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Fortune flowers
Time will tell
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The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Fortune flowers X
Fortune flowers Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
Only a few more days now. Only a few more days before he left for Dawnmire. He had been tending to the garden every evening when he got home from business matters, but those things were mostly to keep track of the flowers he wanted to pick for his visit. He noticed that some of his purple colored hydrangea were starting to wilt as it was the end of their blooming season. As his hands went over the last of the good looking flowers, he carefully picked up some garden scizors, snipping the blooming plants a bit lower under the beautiful display, leaving some room for the stem so that it could be properly held and eventually also be placed in a vase. He put some of the flowers aside, went through his knees once more and carefully continued, tending to the plants one by one. Cutting out both the beautiful, blooming flowers as well as some of the wilting ones. He separated them, eventually discarding of the bad parts, before returning to fetch his freshly cut hydrangea bouquet. Now he knew someone who could use some good fortune that was brought with these flowers.

As his hands went over the flowers once more, he carefully stepped further down the hall. His hazel eyes quickly shot towards one of the maidens who seemed to be carrying something. Not that he cared what it was. "Hallo dear, I have a question. Would you perhaps know where my niece, miss Alison, might be?" The maid stopped right in her tracks, turning her head towards the towering man and nodded carefully. "Yes of course my lord, she is in her room," The man put on one of his charming smile, nodding towards the young lady. "Thank you so much dear," His eyes went over the cloths she was carrying around. Laundry, perhaps. "If you aren't too busy, dear, would you be able to fetch me a vase as well? These are for the young lady and I'm sure she wants to put them on display," He smiled at her once more. "If it's not.... Too much to ask of course," Not that she had a choice, if she refused he would make sure her treatment next time wouldn't be so careful. Or perhaps he would fire her on the spot. But the lady smiled at him shyly, nodding at him once more. "Of course my lord, I'll get it right away," And with those words, she went on her way.

Matthew regained his more serious posture, but he knew it wouldn't take long before he would go loose once more. Just dropping of the flowers and he would be on his way. He still had plenty to do. Well... No real urgent matters when it came to business matters. But even entertainment was mandatory if you asked him. As his eyes went over the door which led to Alisons room he carefully lifted his free hand, knocking carefully before taking a step back. Awaiting patiently. She was a young woman after all. And all men knew that you had to respect a womans privacy. That was lesson number one of being a gentleman.
Mon Oct 03, 2022 11:21 pm
IC Posts
Heiress to Ashmoor
Alison Winter
Alison Winter
Fortune flowers JS82q3hE_o
Fortune flowers 3dbd24242f6026d5ec56a12c1794e522e57beedc

Character sheet
Age: 24
Race: Human
Occupation: Heiress to Ashmoor

oh to be loved is not a crime
When Alison was a teenager, she was under the impression that once she had finished her studies she would have all the time in the world. Her father wasn't going anywhere anytime soon after all, so she wouldn't have any responsibilities yet. Well, she was wrong. Granted, she shouldn't complain too much, as she still had plenty of time to do as she pleased, but it wasn't true that she had no responsibilities; her father made sure of that. He wanted her to work, to have the discipline to finish things on time, to know what it was like to serve the people. It was the reason why she was situated at her desk right now, quill in her hand as she went over some permit requests to check whether or not they were in accordance with the law.

It was tiring work, really, and it didn't helped that her mind kept wandering elsewhere. Mostly towards her upcoming wedding. She had dreamed of the perfect wedding ever since she was little and now it was so close. Her mind kept drifting off to what dress she would wear, which flowers they would choose... but also to more pressing matters. What would her life look like as a married woman? Would they be happy together? What about children, would they be able to raise those? Would they even be blessed with children? And on that note... what would their wedding night be like? It was something she thought about a lot, something that she was both nervous and excited for. She wondered what Faolan would do, whether or not he would take control...

A knock on her door made her shake off her daydreams. "I'm coming!" she called, giving herself just a little bit of time to get it together. After a moment she got up to get the door, the slightest blush still visible on her cheeks. She was surprised to see her uncle Matthew standing before her, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Uncle! How good to see you." she said sincerely. He would be leaving in a few days, and with how busy they all were she was glad to see him before he left. "What brings you here?" she asked, not wanting to assume anything.
Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:43 pm
IC Posts
The Winter Family
Matthew Winter
Matthew Winter
Fortune flowers X
Fortune flowers Ezgif-1-637d494826

Character sheet
Age: 50
Race: Human
Occupation: Entrepreneur

❝ There was no sin he would not commit for the right price ❞
He could hear her voice from inside the room and a smile curled on his lips. His natural resting face, as some might say. It was just how he responded to most thing, especially when it came to family. Keeping up a smile was the best way to keep people tricked into thinking everything was alright. But Matthew had many years under his belt when it came to being social. He knew all too well what charming looks and a matching personality could do to the world. And what had been an act at first, had slowly become part of him. Now he couldn't live without. It was as breathing air for him, almost a necessity. It had become part of him, iconic almost. Not that he cared much for all that. In the end it just meant he could get certain business done faster. It was all part of the job. A job he had made just for himself.

The door was swiftly opened and Matthew showed his niece a kind smile. She was blushing, had he disturbed her in some way? He was sure that she didn't have company over... So... Hm. He decided not to take note of it as she greeted him. He nodded at her before answering the question that followed. "It's good to see you too, my dear," He said as he reached out the flowers towards her. "I was tending to the garden and these purple hydrangea's reminded me of you so..." He chuckled. "I thought, why not surprise her with a bouquet? They are freshly picked and organized by myself," He had learned how to make beautiful bouquets from his late wife. Cecilia loved to arrange flowers and make beautiful decorations with them. When she had passed, he had kept up with the hobby. Not only to honour her, but to also keep her in his mind. He could still feel her soft fingers carefully guiding him as they had made their first bouquet together. A stunning memory that he would forever treasure. Those were better days. "I have already asked a maid for a vase, they should be here shortly," If not, he would made sure they did.
Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:12 pm
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