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[Open] Nights like these
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Myrddin Vylasar
Myrddin Vylasar
[Open] Nights like these RbKYMU2
[Open] Nights like these 32b12f3fc022bfe08684ee6c6823ad21

Character sheet
Age: 23
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Captain of the Guard

❝ I'll never be that me again ❞
It was already late when he decided to leave the palace. The maids had offered him to join his mother for dinner, but he refused, saying that he had important matters to tend to. Partially true as he still had some duties to attend to. Some new recruits had started today. It had been a while since the guard had gotten new blood. When the council was formed and Lythrania no longer was the capitol of the nation, a lot of guards, royal guards, moved to Moonbright. In the process the former city had lost a lot of good and capable people. But Lythrania had managed to stay strong despite all of it. His mother had made him Captain of the guard just in title, but not in complete responsibilities. It irritated him, but at the same time he could understand that he was still young. He might have the knowledge, but not the experience. He knew that it was all for his future, to prepare him, in some ways, to become the next governor of Lythrania. Even though he knew that his mother would have prefered someone else for that position. He would prove her wrong, show her that she was wrong to even think about it. He may not be perfect, but he could try to come as close to it as possible, even with his shortcomings.

He was dressed in his formal attire, a mostly white suit with blue accent, having some light blue accents and shapes found on his jacket. His family's symbol was found on his jacket aswell. A sort of pin, made out of metal, engraved and decorated with high valued gemstones. His hair was done properly, decorated with a single plait and tied back so that it wouldn't be in the way. He had him staff with him, it was adjusted to his back. He could easily reach for it and use it to summon Maeve. But for now, that wasn't a necessity. His pace with fast, but regal as always. When he entered the building he nodded towards his guid for the evening, who asked him some questions. He signed towards the man that he would prefer he spoke for him today, as he did not feel like summoning his familiar for this event.

The guides that were appointed to him at formal events were all trained with the signs he was taught as a kid. His family, some friends and the guids were the only one that knew what his signs meant. There was no real other way to communicate, despite written language. And even though he didn't mind writing the words he wanted to say, he did not always have to patience for it. He took a step back as his guide took the word for him. All he really had to do was look pretty and keep a straight face. He held his gaze on the new people, going over each and every one of them. He knew he couldn't do much, but he could atleast remember the name of his people, their faces. It gave value to them, for them. Because, at the end of the day, a lot of people didn't feel important, didn't feel like their life mattered. Myrddin knew how that felt and wouldn't even wish it on his worst enemy.

After formalities and meeting up with some of his higher ups in the guard, shaking their hands, listening.... Nodding, shaking his head, nodding again... Boring all by all. But after the talks, he was finally allowed to meet the newer people. He looked over at them, keeping a neutral and stern expression as he nodded to each one of them. They greeted him formally, placing their hand on their chest and nodding. He tried to offer a smile, but couldn't really.. Force himself. So instead of being charming, open and offering a warm expression, he remained cold, silent and distant as the recruits introduced themselves. He couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed in himself. He wasn't like other higher ups, who could just force that kind of stuff on their face. Showing a certain emotion that just didn't feel seemed so wrong to him...

There wasn't much to do after the matter. Myrddin didn't allow himself to drink any alcohol, so he did not join in on the festivities. He quickly let his guide know that he would be on his way. There wasn't much protest, since he was just here for spirits rather then any functionality. It annoyed him, but this was part of his duty now. He quickly stepped outside, trying to keep his pace steady... But he was craving some alone time. Standing still, listening to boring speeches, nodding on everything that was said to him. He hated it. There was no use to it. He was just there for his title and his name. The only things that ever really mattered. He never had anything that he had achieved himself and he most likely never will. Being good at dancing or being physically great meant nothing in a world ruled by more complex things.

He lifted his gaze, looking up at the bubble that protected the city against the water around them. Fractured moonlight found its way towards the bottom of the ocean, and to an extend Lythrania. Luckily that wasn't the only thing that gave them light, as several light sources lit the streets up. He noticed how some sea creatures swam over the bubble, casting their shadows on the buildings below them. He slowed down, letting the view enchant him. Even though he grew up here, had spent his entire life under the water, he still felt the same way about the view. It was something he really wanted to protect for generations to come. He could not imagine a Lemuria without Lythrania. A city gifted by their deity, living evidence that she was once with them. He started to walk from his original route, letting his mind go adrift as he gazed up at the sky.

He eventually found his way to a more open with a fountain in the middle. A statue had made its home in its center. It depicted whales, curving around each other. He blinked and walked towards the thing, observing the piece of art as he tilted his head. What a beautiful view. He silently took a step back and took his notebook and pencil out of his back pocket. As he opened the thing he looked around, luckily for him it didn't seem like anyone was around, for now. His pale gaze went back to the statue as he silently started to sketch the fountain in his notebook. The combination of the moonlight and the background of the ocean was too perfect to not capture in an image. If he could catch the essentials, he could later paint it.
Thu Sep 01, 2022 6:28 pm
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