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from goddess of spring to queen of the dead
Time will tell
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High Priest of Xaila
Asmodai Zinyra
Asmodai Zinyra
from goddess of spring to queen of the dead Z4vTQk6
from goddess of spring to queen of the dead P2vd7oz

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: High priest
Have faith
Asmodai wandered through the temple gardens without a care in the world. He had a small train of people following, trailing him. They were fellow worshipers of Xeion, but they really were here more for him than anything else. So he affectionately referred to them as his "fans." Because well, calling them what they actually were bitches. Was a little crude. Occasionally the tinted man would focus on one of the many plants they grew here and started talking about it to his entourage. He was a learned man, not only in religous matters, but also when it came to things like botany. So he was quick to identity any plant and relay all information known about it purely from memory alone. Almost as well as if he was reading from an dedicated greenery manual. His fellow priests and priestess seemed to hang on his every word. And when he was done speaking, they gasped and words of praise came flooding. And Asmodai soaked it all up, of course, he couldn't get enough of flattery. Though after a while of this, the routine was becoming a little stale. Most because his "fans" were failing to come up with unique compliments. They just started to repeat themselves. So he moved his attention away from his adoring crowd in the hopes of finding something else to entertain him. And what he found was certainly unexpected, but not unwelcome. He excused himself and quickly, yet full of grace made his way across the temple grounds. He positioned himself just behind his object of interest. He thought about grabbing her from behind, one hand around the waist and the other around her mouth. But he decided against it. He didn't want to get hurt after all. And he knew that she quite the fighter. "I sometimes wonder, what your parents would say if I told them that their little princess, sneaks away from the palace to engage in illegal fights." He mused, thought he was only teasing her. Since he really would never tell, that would be very hypocritical of him since he himself frequented those events as well.
"The gates of Hell are open night and day; smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but, to return, and view the cheerful skies; in this, the task and mighty labor lies"
Thu Oct 13, 2022 4:43 pm
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