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IC Posts
Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Daydreaming 8o00lah
Daydreaming 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

Seated on the back of his stallion he was on his way to Alderrath. The man had been asked to come there for marriage purposes. Accompanied by a guard they were moving through the land. Victor had Charlotte on his mind. Remembering how she looked back then. It certainly was something he hadn’t expected. How old would she be now? Twenty perhaps? He wasn’t quite sure. But well, last time he had seen her she was simply to young. It worried him to say the least. But he couldn’t be sure, he hadn’t seen her for years.

Once in the capital his guard took the horse to the stable and Victor ventured out to an inn. Freshening himself up, putting on a red attire detailed with silver lining. Briefly taking a deep breath. Right. Now it was on to the castle in the hopes that he could find Charlotte. Being who he was, he had bought some flowers. If anything that felt like the good thing to do. The gentleman thing actually. And well, hopefully it would actually score him some points.

Being escorted inside, he was told to wait in a room where a few seats where put out. Yet it was the fire that pulled him in most. Asking a servant to go look for Lady Charlotte. Walking over to it, staring into the crackling flames. Hoping for the best. If anything he was sure that Lord Reginald had told his daughter of his plans. And that she would be looking forward to the union itself. But he could only guess.

the world would be insanely dull
Tue Oct 04, 2022 11:50 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Daydreaming CWnwfQN
Daydreaming 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
In a way, Charlotte was ecstatic. The wealthy admirers she had were long forgotten in her mind when there was an actual nobleman wanting her hand. It was just about as well as anyone could do here in Ashmoor. The only problem was that she knew her match, and that the last time he had seen her she had been a mere duckling in comparison to the swan she was now. Would Victor remember her? Would he think of her fondly? Or was he biased by the teenager she used to be, too stuck in her feelings for someone she had thought to be out of her league? By Renestrae let it not be the latter option.

"Lady Charlotte, Baron Grimaldi has arrived is asking for you." A servant girl spoke after she had opened the door to Lottie's chambers.  She gave herself one last look in the mirror and saw pure and youthful perfection, the way her parents would expect her to look. Her blonde hair was put up in a simple yet charming updo that highlighted her cheekbones, along with a pair of earrings that cost more than a servant's yearly income. As she stood up she straightened the pink gown before leaving the room. "Do make yourself scarce, we don't want Baron Grimaldi to be embarrassed by your humiliating ogling." She said to the servant in a cold tone. The last thing she wanted was a stupid servant girl ruining what she had dreamed of her entire life.  

A deep breath rolled past the lips of the young blonde as she walked towards the entrance hall of the castle. The nerves were something she could do without, yet she couldn't seem to shake them just yet. When she arrived at the top of the grand stairs, and spotted a handsome man waiting at the end of them, she felt her heartbeat in her throat. Somehow, she managed to make a curtsy for him from where she stood, but she her feet seemed otherwise nailed to the ground. He had changed, aged like fine wine. And here she was: back to the foolish teenager she had once been around him.

Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:10 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Daydreaming 8o00lah
Daydreaming 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

For a while he had been staring into the fire. Unaware of what was happening around him. Simply just standing there with the flowers in one hand. Reminiscing about his days that he had been running around here in the castle as well. Back when he was a young boy. Back when he had met her for the first time. The thought itself made him smile shortly. They had just been mere kids back then. Or well, he had been close to becoming an actual knight for the Duke, she a young teenager. But regardless of it, his time here had been well spend. And he could only hope that the same could be said for the woman in question. Though he doubted that she would’ve gone through any hardships. Maybe on a more personal level, but that was something he didn’t have any knowledge of.

A pull. A weird feeling which made the hairs in his neck stand straight made him look up. Turning his head to the stairs. Following them up. Blinking a few times when she had indeed appeared. Or well.. That was her right? If anything the woman on top of the stairs was someone of extreme beauty, she simply beamed. Making him swallow. It was her. It had to be her. Releasing a breath he didn’t even know he was holding, bowing for her briefly. Biting his lip. She didn’t move and it made him worry.

Instead of waiting his turn, Victor walked up the stairs. Until he stood there before here. Now entirely sure of who it was that stood in front of him. Charlotte Winter. The years had done her good. Not that she had been an ugly child, but she certainly had matured and it took his breath away. Once standing right in front of her, he bowed his head again. ’Lady Winter.’ He spoke, the tone in his voice warm and kind. ’Might I escort you down?’

the world would be insanely dull
Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:27 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Daydreaming CWnwfQN
Daydreaming 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
The idea of marrying Victor was like a dream coming true. In theory, Charlotte was ready to meet her husband. However, as soon as she arrived at the top of the stairs she couldn't go on and her knees felt like pudding. She didn't know what was happening to her, she seemed to be too in awe of the Baron to do just about anything. He had changed, yet she could still see the teenager she had such a crush on when she was younger. Perhaps that crush was still very much alive. It certainly felt that way, with the butterflies fluttering around her stomach. But as she was fawning, she was also ruining the moment. Or so she thought.

