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a difficult morning
Time will tell
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IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Benji Trygg
Benji Trygg
a difficult morning  53zL75vk_o
a difficult morning  Tumblr_inline_njq3rnkufF1szaa83

Character sheet
Age: 27
Race: Lycantrope
Occupation: Scientist
Benji knew he had safehouses everywhere in Ravaryn. Live long enough with a curse like this, and you start to know the places where it was safe to spend the night of the full moon. But especially in Ishgard, he knew where he should be without being harmful for others. He usually didn’t like to be in any other city when he turned. But he hadn’t had any other choice tonight, and Ishgard was the next safest thing. Now he was on his way back to the city, despite the soreness in his bones and the still fresh wounds. Benji had lit a cigarette and was walking through he woods backs to the rush of the capital, something he couldn’t wait to get out of again.
Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:19 pm
IC Posts
Ravaryn Citizen
Amora Chandyll
Amora Chandyll
a difficult morning  53zL75vk_o
a difficult morning  TXnkfdcU_o

Character sheet
Age: 25 years old
Race: Mage
Occupation: Traveller

The fun part of moving from city to city was getting to know the people and the environment. Amora didn’t mind traveling, because everything was better than to revel in her memories or stay at once place where her magic power would be found out soon. She had the ability to create weapons out of Dark magic, but if she used too much magic or stayed too long at a place, the criminals who she sold those weapons to would find out. They thought they had the perfect, deadly weapon into their hands until it just evaporated after a certain amount of time. And when that happened, they knew they had been scammed. And Amora wanted to get out of their sight before that happened. She had some fighting skills as well and knew what to aim for to get a man down on his knees in an instant, but she’d rather avoid the fight than engage in it, even if she had Castellan at her side to take care of the annoying creatures that called themselves men.

As Amora had gone through a lot in her life, she wasn’t the type of person to be scared. And so she didn’t mind wandering the forest outside of Ishgard by herself. Castellan was still sleeping at the inn they were staying at. Amora looked up to the sky, trying to guess what time it was. She guessed that it wouldn’t take too long until dawn started to approach. She expected to find no one else in this forest, but crunching of leaves told her otherwise. She saw red flare up in the distance, but only for a few seconds, followed by smoke evaporating in the night sky. Someone going for a stroll just like her or someone with a dark secret? Amora smirked, feeling her heart starting to pump more quickly. This was exactly the kind of thing she lived for.

As she approached the person, who was a man around her age, she noticed that the guy had a few fresh wounds on his skin. The corners of her mouth turned upwards and she took a few steps until there was a short distance between the two of them. ”Had a rough night?” she asked bluntly, not caring about softening her words to make him feel better. Because she didn’t give a shit about how he felt.

Sun Oct 09, 2022 12:40 pm
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