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Prophecy unfolds
Time will tell
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Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Prophecy unfolds 3UOvOIY
Prophecy unfolds 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
It had only taken one incident to set him off. He had gotten a terrible night after the reading he had gotten. Tasting the poison over and over, even after he awoke from his slumber. He didn't feel rested, at all, and when he turned around he could see that it was still rather early. Xeions sun wasn't even up yet. He let out a sigh as he tried to turn back around, moving over and over as he tried to find some sort of comfort in his constant moving. He tried to calm himself down, but the tight feeling in his chest and the awful flavours he sensed in his mouth left him wide awake. His eyes shot up to the ceiling as he turned once again. He hated this. He had to get out, perhaps get some fresh air. He knew that people wouldn't be up this early... Right? Right... Not that he truly knew, he rarely left the house at this time.

So he got up, got dressed and put on some of his jewellery, such as the small chains covering his face. Not too much, however, as he clearly was in a hurry. He looked around his room once more, took a deep breath and opened the door. Swiftly moving through the house as not to make too much noise, he found his way to exit of the building. As quickly as he had left his chambers, he also left the house. The cold breeze of the desert night welcoming him to the streets of Al-Qahil.

It was colder out than he would have anticipated. But it wasn't an unpleasant kind of cold like the ones up in Ishgard. No, it was welcome. He knew that in some hours from now the scorching sun would have heated up the air around him, giving inti Xaila's signature heat. And even though it felt somewhat annoying from times, it still remained familiar. And familiarity gave him stability, a sense of security. So he didn't mind it all. His gaze went over some group of people as he walked by. It seemed as if they were... Beating someone up? He felt panic sink into him as he swiftly averted his gaze and hastened his pace. Maybe he should have stayed at home.
Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:35 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Prophecy unfolds Kameel10
Prophecy unfolds 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

The thing with being a princess was that she couldn't just do what she liked. There were certain rules she had to follow, guards that were meant to be watching her every step. It was exhausting, living life that way. Of course there were worse ways to live your life than filled with riches and the freshest fruits of Xaila, but it had it's own downsides. Persephone woke up before the sun rose and had left her bed when the sky slowly started to turn shades of orange and pink. Where she would normally leave her bedroom through the door as most people did she decided that it was best to leave another way. The balcony. Was it safe? No. Did she do this all the time? Maybe. Did her mother know? She somehow knew everything.

Persephone walked through the streets of Al-Qahil, soft silk shielding her face from her nose down to her chin from the cold and from the stares of the elderly that were already awake and streaching their old legs. Shiny golden jewlery hung around her neck, in her ears, around her wrists, it was everywhere and it was a lot, but at the same time it suited her. It wasn't as if, when you looked at her it was too much. It somehow just worked with her personality and the way she took up the space where she walked.

The downside of living in a big place as Al-Qahil with shiny and expensive jewlery was that people wanted to take it like crows. This was how the young woman somehow ended up in a fight, too. Now, she wasn't an inexperienced fighter. She was smart, quick, but just not very strong. Her most reliable quality in a fight was her magic together with her agility.

The thief had turned out to be someone she knew from, well, not so legal stuff. There was a fight club that was mostly focused on sun magic in Al-Qahil and she had seen him there sometimes to train hand to hand combat. He wasn't a mage or a sun elf, just a human which made it easier for Persephone. She grabbed his wrist before he could run away as she focused on where their skin was touching. She could feel the heat in her palm growing hotter and hotter, using her fastened heartrate to send the heat of her own body to that one point where they were touching each other. Not soon after the scent of burning filled her nose and when she was statisfied enough she let him go, wathing him run away.

The woman picked her jewlery up from the ground and looked around, fiding the gaze of another man that walked past.

