, he still hoped the other had an explanation for his antics.
Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:24 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Jesper Ferne
Jesper Ferne
chay <3
vigilante shit Photo-1561034645-20e05b0452b3?ixlib=rb-4.0
vigilante shit 450d6692a0519864a95ed8b9ba042918

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Mage
Occupation: Bouncer, criminal :')
Jesper never expected praise from Kaz. He knew he wouldn’t get it. He used to, back in the beginning, but that hope was quickly abandoned after he realized Kaz was as cold as a person could get. He did however, always get to opposite thing of praise. What was it called again? Oh yea, criticism.

About how he was ‘damaging the reputation of The Syndicate’ or ‘he shouldn’t abandon his shift for a few hands of his favorite game’. Jesper had to admit that the things Kaz said were true enough, but he always managed to take the fun out of things. Either way, when Jesper threw the loot he had on the desk, he had anticipated the look Kaz was giving him. He stared at his boss for a few minutes in silence, knowing that the other was awaiting an explanation. It was clear he knew what had happened. But Jesper wanted to try his luck anyway. As always, he lost. “Alright, it’s not exactly what you asked of me. But I had no other choice! There were like…” He stopped for a moment, revisiting his memory as he counted on his fingers. “…five more guys than I had expected.” He finished his explanation by throwing his hands in the air. Jesper knew it wasn’t good enough, but he suspected that little would be.
Sun Oct 30, 2022 4:38 pm
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