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Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
Mizumono J2Hi32L
Mizumono Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.
He had received a letter. A letter from the princess of Xaila. This was most uncommon for someone like him. Afterall he was still getting used to this country and their customs. So, to be invited by someone of such high standings. Mortem couldn’t ignore a sense of pride because of this. He wondered why she wanted to speak with him, the only thing he could think about was exchanging knowledge about the difference in culture. He knew that the princess was a sun elf, someone born with the magic of the sun. Mortem was interested in all kinds of magic, but he had never spoken with someone with an offensive kind of magic. As his own is merely used for defensive and evasion. If he could see the attack, he could prevent it, otherwise he would have a problem. Mortem looked around, this was the place that was in the letter. But it looked like he was a bit early. So, he just sat down and looked around. There was so much to see and learn within Xaila. He liked it here, more than he wanted to accept probably.
Sun Oct 09, 2022 10:53 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Mizumono Kameel10
Mizumono 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead

Slow down you're doing fine

You can't be everything you want to be before your timeĀ 

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You better cool it off before you burn it out. You got so much to do and only so many hours in a day ,but you know that when the truth is told that you can get what you want or you can just get old
A childlike glee was visible on her face all day. She had never met a northener before and when she heard that there was one, here, in Al-Qahil, her fingers itched to send him a letter. So she did ust that. She had spend the entire day bothering her mother with questions about the north to seem somewhat knowledgeable about the place of snow. Snow. Persephone sighed softly.

She hadn't invited him to the castle, that felt way too official for a meeting with the sorcerer. Another thing she was inmensely interested in. Divination. Did he really see the future? Could he tell her how many partners she would end up with? Or if she would end up traveling through Odiria? There was no time anymore to wonder and question herself about those things, because the man she would meet up with was already there. "Mortem Rizal?" She asked him, holding out her hand for him to shake it -or kiss the back of her hand, she wouldn't mind if he did that-. "My name is Persephone Daetrys. Welcome to Xaila." The young princess smiled at him, already feeling the questions coming back up, ready to be spilled between them.
Mon Oct 10, 2022 1:44 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Mortem Rizal
Mortem Rizal
Mizumono J2Hi32L
Mizumono Vf6kGp6

Character sheet
Age: 45 y/o
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Chef/Seer
Whenever feasible, one should always try to eat the rude.
A voice filled with curiosity and the warmth of Xaila called his name. He looked up, to see a young lady walking towards him. A hand was presented to him and as was courtesy in Raveryn, he quickly placed his lips on the back of the hand, before placing his other hand over it and spoke a few quick words to Raanan. ”Thank you for the warm welcome, it’s a pleasant change from the cold in Raveryn,” He spoke respectfully. He stood up, so that she could sit down. She was of higher standings, he was but a guest in this sandy land. So he would respect the courtesies here. ”May I ask why you invited me? I am only a guest in your beautiful land filled with sand and warmth.” His gray eyes twinkle with the same curiosity he had heard in her voice. He wondered if their agendas would line up, or that it was just a child-like curiosity for something strange and new.
Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:18 pm
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