× @tag ×
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:03 am
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Prophecy unfolds 3UOvOIY
Prophecy unfolds 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
The smell of burning flesh caught him a bit off guard. He froze in one place as he started to look around, lifting his hands up in surprise as his breathing hastened right away. What vision was he getting now? He didn't touch anyone did het? Please he had been so careful. He didn't wanna see a burned corpse again. Those were the worst visions. He looked around in a somewhat panicked state... But the more he looked the more... He calmed down. He hadn't touched anyone. It wasn't a vision. It couldn't have been, right? His magic had never worked without physical touch. Unless... His magic was becoming that unstable that it even worked without touch? He felt himself panic once more as he shook his head lightly. Nonono not like this. He took a step back. Shit, no, no, no! Damned Rizal magic! Please stop! Please. Don't. He had been trying so hard, don't let this all be in vain. PLease-

Tears started to form in his eyes as he started to shake, his throat tightening up as he looked around in a panicked state. Waiting for a flash of a vision or even worse; the sensation of burning. His magic being so clear that he sometimes felt what the people would feel when they died. He didn't want to, please Xeion don't... Don't...!

His eyes shot to a man, whose arm had clearly been burned... As he ran away from a girl, who was picking up her jewels. Was it- Had he just not? He blinked rapidly, staring at her as he tried to make reason of what had just happened. Not a vision? Was it just... Sun magic? He looked at where the man had vanished to and back at her. He opened his mouth for a moment, lifting his hand somewhat... But he couldn't bring out any sound, his hand somewhat shaky. He quickly averted his gaze, placing his other hand over the other...

He took a deep breath, now it became clear that the smell of burning flesh was gone. It had not been a vision, he was safe. Nu burned corpses today... And tonight he could perhaps get some decent sleep. He blinked rapidly as he slowly looked back at the girl. Once more he openede his mouth, taking a step closer. "Ar... Are you... I'm sorry," he shook his head and kneeled down, grabbing some jewelry that she had dropped. "Here.... Let me help," he reached them out to her, not daring to look up. "Are you... Okay?" His voice was soft, shaky. He was still not ok from that short scare. He really thought for a moment there that his magic had completely gotten out of control. Luckily for him, that wasn't the case.
Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:35 am
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Prophecy unfolds Kameel10
Prophecy unfolds 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

Burning someone's skin wasn't shocking anymore. The smell was never pleasant, but it came with the magic she was gifted with. If this was how it was used then so be it. The man ran away quickly, clutching his arm close to his chest and his pained screams left her sort of satisfied in a sick and twisted way. Xeion had blessed her family with the gift of the sun and the fact that both her sisters didn't use their magic as much as they should left  her frustrated sometimes. What was the point in blessing their family with fire and just, leaving it somewhere deep inside them to rot? She never understood.

Persephone crouched down and reached to pick up her necklaces and rings from the ground. She had to admit that the man had quick hands, she hadn't even noticed that some of the jewlery that was on the ground was missing from her skin. A man came to help her and a smile played on her lips, hidden behind her scarf. "Thank you." She spoke quietly as she took what he had picked up from his hands. She then turned her gaze from the jewlery on the ground to the man that came to help her. "Are you?" She asked him, gently.

× @tag ×
Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:36 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Prophecy unfolds 3UOvOIY
Prophecy unfolds 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
She must be a sun elf or sun mage, but from how she preformed magic, without a spellbook, he was sure that it must the first option. Sun elves... Most of the people he knew were elves. It was rare to find any humans in the city. The only real humans he knew were his parents and then the rest of his family. But besides the sorcerers there weren't any... He could think about. He handed over her jewellery and his dark eyes glanced up at her for a moment. Part of her face was covered as to hide her appearance, but from what he could see... Was she quite the sight to behold. He felt himself become more awkward by the second.

She thanked him and he nodded slowly. He opened his mouth as he averted his gaze, but decided against it and closed it again. No reason to comment on it, was there? He pushed himself back to his feet and took a step back, feeling more at ease now that there was more distance between them. She asked him and a soft, somewhat awkward, smile curled on his lips. "Oh... Oh yea I am. Why wouldn't I be? I'm not the- The uhm one who got assaulted you know?" He shrugged for a moment as he kept his smile on his lips, not really knowing how to carry himself in a situation like this. His gaze went over her hands. Was she...? "I uhm- I don't know much about sun magic. Like I do know about it but-" He shook his head as he felt himself get flustered. "I don't... Don't use sun magic. I know all about it though- Some of my friends use sun magic and I just-" He sighed... Dear Xeion. "Are you... really okay? I know magic can have their... Uhm... Downsides," He knew all too well. It wasn't a thing that only sun magic had. He had it too with his divination.
Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:34 pm
IC Posts
Princess of Xaila
Persephone Daetrys
Persephone Daetrys
Prophecy unfolds Kameel10
Prophecy unfolds 72b97ca39e47e38f3f2a2e82bf56c55a

