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Vestyn Tenebrae
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Ravaryn Citizen
Vestyn Tenebrae
Vestyn Tenebrae
Vestyn Tenebrae Lake-salt-flat-andes-5k-pc
Vestyn Tenebrae Ezgif-2-cbe6d38b41

Character sheet
Age: 25
Race: Human
Occupation: Traveler

Vestyn Tenebrae
Everything I loved, became everything I lost
gender MALE
age 25
species HUMAN
magic NONE
religion NONE
occupation TRAVELER
residence NORWYN
height 188 CM
hair color BLONDE
hair texture WAVY
eye color BLUE
skin tone FAIR


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dui et tellus sodales consequat eleifend non lacus. Curabitur quis dictum orci, et sagittis justo. Aliquam porttitor ex at eleifend facilisis. Duis vehicula nisl nec laoreet dictum. Cras luctus nulla eget erat vehicula, a fermentum arcu convallis. Proin elementum dolor leo, a convallis ipsum porttitor a. "Etiam ac lacus ut enim maximus sollicitudin." Sed eu nisi eget enim luctus egestas eget ut erat. Mauris ac sapien sodales, porta tellus vestibulum, hendrerit turpis.Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur a aliquet tellus, non laoreet urna. Curabitur et diam eget diam sodales tempus.
constellation HERE

Vestyn is someone who feels things intensely and one who never just ‘forgives and forgets’. He holds onto the past and the wounds and traumas that it left behind, either using it to his advantage or letting it drag him under a tsunami of self-hatred and depression. He does not like to bother other people with his life, so he keeps all his drama and problems to himself rather than disturbing the peace amongst whoever’s company he might find himself in. The blonde man wants everyone else to be happy and will suppress his own intense emotions if he feels like it is necessary. He is always willing to lend a helping hand when it is needed most, and he will put the needs of others before his own. Vestyn is the kind of person who tries to protect and save everyone at the same time.

He also knows what he wants, and he will get it through his own hard work and long-term efforts. This trait forces him to have a hard time accepting help from other people, as he will not be caught dead asking for it.
Vestyn will fight for his ideals and he is more self-oriented than humanitarian. He needs a cause to defend and he has a strong need to attach to something, instead of just helping everyone blindly.

There is a part of him that is suffering greatly from the many fears, traumas and anxieties that swim just beneath the surface. Vestyn keeps them hidden from everyone, wanting to maintain the peace and to leave a certain level of mystery around him.He has a hard time opening up to people and he refuses to share his heart with others, because letting them in means that he has to start healing from his wounds, but he does not know how to.

Despite all his mental problems, Vestyn is somewhat of a ‘stable’ person in his daily life. He is honest, naturally charming, patient and intelligent. There is no rush in this Libra’s life; he strongly believes in karma, and that eventually everything will find its way and fall into place. More so, he stands for justice and truth above everything else and he will boldly defend it. However, he rarely uses any aggressive method and sees to resolve everything in a peaceful matter, with an outcome that would possibly please all sides, if deserved so. Although, at times, his emotions will take over, meaning he won’t let himself be led by justice, but rather choose vengeance and chaos. Especially, when it concerns matters surrounding his half-brother Ragnar, who has betrayed him many times in the past.

One thing that Vestyn will never do is lie. He might not speak about all of his feelings, thoughts and intentions openly, but he is no trickster, deceiver or liar.

When it comes to love, this Libra is one of the most devoted souls you will ever encounter, if he wants to commit himself to someone. Otherwise, he loves games and flirtation, avoiding starting a relationship for long. Vestyn wants someone who can answer the passion he has. He wants to make that certain person feel special, but the first condition is that he feels very special about that person. He needs someone who is emotionally deep as he is, wanting chemistry and a connection on a higher, inexplicable level, too. Ves will know it when he finds it.

What defines Vestyn is not some personality disorder, which he definitely does not possess, but his deep and abiding loneliness and the sense of exile which has been with him from the very beginning.
Family Tree




sister NONE


aunts & uncles MULTIPLE
cousins MULTIPLE
- Born as heir to a the corrupt Lord Vestyn and his wife, Lady Adaline in the faraway lands of Lavarr.
- Had a primarily cheerful youth, loved getting on adventures and hanging around the castle with his friends.
- Got betrothed to Arwen Stuart at the tender age of sixteen.
- Vestyn met his illegitimate half-brother Ragnar at the age of twenty-two. Their father favored Ragnar more than Vestyn. Jealousy began to form because of this.
- Arwen came back to the castle when she turned eighteen - ready to be married off to Vestyn.
- Lord Vester did not like the idea of a marriage alliance between his family and the Stuarts, so he and Ragnar set up a plan to kill his wife and frame his son for the murder.
- Their plan succeeded and Ragnar forced Arwen to draw a sword through Adaline's abdomen while Vestyn was forced to watch it all unfold. Vester stayed out of the picture during this horrible event. Vestyn, who did not know that Ragnar forced Arwen to murder his mother, killed his wife-to-be in a rage of anger. Not much later he found out it was actually Ragnar who was behind all of this.
- The city watch arrested Vestyn shortly after the death of Adaline, locking him up in the dungeons under the castle. Before his trial could even start, Vestyn managed to escape and run away from the city.
- For two long years Vestyn lived the life of a fugitive, on the run from both his own father and the Stuarts.
- Eventually he managed to get to the Stuarts and convince them that Ragnar killed their daughter. With an army he returned home to Lord Vester and Ragnar. Within a day the city fell and surrendered. Vestyn killed his father in the heat of battle, but Ragnar managed to escape alongside his fiancee Celeste.
- After having established peace back to the city, Vestyn went on a journey to bring Ragnar to justice and eventually kill him.
- To this day he's still on the hunt for his half-brother.

fearless child
broken boy
tell me
what's it like
to burn
Wed Oct 12, 2022 11:51 pm
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Deities of Odiria
Game Master
Game Master
Vestyn Tenebrae XuTWurPc_o
Vestyn Tenebrae MRk8P37a_o

Character sheet
Age: Immortal
Race: Human
Occupation: Game Master

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Game Master
Let faith decide
Tue Oct 18, 2022 11:31 am
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