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Ravaryn - Scorpius Ylindar (Prince of Ravaryn)
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Prince of Ravaryn
Scorpius Ylindar
Scorpius Ylindar
Ravaryn - Scorpius Ylindar (Prince of Ravaryn) I4JNuiG
Ravaryn - Scorpius Ylindar (Prince of Ravaryn) 895f3c9be11ddcedc4affff9d944af191da2831e

Character sheet
Age: 18
Race: Human
Occupation: Prince

Scorpius Ylindar
"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone."
Gender MALE
Species Human
Magic None
Occupation PRINCE
Residence ISHGARD
Faceclaim Louis Partridge
Build SLIM
Height 183CM
Skin tone FAIR
Hair color DARK BROWN


With a slim build and a height like his, the young man has a lanky frame to say the least. His hair is almost always tousled, even if he does the effort. The wind just messed it up fairly easily. One thing someone can always find on his face is his affable smile, it can disarm anyone without the use of actual weapons. Due to his age, Scorpiuss can maintain his clean-shaven look with ease. This all combined and you get the looks of a very charming young man.

Scorpius has a fair complexion and the darkest of hair and eyes. Fitting in the family perfectly well with the way he looks. He carries some scars with him on his body mainly, due to training but nothing too severe or big.

Impressions & Attitude

Scorpius carries himself with certain pride. Like a true prince. The way he walks around can still be seen as quite boyish, but he carries a certain elegance with him as well.


While his hair might not always be in perfect shape, the young Prince is always dressed in the finest attires. Wearing the best of quality in clothes, always with some embroidery on it in the colors of their Kingdom. Dressed to impress. For the more important occasions he will always always dressed perfect, down to the handkerchief in his pocket. Simply because he has to play the part of a Prince. He has to live up to the standards of his family and he does it perfectly.
Constellation The Stag
Alignment Lawful neutral
Traitsloyal, charming, convincing,  intelligent,, funny,  reserved
Traitsreckless, stubborn, doubtful, protective

Towards his family, the young man can easily let go of their actual status. Often to be found cracking a joke or playing a small prank on them. Yet this only happens behind closed doors or when he is with people he completely trusts. He can easily uphold a conversation with his relatives about things that matter and don’t matter. Not finding it hard to actually share his opinion with them. Though not forcing it on anyone.

When you don’t know him, he can come of as more reserved. Maybe a bit cold and distant even. That’s simply because his trust in people he doesn’t know doesn’t go that far. He is always on the lookout for something that lets him down. Yet he does have a certain charm over him as well, which lures people in. Not always something he wants to do. But it happens. Which can sometimes result in Scorpius not being quite sure of himself, making him shut down and get completely silent.

Above anything, Scorpius is a kind young man that will always offer help to those that need it. He is protective when it comes down to his family, so he will react when someone speaks badly. But he carries a natural intelligence with him, in that way maybe being more like his dad then he actually imagined.
SkillsSwordfitghing, playing the piano, astrology, architecture, horsemanship
Unskilled atArchery, finance, putting trust in others
HobbiesPlays the piano, horse riding, archery, drawing, studying

Family Tree


G. Grandfather REGULUS YLINDAR †


Grandmother REGINA YLINDAR †

Aunts, Uncles & Cousins


Aunt ??? YLINDAR
Uncle ??? YLINDAR
Cousin ??? YLINDAR
Cousin ??? YLINDAR

Parents & Siblings


The bond with his family is tight. He enjoys being around them whenever the time is there. He holds both his siblings in high regard and looks up to them, the same goes for his father King Orion. Aspiring to be like him one day.

Weapon type Longsword
Expertise Proficient

While young, he does show tremendous skill when wielding his weapon. He is nowhere near being close to the skill his father has. Which is why he is rather determined to train daily.

Birthdate & Place 1st of the Storm Moon, 1435 Isghard

Early years

Born as the second son of Orion and Helena, brother to Regulus and Arianna. The young Prince grew up in Ishgard at the estate of the family. From quite a young age it was proven that this son would be a fine little Prince one day. Someone who his family could build on. From a young age he received lessons in politics, philosophy, astrology and combat. He knew what was at stake, so the boy did his very best in those classes.

When it came down to combat, he proved to be his father’s son. Mastering the sword quite easily. Yet with extensive training, because he knew that a skill like this needed to be honed. While it wasn’t really necessary for the young Scorpius, he did decide that he wanted to become a knight of some sort. Which made his days quite filled up with actual theoretical lessons in the morning and training in the afternoon. Yet it was during this time that the betrayal of their mother was made aware to them. Something he had never seen coming. In the first few weeks he didn’t quite understand what was happening with their mother. He knew she had done something unforgivable. Due to his age, the comprehension of it all took a bit longer. Yet after a few months it dawned on him what exactly had happened and why she had been casted out. With their mother leaving, who was one of his biggest supporters, a gap appeared for Scorpius. And while part of him was indeed really sad about what had happened, the decision of his father was a just one.  One does not simply try to take the King’s life and expect to be forgiven. That was not how the world worked.

To fill the gaping hole that was caused by his mother’s betrayal, he plunged himself into becoming a knight even more. There was little free time that the young boy had when he started training under an Elessar. But the little time he had, he did choose to spend at home with his family. Keeping that bond strong was the most important thing of all.

Teenage years

Years of training continued and it proved to be a wise decision from himself to actually follow in his father’s footsteps as a knight. He really loved doing it, and loved helping out others. Through helping other people out, he also formed a connection with the people of Ravaryn. He wasn’t known to be the little Prince anymore, among the people he was  spoken of as the Noble Prince. Though it wasn’t easy. Anything but. While most of the other pages that were turning into squires grew both in height and width. Young Scorpius grew in height, but stayed rather slim. Which wasn’t necessarily something bad. But he pursued. He had to. He had set his mind to it.

Apart from training his studies had picked up as well and Scorpius proved to be a fine horseman, pianist and astrologist as well. All skills he built out further over the years. A hunting trip he had been wanting to attend for months. Orion had kept him back, simply because whatever his older brother was chasing wasn’t up to his standards just yet. He had been angry. Yet when Regulus didn’t return. Anger turned into fear and sadness. Those two feelings grew even more when the search parties didn’t return. Now seventeen, without a big brother for an example, he turned to his sister more than ever. Never losing faith that Regulus would one day return.

Fav. colour Burgundy red
Fav. season Bloomtide
fav. drink TBA
Fav. food Apples
Fav. animal Horse
Fav. instrument Piano

✯ Owns a mare and a foal, Llamrei & Gringolet
✯Enjoys a good walk
✯Loves to be outdoors
✯ Would love to get a dog
Mon Oct 24, 2022 2:05 pm
IC Posts
Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Ravaryn - Scorpius Ylindar (Prince of Ravaryn) XuTWurPc_o
Ravaryn - Scorpius Ylindar (Prince of Ravaryn) MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:24 pm
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