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The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
vicious  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
vicious  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Saying that the Winters were rich, was an understatement. They were filthy rich, making more money than they could ever spent. And the way they lived was in line with that. You could not turn your eyes and not see glitter or glamour. And for Maybel, who was so used to it, it had been a personal challenge to even shine brighter in this palace. If her family picked blue to dress, she would pick red. She could not remember the moment when she decided that she could not be just another Winter. Her father was the third son of the late Duke, and he had managed to be a respected and feared name. She wanted that too, even if her name was just some girl, way behind the likes of Alison and Charlotte. And where Lottie had decided to be as perfect as possible, Maybel knew she could not choose that path as well. At first because, well, she was a way of perfect even if she tried to, and it was so boring. She had the luxery of freedom, so she grabbed that luxery with both hands and capitalized on it. She knew how to drag the attention to herself. She liked the stares and the whispers, she would answer them with a cheeky smile and a wink. Maybel Winter was not and would not be some rich girl.

She was not sure where that ambition would further lead her. She had no ambition on being respected of feared. She just wanted to have fun. But if there was somehow who did not know the definition of fun, it was her aunt. Lady Winter was everything she was not. She was scary, and respectable, and perfect. Maybel usually avoided her, managed to slip around her in this ginormous house. But today her luck had ran out, and when she had hurried across the courtyard, ducking her head for the rain, she had managed to open one of the large wooden doors and just stare in the face of Cassiopeia Winter.

‘‘Woa- fu... Aunt!’’ Maybel struggled to pick the right word and for once not just blurt out what was on her mind. She was someone she could no longer shock with her blunt honesty and quick wit. Because that was her usual tactic, just make people speechless with a bit of scandalous whispering. Without her knowing to, she straightened her shoulders and stood up taller, as if she was a soldier. Her usual cheeky expression was faded to nothing, she just looked slightly annoyed and angry. Maybel cleared her throat and started to comb her fingers through her hair, brushing the fresh waterdrops from the rain away. ‘‘I do not recommend going outside. It's pouring.’’ She tried to sound as aloof as possible, but she avoided eye contact. This woman was like a fragile bomb. Somehow she always expected her to explode, but she could not remember it ever happening.
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Sun Oct 23, 2022 5:45 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
vicious  WSN0ewN
vicious  HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

It was raining outside, and not a little bit. A proper storm was rolling in over Ashmoor. And Cassiopeia rather liked that. The woman couldn't explain why, and she certainly didn't feel the same about actual weather phenomenons that could cause serious damages, like hurricanes or tornados. But a heavy downpour- it had something therapeutic. So the woman decided to step outside for a bit. Well, she wouldn't get wet, of course. For before one would exist the house and step into the courtyard. There was a little bit of roof to stand under. The duchess wanted to open the wooden door. Which would lead her outside. So she could watch the elements be cruel to the flowers and plants the estate was home to. Watching that, was relaxing somehow. Perhaps her hatred for blossoms ran deeper than she thought. But when Cassiopeia did actually open the door; the first thing that greeted her wasn't the view of the gardens. But Maybel winter. ‘‘Woa- fu... Aunt!’’ The duchess narrowed her eyes at the girl in front of her. And the blatant disrespect she was showing. Maybel winter had never been a favorite. She was too much like her father. Always seeking pleasure, without actually having to work for it. The girl was not at all like her half-brother. Who was so much more accomplished. And yet never reached any praise. Especially not from his father. No, Matthew preferred to direct all his focus on his only legitimate daughter. But despite these attentions, the girl had little to show. She wasn't even married yet. But perhaps it was precisely because of the fact that Matthew had designated Maybel as his favorite that she turned out this way. Some of his faults rubbed off on her. ‘‘I do not recommend going outside. It's pouring.’’ The young lady said, after having quite literally straightened herself. The duchess moved her head slight upwards, making the fact she was looking down on Maybel all the more obvious, before she moved her gaze past the girl and into the courtyard. "You don't say." Was her dry response.

@Maybel Winter

Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:07 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
vicious  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
vicious  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel almost knew the moment the words rolled over her mouth, she had fucked it. It didn't matter which words she had chosen, aunt Cassiopeia would have found a way to belittle her. Maybel balled her hands into fists behind her dress, but refused to advert her gaze from the woman. She was just her aunt, she had to remember herself. And even her simple words had cracked like a whip, she was nothing like perfect Alison and obedient Charlotte. So Maybel bit her tongue and looked up at her aunt, while a fake smile adorned her lips. But her eyes were all but smiling, as if the two of them had silently agreed on having war.

