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[LMF - Silk Night] You don't deserve any of this - Open
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IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Aurelia Vylasar
Aurelia Vylasar
[LMF - Silk Night] You don't deserve any of this - Open R2vy2AT
[LMF - Silk Night] You don't deserve any of this - Open Giphy

Character sheet
Age: 45 years
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Lemurian Citizen
She knew what she’d done and she remembered very well. From the moment she held the poisonous flowers, hung those flowers to dry in her closet, plucked the leaves from the flower to grind them so fine they would become invisible in a glass of red wine. She remembered very clearly handing this glass of wine over to her husband, pretending to be a loving wife who wanted to spend the night with him. But he wasn’t so loving that night, he was angry as usual. She had taken her nephew under her wing and he was so disapproving that she could still, on this very night, feel his hand on her cheek. He drank the wine, not to enjoy it, but to get drunk and she watched him sipping away the very last drop. She watched him as he started to feel unwell. She watched him stumbling towards their bad, thinking he was just very drunk and very tired. She watched him as he closed his eyes, starting to sweat. She took his glass, hid it and then called for a nurse. Someone, to help her dear husband who’d suddenly gone ill. There was nothing that could be done but pray and hope he would get better. But the next day she woke up beside a cold, stiff body. She cried. She screamed. She was freed, but everyone had to believe that she was heartbroken and sad. A mourning widow with a baby boy and a baby cousin to care for.

And until this day she had to pretend to be sad and heartbroken on the day you visited the final resting place of a loved one. For her this was the day to remember she was free from the hands of the violent man she was once married to. Quillen Vylasar. She had maids made the blanket of silk. It was always a surprise what the blanket would look like, since she never gave instructions. She simply didn’t know how a blanket should look for the man she murdered herself. She didn’t mourn him, she mourned the fact that she’d been married to him, that she had to get pregnant with his baby, a baby she loved dearly. But Myrddin had his looks. She mourned the fact that there used to be days that he controlled her. But maybe she simply needed this night to celebrate the fact that she had found a way to regain control. Life was better without him.

So, she took the blanket which, ironically, possessed the same light, bright purple, as the flowers she had used to murder the man. And so she carried the blanket towards his resting place. She left the castle like building and was greeted with moonlight shining through the sea’s surface. She walked into the open towards the place where her late husband was buried. She remembered his funeral vaguely. The only guilt she felt was the fact that she’d been lying all those years ever since. But she kept telling herself that she hadn’t had a choice. It was for her son’s safety, for her nephew’s safety and for her own safety. Thinking about it, it was even for Lythrania’s people’s safety. How could a man like Quillen ever want the best of Lythrania’s people? It was true that Aurelia was always meant to rule Lythrania as their Governess, but Qullen would have ben the Governor and it was always the man with the leading position. And that’s what Aurelia would tell herself before she would go to sleep.

Svana appeared beside her when she bowed down with her staff, greeting her majestic Swan, looking her straight in the eyes. Svana stretched her wings arching her neck as the bird watched the grave where Quillen was laid to rest. Aurelia laid down the blanket with grace and then she sat down, watching the blanket reflect the the moonlight through the sea’s surface. “You don’t deserve any of this,” she mumbled softly, carefully speaking, as she knew that there was a possibility for someone else hearing her speak. This was a secret only she and Svana knew about. No one else, right?
Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:58 pm
IC Posts
Lemuria Citizen
Abaris Vylasar
Abaris Vylasar
[LMF - Silk Night] You don't deserve any of this - Open S8szA8G
[LMF - Silk Night] You don't deserve any of this - Open Tumblr_po0no0O9Kb1s1qqbx_400

Character sheet
Age: 33
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Tailor/ Corsetier
The more you love roses

The day his brother-in-law had passed. It had come as a surprise to say the least. Frankly he hadn’t seen it coming, since the man had appeared to be in fine health. But he had proven to be sick in the end. So maybe it was something that had been going on longer but that nobody knew off. He had found it devastating. For his sister and his nephew. If anything the boy had lost a father that day. And while his sister had lost her husband, deep down he believed that maybe it was for the better. She hadn’t seemed happy in some moments. But it was something that he didn’t speak off, if anything he didn’t stick his nose in most of the things that had to do with his family. But he was there for them either way. Which was why he had gone to Lythrania on this very day. To be there for his darling sister.

He had gotten there a bit late. Already spotting the blonde near the grave of the man. As always Abaris was dressed to impress. But today it was a more toned down version of his normal attires. Just a simple black costume with silver lining. With his arms folded behind his back he quietly walked over to her. Sol at his side. Who had taken a calmer demeanor then usually. With his eyes fixed on the gravestone, he just stood there in silence behind his sister. Eventually stepping forward, placing a single black rose at the bottom of his grave. His hand gently placed on Aury’s shoulder. ’Sister.’

the more you must bear with thorns.
Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:11 am
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