The man seemed like a knight straight from a storybook. He came to her aid by walking up the stairs and throwing caution —and protocol— to the wind. Her brown eyes looked up to his when he had made a bow for her. He was even more handsome from up close. "Baron Grimaldi," she greeted him softly. He sounded kind, something which she remembered from when she was younger. "I'd be most grateful, thank you." She then agreed. Slowly, Charlotte was able to smile as she took his arm so that they may walk down the stairs. As they did she held onto him tightly, perhaps she was afraid to fall. Finally, they made it down. "Do you want to go outside? I could use some air." She proposed, still a tad nervous about the whole thing.

Tue Nov 29, 2022 10:26 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Daydreaming 8o00lah
Daydreaming 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

Marrying. Victor had never really paused on the thought. Mainly because well, he had been busy enough with things that had nothing to do with ruling a city or whatever. Until now that was. It was his duty to carry on the Grimaldi name after the passing of his elder brother. A lot depended on him. So while this was duty, he also had hoped that he would maybe once marry out of love. Which wasn’t really the case here, or well not quite yet? Who knew what the future might bring forward?

It helped that it was someone he knew. Someone with whom he had established a small connection already in the past. Yet this, it would be entirely different. And it had been years since he had last laid eyes on her. When she appeared on the stairs, he could barely keep his mouth from dropping open. His heart making a weird motion, did his heart just skip a beat? Peculiar.

Once he stood in front of her, he nodded in respect to her. Shortly shaking his head. ’Milady, you know me. It’s Victor.’ A warm smile lined his lips. Together they walked down the stairs, like something from a play. A grand scene where royalty would descend the staircase and everyone would be in awe. Placing his free hand over the hand that rested on his arm. Once down he looked up. ’Off course. I must warn you, it is quite chilly outside. Please don’t hesitate to ask for my jacket if you do feel cold.’ Nerves were rushing through him, but the man was doing everything in his power to keep them at bay.

the world would be insanely dull
Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:49 am
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Charlotte Winter
Charlotte Winter
Daydreaming CWnwfQN
Daydreaming 1e27IoK

Character sheet
Age: 21 years
Race: Human
Occupation: Brat
She is passion embodied,
a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom
Was she dreaming? Because it sure felt like she was. Charlotte had always dreamed of chilvalry, grand gestures and a storybook worthy husband. Now that she was to marry an actual baron.. make that marrying Victor Grimaldi, every single one of her dreams seemed to become reality. Not only had her parents chosen a man of great status, but they had chosen a great man too. She should make sure to thank them later, if she wasn't too preoccupied thinking about her fiancé.

A sting in her heart almost occurred when he shook his head. Did he not like her? Had he expected someone better? But alas, he just told her to drop the formalities, making a wide smile appear on her face. "All right." She said with a nod. Oh how perfect this was. As they finally arrived at the bottom of the stairs she could feel her heart skip a beat when he placed his hand over hers. "Thank you my- Victor." She said, quickly correcting herself. "That is most kind of you." She told him. They started heading outside, as the servants opening the grand doors to the garden. It was chilly, just like he said, but she didn't mind all that much. It helped keeping her grounded. "So, do you like being back in Alderrath?" She asked him softly as they strolled past endless flowerbeds. Frankly, Carlotte was too nervous to ask the wrong question, so she resorted to the basic chatter that one would ask him. She only hoped he wouldn't be too unimpressed by her asking such a mediocre question.

Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:27 pm
IC Posts
Baron of Dawnmire
Victor Grimaldi
Victor Grimaldi
Daydreaming 8o00lah
Daydreaming 200

Character sheet
Age: 30
Race: Human
Occupation: Baron
If there was only one solution to every problem,

This all still felt a little surreal to him. Marrying Charlotte, a woman whom he had seen growing up. It was just something in his head, a switch he needed to make. This was not the little girl he had once known. No, she was more than that. Way more. She had grown up and he could only praise himself lucky about it being her. It was a match unlike any other. His parents had made the best possible choice they could’ve made. Maybe not with the right intention, since he doubted the two of them would be set to marry if his brother had still been alive. No, Emilio had been set out to marry Jane. Gods, what would she think of this? What a way to make things even more complicated. But he pushed that idea away to not let it overshadow this.

Shortly he grinned when she corrected herself. Cute. When the doors were opened and the cool breeze welcomed them he softly hummed. Letting out the built up stress. ’The weather conditions aren’t that great to actually take a stroll I think.’ He chuckled ever so softly, looking at her. But he didn't mind. At least the gardens were somewhat shielded by the walls. Her question made him tilt his head. ’Alderrath has always been my home away from home. While I love being back here, it’s different now. Since I’m not just Ser Grimaldi anymore.’ He looked at her. ’But nonetheless I always enjoy my time here. As I hope you will do in Dawnmire as well. It’s not the capital, yet it has it’s charms’

the world would be insanely dull

Thu Feb 16, 2023 2:55 pm
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