She didn't know why her aunt did not seem to like her. Or... anyone in that matter. Maybel would have had to commit a murder to be promised to a boy like Faolan. But maybe she had to stop being scared and beat fire with fire. Her reign was only safe as long as Duke Winter lived. Then it would be a woman's world, and not hers. Maybe that was why she was so salty all the time. Maybel made the decision then and there to pick up her arms as well: because she would probably never be good enough  ‘‘Oh, how stupid of me. I must have forgotten my sense,’’ she mused softly, but her irritation shone through her words. Maybel might have picked up a thing or two from her aunt over the many years. Maybel stepped aside and waved a hand to let the duchess be able to pass. If she wanted to frolic in the storm, it was not her fault. ‘‘Don't ruin your hair! Oh, or worse, your shoes.’’ Maybel placed her hands behind her back and kept that smile on her lips.
tag / notes

Fri Nov 18, 2022 10:34 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
vicious  WSN0ewN
vicious  HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

Maybel did have the good sense to hide her nature under a mask of smiles, sweet words. Cassisopeia was sure that it this front certainly did fool some. But not her. She could see right through it. She knew that the young girl was nothing more but a spoiled brat. Without any real talent. Something else Cassiopeia was also excellent in was picking up and subtle jabs. Even if they were laced with roses and perfume. They didn't fly over her head, she could pick out the true meaning of them. Nip the rose by the bud. And she knew exactly how to deal with them, or more presently. How to deal with the girls dishing them out. "How considerate of you." The duchess let a small, soft smile appear on her face, almost as if she charmed by the younger winter. And thus couldn't keep up her stone-cold face up any longer. "Actually, I must say that I am rather pleased to have run into at this time." She then said, a lot more neutral this time. Cassiopeia moved closer to Maybel, and placed her hand on the shoulder of the girl. "I actually could really use your help." The mature looking woman moved to Maybel's side, never letting go of her shoulder, however. With her other free hand, she gestured to the door that would lead outside. "For you see, before the storm set in. I was walking through the gardens with my hounds. Until I stopped at one of the benches to rest. I then took off one of my favorite rings, as the jewels were piercing my skin." The woman went on. Speaking clearly and perhaps somewhat slowly. So Maybel could follow, and understand everything."But silly me, I totally forgot about about the thing, and left it behind" Now did she finally release the shoulder of the woman, and moved her hand to rest at her own side. "I was going to look for it myself, you know, since the ring is extremely valuable- I don't really trust a servant to retrieve it for me." Cassiopeia took a step back, but kept her gaze locked on Maybel. "But now that you're here, you can get it for me, no? For you always so kind and helpful, and not to mention that I won't have to ruin my hair, or even worse my shoes as you said- So it's a win-win don't you think?" Cassiopeia completely made the whole thing up, of course. But Maybel didn't know that. And besides, it would do her good to cool down a bit. Maybel the rain would even wash away some of that attitude.

@Maybel Winter

Sat Nov 19, 2022 12:24 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
vicious  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
vicious  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Maybel her smile almost made her cheeks ache as she tried to hold on to the façade a bit longer. She hoped that her aunt would just take the loss and they would both be on their merry way. But she should have known her aunt would never lay down her arms so easily. So when she began with that "actually", Maybel just knew she was screwed.

They both spoke the same language, although she could not afford it to hide the hidden meaning so badly. She wasn't even sure why her aunt disliked her so much. But she seemed to dislike everybody. So Maybel had not much choice to dislike her back. She reminded her of her late step-mother. Except she was in the ground and aunt Cassiopeia regrettably not. She took her shoulder and Maybel had to try her hardest to not cringe back. She kept her tongue and moved with her like some obedient, little girl. And soon she noticed where the story was going. She had herself to blame, really. ‘‘Oh, silly you,’’ she replied in the same, upbeat tone as Cassiopeia tried to confice to her.

Aunt ended her story with that she should retrieve it, of course. But Maybel did not believe one bit that there was lost ring. She just wanted to see her get soaked to the skin trying to look for it. She did not want to do it, but she could not think of a rebute quickly enough. Maybel was made of sugar with her porcelain skin and hands that never worked a day in her life. She tried as quickly to think of what her aunt would have most pleasure in see her do. Squirm in the rain? Try to dig her heels in the ground and refuse? What would happen if she did refuse? Suddenly she felt pity for Alison, who had to deal with this bullshit probably every single day.  

Maybel eventually got the fake smile of her face. ‘‘Which bench?’’ she asked briskly while she defiantly bend down to put her heels of. Because well, she would be able to run faster and she actually did not want to ruin them. These were fairly new and definitely not worth it to get them ruined for her petty aunt. She untied the small straps and when she had stepped out of them dropping down four inches she heavy-handidly shoved them at her aunt. Only if she'd had some ribbon to put her hair up. But noooo, she just had to love it loose. ‘‘Quickly, before some of your distrustful servants get word you lost such a valuable item.’’
tag / notes

Mon Nov 21, 2022 4:57 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Cassiopeia Winter
Cassiopeia Winter
vicious  WSN0ewN
vicious  HZKrqVF

Character sheet
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Duchess of Ashmoor

