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Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
What's new 53zL75vk_o
What's new TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith

Evan was once again standing in the back of the shop without his shirt, tending to the fire which he would shape the sword with. The sword that had been requested had been his hardest job yet. The emblem needed to be precise; the carvings needed to have his full attention. The materials that he had bought to get the job done were quite expensive, so Evan was planning on doing his job right so that he didn’t have to go back to the store to get seconds. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as he slowly bended over the cauldron to let the boiling hot fire melt into the sand in which he had made the figure of the sword. Evan wiped his brow as he saw how the fire melted into the sand, turning it into iron. That was the first part of the process and the most annoying one.

Just as he was about to go further with his task, he heard a loud bang against the window. Immediately he slung the towel he had been using over his shoulder, rushing to the front of the shop. The window wasn’t broken, which he was thankful for. He unlocked the door and threw it open, poking his head out to look in different direction. Aside from a man who looked older than himself, he didn’t see anyone else. He furrowed his brows at the man, but he didn’t look like as if he had thrown something against his window. But he could still be a witness to the ones who actually did. If Evan would get his hands on them, they would’ve wished it would be their last day on earth. Evan didn’t go lightly over things like this.

”You,” Evan spoke in his usually rude manner to get the attention of the man. He wasn’t the type to exchange polite conversation and he was in a hurry, so he didn’t have any time to waste. ”Did you see or hear anything? Someone who threw something at my shop’s window?” He turned around to inspect the glass and his mood became sour when he saw that there was a slight dent in the glass. Not enough to attract attention, but it was certainly there. His eyes were cold as he laid them back on the man standing in front of him.

@Ketiga Aphelion
Tue Oct 25, 2022 11:49 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
What's new PM7s1T0
What's new D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

A young boy was standing at the apothecary. One that wasn’t open today. But he needed to gather some things so he had been there quite early in the morning. When walking out the boy pulled his sleeve making him raise a brow. Very inconvenient but well. Maui was present as well, curled around Ketiga’s arm, head resting in the crook of his neck. Briefly he glanced at the child, heard what he needed to say and put a coin in his little hand. A penny for his story, one that was of value to say the least. The black snake on his shoulder, briefly pressed his nose against the crook of his neck, making him chuckle ever so softly. Before he made way to visit someone else.

Another person passed him, hurrying away. Which didn’t bode well. but since no one seemed to be chasing that stranger he didn’t pay it much attention. Continuing his walk. Moments later he saw a head appear from out of a shop. Making him look up for a second. Aha, so something had clearly happened there. The way the other addressed him made him narrow his eyes. The black cobra in his neck, gracefully lifting his head. ’He ran off.’ A plain and simple answer since he really didn’t feel the need to entertain this man as a whole. He had more important errands to run. Maui laid back down, yet his beady eyes stayed focused on the other man. Watching his every move. If needed the venomous snake could attack. But right now, there was no real threat just yet.

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Fri Oct 28, 2022 3:49 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
What's new 53zL75vk_o
What's new TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith
Evan rolled his eyes when the much helpful – NOT – answer came to him. The guy ran off. ”I’ve noticed that myself, but thank for the useful information,” he spoke sarcastically. ”Did you happen to see in which direction he ran or are you completely and utterly useless?” Then his eyes landed on the snake that was watching him. A cobra, if he wasn’t mistaken. The snake was watching him with narrowed eyes, as if it understood everything Evan said. As Evan had dealt with a lot of bullshit in his life, he wasn’t really afraid by the sight of the snake. He knew things that could hurt you far more than a snake bite would do, but he guessed being bitten by a poisonous snake was the last thing you would want. If the person in front of him was a psycho and would order the snake to attack Evan, he needed to be ready.

”Nice pet you have there,” Evan spoke in a way where it wasn’t sure if he was being honest or not. ”Keep it in check, will you. I have a busy shop to run, so the last thing I need is being struck by poison. That won’t be good for my business.” He spoke his words nonchalantly, as if he didn’t care if he was being bitten by the snake or not. He let his eyes travel back to the way he thought the guy ran off to, but he had wasted so much time talking to this dude already that it was pointless to give chase. With a scowl he turned his head towards the window, rubbing with his fingertip over the dent that was made in the window. Damn it. Probably some scum from the Lower Ring who had done this.
Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:10 am
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Ketiga Aphelion
Ketiga Aphelion
What's new PM7s1T0
What's new D9jMRYC

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Master of Whisperers
You crave chaos.

Ketiga's expression stayed the same. Unbothered. Really, why did he have to give this guy attention? If anything, some respect would be nice. But well, to expect such a kind thing. It was completely out of the question these days. Too bad for this guy that he didn’t forget easily. Shortly he tilted his head when another question sounded. Now why would he help this lad? If anything he hadn’t even tried to act nice to him. So why would he grant him the favor of telling where the assailant had run off to? ’Frankly I shouldn’t even be answering you right now.’ He hummed, looking back. Maui was still keeping his eye on the guy. Ready to strike any time if he felt like it was needed. ’He bolted to the right, and then ducked into a street on the right.’ Motioning to the alleyway a bit further along. If anything it was a lead for mister not so respectful.

’He only goes after people who are being disrespectful.’ A fair warning. But Maui only struck when he was being told. Ketiga had made sure of that. Otherwise why run around with a venomous snake that couldn’t be controlled. Shortly aiming his attention at the window. Poor little lad, his window was dented. ’If that was all, I have more important business to attend too. I can have someone come look at your window though. As a token for your kindness.’ Voice laced with sarcasm, though he would send someone to look at the window. Would be the kindest thing to do after all.

You are happiest when the world is in uproar.
Wed Nov 02, 2022 1:42 pm
IC Posts
Ashmoor Citizen
Evan Fields
Evan Fields
What's new 53zL75vk_o
What's new TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Occupation: Weaponsmith
”And frankly I don’t remember of ever giving off the vibe that I give a shit about what you think,” Evan retorted, narrowing his eyes at the man. He knew he was only getting disrespectful behavior because he was disrespectful himself, but he wasn’t going to change his attitude. If he ever learned one thing in this world it was that being kind wouldn’t help you with anything. It wouldn’t gain you anything and eventually it would only cause people to take advantage of your kindness and stab you in the back whenever they were done with you. So no, he wasn’t going to be nice to this guy and he didn’t need a reason to justify himself for that either. A scowl appeared on his face when the man told him in which direction the assailant ran off to. No, that wouldn’t be worth the effort. If Evan wanted to run after the guy, he should have done that first. Now it wasn’t worth the time or his effort. The guy would be long gone by now.

Evan rolled his eyes when he heard the warning. ”Must be nice to have a guarding pet around you all the time who does the dirty work that you obviously can’t deal with,” he spoke, but his hand reached for his dagger. While he was arrogant and confident, he knew that if that snake bit him he wouldn’t be able to do anything. Better try to cut that snake while he was at it. He raised an eyebrow when the guy mentioned that he could have someone to take a look at Evan’s window. ”What?” he asked. ”Why would you do that? And who are you even anyway? Must have a lot of money if you have guys walking around for you.”

Evan felt an annoying headache coming up. He didn’t know if figuring this guy out would be worth his time, but he definitely was interesting. He had a goddamn snake around his arm who seemed to obey his every command. If that wasn’t impressive, Evan didn’t know what was. But he wasn’t going to admit that to the guy, of course.
Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:57 pm
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