Character sheet
Age: 22
Race: Sun Elf
Occupation: princess / crackhead
love grows
where my rosemary goes

She shot the man a smile, even though it was mostly hidden behind the cloth covering the bottom half of her face. Her eyes still crinckled at the corners, showing him the traces of a smile that was hidden from the eye. "Oh... Oh yea I am. Why wouldn't I be? I'm not the- The uhm one who got assaulted you know?" She found his awkwardness quite endearing, if she was being honest. It wasn't the first time a man had acted that way in her presence, but it was nice to know that it wasn't a title related thing. "I'm fine ..." She started, but without knowing the stranger his name it was hard to convince him properly. He then explained that he didn't know much about sun magic, which she found quite weird concidering that most of the population in Al-Qahil consisted of sun elves or sun mages. She didn't question him about that, though. She still had some control about her mouth and the words that she spoke. Sometimes. Persephone followed his gaze down to her hands, frowning slightly. "My hands are alright, they might be a bit sensitive but no burns. See?" She showed him her hands and slowly turned them so he could see them from every angle. They were just a bit red. As if she spilled hot tea over herself. "I've had worse." There were traces of burn marks all over her body, hidden underneath her clothes for the most part, but hands were hard to hide from prying eyes.
× @tag ×
Mon Oct 10, 2022 2:04 pm
IC Posts
Xaila Citizen
Zuhayr Rizal
Zuhayr Rizal
Prophecy unfolds 3UOvOIY
Prophecy unfolds 4eed46e8593a7bfce5d68f727c3bfc31

Character sheet
Age: 28
Race: Sorcerer
Occupation: Writer

❝ A masterpiece of tragedy, turning even stars into dust. ❞
He really got lost in his words... Like, really badly. It gave him an unpleasant feeling in his stomach, as if he truly did something wrong. Although he was aware that these kind of things just tended to happen. In his case more often then for someone else. He felt his heart sink in his chest as he realized that he hadn't improved much when it came to social skills. The way he conversed was still awkward, the way he held himself was just weak and well... He was lacking of a smile again, wasn't he? He left out a silent sigh, the feeling of self defeat washing over him. There was little he could do to work himself up from here. Perhaps take a step back and get back to it later. But that was impossible, as this wasn't some sort of conversation training... THis was real life. If he stepped away now it would just be rude and impolite... He couldn't do that to a lady... That just almost uh- got robbed... and assaulted in general. Oh Xeion how did he even get in this situation?

She assured him, saying that she was fine. He nodded carefully as he had done before, avoiding her eye contact as he felt himself get flustered once more. He wanted to go home, right now. Please. His eyes shot towards her hands and she got the hint, showing them off carefully as she went on to say that her hands were alright. "Oh..." Was all that left his lips as he blinked slowly. His face spoke volumes as he had a hard time hiding his own emotions; in this case some sort of surprise. As he carefully looked back up, averting his gaze from her, she mentioned that she had worse. "Oh....." He said, his face becoming a bit more saddened as he spoke. He knew what burning felt like. He knew what it was like to meet your end by fire. It wasn't a pleasant one, that much was for sure...

He slowly looked back at her, nodded once more as he carefully opened his mouth a bit. "They look uhm... A bit red though.. Would you like me to get you some water so you can cool them off?" He panicked for a moment as he quickly realized his mistake. "I mean if you use water to cool off," Ah here we go. "I uh- I usually don't really help with the uh- and the uhm-" His eyes shot from one place to another, searching for something. Whatever he was looking for, he couldn't find it. He was lost. Very... Lost. Oh god. "I just know about some of the care through books...?" You're not helping your case Zu. "Uh... I should uh," He lifted his hands, pointing to his mouth in a very quick gesture... Something that could go unnoticed. But yea. He should shut up, because all that came out was nonsense anyway. No-one wanted to hear about whatever idiotic rambling he had ready. "I can- My house isn't that far, we have some water where you can uhm cool your hands. If you want," Stop. "Only if you want I-" Was he being weird? He definitely was being weird. Maybe it was time for that step back. Step back from like all social things. Cause dear Xeion end him right now.
Wed Oct 12, 2022 12:09 am
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