There’s no good or evil only power

And those who are too weak to seek it

Maybel played right into her hands. Though Cassiopeia was sure that it was not by choice. For while the girl was silly to be sure. Maybel wasn't entirely without wit, either. And thus knew that she had no other choice but to play along. Perhaps it was wrong of her to use her power ad duchess against someone like Maybel. But the girl deserved a little hardship in her life. A little challenge. And if her father wasn't prepared to provide her with them. And Cassiopeia will. But perhaps, she also just liked to see the girl taken down a peg. It satisfied a sadistic ice in the older woman. One that she didn't even know she had.  The puppetshow went on a little longer than the duchess would have liked. But finally. The girl agreed. Right before, taking an age to unleash her heels. Cassiopeia expected the girl to just set them aside, on the ground, for the time being. But no- they were shoved in her hands. For safe keeping, she assumed. Or perhaps it was a way for the girl to fight back, even just a little. Whatever the case. Cassopeia resolved to just throw the shoes away, when Maybel was out of sight. They were terribly ugly anyway. Definitely not fit for a young, respectable lady. They reminded her of something a tavern wench would wear. The heel was so high. Though she supposed Maybel needed heels this big, she was rather small of stature after all. And wearing this made her look taller. Almost back to normal size. "The very last bench, you know the one. By the statue of  Renestrae." She spoke, a way someone would speak to a child. 

And then the girl was off. Into the downpour outside. And true to her words. The duchess threw the pair on the ground. And then Cassiopeia made her way to the door. Maybel just bolted out of. He hand hovered the lock. She had wanted to punish the girl just with that. But now, she realized she could go even further. So her hands moved, methodically and without hesitation. Only when she heard the oh so familiar "clicking" sound did she know it was done. The door was locked. Maybel couldn't come in when she returned from the pointless search. The duchess took a few steps back. And thought for a moment. Before she made her way across the room, she was standing and to the nearest door where she knew a guard would be standing. The man obviously wasn't prepared to see her when open the entrée way he was guarding. She could see the shock on his face. "Make it known I want all the doors and entryways to the house closed." She said to the man. With a stern but gentle look. "And don't open them again until the wheather clears up." She moved in closer. "I don't want anyone using the storm as a cover to sneak in here." Cassopeia then smiled at the man. As she nodded at her words. And promised her to make quick work of the task she had set for him. The man ran off, abandoning his post. The duchess still stood in the doorway. And thus could see into the back of the house. Though she did not see if Maybel had returned yet. Though she supposed it wouldn't take long now. The woman laughed, rather cold. As she closed the door behind her. No one would ever know she had been her with the girl. Except perhaps for the guard she just had spoken too. But no one else, she was sure. So this, in the end, couldn't be linked back to her. Though, Maybel would accuse her of locking her out. It were, in the end, just weightless words if there was no proof. Cassiopeia walked. Intending to go back to her study. There was still some paperwork that needed her attention. 

(Topic uit?)

@Maybel Winter

Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:04 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Maybel Winter
Maybel Winter
vicious  Photo-1572955034117-bbe6e291fab0?ixlib=rb-1.2
vicious  Mayicon

Character sheet
Age: 21 y/o
Race: Human
Occupation: Does as she pleases
Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
Her aunt took the shoes, but Maybel actually would have preferred to smash them against her head. She gave a weak smile when Cassiopeia said it was at the furthest bench possible. ‘‘Of course it is,’’ she replied dryly. They both knew there was no ring, there was no need for her to go outside and somehow she agreed to go trough with it. It's just water, Maybel remembered herself. I am not made of sugar, I will survive this. But when she stood in front of the open door again, her feet on cold stone her spirits dropped rapidly. But she would not give her aunt the satisfaction to look back. She would just run towards a different door and slip back inside the way she came. A determined and with eyes closed and a bowed head, she raised her skirt from the floor and bolted outside, taking a right turn and gasps for air when the water dropped in her neck.

‘‘I hate her, I hate her, I hate her,’’ she repeated as a mantra when her stockings were soaking wet, as was the her bangs that stuck to her forehead and pricked in her eyes. Maybel reached the bench by the statue and she even took a quick look. She was stupid, of course there was nothing there. ‘‘Fuck her,’’ she grumbled under her breath, and she started to run back to the castle. She was wet already and her pace had slowed down, while the bottom of her dress was ruined. Eventually she stopped by a different door than she had come out and rattled with the lock. It would not budge. She furrowed her brows and then pushed her shoulder against the large, wooden door. ‘‘Ohh, come on,’’ she pleaded to.. whatever was holy at this point. It was still chucking down and she was basically soaked already. ‘‘Pleaahease.’’ Still it would not open for a inch. So she kicked to door angrily, then cursed again as she hurt her toe. She skipped for a few steps and then decided to continue to the next door. Locked, again. And the next one, and the next one. And then she realized what had happened.

The bitch had shut her out. Was she completely mad? Her father would kill her, if she did not kill her first. Maybel leaned against one of the closed door, barely sheltered on the porch. What choice did she have left? Screaming and crying until somebody opened a fucking door? Would they even hear her over the clattering rain and howling wind? Well, fuck them all. Maybel made an impulsive decision right then right there, and turned and ran bare feet towards the exit of the property. She really needed a friend right now.

continuation <3
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Tue Nov 22, 2022 3:14 pm
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